202 research outputs found

    Plan de negocio para una aplicaci?n utilitaria que junta los descuentos que las empresas otorgan a sus clientes

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    En el Per? los bancos, compa??as de telefon?a y de seguro, entre otros, otorgan a sus clientes programas de lealtad, a los cuales se accede a trav?s de aplicaciones, sin embargo, un gran porcentaje de los clientes no usan dichos programas, por desconocimiento o porque descargar tantas aplicaciones, genera problemas t?cnicos, en los smartphones. Ante tal situaci?n el presente proyecto desarrolla una aplicaci?n llamada ?ypagamenos? que junta, muestra y compara los descuentos que otorgan los programas de lealtad, a cada cliente de forma individual y a los cuales acceder?an con solo ingresar el n?mero de su DNI; as? el uso de los descuentos y beneficios ser?a m?s sencillo y efectivo. ?Ypagamenos? tendr? una versi?n gratuita con publicidad y otra versi?n pagada sin publicidad y con mayores atributos y estar? disponible en dispositivos con sistemas operativos Android y iOS. Con ?ypagamenos? se conseguir? que las empresas de banca y telefon?a, con quienes inicialmente se suscribir?a convenios de exclusividad, no s?lo logren que sus clientes usen los programadas de lealtad sino tambi?n la fidelizaci?n de los mismos, mayor alcance y conversi?n y por parte del cliente se lograr? que use todos los descuentos que ya tiene y cuando m?s le convenga

    Credit Supply: Identifying Balance-Sheet Channels with Loan Applications and Granted Loans

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    Is There a Signalling Role for Public Wages? Evidence for the Euro Area Based on Macro Data

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    Wage inequality, segregation by skill and the price of capital in an assignment model

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    Some pieces of empirical evidence suggest that in the U.S., over the last few decades, (i) wage inequality between-plants has risen much more than wage inequality within-plants and (ii) there has been an increase in the segregation of workers by skill into separate plants. This paper presents a frictionless assignment model in which these two features can be explained simultaneously as the result of the decline in the relative price of capital. Additional implications of the model regarding the skill premium and the dispersion in labor productivity across plants are also consistent with the empirical evidence. [resumen de autor

    The labor market effects of technology shocks

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    We analyze the effects of neutral and investment-specific technology shocks on hours worked and unemployment. We characterize the response of unemployment in terms of job separation and job finding rates. We find that job separation rates mainly account for the impact response of unemployment while job finding rates for movements along its adjustment path. Neutral shocks increase unemployment and explain a substantial portion of unemployment and output volatilityinvestment-specific shocks expand employment and hours worked and mostly contribute to hours worked volatility. We show that this evidence is consistent with the view that neutral technological progress prompts Schumpeterian creative destruction, while investment specific technological progress has standard neoclassical feature