758 research outputs found

    Reaching millennium development goal 4 - the Gambia.

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    UNLABELLED: To describe how, through a DSS in a rural area of The Gambia, it has been possible to measure substantial reductions in child mortality rates and how we investigated whether the decline paralleled the registered fall in malaria incidence in the country. METHODS: Demographic surveillance data spanning 19.5 years (1 April 1989-30 September 2008) from 42 villages around the town of Farafenni, The Gambia, were used to estimate childhood mortality rates for neonatal, infant, child (1-4 years) and under-5 age groups. Data were presented in five a priori defined time periods, and annual rates per 1000 live births were derived from Kaplan-Meier survival probabilities. RESULTS: From 1989-1992 to 2004-2008, under-5 mortality declined by 56% (95% CI: 48-63%), from 165 (95% CI: 151-181) per 1000 live births to 74 (95% CI: 65-84) per 1000 live births. In 1- to 4-year-olds, mortality during the period 2004-2008 was 69% (95% CI: 60-76%) less than in 1989-1992. The corresponding mortality decline in infants was 39% (95% CI: 23-52%); in neonates, it was 38% (95% CI: 13-66%). The derived annual under-5 mortality rates declined from 159 per 1000 live births in 1990 to 45 per 1000 live births in 2008, thus implying an attainment of MDG4 seven years in advance of the target year of 2015. CONCLUSION: Achieving MDG4 is possible in poor, rural areas of Africa through widespread deployment of relatively simple measures that improve child survival, such as immunisation and effective malaria control

    Fracture toughness of the cancellous bone of FNF femoral heads in relation to its microarchitecture

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    This study considers the relationship between microarchitecture and mechanical properties for cancellous bone specimens collected from a cohort of patients who had suffered fractured necks of femur. OP is an acute skeletal condition with huge socioeconomic impact [1] and it is associated with changes in both bone quantity and quality [2], which affect greatly the strength and toughness of the tissue [3].Support was provided by the EPSRC (EP/K020196: Point-ofCare High Accuracy Fracture Risk Prediction), the UK Department of Transport under the BOSCOS (Bone Scanning for Occupant Safety) project, and approved by Gloucester and Cheltenham NHS Trust hospitals under ethical consent (BOSCOS – Mr. Curwen CI REC ref 01/179G)

    Controlling crystal symmetries in phase-field crystal models

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    We investigate the possibility to control the symmetry of ordered states in phase-field crystal models by tuning nonlinear resonances. In two dimensions, we find that a state of square symmetry as well as coexistence between squares and hexagons can be easily obtained. In contrast, it is delicate to obtain coexistence of squares and liquid. We develop a general method for constructing free energy functionals that exhibit solid-liquid coexistence with desired crystal symmetries. As an example, we develop a free energy functional for square-liquid coexistence in two dimensions. A systematic analysis for determining the parameters of the necessary nonlinear terms is provided. The implications of our findings for simulations of materials with simple cubic symmetry are discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    A multi-centre qualitative study exploring the experiences of UK South Asian and White Diabetic Patients referred for renal care

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    Background An exploration of renal complications of diabetes from the patient perspective is important for developing quality care through the diabetic renal disease care pathway. Methods Newly referred South Asian and White diabetic renal patients over 16 years were recruited from nephrology outpatient clinics in three UK centres - Luton, West London and Leicester – and their experiences of the diabetes and renal care recorded. A semi-structured qualitative interview was conducted with 48 patients. Interview transcripts were analysed thematically and comparisons made between the White and South Asian groups. Results 23 South Asian patients and 25 White patients were interviewed. Patient experience of diabetes ranged from a few months to 35 years with a mean time since diagnosis of 12.1 years and 17.1 years for the South Asian and White patients respectively. Confusion emerged as a response to referral shared by both groups. This sense of confusion was associated with reported lack of information at the time of referral, but also before referral. Language barriers exacerbated confusion for South Asian patients. Conclusions The diabetic renal patients who have been referred for specialist renal care and found the referral process confusing have poor of awareness of kidney complications of diabetes. Healthcare providers should be more aware of the ongoing information needs of long term diabetics as well as the context of any information exchange including language barriers

    'Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place': Anti-discrimination Legislation in the Liberal State and the Fate of the Australian Disability Discrimination Act

