1,035 research outputs found

    Experimental demonstration of four-party quantum secret sharing

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    Secret sharing is a multiparty cryptographic task in which some secret information is splitted into several pieces which are distributed among the participants such that only an authorized set of participants can reconstruct the original secret. Similar to quantum key distribution, in quantum secret sharing, the secrecy of the shared information relies not on computational assumptions, but on laws of quantum physics. Here, we present an experimental demonstration of four-party quantum secret sharing via the resource of four-photon entanglement

    A solid-reagent dispenser for use in the azocoll protease assay (and other insoluble substrate analyses).

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    A solid-reagent dispenser for use in the azocoll protease assay (and other insoluble substrate analyses)

    Decoherence-Free Quantum Information Processing with Four-Photon Entangled States

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    Decoherence-free states protect quantum information from collective noise, the predominant cause of decoherence in current implementations of quantum communication and computation. Here we demonstrate that spontaneous parametric down-conversion can be used to generate four-photon states which enable the encoding of one qubit in a decoherence-free subspace. The immunity against noise is verified by quantum state tomography of the encoded qubit. We show that particular states of the encoded qubit can be distinguished by local measurements on the four photons only.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures, revtex

    Análise de nutrientes em mudas de Nó-de-Cachorro (Heteropterys aphrodisiaca O. Mach.) cultivadas em diferentes substratos.

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    A espécie Heteropterys aphrodisíaca O. Mach (Nó -de-cachorro) é tida como planta medicinal de grande importância devido as suas atribuições curativas de enfermidades. Contudo, a parte fitotécnica ainda é pouco estudada. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar os teores de sódio (Na), potássio (K), fósforo (P), magnésio (Mg), cálcio (Ca), manganês (Mn), ferro (Fe), nitrogênio total (NT) e proteína bruta (PB) nas folhas de mudas de Heteropterys aphrodisíaca O. Mach sob quatro tipos de misturas (M) contendo diferentes proporções de terra e areia e duas profundidades (P) de semeadura.bitstream/CPAP/55781/1/BP72.pdfBoletim de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Formato Eletrônico

    “It's my language, my culture and it's personal!” Migrant mothers' experience of language use and identity change in their relationship with their children: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

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    The question of how migrants’ language use impacts their ethnic identity has received considerable attention in the literature. There is, however, little understanding of how this relationship manifests or is negotiated in interethnic families. This paper presents an in-depth exploration of Spanish mothers’ experiences of Spanish- and English-language interactions with their English-born children. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with Spanish mothers living in Britain in interethnic partnerships and transcripts were subjected to interpretative phenomenological analysis. Analysis reveals a process of identity change where participants’ shifting ethnic identifications with host and heritage culture is intimately related to their language use with their children. Pivotal to this process is the participants’ need to maintain their ‘Spanish mother’ identity, a desire that can only be fulfilled by transferring their heritage language to their children and speaking it with them. Findings reveal how this dynamic impacts perception of family roles, relationship quality and psychological well-being

    Prognostic and therapeutic considerations of antibodies against c-ter apolipoprotein A-1 in the general population.

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    Autoantibodies against apolipoprotein A1 (anti-apoA1 IgGs) and its C-terminal region (cter apoA1) have emerged as an independent biomarker for cardiovascular disease. Cter apoA1 mimetic peptides were shown to reverse the deleterious anti-apoA1 IgG effects in vitro. We evaluated the association of anti-cter apoA1 IgGs with overall mortality in the general population and tested the ability of a cter apoA1 mimetic peptide to reverse the anti-apoA1 IgG-induced inflammatory response and mortality in vitro and in vivo, respectively. Anti-cter apoA1 IgGs were measured in serum samples of 6386 participants of the CoLaus study of which 5220 were followed for a median duration of 5.6 years. The primary outcome was overall mortality. The peptide inhibitory concentration 50% (IC <sub>50</sub> ) was determined in vitro on HEK-Blue-4 and RAW cells. ApoE <sup>-/-</sup> mice were exposed to 16 weeks of anti-apoA1IgG passive immunisation with and without peptide co-incubation. Anti-cter apoA1 IgGs were associated with higher interleukin 6 levels and independently predicted overall mortality; an increase of one standard deviation of anti-cter apoA1 IgG level was associated with an 18% increase in mortality risk (hazard ratio: 1.18, 95% confidence interval: 1.04-1.33; P = 0.009). The cterApoA1 analogue reversed the antibody-mediated inflammatory response with an IC <sub>50</sub> of 1 µm in vitro but did not rescue the significant anti-apoA1 IgG-induced mortality rate in vivo (69% vs. 23%, LogRank P = 0.02). Anti-cter apoA1 IgG independently predicts overall mortality in the general population. Despite being effective in vitro, our cter apoA1 analogue did not reverse the anti-apoA1 IgG-induced mortality in mice. Our data suggest that these autoantibodies are not readily treatable through cognate peptide immunomodulation

    Intergroup fears and concerns among minority and majority groups: Implications for contact and attitudes

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    Aims: Driven by the literature on pluralistic ignorance, our research investigates fear of appearing racist, being rejected, discriminated, and disinterest in intergroup contact as antecedents of contact and outgroup attitudes, focusing on attributional differences between the majority and minority group perspectives. Methods: Questionnaires were distributed in schools in Northern Italy. Participants were 400 Italian and 141 immigrant high-school students. Results: The results showed that lack of interest in contact was the strongest predictor of contact for the majority group. For the minority group, fear of rejection emerged as the strongest predictor. The majority group attributed the minority to avoid contact most strongly due to the fear that they would be rejected, and the minority group perceived it was due to the majority not being interested in contact. Conclusion: Our research contributes to understanding the divergent concerns majority and minority groups have in relation to intergroup contact, and discusses the importance of tackling these concerns

    Scientific Advice on the estimation of surplus for Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements.

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    Scientific advice on the concept of surplus, as defined by the UNCLOS, was provided for three types of Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements (SFPAs): i) Mixed SFPAs in West Africa, ii) Tuna SFPAs and iii) SFPA with Greenland. For Mixed SFPAs in West Africa, methods for surplus computation were defined, including alternatives for cases of data limited stocks. These methods may use as input five parameters that could be obtained from those recent stocks assessments that are representative of the current stock status. Surplus estimates would need to be regularly updated (ideally, yearly), according to every new stock assessments and following the enforcement of a management plan (or, by default, according to a transition scheme towards reaching Fmsy in 2020). In the case of West African transboundary stocks, a theoretical share of the surplus could be calculated using a standard rule based on historical catches within EEZs. The Surplus concept is not applicable for Tuna SFPAs, due to the high migratory character of tuna or tuna-like species, the fact that these stocks are mostly found in areas beyond national jurisdictions, the lack of direct estimates of local abundance and impossibility to calculate the capacity of the coastal States. For the SFPA with Greenland, Surplus is considered as any TAC allocated to Greenland and not utilised by this coastal State