122 research outputs found

    Gene Expression Profiling and Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Identify DBN1, SETMAR and HIG2 as Direct Targets of SOX11 in Mantle Cell Lymphoma

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    The SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 11 (SOX11) gene, located on chromosome 2p25, encodes for a transcription factor that is involved in tissue remodeling during embryogenesis and is crucial for neurogenesis. The role for SOX11 in hematopoiesis has not yet been defined. Two genes under direct control of SOX11 are the class- III β-tubulin gene (TUBB3) in neural cells and the transcription factor TEA domain family member 2 (TEAD2) in neural and mesenchymal progenitor cells. Normal, mature lymphocytes lack SOX11 but express SOX4, another member of the same group of SOX transcription factors. We and others recently identified SOX11 as aberrantly expressed in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). Since SOX11 is variably expressed in MCL it may not be essential for tumorigenesis, but may carry prognostic information. Currently, no specific functional effects have been linked to SOX11 expression in MCL and it is not known which genes are under influence of SOX11 in lymphoma. In this study we found variable expression of SOX11, SOX4 and SOX12 mRNA in mantle cell lymphoma cell lines. Downregulation of SOX11 expression by siRNA verified that SOX11 controlled the expression of the gene TUBB3 in the MCL cell line Granta 519. Furthermore we identified, by global gene expression analysis, 26 new target genes influenced by siRNA SOX11 downmodulation. Among these genes, DBN1, SETMAR and HIG2 were found to be significantly correlated to SOX11 expression in two cohorts of primary mantle cell lymphomas. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis showed that these genes are direct targets of the SOX11 protein. In spite of almost complete downregulation of the SOX11 protein no significant effects on Granta 519 cell proliferation or survival in short term in vitro experiments was found. In summary we have identified a number of genes influenced by SOX11 expression in MCL cell lines and primary MCL. Among these genes, DBN1, SETMAR and HIG2 are direct transcriptional targets of the SOX11 protein

    Identification and Typing of Human Enterovirus: A Genomic Barcode Approach

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    Identification and typing of human enterovirus (HEVs) are important to pathogen detection and therapy. Previous phylogeny-based typing methods are mainly based on multiple sequence alignments of specific genes in the HEVs, but the results are not stable with respect to different choices of genes. Here we report a novel method for identification and typing of HEVs based on information derived from their whole genomes. Specifically, we calculate the k-mer based barcode image for each genome, HEV or other human viruses, for a fixed k, 1<k<7, where a genome barcode is defined in terms of the k-mer frequency distribution across the whole genome for all combinations of k-mers. A phylogenetic tree is constructed using a barcode-based distance and a neighbor-joining method among a set of 443 representative non-HEV human viruses and 395 HEV sequences. The tree shows a clear separation of the HEV viruses from all the non-HEV viruses with 100% accuracy and a separation of the HEVs into four distinct clads with 93.4% consistency with a multiple sequence alignment-based phylogeny. Our detailed analyses of the HEVs having different typing results by the two methods indicate that our results are in better agreement with known information about the HEVs

    Inhibition of the Intrinsic but Not the Extrinsic Apoptosis Pathway Accelerates and Drives Myc-Driven Tumorigenesis Towards Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Myc plays an important role in tumor development, including acute myeloid leukemia (AML). However, MYC is also a powerful inducer of apoptosis, which is one of the major failsafe programs to prevent cancer development. To clarify the relative importance of the extrinsic (death receptor-mediated) versus the intrinsic (mitochondrial) pathway of apoptosis in MYC-driven AML, we coexpressed MYC together with anti-apoptotic proteins of relevance for AML; BCL-XL/BCL-2 (inhibiting the intrinsic pathway) or FLIPL (inhibiting the extrinsic pathway), in hematopoietic stems cells (HSCs). Transplantation of HSCs expressing MYC into syngeneic recipient mice resulted in development of AML and T-cell lymphomas within 7–9 weeks as expected. Importantly, coexpression of MYC together with BCL-XL/BCL-2 resulted in strongly accelerated kinetics and favored tumor development towards aggressive AML. In contrast, coexpression of MYC and FLIPL did neither accelerate tumorigenesis nor change the ratio of AML versus T-cell lymphoma. However, a change in distribution of immature CD4+CD8+ versus mature CD4+ T-cell lymphoma was observed in MYC/FLIPL mice, possibly as a result of increased survival of the CD4+ population, but this did not significantly affect the outcome of the disease. In conclusion, our findings provide direct evidence that BCL-XL and BCL-2 but not FLIPL acts in synergy with MYC to drive AML development

