127 research outputs found


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    La ansiedad en alumnos mexicanos de primaria: variables personales, escolares y familiares

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    El interés por la ansiedad infantil ha aumentado en los últimos años, pues con anterioridad se negaba la posibilidad: la infancia era, por fuerza, una «etapa feliz». No obstante, no existe acuerdo teórico respecto a la ansiedad y no resulta fácil hacer un diagnóstico, pues cuanto menor es el niño, más se diferencian sus síntomas de ansiedad de los que presentan los adultos. El fin de este estudio es el de analizar algunas variables de tipo personal, escolar y familiar relacionadas con los niveles de ansiedad en los niños. Participaron de la investigación 808 escolares mexicanos de 5.º y 6.º grado de educación primaria, pertenecientes a seis instituciones educativas. Los resultados muestran significativos niveles de ansiedad en los alumnos, principalmente en las niñas. Variables como el grado académico, tipo de institución (pública o privada), el estado civil de los padres y la escolaridad inciden en los niveles de ansiedad. A partir del trabajo realizado se revisan cuestiones teóricas relevantes sobre las causas y las consecuencias de la ansiedad en la niñez, al tiempo que se brinda

    FACTORES ANSIÓGENOS EN LA ESCUELA Y VÍAS DE SOLUCIÓN: una mirada desde los alumnos y sus profesores

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    Resumen: Al tiempo que se busca identificar vías de solución para los cada vez más altos niveles de ansiedad infantil,se hace necesario estudiar más a fondo los factores que participan en este fenómeno. El propósito de nuestroestudio fue indagar cuáles son los principales condicionantes que a nivel personal, escolar y familiar se relacionancon niveles de ansiedad muy altos o muy bajos. Se entrevistó a 42 alumnos de 5º y 6º de primaria de 4 diferentesescuelas (2 públicas y 2 privadas), seleccionados a partir de sus puntajes en dos pruebas estandarizadas. Seentrevistó también a 21 profesores que imparten clase en dichos grados, dentro de las mismas instituciones. Losresultados reflejan los múltiples factores que, desde la mirada de escolares y maestros, favorecen la ansiedad enel alumnado preadolescente, al tiempo que se evidencia que son pocas las acciones que se realizan en la escuelapara ayudar a los alumnos a mantener su ansiedad en niveles adaptativos; y que los recursos que los propios niñosestán utilizando para reducir sus niveles de ansiedad no son suficientes, por lo que se propone la adopción coordinadade medidas pedagógicas que en el marco de la educación emocional posibiliten la prevención de la ansiedad.Palabras clave: Factores ansiógenos. Profesores. Alumnos. Prevención. ANXIETY FACTORS IN SCHOOL AND SOLUTION PATHS: a students and teachersperspectiveAbstract: In the same time in that need ways to identify paths to the increasingly high levels of child anxiety, itis necessary to further study the factors involved in this phenomenon. The main purpose of this study was to investigatewhat are the main personal, academic and family factors that relate to high or low anxiety levels. 42 studentsfrom 5th and 6th grade of 4 different schools (two public and two private) were interviewed; they were selected basedon their scores on two standardized tests. 21 teachers who teach in those grades, within the same institutions,were also interviewed. Results reflect the multiple factors that, from the perspective of students and teachers, favoranxiety in pre-adolescent students, while it is shown that there are few actions that are taken in the schools to helpstudents maintain their anxiety down to adaptive levels; and that the personal resources that students themselvesare using to reduce their anxiety levels are not enough. Therefore, the coordinated adoption of educational measuresthat enable the prevention of anxiety, within the framework of emotional education, are proposed.Keywords: Anxiety factors. Students. Teachers. Prevention. FATORES DE ANSIEDADE NA ESCOLA E VIAS DE SOLUÇÃO: uma olhada apartir dos alunos e seus professores Resumo: Ao mesmo tempo em que se procura identificar vias de solução para cada vez mais altos níveis de ansiedade infantil, faz-se necessário estudar mais a fundo os fatores que participam deste fenômeno. O propósitode nosso estudo foi indagar quais são os principais condicionantes que ao nível pessoal, escolar e familiar se relacionamcom níveis de ansiedade muito alta ou muito baixa. Entrevistou-se 42(quarenta e dois) alunos de 5º e 6ºprimárias de quatro diferentes escolas (duas públicas e duas privadas), selecionados a partir de suas pontuaçõesem duas provas padronizadas. Entrevistou-se, também, 21(vinte e um) professores que dão aulas nos citados graus,dentro das mesmas instituições. Os resultados refletem os múltiplos fatores que, a partir do olhar de educadores eprofessores, favorecem a ansiedade no alunado pré-adolescente, ao mesmo tempo, em que se evidência que sãopoucas as ações que se realizam na escola para ajudar os alunos a manter sua ansiedade em níveis adaptativos; e,que os recursos que os próprios meninos utilizam para reduzir seus níveis de ansiedade não são suficientes, peloque se propõe a adoção coordenada de medidas pedagógicas que no marco da educação emocional possibilitema prevenção da ansiedade.Palavras-chave: Fatores de ansiedade. Professores. Alunos. Prevençã

