20 research outputs found

    Manifestaciones actuales del derecho al trabajo en Colombia

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    The work is conceived in our Political Constitution that defines Colombia in a Social State of Right as a fundamental principle, understood not only as the use of human force in the transformation of the nature in the process of production for its subsistence but a Constitutional protection to work in dignified and fair conditions. This article deals with the definition of the concept of work, and how it has been established in fundamental law and the protection obtained at legal, normative and jurisprudential level; it covers the new forms of bonding that are presented in the productive sector according to the modality of work, its classification and the tendency towards labor outsourcing along with its implications; finally, it refers to the protection mechanisms that can be used with regard to labor and social security rights of workers and the importance of the principle of primacy of reality over formality in labor relations.El trabajo es concebido en nuestra Constitución Política que define a Colombia en un Estado Social de Derecho como un principio fundamental, entendido no solo como el uso de la fuerza humana en la transformación de la naturaleza en el proceso de producción para su subsistencia sino como una protección constitucional para laborar en unas condiciones dignas y justas. Este artículo se ocupa de realizar la definición del concepto de trabajo, como ha logrado establecerse en derecho fundante y la protección obtenida a nivel legal, normativo y jurisprudencial; abarca las nuevas formas de vinculación que se presentan en el sector productivo de acuerdo a la modalidad de trabajo, su clasificación y la tendencia a la tercerización laboral junto con sus implicaciones; por ultimo hace referencia a los mecanismos de protección que se pueden utilizar en lo que respecta a los derechos laborales y de seguridad social de los trabajadores y la importancia del principio de primacía de la realidad sobre la formalidad en las relaciones laborales

    Estrategias de marketing digital en el sector de la moda de lujo

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    El presente Seminario de Grado denominado como Marketing Online (Instagram): Estrategias de Marketing Digital en el Sector de la Moda de Lujo; se elaboró con las finalidades de describir el marketing de influencia, desarrollar el uso y aplicación de las plataformas digitales y valorar la importancia del uso de las estrategias de marketing digital en el sector de la moda de lujo para la interacción a través de las redes sociales como herramientas necesarias para el éxito empresarial. Parte del sector de la moda de lujo se basa en diversas estrategias de mercado y la principal estrategia que las empresas del sector de la moda de lujo están implementando es marketing de influencers. La aplicación Instagram es la mejor para las empresas de moda de lujo ya que es más fotos, poco texto y más opciones de promocionar y de crear accesos directos a los canales de compras. Se describe como marketing de influencia la identificación de líderes de opinión que ayudan de manera directa como estrategia actual de mercadeo a conectar de forma más natural y espontanea al público objetivo de las marcas o empresas de moda de lujo, esto brinda como beneficio la credibilidad del mensaje, la conexión entre la marca y los fans, mejores recomendaciones, campañas de marketing más El desarrollo de estrategias en el marketing digital ha dado una pauta a conocer nuevos segmentos de mercado y atraer nueva clientela, en donde las empresas del sector de la moda de lujo se benefician de algunas personas que denominamos influencers; ellos son los encargados de promocionar, posicionar y lograr un gran impacto dentro de la mente de cada consumidor. Una de las plataformas más utilizadas y con gran crecimiento actualmente es Instagram la cual se ha vuelto un amplio catálogo de moda de distintos productos de diversas empresas patrocinadoras, con el único fin de crear un amplio prestigio, de esta manera beneficiar a las empresas del sector de la moda de lujo

    The Problem of the Color Line: Spatial Access to Hospital Services for Minoritized Racial and Ethnic Groups

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    Examining how spatial access to health care varies across geography is key to documenting structural inequalities in the United States. In this article and the accompanying StoryMap, our team identified ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) with the largest share of minoritized racial and ethnic populations and measured distances to the nearest hospital offering emergency services, trauma care, obstetrics, outpatient surgery, intensive care, and cardiac care. In rural areas, ZCTAs with high Black or American Indian/Alaska Native representation were significantly farther from services than ZCTAs with high White representation. The opposite was true for urban ZCTAs, with high White ZCTAs being farther from most services. These patterns likely result from a combination of housing policies that restrict housing opportunities and federal health policies that are based on service provision rather than community need. The findings also illustrate the difficulty of using a single metric—distance—to investigate access to care on a national scale

