533 research outputs found

    Magneto-elastic oscillations of neutron stars: exploring different magnetic field configurations

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    We study magneto-elastic oscillations of highly magnetized neutron stars (magnetars) which have been proposed as an explanation for the quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) appearing in the decaying tail of the giant flares of soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs). We extend previous studies by investigating various magnetic field configurations, computing the Alfv\'en spectrum in each case and performing magneto-elastic simulations for a selected number of models. By identifying the observed frequencies of 28 Hz (SGR 1900+14) and 30 Hz (SGR 1806-20) with the fundamental Alfv\'en QPOs, we estimate the required surface magnetic field strength. For the magnetic field configurations investigated (dipole-like poloidal, mixed toroidal-poloidal with a dipole-like poloidal component and a toroidal field confined to the region of field lines closing inside the star, and for poloidal fields with an additional quadrupole-like component) the estimated dipole spin-down magnetic fields are between 8x10^14 G and 4x10^15 G, in broad agreement with spin-down estimates for the SGR sources producing giant flares. A number of these models exhibit a rich Alfv\'en continuum revealing new turning points which can produce QPOs. This allows one to explain most of the observed QPO frequencies as associated with magneto-elastic QPOs. In particular, we construct a possible configuration with two turning points in the spectrum which can explain all observed QPOs of SGR 1900+14. Finally, we find that magnetic field configurations which are entirely confined in the crust (if the core is assumed to be a type I superconductor) are not favoured, due to difficulties in explaining the lowest observed QPO frequencies (f<30 Hz).Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, 6 tables, matched to version accepted by MNRAS with extended comparison/discussion to previous wor

    Constraining relativistic models through heavy ion collisions

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    Relativistic models can be successfully applied to the description of compact star properties in nuclear astrophysics as well as to nuclear matter and finite nuclei properties, these studies taking place at low and moderate temperatures. Nevertheless, all results are model dependent and so far it is unclear whether some of them should be discarded. Moreover, in the regime of hot hadronic matter very few calculations exist using these relativistic models, in particular when applied to particle yields in heavy ion collisions. In the present work we comment on the known constraints that can help the selection of adequate models in this regime and investigate the main differences that arise when the particle production during a Au+Au collision at RHIC is calculated with different models.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, 3 table

    Hypoxia exacerbates heat stress effects on the porcine intestinal epithelium in vitro

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    Heat stress (HS) negatively impacts human health, as well as animal agriculture. The mechanisms underlying HS-induced intestinal dysfunction in vivo are still not fully elucidated. However, HS has been shown to cause intestinal ischemia/hypoxia, which contributes to reduced barrier integrity. The objective of this study was to examine hypoxia alone, HS alone, and a combination using IPEC-J2 cells. We hypothesized that hypoxia is a critical factor and important step in the pathway to HS-induced barrier dysfunction. Porcine IPEC-J2 cells were grown in Transwell™ plates and then treated either under thermal neutral (TN; 38°C) or heat stress (HS; 42°C) and either normoxia (NX; ~21% O2) or hypoxia (HX; 1% O2) conditions for 24 h. Transepithelial electrical resistance, paracellular permeability marker, FITC-dextran, media interleukin 8, cell HSP70 and 90, CLDN4, ZO-1, and EEA1 were all analyzed. Results showed that HS did not increase intestinal permeability in this model and elicited a reduction in IL-8 while still exhibiting a robust HSP response. In this model, hypoxia was required to induce intestinal barrier dysfunction and TJ redistribution. The combination of HS and hypoxia caused even more severe tight junction disruption. This was accompanied by the absence of an IL-8 response under HS

