299 research outputs found

    Sistema para la detección de antibióticos en alimentos

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    Sistema para la detección de antibióticos en alimentos. La presente invención hace referencia a un sistema para la detección de antibióticos en alimentos que comprende una carcasa (1) que a su vez comprende al menos 1 hendidura para la adición de la muestra a analizar (3) y al menos 1 ventana de visualización de resultados (4) y una tira reactiva (2). Además la invención se refiere a un procedimiento para la detección de antibióticos en alimentos mediante el sistema anterior, que comprende las etapas de preparación del sistema de detección de antibióticos en alimentos, preparación de la muestra a analizar y detección de antibióticos.Ciencias de la Alimentació

    Evaluation of Datalog queries and its application to the static analysis of Java code

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    Two approaches for evaluating Datalog programs are presented: one based on boolean equation systems, and the other based on rewriting logic. The work is presented in the context of the static analysis of Java programs specified in Datalog.Feliú Gabaldón, MA. (2010). Evaluation of Datalog queries and its application to the static analysis of Java code. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14016Archivo delegad

    Logic-based techniques for program analysis and specification synthesis

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    La Tesis investiga técnicas ágiles dentro del paradigma declarativo para dar solución a dos problemas: el análisis de programas y la inferencia de especificaciones a partir de programas escritos en lenguajes multiparadigma y en lenguajes imperativos con tipos, objetos, estructuras y punteros. Respecto al estado actual de la tesis, la parte de análisis de programas ya está consolidada, mientras que la parte de inferencia de especificaciones sigue en fase de desarrollo activo. La primera parte da soluciones para la ejecución de análisis de punteros especificados en Datalog. En esta parte se han desarrollado dos técnicas de ejecución de especificaciones en dicho lenguaje Datalog: una de ellas utiliza resolutores de sistemas de ecuaciones booleanas, y la otra utiliza la lógica de reescritura implementada eficientemente en el lenguaje Maude. La segunda parte desarrolla técnicas de inferencia de especificaciones a partir de programas. En esta parte se han desarrollado dos métodos de inferencia de especificaciones. El primer método se desarrolló para el lenguaje lógico-funcional Curry y permite inferir especificaciones ecuacionales mediante interpretación abstracta de los programas. El segundo método está siendo desarrollado para lenguajes imperativos realistas, y se ha aplicado a un subconjunto del lenguaje de programación C. Este método permite inferir especificaciones en forma de reglas que representan las distintas relaciones entre las propiedades que el estado de un programa satisface antes y después de su ejecución. Además, estas propiedades son expresables en términos de las abstracciones funcionales del propio programa, resultando en una especificación de muy alto nivel y, por lo tanto, de más fácil comprensión.Feliú Gabaldón, MA. (2013). Logic-based techniques for program analysis and specification synthesis [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/33747TESI

    Analysis, Evaluation and Simulation of Railway Diesel-Electric and Hybrid Units as Distributed Energy Resources

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    The objective of this paper involves the analysis, identification and evaluation of different possibilities offered by technology for the improvement and the management of the use of energy and hybridization in railways: On board generation, demand response and energy storage, both in traction and auxiliary loads, considering the aggregation of resources and its stochastic nature. The paper takes into account the importance of efficient use of energy in railways, both currently (trains in service, prototypes) and in the future, considering the trends driven by energy policy scenarios (2030–2050) that will affect service and operation of units during their lifetime. A new activity has been considered that will be relevant in the future in the framework of a new electricity supply paradigm: Smart-Grids. According to this paradigm, the interaction of the Electric Power System and the Railway Supply System (somehow embedded in the Power System) will bring new opportunities for the collaboration of these two systems to perform, in a wise economic fashion, a better and more reliable operation of the complete energy system. The paper is focused on a mixed profile with low-medium traffic (passenger and freight): The first part of the route is electrified (3 kV DC catenary) whereas the second part is not electrified. Results justify that complex policies and objectives bring an opportunity to make cost-effective the hybridization of railway units, especially in low/medium traffic lines, which improves their social and economic sustainability.Authors are very grateful to the information, data and technical discussions provided by Patentes Talgo S.A. (Spain). This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spanish Government) under research project ENE-2016-78509-C3-2-P; Ministerio de Educación (Spanish Government) under grant FPU17/02753 and especially EU FEDER funds. This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spanish Government) under research project ENE-2016-78509-C3-2-P; Ministerio de Educación through grant FPU17/02753 and EU FEDER funds. Authors have also received funds from these grants for covering the costs to publish in open access