    The Intersection of Rural Residence and Minority Race/Ethnicity in Cancer Disparities in the United States

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    One in every twenty-five persons in America is a racial/ethnic minority who lives in a rural area. Our objective was to summarize how racism and, subsequently, the social determinants of health disproportionately affect rural racial/ethnic minority populations, provide a review of the cancer disparities experienced by rural racial/ethnic minority groups, and recommend policy, research, and intervention approaches to reduce these disparities. We found that rural Black and American Indian/Alaska Native populations experience greater poverty and lack of access to care, which expose them to greater risk of developing cancer and experiencing poorer cancer outcomes in treatment and ultimately survival. There is a critical need for additional research to understand the disparities experienced by all rural racial/ethnic minority populations. We propose that policies aim to increase access to care and healthcare resources for these communities. Further, that observational and interventional research should more effectively address the intersections of rurality and race/ethnicity through reduced structural and interpersonal biases in cancer care, increased data access, more research on newer cancer screening and treatment modalities, and continued intervention and implementation research to understand how evidence-based practices can most effectively reduce disparities among these populations

    The Intersection of Rural Residence and Minority Race/Ethnicity in Cancer Disparities in the United States

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    One in every twenty-five persons in America is a racial/ethnic minority who lives in a rural area. Our objective was to summarize how racism and, subsequently, the social determinants of health disproportionately affect rural racial/ethnic minority populations, provide a review of the cancer disparities experienced by rural racial/ethnic minority groups, and recommend policy, research, and intervention approaches to reduce these disparities. We found that rural Black and American Indian/Alaska Native populations experience greater poverty and lack of access to care, which expose them to greater risk of developing cancer and experiencing poorer cancer outcomes in treatment and ultimately survival. There is a critical need for additional research to understand the disparities experienced by all rural racial/ethnic minority populations. We propose that policies aim to increase access to care and healthcare resources for these communities. Further, that observational and interventional research should more effectively address the intersections of rurality and race/ethnicity through reduced structural and interpersonal biases in cancer care, increased data access, more research on newer cancer screening and treatment modalities, and continued intervention and implementation research to understand how evidence-based practices can most effectively reduce disparities among these populations

    Gestión del conocimiento. Perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Volumen 9

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    El libro “Gestión del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, volumen 9, de la Colección Unión Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capítulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro es una publicación internacional, seriada, continua, arbitrada de acceso abierto a todas las áreas del conocimiento, que cuenta con el esfuerzo de investigadores de varios países del mundo, orientada a contribuir con procesos de gestión del conocimiento científico, tecnológico y humanístico que consoliden la transformación del conocimiento en diferentes escenarios, tanto organizacionales como universitarios, para el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas del quehacer diario. La gestión del conocimiento es un camino para consolidar una plataforma en las empresas públicas o privadas, entidades educativas, organizaciones no gubernamentales, ya sea generando políticas para todas las jerarquías o un modelo de gestión para la administración, donde es fundamental articular el conocimiento, los trabajadores, directivos, el espacio de trabajo, hacia la creación de ambientes propicios para el desarrollo integral de las instituciones

    Insurance Status and Cancer Staging, Time to Treatment, and Mortality: Examining Cancers of the Breast, Colon, and Lung

