215 research outputs found

    Advances in the management of the extreme preterm infant

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    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulHospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre Serviço de NeonatologiaJornal de PediatriaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de PediatriaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de PediatriaSciEL

    Differences between uni-and multidimensional scales for assessing pain in term newborn infants at the bedside

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    OBJECTIVES: This study sought to determine the level of agreement between behavioral and multidimensional pain assessment scales in term newborn infants submitted to an acute nociceptive stimulus. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was performed on 400 healthy term newborns who received an intramuscular injection of vitamin K during the first 6 hours of life. Two behavioral pain scales (the Neonatal Facial Coding System and the Behavioral Indicators of Infant Pain) and one multidimensional tool (the Premature Infant Pain Profile) were applied by a single observer before the procedure, during cleansing, during injection and two minutes after injection. The Cochran Q, McNemar and kappa tests were used to compare the presence and degree of agreement between the three scales. The Hotelling T2 test was used to compare the groups of newborns for which the scales showed agreement or disagreement. A generalized linear regression was used to compare the results of the Neonatal Facial Coding System and the Behavioral Indicators of Infant Pain across the four study time points. RESULTS: The neonates studied had a gestational age of 39±1 weeks, a birth weight of 3169±316 g and and postnatal age of 67±45 minutes. During the stimulus procedure, 80% of the newborns exhibited pain behaviors according to the Neonatal Facial Coding System and the Behavioral Indicators of Infant Pain, and 70% experienced pain according to the Premature Infant Pain Profile (

    Differences between uni-and multidimensional scales for assessing pain in term newborn infants at the bedside

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    OBJECTIVES: This study sought to determine the level of agreement between behavioral and multidimensional pain assessment scales in term newborn infants submitted to an acute nociceptive stimulus. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was performed on 400 healthy term newborns who received an intramuscular injection of vitamin K during the first 6 hours of life. Two behavioral pain scales (the Neonatal Facial Coding System and the Behavioral Indicators of Infant Pain) and one multidimensional tool (the Premature Infant Pain Profile) were applied by a single observer before the procedure, during cleansing, during injection and two minutes after injection. The Cochran Q, McNemar and kappa tests were used to compare the presence and degree of agreement between the three scales. The Hotelling T2 test was used to compare the groups of newborns for which the scales showed agreement or disagreement. A generalized linear regression was used to compare the results of the Neonatal Facial Coding System and the Behavioral Indicators of Infant Pain across the four study time points. RESULTS: The neonates studied had a gestational age of 39±1 weeks, a birth weight of 3169±316 g and and postnatal age of 67±45 minutes. During the stimulus procedure, 80% of the newborns exhibited pain behaviors according to the Neonatal Facial Coding System and the Behavioral Indicators of Infant Pain, and 70% experienced pain according to the Premature Infant Pain Profile (p<0.001). The frequencies of the detection of pain using the Behavioral Indicators of Infant Pain and the Neonatal Facial Coding System were similar. The characteristics of the neonates were not associated with the level of agreement between the scales. CONCLUSION: The Neonatal Facial Coding System and the Behavioral Indicators of Infant Pain behavioral scales are more sensitive for the identification of pain in healthy term newborn infants than the multidimensional Premature Infant Pain Profile scale.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) Division of Neonatal MedicineUNIFESP, EPM, Division of Neonatal Medicine2009-06145-5 e 2012/50511-9SciEL

    Early nasal injury resulting from the use of nasal prongs in preterm infants with very low birth weight: a pilot study

