254 research outputs found

    Maybe Sometime: Song

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    Game Clash of Klungkung Kingdom Sebagai Media Pengenalan Sejarah Kerta Gosa Berbasis Android

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    Klungkung merupakan sebuah kerajaan yang sangat terkenal di Bali dan merupakan pusat pemerintahan Bali kuno. Klungkung mengalami sebuah peristiwa besar yaitu peristiwa perang puputan. Kerajaan Klungkung di zaman dahulu meninggalkan warisan bangunan dengan benda bersejarah yang sekarang dikenal dengan Kerta Gosa. Berdasarkan periodisasinya, Situs Kerta Gosa tergolong dalam zaman Bali Baru yakni masa penjajahan Belanda (Kolonial), merupakan tempat peradilan warisan dari Keraton atau Puri Semarapura (1686-1908). Akan tetapi, di zaman sekarang warisan kerajaan Klungkung yaitu Kertagosa kurang diperhatikan dan banyak yang tidak tahu akan keberadaan Kerta Gosa. Agar generasi muda dapat mengenal sejarah pembangunan Kerta Gosa, dibuatlah “Game Clash of Klungkung Kingdom sebagai Media Pengenalan Sejarah Kerta Gosa Berbasis Android.” Tujuan dari game ini adalah memberikan pengenalan secara umum bangunan Kerta Gosa dan sejarah dari Kerta Gosa. Game ini dibangun dengan metode GDLC (Game Development Life Cycle). Berdasarkan hasil pengujian Black-box testing, dapat disimpulkan bahwa game dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan baik sesuai dengan rancangan. Berdasarkan jawaban 30 responden yang diberi kuesioner dengan 10 pertanyaan  diolah dan didapatkan hasil skor System Usability Scale sebanyak 82,67 dengan predikat “Excellent ”

    Arcula: A Secure Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet for Multi-asset Blockchains

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    This work presents Arcula, a new design for hierarchical deterministic wallets that brings identity-based addresses to the blockchain. Arcula is built on top of provably secure cryptographic primitives. It generates all its cryptographic secrets from a user-provided seed and enables the derivation of new public keys based on the identities of users, without requiring any secret information. Unlike other wallets, it achieves all these properties while being secure against privilege escalation. We formalize the security model of hierarchical deterministic wallets and prove that an attacker compromising an arbitrary number of users within an Arcula wallet cannot escalate his privileges and compromise users higher in the access hierarchy. Our design works out-of-the-box with any blockchain that enables the verification of signatures on arbitrary messages. We evaluate its usage in a real-world scenario on the Bitcoin Cash network

    Pemanfaatan Desain Label Kemasan sebagai Media Promosi Kastengel Buana Sari

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    Kue kering adalah makanan ringan yang dibuat dari tepung dengan tekstur renyah yang memiliki kadar air yang sangat rendah karena dibuat dengan cara dioven. Salah satu UKM yang kegiatannya memproduksi kue kering adalah UKM Buana Sari.UKM Buana Sari menerima pesanan berbagai jenis kue kering, namun produksi utamanya adalah kue kering kastengel. Kue kastengel dibuat dengan cara mencampurkan semua bahan untuk adonan, kemudian dicetak, diberi olesan margarin dan ditaburi keju di atasnya untuk selanjutnya dioven hingga matang. Proses pengemasan dilakukan dengan menggunakan plastik mika berbagai ukuran dan bentuk, mulai dari plastik mika berbentuk bundar, oval sampai dengan hati. Plastik mika kemudian diberi isolasi bening di sekelilingnya agar kue kering menjadi lebih awet. Sayangnya, saat ini pengemasan belum dilengkapi oleh desain label kemasan, sehingga daya tarik promosi terhadap produk tersebut menjadi kurang dan tampilan produk juga kurang menarik. Padahal desain kemasan suatu produk sangat diperlukan sebagai bagian dari strategi pemasaran. Desain kemasan sebuah produk merupakan salah satu unsur yang mempengaruhi banyaknya pembelian oleh konsumen terhadap produk tersebut. Sehingga dengan adanya pelatihan desain label kemasan mampu meningkatkan minat konsumen terhadap kue kastengel

    Evaluasi Pertumbuhan dan Keragaman Genetik Tanaman Palahlar Gunung (Dipterocarpus retusus blume.) dan Palahlar (Dipterocarpus hasseltii blume.) Berdasarkan Penanda RAPD

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    Dipterocarpus hasseltii (palahlar) and Dipterocarpus retusus (mountain palahlar) are plant species of Dipterocarpaceae family that originate from West Java which population is getting rare. Information about growth development and genetic variation of palahlar is important to support culturing program and its genetic conservation. One of the techniques to study palahlar growth is through observation of the plant height and stem diameter increment. DNA analysis is use to gain information of palahlar genetic diversity. One of the DNA based molecular marker widely used as plant genetic marker is RAPD. There were 2 primary that resulting the best amplifying quality in genetic diversity analysis that was OPO-13 dan OPY 20. Analysis result with POPGENE 32 was resulting average genetic diversity between classes as much as 0.1869. The biggest genetic diversity for palahlar was on the medium growth class  as much as 0.2498 dan for mountain palahlar was in small growth class as much as 0.2240. Cluster analysis shows that there were 2 big groups that were medium-high growth class group   and small growth class group. Dendrogram shows that there were 2 species in one group, that was palahlar and mountain palahlar that was in one group of small growth class. The closed genetic distance existed between medium growth class group of palahlar and high growth class group (0.0383), while the far distance is between palahlar of small growth class group  with mountain palahlar of mediaum growth class group as much as 0.1826

    Evaluasi Pertumbuhan dan Keragaman Genetik Tanaman Palahlar Gunung (Dipterocarpus retusus blume.) dan Palahlar (Dipterocarpus hasseltii blume.) Berdasarkan Penanda RAPD

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    Dipterocarpus hasseltii (palahlar) and Dipterocarpus retusus (mountain palahlar) are plant species of Dipterocarpaceae family that originate from West Java which population is getting rare. Information about growth development and genetic variation of palahlar is important to support culturing program and its genetic conservation. One of the techniques to study palahlar growth is through observation of the plant height and stem diameter increment. DNA analysis is use to gain information of palahlar genetic diversity. One of the DNA based molecular marker widely used as plant genetic marker is RAPD. There were 2 primary that resulting the best amplifying quality in genetic diversity analysis that was OPO-13 dan OPY 20. Analysis result with POPGENE 32 was resulting average genetic diversity between classes as much as 0.1869. The biggest genetic diversity for palahlar was on the medium growth class  as much as 0.2498 dan for mountain palahlar was in small growth class as much as 0.2240. Cluster analysis shows that there were 2 big groups that were medium-high growth class group   and small growth class group. Dendrogram shows that there were 2 species in one group, that was palahlar and mountain palahlar that was in one group of small growth class. The closed genetic distance existed between medium growth class group of palahlar and high growth class group (0.0383), while the far distance is between palahlar of small growth class group  with mountain palahlar of mediaum growth class group as much as 0.1826
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