34 research outputs found

    Behavioral Profiles of Affected and Unaffected Siblings of Children with Autism: Contribution of Measures of Mother–Infant Interaction and Nonverbal Communication

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    We investigated whether deficits in social gaze and affect and in joint attention behaviors are evident within the first year of life among siblings of children with autism who go on to be diagnosed with autism or ASD (ASD) and siblings who are non-diagnosed (NoASD-sib) compared to low-risk controls. The ASD group did not differ from the other two groups at 6 months of age in the frequency of gaze, smiles, and vocalizations directed toward the caregiver, nor in their sensitivity to her withdrawal from interaction. However, by 12 months, infants in the ASD group exhibited lower rates of joint attention and requesting behaviors. In contrast, NoASD-sibs did not differ from comparison infants on any variables of interest at 6 and 12 months

    Randomised controlled trial of improvisational music therapy's effectiveness for children with autism spectrum disorders (TIME-A): study protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous research has suggested that music therapy may facilitate skills in areas typically affected by autism spectrum disorders such as social interaction and communication. However, generalisability of previous findings has been restricted, as studies were limited in either methodological accuracy or the clinical relevance of their approach. The aim of this study is to determine effects of improvisational music therapy on social communication skills of children with autism spectrum disorders. An additional aim of the study is to examine if variation in dose of treatment (i.e., number of music therapy sessions per week) affects outcome of therapy, and to determine cost-effectiveness.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>Children aged between 4;0 and 6;11 years who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder will be randomly assigned to one of three conditions. Parents of all participants will receive three sessions of parent counselling (at 0, 2, and 5 months). In addition, children randomised to the two intervention groups will be offered individual, improvisational music therapy over a period of five months, either one session (low-intensity) or three sessions (high-intensity) per week. Generalised effects of music therapy will be measured using standardised scales completed by blinded assessors (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, ADOS) and parents (Social Responsiveness Scale, SRS) before and 2, 5, and 12 months after randomisation. Cost effectiveness will be calculated as man years. A group sequential design with first interim look at N = 235 will ensure both power and efficiency.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Responding to the need for more rigorously designed trials examining the effectiveness of music therapy in autism spectrum disorders, this pragmatic trial sets out to generate findings that will be well generalisable to clinical practice. Addressing the issue of dose variation, this study's results will also provide information on the relevance of session frequency for therapy outcome.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN78923965">ISRCTN78923965</a>.</p

    Deformation analysis of a metropolis from C- to X-band PSI: proof-of-concept with Cosmo-Skymed over Rome, Italy

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    Stability of monuments and subsidence of residential quarters in Rome (Italy) are depicted based on geospatial analysis of more than 310,000 Persistent Scatterers (PS) obtained from Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterers (StaMPS) processing of 32 COSMO-SkyMed 3m-resolution HH StripMap ascending mode scenes acquired between 21 March 2011 and 10 June 2013. COSMO-SkyMed PS densities and associated displacement velocities are compared with almost 20 years of historical C-band ERS- 1/2, ENVISAT and RADARSAT-1/2 imagery. Accounting for differences in image processing algorithms and satellite acquisition geometries, we assess the feasibility of ground motion monitoring in big cities and metropolitan areas by coupling newly acquired and legacy SAR in full time series. Limitations and operational benefits of the transition from medium resolution C-band to high resolution X-band PS data are discussed, alongside the potential impact on the management of expanding urban environments

    Complementary feeding: a Global Network cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Inadequate and inappropriate complementary feeding are major factors contributing to excess morbidity and mortality in young children in low resource settings. Animal source foods in particular are cited as essential to achieve micronutrient requirements. The efficacy of the recommendation for regular meat consumption, however, has not been systematically evaluated. Methods/Design: A cluster randomized efficacy trial was designed to test the hypothesis that 12 months of daily intake of beef added as a complementary food would result in greater linear growth velocity than a micronutrient fortified equi-caloric rice-soy cereal supplement. The study is being conducted in 4 sites of the Global Network for Women\u27s and Children\u27s Health Research located in Guatemala, Pakistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Zambia in communities with toddler stunting rates of at least 20%. Five clusters per country were randomized to each of the food arms, with 30 infants in each cluster. The daily meat or cereal supplement was delivered to the home by community coordinators, starting when the infants were 6 months of age and continuing through 18 months. All participating mothers received nutrition education messages to enhance complementary feeding practices delivered by study coordinators and through posters at the local health center. Outcome measures, obtained at 6, 9, 12, and 18 months by a separate assessment team, included anthropometry, dietary variety and diversity scores, biomarkers of iron, zinc and Vitamin B(12) status (18 months), neurocognitive development (12 and 18 months), and incidence of infectious morbidity throughout the trial. The trial was supervised by a trial steering committee, and an independent data monitoring committee provided oversight for the safety and conduct of the trial. Discussion: Findings from this trial will test the efficacy of daily intake of meat commencing at age 6 months and, if beneficial, will provide a strong rationale for global efforts to enhance local supplies of meat as a complementary food for young children