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    OBJECTIVE:To analyze the incidence of early-onset nasal injury in infants with very low birth weight and indication for noninvasive ventilation via nasal prongs.METHODS:A prospective case series of infants with gestational age <37 weeks, weight <1.500 g and postnatal age <29 days. The patients were evaluated three times daily from the installation of nasal prongs to the 3rd day of use. The patients' clinical conditions and the device's characteristics and its application were analyzed. The initial analysis was descriptive, indicating the prevalence of nasal injury and factors associated with it. Categorical data were analyzed using the chi-squared test or Fisher's exact test, and numerical data were analyzed using the t-test or the Mann-Whitney test.RESULTS:Eighteen infants were included; 12 (with a gestational age of 29.8±3.1 weeks, birth weight of 1.070±194 g and a Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology - Perinatal Extension (SNAPPE) of 15.4±17.5) developed nasal injuries (injury group), and 6 (with a gestational age of 28.0±1.9 weeks, weight of 1.003±317 g and SNAPPE of 26.2±7.5) showed no nasal injury (uninjured group). The injury group subjects were more often male (75% versus 17%), and their injuries appeared after an average of 18 hours, predominantly during the night (75%).CONCLUSION:The incidence of nasal injury in preterm infants who experienced noninvasive ventilation via nasal prongs was high, and a study of associated factors may be planned based on this pilot.OBJETIVO:Analisar, em recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso e com indicação de ventilação não invasiva via pronga nasal, a incidência do aparecimento precoce de lesão nasal.MÉTODOS:Série de casos prospectiva de nascidos com idade gestacional <37 semanas, peso <1.500g e idade pós-natal <29 dias. Os pacientes foram avaliados desde a instalação da pronga nasal até o 3o dia de uso, três vezes ao dia. Foram analisadas as condições clínicas dos pacientes, características do dispositivo e de sua aplicação. A análise inicial foi descritiva, verificando-se a prevalência de lesão nasal bem como os fatores a ela associados. Os dados categóricos foram analisados por qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher e os dados numéricos, por teste t ou Mann-Whitney.RESULTADOS:Dezoito recém-nascidos foram incluídos, dos quais 12 (idade gestacional de 29,8±3,1 semanas, peso ao nascer de 1.070±194g e Score for Neonatal Acute Phisiology - Perinatal Extension (SNAPPE) de 15,4±17,5) evoluíram com lesão nasal (Grupo Lesão) e 6 (idade gestacional de 28,0±1,9 semanas, peso de 1.003±317g e SNAPPE de 26,2±7,5) não apresentaram lesão nasal (Grupo Sem Lesão). No Grupo Lesão, houve maior frequência do gênero masculino (75% versus 17%), a lesão apareceu em média após 18 horas e predominantemente no período notur no (75%).CONCLUSÃO:A incidência de lesão nasal em prematuros submetidos à ventilação não invasiva via pronga nasal foi elevada, sendo possível planejar estudo dos fatores associados, com base neste piloto.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de PediatriaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de PediatriaSciEL

    Giant congenital cervical teratoma: case report and review about therapeutic options

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    OBJECTIVE: To report a case of congenital cervical teratoma, highlighting the severity and the therapeutic difficulties associated. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 30-year old mother, with pregnancy by assisted fertilization. At 23 weeks, a cervical fetal malformation was diagnosed. A cesarean section was indicated with 31 weeks due to fetal distress. A male newborn infant with birth weight of 1800g and Apgar score of 4/9 presented a large right cervical tumor, with extensions to the mandible and to the upper chest. Patient presented congestive heart failure due to flow steal by the tumor 40 hours after birth, which caused progressive respiratory, hemodynamic and renal deterioration refractory to vasopressors, volume replacement and increased ventilatory support. Tumor resection was indicated, but the clinical instability of the patient did not allow his transport to the operating room and the infant died 70 hours after birth. COMMENTS: The case is representative of the difficulties related to postnatal treatment of bulky cervical teratomas. Despite prenatal diagnosis, the patient developed airway obstruction, complicated by refractory cardiogenic shock. The surgical approach during delivery is crucial for survival. Nowadays, management includes surgical removal of the tumor while maintaining the maternal-fetal circulation, allowing continuous fetal oxygenation. The clinical course described in the case is consistent with the literature that reports poor prognosis when the intra-partum surgical approach is not performed.OBJETIVO: Relatar um caso de teratoma cervical congênito, destacando a gravidade e as dificuldades terapêuticas associadas. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Mãe de 30 anos, com gestação por fertilização assistida. Com 23 semanas, diagnosticada malformação cervical fetal à direita. Parto cesáreo por indicação fetal com 31 semanas. Recém-nascido masculino, peso ao nascer de 1800g, Apgar 4 e 9, com volumoso processo expansivo à direita, ocupando toda a região cervical, comprometendo a mandíbula e estendendo-se para o terço superior do tórax. Com 40 horas de vida, apresentou insuficiência cardíaca congestiva de alto débito por roubo de fluxo pelo tumor. A partir de 54 horas de vida, houve progressiva deterioração hemodinâmica e respiratória, com hipotensão, anúria e labilidade de oxigenação, refratárias às aminas vasoativas, reposição de volume e aumento do suporte ventilatório. Indicada abordagem cirúrgica para ressecção tumoral, todavia o paciente não apresentou estabilidade clínica que permitisse seu transporte ao centro cirúrgico e faleceu com 70 horas de vida. COMENTÁRIOS: O caso demonstra as dificuldades relacionadas à abordagem pós-natal dos teratomas cervicais volumosos. Apesar do diagnóstico pré-natal, o paciente evoluiu com obstrução de vias aéreas, complicada por um choque cardiogênico refratário, que culminou no óbito. A abordagem intraparto é fundamental nesses pacientes, consistindo em exérese tumoral, enquanto a manutenção da circulação materno-fetal permite a oxigenação fetal contínua. A evolução neonatal no caso descrito é condizente com a literatura que mostra prognóstico reservado quando não é realizada a abordagem cirúrgica intraparto.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Adaptação cultural para o português do Brasil da escala de avaliação de dor Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability revised(FLACCr)

