22 research outputs found

    Case report: Neoadjuvant systemic therapy for melanoma

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    We report a case of rapidly enlarging metastatic melanoma in 45-year-old White male following primary resection of thin melanoma five years ago. Location and large size of the lesion possessed significant risk of complications from surgery, therefore provided a challenge in treatment options. Neoadjuvant targeted chemotherapy was commenced and resulted in a significant reduction in size of the lesion, which allowed subsequent safe surgical resection with no residual disease on histopathology results. This case provides a good example of successful utilization of neoadjuvant systemic therapy in advanced metastatic melanoma


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    The aim was to identify cytogenetic disorders, proliferative activity and apoptosis in cells exfoliated buccal and nasal epithelium in patients with gastric cancer. The study involved 10 patients with an established diagnosis. The control group included 30 healthy people. It has been revealed that all this parameters were increased in buccal and nasal epithelium in patients with gastric cancer than in healthy people. The detected changes are systemic in nature and reflect the overall condition of the body. Moreover, we show reduction of karyological parameters after radical treatment, which indicates their prognostic significance.Целью было выявление цитогенетических нарушений, нарушений пролиферативной активности клеток и апоптоза в эксфолиативных клетках буккального и назального эпителия у больных с впервые диагностированным раком желудка. Обследовано 10 пациентов с установленными диагнозами. В группу контроля вошли 30 условно здоровых людей. Показано увеличение доли клеток с цитогенетическими нарушениями в буккальном и назальном эпителии у больных раком желудка по сравнению со здоровыми. Выявленные изменения носят системный характер и отражают общее состояние организма. Кроме того, показано снижение уровня кариологических показателей после радикального лечения, что свидетельствует об их прогностическом значении.

    The tracks of giant theropods (<i>Jurabrontes curtedulensis</i> ichnogen. & ichnosp. nov.) from the Late Jurassic of NW Switzerland: palaeoecological & palaeogeographical implications

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    <p><i>Jurabrontes curtedulensis</i>, a new ichnogenus and species of Late Jurassic giant theropod dinosaur track is described based on very well-preserved and morphologically-distinct tracks, all carefully excavated along federal highway A16 (Canton Jura, NW Switzerland). All trackways were systematically documented including parameter measurements, descriptions, outline drawings, orthophotos and laserscans. <i>Jurabrontes</i> is characterised by sub-equal track length and width, a small anterior triangle, weak mesaxony, three blunt digits (dII-III-IV) with pronounced (sub)triangular claw marks, a rounded heel, and clear phalangeal pad impressions. The combination of features of <i>Jurabrontes</i> is typical for a theropod (and not ornithopod) trackmaker. <i>Jurabrontes</i> is compared to other similar ichnotaxa and unnamed tracks of large theropods from the Early Jurassic to Late Cretaceous, from which it is clearly different. The sheer size of the largest tracks, that are amongst the largest worldwide and of similar size to <i>Tyrannosauripus</i> from the Late Cretaceous, suggests a ‘megalosaurid’ or large allosaurid theropod as a trackmaker. The presence of such large theropod tracks in tidal-flat deposits of the Jura carbonate platform and associated with small to large sauropod tracks has important palaeoecological implications for the dinosaur community and for palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographical reconstructions.</p> <p><i>Jurabrontes</i> - <a href="http://urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:B482D2AF-637A-4B2D-8B0B-FEAD54CA2A26" target="_blank">urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:B482D2AF-637A-4B2D-8B0B-FEAD54CA2A26</a></p> <p><i>J. curtedulensis</i>- <a href="http://urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:30D45944-5A2B-45E1-89B9-20298E475D51" target="_blank">urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:30D45944-5A2B-45E1-89B9-20298E475D51</a></p