69 research outputs found

    Efectos sobre el empleo de la adopción de energías renovables: un modelo de equilibrio general

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    "La presente investigación se centra de la siguiente forma: En el capítulo se destacarán aspectos importantes de la metodología de equilibrio general. En el apartado I.2se destacarán los principales usos recientes a la metodología de equilibrio general. En el apartado I.3se recopilarán algunos de los principales exponentes en México sobre el uso de modelos de equilibrio general para el análisis de diversas índoles en la economía mexicana. Posteriormente, en el apartado I.4 se destacará la importancia del modelo de insumo –producto, el cual será la base más importante para la construcción de la MCS"

    El emplazamiento y el nombramiento de curador Ad Litem dentro del procedimineto monitorio en Colombia

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    En los últimos años Colombia enfrenta uno de los problemas más difíciles, siendo éste la lentitud e ineficacia en la administración de justicia. Por lo tanto, ha venido desarrollando estrategias para mejorar esta situación, para agilizar y descongestionar los despachos judiciales del país. Una solución clave ha sido implementar la Oralidad en los diversos procedimientos tanto en Civil, como Penal, Laboral y Administrativo, entre otros. La implementación del sistema Oral en el Área Civil y de familia se ha venido realizando desde el año 2012 con la implementación de la ley 1564 del 2012 conocido como el Código General del Proceso, el cual desde su expedición ha venido implementándose gradualmente, con el fin de capacitar a los operadores judiciales y adecuar las instalaciones de los despachos judiciales para su correcta ejecución, cabe resaltar que el Código General del Proceso no remplazó el Código de Procedimiento Civil Colombiano que viene rigiendo desde 1970, este aun esta en vigencia

    Monitoreo comunitario participativo de la calidad del agua: caso Ajusco, México

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    En este trabajo se presenta la experiencia de la implementación de esquema de monitoreo comunitario participativo (MCP) de la calidad del agua en una comunidad forestal, ubicada en la periferia de la Ciudad de México (antes Distrito Federal). Este esquema fue impulsado bajo el supuesto de que al utilizar las técnicas sencillas de observación de recursos hídricos se puede estimular la participación de la comunidad en el proceso de la generación y apropiación del conocimiento, que permita fomentar la toma de decisiones al interior y exterior de la comunidad. La metodología aplicada incluyó la capacitación en el MCP de la calidad del agua, monitoreo en 2015, análisis de los resultados obtenidos, y complemento de la información con las muestras para el laboratorio y los datos históricos para los sitios predeterminados en el taller de capacitación. Los resultados muestran la buena calidad fisicoquímica del agua en los tres manantiales, con preocupación por las concentraciones de bacterias fecales que rebasan las normas oficiales mexicanas en uno de los sitios. Al final se hacen reflexiones acerca de los avances y las limitaciones del MCP, y la continuación del monitoreo a mediano y largo plazos

    "HIV therapy adherence and outcomes in Peruvian military personnel over a 30-year period"

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    "Objectives: We aimed to describe the sociodemographic, clinical, and therapeutic characteristics of Peruvian military personnel diagnosed with HIV. Furthermore, we determined the frequency of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) adherence, the complications and mortality. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients diagnosed with HIV, confirmed by Western blot at a single institution from 1989-2020. Descriptive analyses were performed for all the variables using mean and standard deviation (SD) in the case of quantitative variables, and frequency and percentage for qualitative variables. Results:Ofthe 161 patients included, 95.7% were males and the mean age was 39.59 years (SD= 16.45 years). Most had college or higher education (67.7%) and were on active duty at diagnosis (77%). 35.4% had AIDS at diagnosis; 28.6% opportunistic infections; and 8.1% tuberculosis. The median follow-up was five years. 94.4% of the patients received HAART as the principal treatment; of these, 88.8% was adherent to treatment, and death was reported in 6.8%. There were no factors associated with adherence. Conclusions: Although the sociodemographic characteristics of Peruvian military personnel are similar to those of other countries, our findings suggest that Peruvian military personnel present higher adherence to HAART compared to previous studies in other military populations from South American countries. Further studies are recommended to assess specific factors attributed to these successful outcomes in the military personnelthat can be applied in other hospitals.

    Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of Co@Au core-shell nanoparticles encapsulated by nitrogen-doped multiwall carbon nanotubes

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    "Co/Au bilayer thin films were deposited on Si/SiOx substrates using the magnetron sputtering method and used as a catalytic support to grow forests of aligned nitrogen-doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes (N-MWCNT) via chemical vapor deposition (CVD) at 850 °C, using benzylamine (C6H5CH2NH2) as a carbon and nitrogen source. Interestingly, the resulting N-MWCNT contains Co@Au core-shell nanoparticles located at their tips. We found that the metal particle cores consist of cobalt coated by an Au shell of few nanometers. Magnetic measurements revealed a ferromagnetic behavior of the system composed of Co@Au nanoparticles encapsulated inside N-MWCNT. The results are compared with pristine N-MWNT containing only Co nanoparticles encapsulated in their cores.

