1,268 research outputs found

    Breaking the Redshift Deadlock - I: Constraining the star formation history of galaxies with sub-millimetre photometric redshifts

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    Future extragalactic sub-millimetre and millimetre surveys have the potential to provide a sensitive census of the level of obscured star formation in galaxies at all redshifts. While in general there is good agreement between the source counts from existing SCUBA (850um) and MAMBO (1.25mm) surveys of different depths and areas, it remains difficult to determine the redshift distribution and bolometric luminosities of the sub-millimetre and millimetre galaxy population. This is principally due to the ambiguity in identifying an individual sub-millimetre source with its optical, IR or radio counterpart which, in turn, prevents a confident measurement of the spectroscopic redshift. Additionally, the lack of data measuring the rest-frame FIR spectral peak of the sub-millimetre galaxies gives rise to poor constraints on their rest-frame FIR luminosities and star formation rates. In this paper we describe Monte-Carlo simulations of ground-based, balloon-borne and satellite sub-millimetre surveys that demonstrate how the rest-frame FIR-sub-millimetre spectral energy distributions (250-850um) can be used to derive photometric redshifts with an r.m.s accuracy of +/- 0.4 over the range 0 < z < 6. This opportunity to break the redshift deadlock will provide an estimate of the global star formation history for luminous optically-obscured galaxies [L(FIR) > 3 x 10^12 Lsun] with an accuracy of 20 per cent.Comment: 14 pages, 22 figures, submitted to MNRAS, replaced with accepted versio

    SANEPIC: A Map-Making Method for Timestream Data From Large Arrays

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    We describe a map-making method which we have developed for the Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST) experiment, but which should have general application to data from other submillimeter arrays. Our method uses a Maximum Likelihood based approach, with several approximations, which allows images to be constructed using large amounts of data with fairly modest computer memory and processing requirements. This new approach, Signal And Noise Estimation Procedure Including Correlations (SANEPIC), builds upon several previous methods, but focuses specifically on the regime where there is a large number of detectors sampling the same map of the sky, and explicitly allowing for the the possibility of strong correlations between the detector timestreams. We provide real and simulated examples of how well this method performs compared with more simplistic map-makers based on filtering. We discuss two separate implementations of SANEPIC: a brute-force approach, in which the inverse pixel-pixel covariance matrix is computed; and an iterative approach, which is much more efficient for large maps. SANEPIC has been successfully used to produce maps using data from the 2005 BLAST flight.Comment: 27 Pages, 15 figures; Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal; related results available at http://blastexperiment.info/ [the BLAST Webpage

    AKARI and BLAST Observations of the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant and Surrounding Interstellar Medium

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    We use new large area far infrared maps ranging from 65 - 500 microns obtained with the AKARI and the Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST) missions to characterize the dust emission toward the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant (SNR). Using the AKARI high resolution data we find a new "tepid" dust grain population at a temperature of ~35K and with an estimated mass of 0.06 solar masses. This component is confined to the central area of the SNR and may represent newly-formed dust in the unshocked supernova ejecta. While the mass of tepid dust that we measure is insufficient by itself to account for the dust observed at high redshift, it does constitute an additional dust population to contribute to those previously reported. We fit our maps at 65, 90, 140, 250, 350, and 500 microns to obtain maps of the column density and temperature of "cold" dust (near 16 K) distributed throughout the region. The large column density of cold dust associated with clouds seen in molecular emission extends continuously from the surrounding interstellar medium to project on the SNR, where the foreground component of the clouds is also detectable through optical, X-ray, and molecular extinction. At the resolution available here, there is no morphological signature to isolate any cold dust associated only with the SNR from this confusing interstellar emission. Our fit also recovers the previously detected "hot" dust in the remnant, with characteristic temperature 100 K.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Maps and related data are available at http://blastexperiment.info

    First Season QUIET Observations: Measurements of CMB Polarization Power Spectra at 43 GHz in the Multipole Range 25 <= ell <= 475

