8 research outputs found

    Uma análise de eficiência para os senadores brasileiros

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar a eficiência dos membros do Senado Federal brasileiro, utilizando a Análise Envoltória dos Dados (DEA), através de dados do Se- nado Federal e do Ranking dos Políticos. A discussão política tem se tornado mais evidente entre os brasileiros nos últimos anos, tornando análises dessa natureza relevantes para a discussão em um campo técnico. O Poder Legislativo é fundamental para o funcionamento da democracia, porém devem ser observados os custos de manutenção do mesmo, analisando também o retorno deste montante de gasto. Parlamentares com número maior de mandatos apresentaram média de eficiência maior. Os principais benchmarks possuem médias de gastos 60% inferior à média da amostra e 32% a menos para número de assessores, percentual considerável, que pode explicar o fato de serem referências. Foi identificada, ainda, por meio de testes não paramétricos, a existência de diferentes fronteiras eficientes para senadores no terceiro e no sétimo ano de mandato.The objective of this work was to analyze the efficiency of the members of the Brazilian Federal Senate, using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), through data from the Federal Senate and Ranking of Politicians. The political discussion has become more evident among Brazilians in recent years, making analyzes of this nature relevant to the discussion in a technical field. The Legislative Power is fundamental for the functioning of democracy, but the costs of maintaining it must be observed, also analyzing the return of this amount of expenditure. Parliamentarians with higher number of mandates had higher average efficiency. The main benchmarks have average expenses 60% lower than the sample average and 32% less for the number of advisors, a considerable percentage, which may explain the fact that they are references. Nonparametric tests also have identified the exist of different efficient boundaries for senators in the third and seventh year of office

    Determination of water consumption and development of macaúba palm seedlings (Acrocomia aculeata) in a controlled environment based on reference evapotranspiration

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi determinar o consumo de água e o desenvolvimento de mudas de macaúba na fase de pré-viveiro, cultivadas em ambiente protegido. O trabalho foi conduzido no viveiro pertencente a da Acrotech Sementes e Reflorestamento Ltda, localizado no município de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil. O experimento foi implantado no delineamento em blocos casualizados, com seis tratamentos baseados na evapotranspiração de referência (80%, 90%, 100%, 110%, 120% e lâmina usualmente aplicada pela empresa) e três repetições, totalizando 18 parcelas experimentais. Do total de parcelas experimentais, 12 estavam sobre minilísimetros, equipamento desenvolvido no Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, com a finalidade de medir a variação da massa em bandejas de produção de mudas. Foram avaliadas: altura da planta, comprimento da raiz, diâmetro do coleto, massa seca da parte aérea, massa seca da raiz e massa seca total, além das variáveis morfológicas também foram determinados o coeficiente da cultura (kc) para os tratamentos. O tratamento como o melhor desempenho para altura da planta foi a lâmina de 100% da ET 0 , enquanto para as demais variáveis avaliadas a maior lâmina obteve melhores resultados. A partir das variáveis agronômicas foi calculado o Índice de Qualidade de Dickson, não sendo constatada diferença estatística entre os tratamentos.The aim of this study was to determine the water consumption and the development of macaúba palm seedlings in the pre-nursery stage, grown in a protected environment. The work was carried out in the nursery belonging to Acrotech Sementes e Reflorestamento Ltda, located in the municipality of Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The experiment was implemented in a randomized block design, with six treatments based on the reference evapotranspiration (80%, 90%, 100%, 110%, 120% and deep water usually applied by the company) and three replications, totaling 18 experimental plots. From the total of experimental plots, 12 were on minilisimeter, equipment developed in the Department of Agricultural Engineering of the Federal University of Viçosa, with the purpose of measuring the variation of the mass in trays of production of seedlings. Plant height, root length, shoot diameter, dry shoot mass, root dry mass and total dry mass were evaluated. In addition to the morphological variables, the crop coefficient (kc) was also determined for the treatments. The treatment as the best performance for plant height was the 100% ET 0 deep water, while for the other variables evaluated the highest blade obtained better results. From the agronomic variables, the Dickson Quality Index was calculated, and no statistical difference between treatments was found.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológic


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    O presente trabalho objetivou caracterizar emissores Microspray em diferentes pressões de serviço. O experimento foi conduzido no IFES – Campus Santa Teresa, Brasil. Foi montado um sistema de avaliação contando com 8 mangueiras de polietileno (16 mm) de 18 metros de comprimento cada, espaçadas entre si de um metro. As linhas continham 8 emissores do tipo Microspray Microjet Amarelo (Amanco) com vazão nominal de 13 L h-1 à pressão de 100 kPa, espaçados de dois metros. O sistema foi avaliado seguindo o método proposto por Denículi sendo submetido a pressões de serviço crescentes sendo 100, 150, 200, 250 e 300 kPa. Foi avaliada a vazão média, o coeficiente de variação de fabricação, o CUC (Coeficiente de Uniformidade de Christiansen) e o CUD (Coeficiente de Uniformidade de Distribuição). Os emissores Microspray Microjet Amarelo Amanco obtiveram os melhores resultados quando submetidos à avaliação sob as pressões de 150 a 200 kP