    Effects of Cyclodextrin Type on Vitamin C, Antioxidant Activity, and Sensory Attributes of a Mandarin Juice Enriched with Pomegranate and Goji Berries

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    The effects of the addition of cyclodextrins (CDs), β-CD, or HP-β-CD (1%), on the protection of antioxidant compounds of mandarin juices enriched with pomegranate extract and goji berries juice, was studied. Juices were prepared and after their thermal treatment (98 ◦C, 30 s) they were stored at 4 ◦C during 75 d. Vitamin C content, CIE L∗a∗b∗ color, antioxidant capacity, retinol equivalents, and sensory properties were studied. Losses on vitamin C were higher (6%) for juices with β-CD than juices with HP-β-CD. Retinol equivalents degradation was lower (3.4%) in juices with HP-β-cyclodextrins than in those treated with β-CD. Lower losses were observed for the instrumental and sensory color intensity in juices with HP-β-CD addition. Finally, the antioxidant capacity was also higher in juices treated with HP-β-CD. Finally, the overall sensory quality of juices with HP-β-CD was the best one after 30 d of cold storage. Even though β-CD addition did not cause any improvement compared with control juice (without CD addition), the benefits of adding HP-β-CD to this particular juice were shown in almost all parameters under study.Ciencias de la Alimentació

    Assessment and simulation of the responsive demand potential in end-user facilities: application to a university customer

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    Many problems have appeared with the practical implementation of restructured electrical business in the U.S.and European Union such as lack of generation,network constraints,etc. A good example of these problems is the scarce participation of the demand in the electricity markets—energy,reserve,and other ancillary services—problems that could be solved through new de-mand responsive programs,aimed to replace the traditional demand side management programs in to voluntary demand partici-pation programs.A methodology for the generation of demand side bids and ofers in large customer facilities and a real application to a university customer is presented in this paper.The methodology is based on the knowledge of the physical processes involved in the electricity consumption and on the flexibility of there quired supply.The result of the methodology proposed is a set of demand packages that can be used to participate in different electricity markets,whose possibilities- in the market arena — will be explored in a consequent paper.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain through Research Project DPI2001-2779-C02-01

    Automatic inference of specifications using matching logic

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    Formal specifications can be used for various software engineering activities ranging from finding errors to documenting software and automatic test-case generation. Automatically discovering specifications for heap-manipulating programs is a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a technique for automatically inferring formal specifications from C code which is based on the symbolic execution and automated reasoning tandem "MATCHING LOGIC /K framework". We implemented our technique for a fragment of C, called KERNELC, in the automated tool KINDSPEC, which generates axioms that describe the precise input/output behavior of C routines that handle pointer-based structures, i.e., result values and state change. These specifications can be written either in MATCHING LOGIC itself, which is useful for further automated analysis within the K formal environment, or in sugared axiomatic form, which favors better human inspection. Since we rely on rewriting logic K semantics specification of programming languages, our approach can be easily extended to any language for which a formal semantics in K is given.This work has been partially supported by the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish MEC/MICINN, ref. TIN 2010-21062-C02-0, and by Generalitat Valenciana, ref. PROMETEO 2011/052.Alpuente Frasnedo, M.; Feliú Gabaldón, MA.; Villanueva García, A. (2013). Automatic inference of specifications using matching logic. En Proceeding PEPM '13 Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2013 workshop on Partial evaluation and program manipulation. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). 127-136. https://doi.org/10.1145/2426890.2426914S12713