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    Objective: to perform the translation into Brazilian Portuguese and cultural adaptation of the Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability revised (FLACCr) scale, with children under 18 years old, affected by cerebral palsy, presenting or not cognitive impairment and unable to report their pain.Method: methodological development study of translation into Portuguese and cultural adaptation of the FLACCr. After approval by the ethics committee, the process aimed at translation and back-translation, evaluation of translation and back-translation using the Delphi technique and assessment of cultural equivalence. The process included the five categories of the scale and the four application instructions, considering levels of agreement equal to or greater than 80%.Results: it was necessary three rounds of the Delphi technique to achieve consensus among experts. The agreement achieved for the five categories was: Face 95.5%, Legs 90%, Activity 94.4%, Cry 94.4% and Consolability 99.4%. The four instructions achieved the following consensus levels: 1st 99.1%, 2nd 99.2%, 3rd 99.1% and 4th 98.3%.Conclusion: the method enabled the translation and cultural adaptation of the FLACCr. This is a study able to expand the knowledge of Brazilian professionals on pain assessment in children with CPObjetivo:realizar la traducción para el portugués de Brasil y la adaptación cultural de la escala, Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability revised(FLACCr), con niños menores de 18 años de edad, afectados por la parálisis cerebral, presentando o no deterioro cognitivo y que no pueden comunicar su dolor.Método:estudio de desarrollo metodológico de traducción al portugués y adaptación cultural de la FLACCr. Después de la aprobación por el comité de ética, el proceso incluyó la traducción y retrotraducción, evaluación de la traducción y retrotraducción utilizando la técnica Delphi y evaluación de la equivalencia cultural. El proceso incluyó las cinco categorías de la escala y las cuatro orientaciones de aplicación, teniendo en cuenta nivel de concordancia igual o superior al 80%.Resultados:fueron necesarios tres ciclos de la técnica Delphi para el consenso entre los jueces. La concordancia obtenida para las cinco categorías fue: Cara 95,5%, Piernas 90%, Actividad 94,4%, Llanto 94,4% y Capacidad de Consuelo 99,4%. Las cuatro orientaciones alcanzaron los siguientes niveles de consenso: 1ª 99,1%, 2ª 99,2%, 3ª 99,1% y 4ª 98,3%.Conclusión:el método permitió el desarrollo de la traducción y adaptación cultural de la FLACCr. Este estudio fue capaz de aumentar el conocimiento de los profesionales brasileños en la evaluación del dolor en niños con PC.Objetivo:realizar a tradução para a língua portuguesa do Brasil e adaptação cultural da escala Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability revised(FLACCr), com crianças de até 18 anos de idade, acometidas por paralisia cerebral, apresentando ou não comprometimento cognitivo e impossibilitadas de relatar sua dor.Método:estudo de desenvolvimento metodológico de tradução para o português e adaptação cultural da FLACCr. Após aprovação do comitê de ética, o processo contemplou tradução e retrotradução, avaliação da tradução e da retrotradução utilizando a técnica de Delphi e avaliação da equivalência cultural. O processo incluiu as cinco categorias da escala e as quatro orientações de aplicação, considerando nível de concordância igual ou maior a 80%.Resultados:foram necessários três ciclos da técnica de Delphi para consenso entre os juízes. A concordância obtida para as cinco categorias foi: Face 95,5%, Pernas 90%, Atividade 94,4%, Choro 94,4% e Consolabilidade 99,4%. As quatro orientações alcançaram os seguintes níveis de consenso: 1ª 99,1%, 2ª 99,2%, 3ª 99,1% e 4ª 98,3%.Conclusão:o método possibilitou o desenvolvimento da tradução e adaptação cultural da FLACCr. Sendo um estudo capaz de ampliar o conhecimento de profissionais brasileiros sobre a avaliação da dor em crianças com PC

    Perception of pain and distress in intubated and mechanically ventilated newborn infants by parents and health professionals