    Mechanism of tribo-chemical reactions of ionic liquids on titanium alloys

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    In this paper, the tribological, the tribo-chemical reaction mechanisms and desorption properties of three ionic liquids (ILs), [Bu3MeP][ Tf2N], [Bu3MeN][ Tf2N] and [Bu3MeP][ (MeO)2PO2], in contact with titanium and under vacuum conditions are studied with the CATRI © UHV Tribometer developed by IK4-TEKNIKER [1]. The two ILs containing the bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide anion presented lower coefficient of friction compared to that having the dimethyl phosphate anion. The tribodesorption study revealed that it is required an induction period to decrease the friction coefficient. The end of this period is accelerated in the case of trifluoromethane ionic liquids by the CF3+ release. Hence, the CF3+ reacts with the titanium surface generating a titanium fluoride tribolayer that could act like a catalyst to generate the tribodesorption of ionic liquid cation fragments (CH3+, C2H5+, C3H7+, C4H9+). The XPS analysis confirmed the generation of a boundary film, comprising of sulfide and inorganic fluoride, and being possibly the responsible of decreasing the friction coefficient. The [Bu3MeP][MeO)2PO2] ionic liquid required a long induction period, it did not form any tribolayer and no reduction of friction coefficient, yielding instead a high abrasion and adhesion mechanism. Thus, it can be concluded that bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide anion is more effective than dimethylphosphate in generating a surface protective film on the titanium surface under the selected test conditions and the testing methodology seems to be useful to understand the tribodesorption mechanism.The partners would like to acknowledge the financing to the Austrian Government financing of COMET K2 Excellence Centre of Tribology called X-Tribology to carry out this research collaborative activity. The authors also would like to acknowledge the financing of the EMAITEK Programme by the Basque Country

    Ionizing Photon Emission Rates from O- and Early B-type Stars and Clusters

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    We present new computations of the ionizing spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and Lyman continuum (Lyc) and HeI continuum photon emission rates, for hot O-type and early B-type stars. We consider solar metallicity stars, with effective temperatures ranging from 25,000 to 55,000 K and surface gravities (cm s^-2) logg ranging from 3 to 4, covering the full range of spectral types and luminosity classes for hot stars. We use our updated (WM-basic) code to construct radiation-driven wind atmosphere models for hot stars. Our models include the coupled effects of hydrodynamics and non-LTE radiative transfer in spherically outflowing winds, including the detailed effects of metal line blocking and line blanketing on the radiative transfer and energy balance. We incorporate our hot-star models into our population synthesis code (STARS), and we compute the time-dependent SEDs and resulting Lyc and HeI emission rates for evolving star clusters. We present results for continuous and impulsive star formation for a range of assumed stellar initial mass functions.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures. To appear in the Astrophysical Journal. For grid of star models see ftp://wise3.tau.ac.il/pub/star

    Impact of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Lawsonia intracellularis on the performance of pigs divergently selected for feed efficiency

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    Feed efficiency (FE) is a valuable trait, yet how genetic selection for enhanced FE affects other processes such as response to disease is unknown. Disease from endemic respiratory and enteric pathogens such as Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mh) and Lawsonia intracellularis (LI) are common in swine production. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine if pigs selected for high versus low FE based on residual feed intake (RFI) respond differently to a dual respiratory and enteric challenge. Pigs selected for low RFI (LRFI, high feed efficiency) pigs are considered more FE compared to their high RFI (HRFI, low feed efficiency) selected counterparts. Using a 2 x 2 factorial design, 25 littermate pairs from the HRFI and 25 littermate pairs from the LRFI line (barrows, 50 ± 7 kg BW) were selected, with one pig from each pair assigned to individual pens in either the challenge or the non-challenge (control) rooms (n = 25 barrows per line/challenge). On days post inoculation (dpi) 0, the challenged pigs were inoculated with LI and Mh (MhLI). Feed intake, body weight, fecal swabs, and serum samples were collected and recorded weekly for 42 days. On dpi -2 and 47, 14 littermate pairs (n=7 barrows per line/challenge) were utilized for initial and final body composition scans using dual X-ray absorptiometry to calculate longitudinal whole body tissue accretion rates for lean, protein, fat, and bone mineral content. Serum antibody levels and fecal shedding of LI were used to confirm infection. Control pigs remained negative by all measures during the 6 week trial and MhLI inoculated pigs were confirmed positive via serological antibody responses by dpi 14 for LI and Mh. There were no interactions between RFI line and challenge status for any overall performance parameter (P \u3e 0.05). The six week MhLI challenge resulted in a 17% reduction in ADG, a 12% reduction in ADFI, and a 7% reduction in G:F versus controls (P \u3c 0.05). In addition, compared to the control pigs, MhLI challenge reduced lean, protein, and lipid accretion rates by 16% (P \u3c 0.05). Genetic selection for high FE resulted in decreased ADFI and increased G:F (P \u3c 0.01), but did not impact ADG or tissue accretion versus low FE pigs. Collectively, these results demonstrate that a dual enteric and respiratory pathogen challenge reduced ADG, ADFI, G:F and tissue accretion in growing pigs. Further, there was no evidence that selection for enhanced FE based on RFI index affects response to disease