    Energy efficiency in railways: energy storage and electric generation in diesel electric locomotives

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    Diesel-electric traction is a well known and established technology for railways operators,but this alternative has a considerable uncerainty for the future because electric traction has a considerable superiority. Besides,diesel-electric engines was teenergy when resistive braking isused This non-regenerative braking decreases the overall efficiency by lO-20%.With these premises it is important to develop new strategies to increase the energy efficiency of diesel-electric haulag. To reach a better efficiency,a locomotive with energy storage(battery,super-capacitors)is theoretically proposed.Besides,the possibility of using alower thermal engine(from other diesel locomotives out of use)with energy storage devices is considered too.This solution reduces diesel consumption and CO2 emissions while being economically viable.It supposes an efficient energy management because the diesel-electric locomotive could acts as a dispersed mobile generation(DMG)unit when working under electric overhead lines,and it can be used as a distributed resource for this specific electric power system.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion) under Research Project ENE2007-67771-C02-02/CON. The authors are very grateful to the information, data and time tables supplied by ADIF (Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias, Spanish Railway Network Operator)

    Predicting healthcare expenditure based on Adjusted Morbidity Groups to implement a needs-based capitation financing system

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    Background Due to population aging, healthcare expenditure is projected to increase substantially in developed countries like Spain. However, prior research indicates that health status, not merely age, is a key driver of healthcare costs. This study analyzed data from over 1.25 million residents of Spain's Murcia region to develop a capitation-based healthcare financing model incorporating health status via Adjusted Morbidity Groups (AMGs). The goal was to simulate an equitable area-based healthcare budget allocation reflecting population needs. Methods Using 2017 data on residents' age, sex, AMG designation, and individual healthcare costs, generalized linear models were built to predict healthcare expenditure based on health status indicators. Multiple link functions and distribution families were tested, with model selection guided by information criteria, residual analysis, and goodness-of-fit statistics. The selected model was used to estimate adjusted populations and simulate capitated budgets for the 9 healthcare districts in Murcia. Results The gamma distribution with logarithmic link function provided the best model fit. Comparisons of predicted and actual average costs revealed underfunded and overfunded areas within Murcia. If implemented, the capitation model would decrease funding for most districts (up to 15.5%) while increasing it for two high-need areas, emphasizing allocation based on health status and standardized utilization rather than historical spending alone. Conclusions AMG-based capitated budgeting could improve equity in healthcare financing across regions in Spain. By explicitly incorporating multimorbidity burden into allocation formulas, resources can be reallocated towards areas with poorer overall population health. Further policy analysis and adjustment is needed before full-scale implementation of such need-based global budgets.Jorge Eduardo Martínez Pérez would like to thank the State Research Agency for the funding received through project PID2019−104907 GB−I00

    Technical and economical tools to assess customer demand response in the commercial sector

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    [EN] The authors present a methodology to evaluate and quantify the economic parameters (costs and benefits) attached to customer electricity consumption by analyzing the service provided by the different "pieces" of absorbed electricity. The first step of this methodology is to perform a process oriented market segmentation to identify segments according to their flexibility potential. After that, a procedure based on comprehensive simulations to identify and quantify the actual demand that can be managed in the short term is presented and, finally, the required economic analysis is performed. The methodology, which is demonstrated with some applications to the commercial sector, not only helps the customers to integrate in flexible distribution systems but also offers the necessary economical parameters for them to integrate in electricity markets. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This research work has been possible with the support of the European Commission through EU-DEEP Project, and through the support of the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia) under Reasearch Project ENE2007-67771-C02-01&02/CON and Red Electrica de Espana, S.A. (the Spanish System Operator) through the collaboration with the International Energy Agency Project on DSM.Álvarez, C.; Alcázar-Ortega, M.; Escrivá-Escrivá, G.; Gabaldón Marín, A. (2009). Technical and economical tools to assess customer demand response in the commercial sector. Energy Conversion and Management. 50(10):2605-2612. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2009.06.002S26052612501