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    This article offers a critical analysis of some of the practical implications for disabled people of the Disability Discrimination Act of 1992. Specifically, it raises questions about politics and the role of the law as an instrument of social change?taking greater account of the interests of disabled people?on the one hand, and of the reliance of the social model of disability on a strategy based upon legal rights on the other. The article also suggests that the constraining effects of Australia's constitutional protections of rights and its federal system of government hinder the mildly progressive elements of the Disability Discrimination Act. To illustrate this, the paper employs empirical evidence to suggest that these effects have been exacerbated by the passage of the Human Rights Legislation Amendment Act in 1999

    Evaluating Charge Equilibration Methods To Generate Electrostatic Fields in Nanoporous Materials

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    Charge equilibration (Qeq) methods can estimate the electrostatic potential of molecules and periodic frameworks by assigning point charges to each atom, using only a small fraction of the resources needed to compute density functional (DFT)-derived charges. This makes possible, for example, the computational screening of thousands of microporous structures to assess their performance for the adsorption of polar molecules. Recently, different variants of the original Qeq scheme were proposed to improve the quality of the computed point charges. One focus of this research was to improve the gas adsorption predictions in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), for which many different structures are available. In this work, we review the evolution of the method from the original Qeq scheme, understanding the role of the different modifications on the final output. We evaluated the result of combining different protocols and set of parameters, by comparing the Qeq charges with high quality DFT-derived DDEC charges for 2338 MOF structures. We focused on the systematic errors that are attributable to specific atom types to quantify the final precision that one can expect from Qeq methods in the context of gas adsorption where the electrostatic potential plays a significant role, namely, CO2 and H2S adsorption. In conclusion, both the type of algorithm and the input parameters have a large impact on the resulting charges, and we draw some guidelines to help the user to choose the proper combination of the two for obtaining a meaningful set of charges. We show that, considering this set of MOFs, the accuracy of the original Qeq scheme is often still comparable with the most recent variants, even if it clearly fails in the presence of certain atom types, such as alkali metals

    Comparative significance of invasive measures of microvascular injury in acute myocardial infarction

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    Background: The resistive reserve ratio (RRR) expresses the ratio between basal and hyperemic microvascular resistance. RRR measures the vasodilatory capacity of the microcirculation. We compared RRR, index of microcirculatory resistance (IMR), and coronary flow reserve (CFR) for predicting microvascular obstruction (MVO), myocardial hemorrhage, infarct size, and clinical outcomes, after ST-segment–elevation myocardial infarction. Methods: In the T-TIME trial (Trial of Low-Dose Adjunctive Alteplase During Primary PCI), 440 patients with acute ST-segment–elevation myocardial infarction from 11 UK hospitals were prospectively enrolled. In a subset of 144 patients, IMR, CFR, and RRR were measured post-primary percutaneous coronary intervention. MVO extent (% left ventricular mass) was determined by cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging at 2 to 7 days. Infarct size was determined at 3 months. One-year major adverse cardiac events, heart failure hospitalizations, and all-cause death/heart failure hospitalizations were assessed. Results: In these 144 patients (mean age, 59±11 years, 80% male), median IMR was 29.5 (interquartile range: 17.0–55.0), CFR was 1.4 (1.1–2.0), and RRR was 1.7 (1.3–2.3). MVO occurred in 41% of patients. IMR>40 was multivariably associated with more MVO (coefficient, 0.53 [95% CI, 0.05–1.02]; P=0.031), myocardial hemorrhage presence (odds ratio [OR], 3.20 [95% CI, 1.25–8.24]; P=0.016), and infarct size (coefficient, 5.05 [95% CI, 0.84–9.26]; P=0.019), independently of CFR≤2.0, RRR≤1.7, myocardial perfusion grade≤1, and Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction frame count. RRR was multivariably associated with MVO extent (coefficient, −0.60 [95% CI, −0.97 to −0.23]; P=0.002), myocardial hemorrhage presence (OR, 0.34 [95% CI, 0.15–0.75]; P=0.008), and infarct size (coefficient, −3.41 [95% CI, −6.76 to −0.06]; P=0.046). IMR>40 was associated with heart failure hospitalization (OR, 5.34 [95% CI, 1.80–15.81] P=0.002), major adverse cardiac events (OR, 4.46 [95% CI, 1.70–11.70] P=0.002), and all-cause death/ heart failure hospitalization (OR, 4.08 [95% CI, 1.55–10.79] P=0.005). RRR was associated with heart failure hospitalization (OR, 0.44 [95% CI, 0.19–0.99] P=0.047). CFR was not associated with infarct characteristics or clinical outcomes. Conclusions: In acute ST-segment–elevationl infarction, IMR and RRR, but not CFR, were associated with MVO, myocardial hemorrhage, infarct size, and clinical outcomes