    ATLANTIC BIRD TRAITS: a data set of bird morphological traits from the Atlantic forests of South America

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    Scientists have long been trying to understand why the Neotropical region holds the highest diversity of birds on Earth. Recently, there has been increased interest in morphological variation between and within species, and in how climate, topography, and anthropogenic pressures may explain and affect phenotypic variation. Because morphological data are not always available for many species at the local or regional scale, we are limited in our understanding of intra- and interspecies spatial morphological variation. Here, we present the ATLANTIC BIRD TRAITS, a data set that includes measurements of up to 44 morphological traits in 67,197 bird records from 2,790 populations distributed throughout the Atlantic forests of South America. This data set comprises information, compiled over two centuries (1820–2018), for 711 bird species, which represent 80% of all known bird diversity in the Atlantic Forest. Among the most commonly reported traits are sex (n = 65,717), age (n = 63,852), body mass (n = 58,768), flight molt presence (n = 44,941), molt presence (n = 44,847), body molt presence (n = 44,606), tail length (n = 43,005), reproductive stage (n = 42,588), bill length (n = 37,409), body length (n = 28,394), right wing length (n = 21,950), tarsus length (n = 20,342), and wing length (n = 18,071). The most frequently recorded species are Chiroxiphia caudata (n = 1,837), Turdus albicollis (n = 1,658), Trichothraupis melanops (n = 1,468), Turdus leucomelas (n = 1,436), and Basileuterus culicivorus (n = 1,384). The species recorded in the greatest number of sampling localities are Basileuterus culicivorus (n = 243), Trichothraupis melanops (n = 242), Chiroxiphia caudata (n = 210), Platyrinchus mystaceus (n = 208), and Turdus rufiventris (n = 191). ATLANTIC BIRD TRAITS (ABT) is the most comprehensive data set on measurements of bird morphological traits found in a biodiversity hotspot; it provides data for basic and applied research at multiple scales, from individual to community, and from the local to the macroecological perspectives. No copyright or proprietary restrictions are associated with the use of this data set. Please cite this data paper when the data are used in publications or teaching and educational activities. © 2019 The Authors. Ecology © 2019 The Ecological Society of Americ


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    Scientists have long been trying to understand why the Neotropical region holds the highest diversity of birds on Earth. Recently, there has been increased interest in morphological variation between and within species, and in how climate, topography, and anthropogenic pressures may explain and affect phenotypic variation. Because morphological data are not always available for many species at the local or regional scale, we are limited in our understanding of intra- and interspecies spatial morphological variation. Here, we present the ATLANTIC BIRD TRAITS, a data set that includes measurements of up to 44 morphological traits in 67,197 bird records from 2,790 populations distributed throughout the Atlantic forests of South America. This data set comprises information, compiled over two centuries (1820–2018), for 711 bird species, which represent 80% of all known bird diversity in the Atlantic Forest. Among the most commonly reported traits are sex (n = 65,717), age (n = 63,852), body mass (n = 58,768), flight molt presence (n = 44,941), molt presence (n = 44,847), body molt presence (n = 44,606), tail length (n = 43,005), reproductive stage (n = 42,588), bill length (n = 37,409), body length (n = 28,394), right wing length (n = 21,950), tarsus length (n = 20,342), and wing length (n = 18,071). The most frequently recorded species are Chiroxiphia caudata (n = 1,837), Turdus albicollis (n = 1,658), Trichothraupis melanops (n = 1,468), Turdus leucomelas (n = 1,436), and Basileuterus culicivorus (n = 1,384). The species recorded in the greatest number of sampling localities are Basileuterus culicivorus (n = 243), Trichothraupis melanops (n = 242), Chiroxiphia caudata (n = 210), Platyrinchus mystaceus (n = 208), and Turdus rufiventris (n = 191). ATLANTIC BIRD TRAITS (ABT) is the most comprehensive data set on measurements of bird morphological traits found in a biodiversity hotspot; it provides data for basic and applied research at multiple scales, from individual to community, and from the local to the macroecological perspectives. No copyright or proprietary restrictions are associated with the use of this data set. Please cite this data paper when the data are used in publications or teaching and educational activities. © 2019 The Authors. Ecology © 2019 The Ecological Society of Americ

    Resumos concluídos - Saúde Coletiva

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    Resumos concluídos - Saúde Coletiv