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    Background: An understanding of perceptions of parents and health caregivers who assist critically ill neonates is necessary to comprehend their actions and demands. Therefore this study aim to analyze the agreement among parents, nurse technicians and pediatricians regarding the presence and intensity of pain and distress in mechanically ventilated and intubated newborn infants.Methods: Cross-sectional study comprising 52 infants and 52 trios of adults composed of one parent, one nurse technician, and one pediatrician who all observed the same infant. All infants were intubated and under mechanical ventilation and were not handled during the observations. Each newborn was simultaneously observed by the trio of adults for 1 minute to evaluate the presence of pain and distress. the intensity of pain and distress that the adults believed was felt by the infants was marked in a visual analogical scale. Adults' agreement about the simultaneous presence of pain and distress in each infant was analyzed by marginal homogeneity and Cochran tests. the agreement about the intensity of pain and distress in each infant was studied by Bland-Altman plot and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC).Results: the assessments of pain and distress were heterogeneous in all three investigated groups of adults as determined by the results of a Bland-Altman plot. the presence of distress was more frequently reported compared with pain (marginal heterogeneity, p < 0.01). the pain and distress scores in each adult group were not correlated as shown by ICC [parents, 0.36 (95% CI: 0.01-0.63); nurses 0.47 (0.23-0.66); pediatricians, 0.46 (0.22-0.65)].Conclusions: Adults systematically underscore pain in comparison to distress in mechanically ventilated newborns, without recognizing the association between them.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Catanduva, SP, BrazilFac Integradas Padre Albino, Fac Med Catanduva, Catanduva, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Div Neonatal Med, BR-01410020 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Catanduva, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Div Neonatal Med, BR-01410020 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Identification of pain in neonates by medical students, residents in pediatrics and neonatology

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Learning about the painful phenomenon during medical qualification shapes future clinical practice. This study aimed at evaluating the perception and understanding of pain in neonates (NN) by medical students, residents in Pediatrics and Neonatology. METHOD: Cross-sectional study with 180 students from the 1st to the 6th year of Medicine, 42 residents in Pediatrics and 20 residents in Neonatology, from 2009 to 2010. Twelve theoretical questions about NN pain were applied. Respondents examined 3 photos: premature under mechanical ventilation, term baby receiving injection and pre-term baby submitted to tracheal aspiration, and scored pain intensity in the visual analog scale. Each student examined 2 panels with 8 photos of the face of 2 term NN, being one photo per panel with facial mimic of pain; and the student would point the photo of the NN with pain. Chi-square and ANOVA were used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: Mean number of right answers for theoretical questions has increased from 9 among students of the 1st and 2nd year of the medical course, to 11 for residents in Neonatology. Less than 75% of respondents have identified the painful face in panels 1 and 2, with no difference between students and residents. There has been no difference between students and residents in scores for the two premature photos. For the term NN receiving injection, residents in Pediatrics (p = 0.008) and Neonatology (p = 0.036) have scored more pain than students of the 3rd and 4th year of the Medical course. CONCLUSION: Medical course students and residents were no different in identifying pain in neonates.JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O aprendizado a respeito do fenômeno doloroso durante a formação médica molda a prática clínica futura. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a percepção e o conhecimento dos alunos de graduação em Medicina, residentes de Pediatria e de Neonatologia a respeito da dor no recém-nascido (RN). MÉTODO: Estudo transversal com 180 alunos do 1º ao 6º anos de Medicina, 42 residentes de Pediatria e 20 de Neonatologia, no período de 2009 e 2010. Foram aplicadas 12 questões teóricas sobre dor no RN. Os entrevistados examinaram 3 fotos: prematuro em ventilação mecânica, a termo recebendo injeção e pré-termo submetido à aspiração traqueal, e assinalaram em escala analógica visual a intensidade da dor. Cada aluno examinou 2 painéis de 8 fotos da face de dois RN a termo, sendo 1 foto por painel com mímica facial de dor presente; e o aluno apontava a foto do RN com dor. Na análise estatística empregaram-se os testes Qui-quadrado e ANOVA. RESULTADOS: Nas questões teóricas, o número médio de acertos se elevou de 9 nos alunos do 1º e 2º anos do curso de Medicina, para 11 nos residentes em Neonatologia. Nos painéis 1 e 2, menos de 75% dos entrevistados reconheceram a face de dor, sem diferenças entre alunos e residentes. Não houve diferenças entre alunos e residentes quanto aos escores assinalados para as duas fotos do prematuro. Para o RN a termo recebendo injeção, os residentes em Pediatria (p = 0,008) e Neonatologia (p = 0,036) atribuíram mais dor do que os alunos do 3º e 4º anos do curso médico. CONCLUSÃO: Os alunos do curso de medicina e residentes não diferiram quanto ao reconhecimento da presença de dor em recém-nascidos.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Curso de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Disciplina Pediatria NeonatalUNIFESP, EPM, Curso de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPM, Disciplina Pediatria NeonatalSciEL