    Detection of nonpregnant cows and potential embryo losses by color Doppler ultrasound and interferon-stimulated gene expression in grazing dairy cows

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    Many studies have been conducted to estimate pregnancy losses between 19 and 34 d after artificial insemination (AI) in dairy cows managed under confinement-based systems, but few studies have examined embryo mortality during this interval in dairy cows managed under gazing systems. The objectives of this prospective cohort study were (1) to assess the diagnostic value of the corpus luteum (CL) blood perfusion (BP) evaluation by Doppler ultrasound (US) to detect nonpregnant cows at 19 to 20 d post-AI, and (2) to assess the rate of potential embryo mortality between 19 to 34 d post-AI. The CL-BP of all cows included in the study (n = 131) was examined on farm by power and color mode of Doppler US and later using an image processing software by a second evaluator. The endometrium thickness and echotexture were evaluated by B-mode US at the same visit to assess if the nonpregnancy diagnosis could be improved at 19 to 20 d post-AI by this additional diagnostic tool. Blood samples were obtained at 19 to 20 d post-AI for progesterone (P4) measurement by chemiluminescence and to determine the mRNA expression of ISG by real-time PCR. Pregnancy diagnosis based on embryo visualization was performed at 33 to 34 d post-AI by US B-mode. In parallel interpretation, ISG15 and MX2 mRNA expression in leukocytes [sensitivity (Se), 100%] were regarded as suitable biomarkers for early pregnancy and were selected for molecular characterization of pregnancy at 19 to 20 d post-AI. At 19 to 20 d post-AI, 61.1% of the cows had positive CL-BP by Doppler US (Se, 98.0%), 62.7% had ISG mRNA expression in leukocytes over the cutoff point (Se, 95.7%), and 50.8% were positive, based on the combination of ISG mRNA expression, CL-BP by Doppler US, and P4 concentration (Se, 100%), and were considered as possible pregnant. At 33 to 34 d, the pregnancy rate was 37.4% diagnosed by the B-mode US. Based on the expression of the selected biomarkers in cows with active CL, we found that 28.1% of the cows could have potentially lost their pregnancy between 19 and 34 d post-AI. The Doppler US color mode showed similar accuracy and a higher negative predictive value than the genes selected as biomarkers. The additional B-mode ultrasound evaluation of the uterine stratum vasculare and the endometrium thickness improved the diagnostic accuracy. Therefore, assessing the CL-BP by Doppler US allowed early detection of nonpregnant cows at 19 to 20 d post-AI. The combination of early CL-BP by Doppler US (d 19 to 20) with early embryo detection by B-mode US (d 33–34) could be used to facilitate earlier rebreeding of dairy cows

    Possible Evidence of Disoriented Chiral Condensates from the Anomaly in Omega and AntiOmega Abundances at the SPS

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    No conventional picture of nucleus-nucleus collisions has yet been able to explain the abundance of Omega and AntiOmega in central collisions between Pb nuclei at 158 A GeV at the CERN SPS. We argue that such a deviation from predictions of statistical thermal models and numerical simulations is evidence that they are produced as topological defects in the form of skyrmions arising from the formation of disoriented chiral condensates. The estimated domain size falls in the right range to be consistent with the so far non-observation of DCC from the distribution of neutral pions.Comment: paper presented at the ICPAQGP-2001, Jaipur, Indi

    Strangeness enhancement from strong color fields at RHIC

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    In ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions, early stage multiple scatterings may lead to an increase of the color electric field strength. Consequently, particle production - especially heavy quark (and di-quark) production - is greatly enhanced according to the Schwinger mechanism. We test this idea via the Ultra-relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics model (UrQMD) for Au+Au collisions at the full RHIC energy (s=200\sqrt{s} = 200 AGeV). Relative to p+p collisions, a factor of 60, 20 and 7 enhancement respectively, for Ω\Omega (ssssss), Ξ\Xi (ssss), and Λ\Lambda, Σ\Sigma (ss) is predicted for a model with increased color electric field strength
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