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    The Q/U Imaging ExperimenT (QUIET) employs coherent receivers at 43GHz and 95GHz, operating on the Chajnantor plateau in the Atacama Desert in Chile, to measure the anisotropy in the polarization of the CMB. QUIET primarily targets the B modes from primordial gravitational waves. The combination of these frequencies gives sensitivity to foreground contributions from diffuse Galactic synchrotron radiation. Between 2008 October and 2010 December, >10,000hours of data were collected, first with the 19-element 43GHz array (3458hours) and then with the 90-element 95GHz array. Each array observes the same four fields, selected for low foregrounds, together covering ~1000deg^2. This paper reports initial results from the 43GHz receiver which has an array sensitivity to CMB fluctuations of 69uK sqrt(s). The data were extensively studied with a large suite of null tests before the power spectra, determined with two independent pipelines, were examined. Analysis choices, including data selection, were modified until the null tests passed. Cross correlating maps with different telescope pointings is used to eliminate a bias. This paper reports the EE, BB and EB power spectra in the multipole range ell=25-475. With the exception of the lowest multipole bin for one of the fields, where a polarized foreground, consistent with Galactic synchrotron radiation, is detected with 3sigma significance, the E-mode spectrum is consistent with the LCDM model, confirming the only previous detection of the first acoustic peak. The B-mode spectrum is consistent with zero, leading to a measurement of the tensor-to-scalar ratio of r=0.35+1.06-0.87. The combination of a new time-stream double-demodulation technique, Mizuguchi-Dragone optics, natural sky rotation, and frequent boresight rotation leads to the lowest level of systematic contamination in the B-mode power so far reported, below the level of r=0.1Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, higher quality figures are available at http://quiet.uchicago.edu/results/index.html; Fixed a typo and corrected statistical error values used as a reference in Figure 14, showing our systematic uncertainties (unchanged) vs. multipole; Revision to ApJ accepted version, this paper should be cited as "QUIET Collaboration et al. (2011)

    Determination of Inflationary Observables by Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Experiments

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    Inflation produces nearly Harrison-Zel'dovich scalar and tensor perturbation spectra which lead to anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The amplitudes and shapes of these spectra can be parametrized by QS2Q_S^2, rQT2/QS2r\equiv Q_T^2/Q_S^2, nSn_S and nTn_T where QS2Q_S^2 and QT2Q_T^2 are the scalar and tensor contributions to the square of the CMB quadrupole and nSn_S and nTn_T are the power-lawspectral indices. Even if we restrict ourselves to information from angles greater than one third of a degree, three of these observables can be measured with some precision. The combination 1301nSQS2130^{1-n_S}Q_S^2 can be known to better than ±0.3%\pm 0.3\%. The scalar index nSn_S can be determined to better than ±0.02\pm 0.02. The ratio rr can be known to about ±0.1\pm 0.1 for nS1n_S \simeq 1 and slightly better for smaller nSn_S. The precision with which nTn_T can be measured depends weakly on nSn_S and strongly on rr. For nS1n_S \simeq 1 nTn_T can be determined with a precision of about ±0.056(1.5+r)/r\pm 0.056(1.5+r)/r. A full-sky experiment with a 2020'beam using technology available today, similar to those being planned by several groups, can achieve the above precision. Good angular resolution is more important than high signal-to-noise ratio; for a given detector sensitivity and observing time a smaller beam provides significantly more information than a larger beam. The uncertainties in nSn_S and rr are roughly proportional to the beam size. We briefly discuss the effects of uncertainty in the Hubble constant, baryon density, cosmological constant and ionization history.Comment: 28 pages of uuencoded postscript with 8 included figures. A postscript version is also available by anonymous ftp at ftp://astro.uchicago.edu/pub/astro/knox/fullsim.p

    CMB anisotropy predictions for a model of double inflation

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    We consider a double-inflationary model with two massive scalar fields interacting only gravitationally in the context of a flat cold dark matter (CDM) Universe. The cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropies produced in this theory are investigated in great details for a window of parameters where the density fluctuation power spectrum P(k) is in good agreement with observations. The first Doppler (``acoustic'') peak is a crucial test for this model as well as for other models. For the ``standard'' values of the cosmological parameters of CDM, our model is excluded if the height of the Doppler peak is sensibly higher than about three times the Sachs-Wolfe plateau.Comment: 12 pages LaTeX using revtex, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    A Bright Submillimeter Source in the Bullet Cluster (1E0657--56) Field Detected with BLAST

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    We present the 250, 350, and 500 micron detection of bright submillimeter emission in the direction of the Bullet Cluster measured by the Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST). The 500 micron centroid is coincident with an AzTEC 1.1 mm point-source detection at a position close to the peak lensing magnification produced by the cluster. However, the 250 micron and 350 micron centroids are elongated and shifted toward the south with a differential shift between bands that cannot be explained by pointing uncertainties. We therefore conclude that the BLAST detection is likely contaminated by emission from foreground galaxies associated with the Bullet Cluster. The submillimeter redshift estimate based on 250-1100 micron photometry at the position of the AzTEC source is z_phot = 2.9 (+0.6 -0.3), consistent with the infrared color redshift estimation of the most likely IRAC counterpart. These flux densities indicate an apparent far-infrared luminosity of L_FIR = 2E13 Lsun. When the amplification due to the gravitational lensing of the cluster is removed, the intrinsic far-infrared luminosity of the source is found to be L_FIR <= 10^12 Lsun, consistent with typical luminous infrared galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Maps are available at http://blastexperiment.info