    Selective amylin antagonist suppresses rise in plasma lactate after intravenous glucose in the rat Evidence for a metabolic role of endogenous amylin

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    AbstractData presented here provide the first demonstration that circulating amylin regulates metabolism in vivo, and support an endocrine hormonal role that is distinct from its autocrine action at pancreatic islets. When rats were pre-treated with the potent amylin antagonist AC187 (n = 18), and then administered a 2 mmol glucose load, the rise in plasma lactate was less than in rats administered glucose only (n = 27; P < 0.02). When rats were treated so that plasma glucose and insulin profiles were similar (n = 8), the increase in plasma lactate in the presence of AC187 was only 50.3% as high as the increase when AC187 was absent (P < 0.001). These experimental results fit with the view that some of the lactate appearing in plasma after a glucose load comes from insulin-sensitive tissues. The experiments also support the view that an important fraction of the increase in lactate depends on processes inhibited by a selective amylin antagonist, most likely amylin action in muscle

    From In Silico Simulation between TGF-β Receptors and Quercetin to Clinical Insight of a Medical Device Containing Allium cepa: Its Efficacy and Tolerability on Post-Surgical Scars

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    1) objective: keloid and hypertrophic scars are a challenge in clinical management, causing functional and psychological discomfort. these pathological scars are caused by a proliferation of dermal tissue following skin injury. the TGF-beta/smad signal pathway in the fibroblasts and myofibroblasts is involved in the scarring process of skin fibrosis. today, multiple therapeutic strategies that target the TGF-beta/smad signal pathway are evaluated to attenuate aberrant skin scars that are sometimes difficult to manage. we performed a head-to-head, randomized controlled trial evaluating the appearance of the post-surgical scars of 64 subjects after two times daily topical application to compare the effect of a class I pullulan-based medical device containing allium cepa extract 5% and hyaluronic acid 5% gel versus a class I medical device silicone gel on new post-surgical wounds. (2) methods: objective scar assessment using the vancouver scar scale (VSS), POSAS, and other scales were performed after 4, 8, and 12 weeks of treatment and statistical analyses were performed. the trial was registered in clinical trials.gov ( NCT05412745). In parallel, molecular docking simulations have been performed to investigate the role of allium cepa in TGF-beta/smad signal pathway. (3) results: we showed that VSS, POSAS scale, itching, and redness reduced significantly at week 4 and 8 in the subjects using devices containing allium cepa and HA. no statistically significant differences in evaluated scores were noted at 12 weeks of treatment. safety was also evaluated by gathering adverse events related to the application of the gel. subject compliance and safety with the assigned gel were similar between the two study groups. molecular docking simulations have shown how allium cepa could inhibit fibroblasts proliferation and contraction via TGF- beta/smad signal pathway. (4) conclusions: the topical application of a pullulan-based medical device containing allium cepa and HA showed a clear reduction in the local inflammation, which might lead to a reduced probability of developing hypertrophic scars or keloids

    The societal burden of chronic liver diseases: results from the COME study.