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    Introduction: When examining cancer outcomes, timely detection and treatment are critical factors for favorable prognoses. Previous studies have shown that individuals with public health insurance, specifically Medicaid, have worse cancer outcomes than those with private insurance. While differences in socioeconomic status may account for this disparity, one potential area for further investigation is the effect of Medicaid enrollment timing on cancer outcomes. In some states, individuals may not be eligible for Medicaid until after their cancer diagnosis, potentially nullifying health insurance benefits. This analysis examines the impact of Medicaid enrollment timing on cancer outcomes by comparing patients not enrolled in Medicaid, those enrolled before their cancer diagnosis, and those enrolled after their cancer diagnosis for breast, colon/rectum, and lung cancers. Methods: We used data from a national sample of the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results program of the National Cancer Institute, linked to national Medicaid enrollment data. Medicaid enrollment timing and insurance status were determined from the data. A state-level random intercept was included in the regression models to account for state-to-state variation. Logistic regression was used to examine tumor stage at diagnosis, interval-censored Cox proportional hazard regression was used for time to treatment, and competing risk Cox models were used to examine cancer-specific survival. Results: This analysis included 276,555 breast cancer patients, 104,784 colon cancer patients, and 101,058 lung cancer patients. In fully adjusted models, compared to those not insured by Medicaid, enrolling in Medicaid before and after diagnosis significantly increased the odds of a late-stage diagnosis, a lower likelihood of initiating treatment, and a higher risk of death. Similarly, when comparing only those insured by Medicaid, those enrolled after their diagnosis as compared to those prior to their diagnosis had significantly higher odds of a late-stage diagnosis, a lower likelihood of early treatment initiation, and a higher risk of death for all cancers examined. Discussion: This analysis confirms previous findings that Medicaid-insured individuals have worse cancer outcomes than those with private insurance. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of Medicaid enrollment timing, showing that earlier enrollment is associated with better outcomes. This finding has important implications for Medicaid policy, suggesting that expanding eligibility requirements to include earlier enrollment may improve cancer outcomes and reduce the national burden of cancer

    Peripheral neuropathy and depressive symptomology : examining the association among persons with and without diabetes mellitus.

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    Peripheral neuropathy (PN) symptoms among the general population are underappreciated. Physical symptoms of PN are known to significantly increase the risk of disability. However, less is known about the mental health impact that symptoms of PN have, especially among populations traditionally overlooked for being at risk for PN. This study aimed to examine the association between symptoms of PN and depression among persons with and without diabetes. Nearly 60% of our study population had symptoms of PN. Among those without diabetes, over half had symptoms of PN. Our analyses revealed that having symptoms of PN significantly increased the risk of having depression, independent of diabetes status. Clinicians should begin to consider PN-related symptoms as a common condition occurring among adult populations, regardless of diabetes status. Increasing screening practices using quick, non-invasive measures for PN may help capture at-risk patients who may benefit from mental health services and treatment

    Análisis, desarrollo e implementación de un sistema Web para el control de inventarios y gestión de órdenes de trabajo, caso de estudio: empresa de soluciones gráficas Vimagen de la ciudad de San Lorenzo

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    El presente trabajo de disertación está orientado al desarrollo e implementación de un sistema web denominado “análisis, desarrollo e implementación de un sistema web para el control de inventarios y gestión de ordenes de trabajo, caso de estudio: empresa de soluciones gráficas v-imagen de la ciudad de San Lorenzo", el cual fue desarrollado usando una variación en la pila de desarrollo conocida como MERN (Mongo, Express, React.JS, Node.JS). Para el presente trabajo de disertación se reemplaza R de React.js por N de Next.JS el cual es un framework para aplicaciones de ambiente en productivo de React, conformando la pila de desarrollo MENN. La metodología usada para el desarrollo fue Scrum, iniciando con la elaboración de historias de usuarios, las cuales fueron obtenidas por medio de comunicación activa con el cliente. Una vez obtenido los requerimientos se procede a construir un modelo de base de datos, así como un borrador de las interfaces a desarrollar, permitiendo tener una estructura clara de lo que se requiere construir, las historias fueron divididas en tres sprints según su complejidad, en cada sprint se desarrollaron historias obteniendo partes del producto hasta obtener el producto completo, siendo éste sometido a pruebas unitarias y de integración con el objetivo de corregir fallos y tener un producto totalmente funcional. Finalmente, como resultado del presente trabajo, se entrega un sistema web que permita el control de inventarios y gestión de ordenes de trabajo, desplegado en la nube y que permite tener acceso desde cualquier dispositivo con un navegador y conexión a Internet