    Study Protocol for the COVID-19 Pandemic Adjustment Survey (CPAS): A Longitudinal Study of Australian Parents of a Child 0–18 Years

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic presents significant risks to the mental health and wellbeing of Australian families. Employment and economic uncertainty, chronic stress, anxiety, and social isolation are likely to have negative impacts on parent mental health, couple and family relationships, as well as child health and development. Objective: This study aims to: (1) provide timely information on the mental health impacts of the emerging COVID-19 crisis in a close to representative sample of Australian parents and children (0–18 years), (2) identify adults and families most at risk of poor mental health outcomes, and (3) identify factors to target through clinical and public health intervention to reduce risk. Specifically, this study will investigate the extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic is associated with increased risk for parents’ mental health, lower well-being, loneliness, and alcohol use; parent-parent and parent-child relationships (both verbal and physical); and child and adolescent mental health problems. Methods: The study aims to recruit a close to representative sample of at least 2,000 adults aged 18 years and over living in Australia who are parents of a child 0–4 years (early childhood, N = 400), 5–12 years (primary school N = 800), and 13–18 years (secondary school, N = 800). The design will be a longitudinal cohort study using an online recruitment methodology. Participants will be invited to complete an online baseline self-report survey (20 min) followed by a series of shorter online surveys (10 min) scheduled every 2 weeks for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic (i.e., estimated to be 14 surveys over 6 months). Results: The study will employ post stratification weights to address differences between the final sample and the national population in geographic communities across Australia. Associations will be analyzed using multilevel modeling with time-variant and time-invariant predictors of change in trajectory over the testing period. Conclusions: This study will provide timely information on the mental health impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on parents and children in Australia; identify communities, parents, families, and children most at risk of poor outcomes; and identify potential factors to address in clinical and public health interventions to reduce risk

    Low-dose alteplase during primary percutaneous coronary intervention according to ischemic time

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    Background: Microvascular obstruction affects one-half of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and confers an adverse prognosis. Objectives: This study aimed to determine whether the efficacy and safety of a therapeutic strategy involving low-dose intracoronary alteplase infused early after coronary reperfusion associates with ischemic time. Methods: This study was conducted in a prospective, multicenter, parallel group, 1:1:1 randomized, dose-ranging trial in patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Ischemic time, defined as the time from symptom onset to coronary reperfusion, was a pre-specified subgroup of interest. Between March 17, 2016, and December 21, 2017, 440 patients, presenting with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction within 6 h of symptom onset (<2 h, n = 107; ≥2 h but <4 h, n = 235; ≥4 h to 6 h, n = 98), were enrolled at 11 U.K. hospitals. Participants were randomly assigned to treatment with placebo (n = 151), alteplase 10 mg (n = 144), or alteplase 20 mg (n = 145). The primary outcome was the amount of microvascular obstruction (MVO) (percentage of left ventricular mass) quantified by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging at 2 to 7 days (available for 396 of 440). Results: Overall, there was no association between alteplase dose and the extent of MVO (p for trend = 0.128). However, in patients with an ischemic time ≥4 to 6 h, alteplase increased the mean extent of MVO compared with placebo: 1.14% (placebo) versus 3.11% (10 mg) versus 5.20% (20 mg); p = 0.009 for the trend. The interaction between ischemic time and alteplase dose was statistically significant (p = 0.018). Conclusion: In patients presenting with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and an ischemic time ≥4 to 6 h, adjunctive treatment with low-dose intracoronary alteplase during primary percutaneous coronary intervention was associated with increased MVO. Intracoronary alteplase may be harmful for this subgroup. (A Trial of Low-Dose Adjunctive Alteplase During Primary PCI [T-TIME]; NCT02257294