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    OBJECTIVE: Chronic liver diseases (CLDs) impose a significant socioeconomic burden on patients and the healthcare system, but to what extent remains underexplored. We estimated costs and health-related-quality-of-life (HRQoL) among patients with CLDs at different stages and with different aetiologies. DESIGN: A cost-of-illness study was conducted. Direct costs, productivity loss and HRQoL were estimated in patients with chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) or where orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) had been performed, for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, or in those with liver disease from other causes. Patients were retrospectively observed for 6 months. The societal perspective was adopted to calculate costs. RESULTS: In total, 1088 valid patients (median age=59.5 years, 60% men) were enrolled. 61% had chronic hepatitis, 20% cirrhosis, 8% HCC and 12% underwent OLT. HCV infection was identified in 52% and HBV infection in 29% of the patients. Adjusted mean direct costs increased from €3000/patient-month in HBV infected patients with OLT. Antiviral treatment was the cost driver in patients with hepatitis, while hospital costs were the driver in the other subgroups. Absenteeism increased from HBV-infected patients with hepatitis (0.7 day/patient-month) to patients with OLT with other aetiologies (3.7 days/patient-month). HRQoL was on average more compromised in cirrhosis and patients with HCC, than in hepatitis and patients with OLT. HBV-infected patients generated higher direct costs, patients with other aetiologies generated the highest productivity loss and HCV-infected patients reported the worst HRQoL levels. CONCLUSIONS: The present study can be considered a benchmark for future research and to guide policies aimed at maximising the cost-effective of the interventions

    Clinical efficacy of ivabradine in patients with inappropriate sinus tachycardia: a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover evaluation

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    Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of ivabradine in the treatment of symptomatic inappropriate sinus tachycardia using a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design. Background Due to its If blocking properties, ivabradine can selectively attenuate the high discharge rate from sinus node cells, causing inappropriate sinus tachycardia. Methods Twenty-one patients were randomized to receive placebo (n = 10) or ivabradine 5 mg twice daily (n = 11) for 6 weeks. After a washout period, patients crossed over for an additional 6 weeks. Each patient underwent symptom evaluation and heart rate assessment at the start and finish of each phase. Results After taking ivabradine, patients reported elimination of >70% of symptoms (relative risk: 0.25; 95% CI: 0.18 to 0.34; p < 0.001), with 47% of them experiencing complete elimination. These effects were associated with a significant reduction of heart rate at rest (from 88 ± 11 beats/min to 76 ± 11 beats/min, p = 0.011), on standing (from 108 ± 12 beats/min to 92 ± 11 beats/min, p < 0.0001), during 24 h (from 88 ± 5 beats/min to 77 ± 9 beats/min, p = 0.001), and during effort (from 176 ± 17 beats/min to 158 ± 16 beats/min, p = 0.001). Ivabradine administration was also associated with a significant increase in exercise performance. No cardiovascular side effects were observed in any patients while taking ivabradine. Conclusions In this cohort, ivabradine significantly improved symptoms associated with inappropriate sinus tachycardia and completely eliminated them in approximately half of the patients. These findings suggest that ivabradine may be an important agent for improving symptoms in patients with inappropriate sinus tachycardia


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    Com o objetivo de avaliar a durabilidade natural de 20 espécies de madeiras brasileiras, foram parcialmente soterradas estacas em 3 campos de apodrecimento (Praia Grande, Campos do Jordão e Luiz Antônio), que apresentam condições edafoclimáticas diferentes. [...

    Dispersive optomechanics of supercavity modes in high-index disks

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    [EN] In this work, we study the dispersive coupling between optical quasi-bound states in the continuum at telecom wavelengths and GHz-mechanical modes in high-index wavelength-sized disks. We show that such cavities can display values of the optomechanical coupling rate on par with optomechanical crystal cavities (g(0)/2 pi similar or equal to 800 kHz). Interestingly, optomechanical coupling of optical resonances with mechanical modes at frequencies well above 10 GHz seems attainable. We also show that mechanical leakage in the substrate can be extremely reduced by placing the disk over a thin silica pedestal. Our results suggest a new route for ultra-compact optomechanical cavities that can potentially be arranged in massive arrays forming optomechanical metasurfaces for application in signal processing or sensing.Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung; Generalitat Valenciana (BEST/2020/178, IDIFEDER/2018/033, PPC/2018/002, PROMETEO/2019/123); Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (PGC2018- 094490-BC22); H2020 Future and Emerging Technologies (713450, 829067).Mercadé-Morales, L.; Barreda, Á.; Martínez Abietar, AJ. (2020). Dispersive optomechanics of supercavity modes in high-index disks. Optics Letters. 45(18):5238-5241. https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.402398S52385241451