    Parental attitude toward unaccompanied clinic visits of adolescents

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    Changes in ocean denitrification during Late Carboniferous glacial–interglacial cycles

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    Denitrification (the process by which nitrate and nitrite are reduced to nitrogen gas) in the oxygen-minimum zones of modern oceans is an important part of the global nitrogen cycle. Variations in rates of denitrification over Quaternary glacial-interglacial timescales may have affected global climate. Evidence of denitrification has been reported from some older marine systems, but it is unclear whether denitrification rates varied during pre-Quaternary glacial cycles. Here we present ratios of organic carbon to nitrogen and nitrogen isotope data from the Upper Carboniferous black shales of the North American mid-continent. In these cyclic deposits, we find evidence of variations in the intensity of denitrification in the eastern tropical Panthalassic Ocean associated with glacially driven sea-level changes. Sedimentary 15N increases during the interval of rapid sea-level rise in each cycle, indicative of intensified denitrification, before returning to background levels as sea level stabilized during the interglacial phase. Nearly identical patterns of denitrification have been observed in the eastern tropical Pacific during the Quaternary period. We therefore conclude that ice ages have produced similar oceanographic conditions and nitrogen cycle dynamics in these regions over the past 300 million years. © 2008 Macmillan Publishers Limited

    Hábitos alimentares de crianças eutróficas e com sobrepeso em Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil Food habits of well nourished and overweight children in Viçosa, Minas Gerais state, Brazil

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar os hábitos alimentares entre crianças eutróficas e com sobrepeso. MÉTODOS: Estudo caso-controle com 50 crianças eutróficas e 50 com sobrepeso, pareadas de acordo com o sexo, idade e condição socioeconômica, selecionadas a partir da avaliação nutricional de 2.074 crianças, entre 6 e 8 anos, de escolas públicas e privadas da área urbana de Viçosa, Minas Gerais. O estado nutricional foi classificado pelo Índice de Massa Corporal, segundo o Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Um questionário de freqüência alimentar seletivo de alimentos que contribuem para o sobrepeso, bem como recordatórios alimentares habituais relativos aos dias de semana e finais de semana foram aplicados, sendo, nestes últimos, avaliada a ingestão de energia, carboidrato, lipídio, proteína, vitamina C, vitamina A, ferro, cálcio e fibras. Um quarto questionário foi aplicado, a fim de analisar a prática de realizar dietas pelas crianças. RESULTADOS: Destaca-se a excessiva ingestão de alimentos pelo grupo com sobrepeso, evidenciando um maior consumo de energia, lipídio, carboidrato, proteína, vitamina C e vitamina A (p<0,05). Entretanto, os hábitos alimentares foram semelhantes em ambos os grupos. Um maior percentual de crianças com sobrepeso tinha hábito, passado e/ou atual, de realizar dietas (p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo confirma a importância do trabalho de reeducação nutricional, tanto em crianças eutróficas quanto naquelas com sobrepeso, ressaltando a necessidade de uma alimentação mais saudável e variada nesta faixa etária, bem como a conscientização quanto ao tamanho das porções ingeridas pelas crianças com sobrepeso.<br>OBJECTIVE: To compare the food habits between well nourished and overweight children. METHODS: Case-control study with 50 well nourished children and 50 overweight children, paired by gender, age and socioeconomic conditions. They were selected from the nutritional assessment of 2074 children aging from 6 to 8 years, enrolled in public and private schools of the urban area of Viçosa, Minas Gerais State. Nutritional status was classified according to the Body Mass Index criteria of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. A food frequency questionnaire with the foods that contribute to overweight as well as the usual food recalls regarding week and weekend days were applied. The food recalls were also used to determine intake of energy, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, calcium and fibers. A fourth questionnaire was applied in order to determine if the children had the habit of going on diets. RESULTS: Food intake among overweight children was excessive. They had a higher intake of energy, lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamin C and vitamin A (p<0.05). However, the food habits were similar in both groups. A high percentage of overweight children had the habit or have the habit of dieting (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: This study confirms the importance of educating both well nourished and overweight children with respect to diet. They need a healthier and more varied diet, especially at this age, and the overweight children need to make smaller meals