    "HIV therapy adherence and outcomes in Peruvian military personnel over a 30-year period"

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    "Objectives: We aimed to describe the sociodemographic, clinical, and therapeutic characteristics of Peruvian military personnel diagnosed with HIV. Furthermore, we determined the frequency of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) adherence, the complications and mortality. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients diagnosed with HIV, confirmed by Western blot at a single institution from 1989-2020. Descriptive analyses were performed for all the variables using mean and standard deviation (SD) in the case of quantitative variables, and frequency and percentage for qualitative variables. Results:Ofthe 161 patients included, 95.7% were males and the mean age was 39.59 years (SD= 16.45 years). Most had college or higher education (67.7%) and were on active duty at diagnosis (77%). 35.4% had AIDS at diagnosis; 28.6% opportunistic infections; and 8.1% tuberculosis. The median follow-up was five years. 94.4% of the patients received HAART as the principal treatment; of these, 88.8% was adherent to treatment, and death was reported in 6.8%. There were no factors associated with adherence. Conclusions: Although the sociodemographic characteristics of Peruvian military personnel are similar to those of other countries, our findings suggest that Peruvian military personnel present higher adherence to HAART compared to previous studies in other military populations from South American countries. Further studies are recommended to assess specific factors attributed to these successful outcomes in the military personnelthat can be applied in other hospitals

    Plan estratégico para Delta Signal 2019-2022

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    El presente trabajo propone el plan estratégico para el período 2019–2022 que permita a Delta Signal afrontar los cambios del sector, recuperar el crecimiento en ventas y asegurar la continuidad de la empresa. En el segundo capítulo, se realiza la evaluación externa e interna de la empresa para encontrar las oportunidades, amenazas, fortalezas, debilidades y otros factores sobre los cuales se definirá la estrategia de la compañía. Como parte de esta evaluación externa, se realiza el análisis del macroentorno, donde se evalúan los aspectos políticos, económicos, sociales, tecnológicos y legales para Estados Unidos. Además, se realiza el análisis de localización utilizando el diamante de Porter para la Unión Europea y China. De igual modo, en el análisis del microentorno, se evalúa el sector utilizando las cinco fuerzas de Porter. Para el análisis interno, se analizaron los resultados obtenidos en el periodo 2015-2018, el modelo de negocio, la cadena de valor y los recursos y capacidades de la empresa, con cual se identificó la ventaja competitiva

    TOPAZ1, a Novel Germ Cell-Specific Expressed Gene Conserved during Evolution across Vertebrates

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    BACKGROUND: We had previously reported that the Suppression Subtractive Hybridization (SSH) approach was relevant for the isolation of new mammalian genes involved in oogenesis and early follicle development. Some of these transcripts might be potential new oocyte and granulosa cell markers. We have now characterized one of them, named TOPAZ1 for the Testis and Ovary-specific PAZ domain gene. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Sheep and mouse TOPAZ1 mRNA have 4,803 bp and 4,962 bp open reading frames (20 exons), respectively, and encode putative TOPAZ1 proteins containing 1,600 and 1653 amino acids. They possess PAZ and CCCH domains. In sheep, TOPAZ1 mRNA is preferentially expressed in females during fetal life with a peak during prophase I of meiosis, and in males during adulthood. In the mouse, Topaz1 is a germ cell-specific gene. TOPAZ1 protein is highly conserved in vertebrates and specifically expressed in mouse and sheep gonads. It is localized in the cytoplasm of germ cells from the sheep fetal ovary and mouse adult testis. CONCLUSIONS: We have identified a novel PAZ-domain protein that is abundantly expressed in the gonads during germ cell meiosis. The expression pattern of TOPAZ1, and its high degree of conservation, suggests that it may play an important role in germ cell development. Further characterization of TOPAZ1 may elucidate the mechanisms involved in gametogenesis, and particularly in the RNA silencing process in the germ lin

    On the Uniqueness of the Standard Genetic Code

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    In this work, we determine the biological and mathematical properties that are sufficient and necessary to uniquely determine both the primeval RNY (purine-any base-pyrimidine) code and the standard genetic code (SGC). These properties are: the evolution of the SGC from the RNY code; the degeneracy of both codes, and the non-degeneracy of the assignments of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) to amino acids; the wobbling property; the consideration that glycine was the first amino acid; the topological and symmetrical properties of both codes