    Performance of Detecting IgM Antibodies against Enterovirus 71 for Early Diagnosis

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    Enterovirus 71 (EV71) infection is more likely to induce severe complications and mortality than other enteroviruses. Methods for detection of IgM antibody against EV71 had been established for years, however, the performance of the methods in the very early diagnosis of EV71 infection had not been fully evaluated, which is especially meaningful because of the short incubation period of EV71 infection. In this report, the performance of an IgM anti-EV71 assay was evaluated using acute sera collected from 165 EV71 infected patients, 165 patients infected with other enteroviruses, and more than 2,000 sera from healthy children or children with other infected diseases. The results showed a 90% sensitivity in 20 patients who were in their first illness day, and similar sensitivity remained till 4 days after onset. After then the sensitivity increased to 95% to 100% for more than one month. The specificity of the assay in non-HFMD children is 99.1% (95% CI: 98.6–99.4), similar as the 99.9% specificity in healthy adults. The cross-reaction rate in patients infected with other non-EV71 enteroviruses was 11.4%. In conclusion, the data here presented show that the detection of IgM anti-EV71 by ELISA affords a reliable, convenient, and prompt diagnosis of EV71 infection

    Ras activation of Erk restores impaired tonic BCR signaling and rescues immature B cell differentiation

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    B cell receptors (BCRs) generate tonic signals critical for B cell survival and early B cell development. To determine whether these signals also mediate the development of transitional and mature B cells, we examined B cell development using a mouse strain in which nonautoreactive immunoglobulin heavy and light chain–targeted B cells express low surface BCR levels. We found that reduced BCR expression translated into diminished tonic BCR signals that strongly impaired the development of transitional and mature B cells. Constitutive expression of Bcl-2 did not rescue the differentiation of BCR-low B cells, suggesting that this defect was not related to decreased cell survival. In contrast, activation of the Ras pathway rescued the differentiation of BCR-low immature B cells both in vitro and in vivo, whereas extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk) inhibition impaired the differentiation of normal immature B cells. These results strongly suggest that tonic BCR signaling mediates the differentiation of immature into transitional and mature B cells via activation of Erk, likely through a pathway requiring Ras

    New Role for Cdc14 Phosphatase: Localization to Basal Bodies in the Oomycete Phytophthora and Its Evolutionary Coinheritance with Eukaryotic Flagella

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    Cdc14 protein phosphatases are well known for regulating the eukaryotic cell cycle, particularly during mitosis. Here we reveal a distinctly new role for Cdc14 based on studies of the microbial eukaryote Phytophthora infestans, the Irish potato famine agent. While Cdc14 is transcribed constitutively in yeast and animal cells, the P. infestans ortholog is expressed exclusively in spore stages of the life cycle and not in vegetative hyphae where the bulk of mitosis takes place. PiCdc14 expression is first detected in nuclei at sporulation, and during zoospore formation the protein accumulates at the basal body, which is the site from which flagella develop. The association of PiCdc14 with basal bodies was supported by co-localization studies with the DIP13 basal body protein and flagellar β-tubulin, and by demonstrating the enrichment of PiCdc14 in purified flagella-basal body complexes. Overexpressing PiCdc14 did not cause defects in growth or mitosis in hyphae, but interfered with cytoplasmic partitioning during zoosporogenesis. This cytokinetic defect might relate to its ability to bind microtubules, which was shown using an in vitro cosedimentation assay. The use of gene silencing to reveal the precise function of PiCdc14 in flagella is not possible since we showed previously that silencing prevents the formation of the precursor stage, sporangia. Nevertheless, the association of Cdc14 with flagella and basal bodies is consistent with their phylogenetic distribution in eukaryotes, as species that lack the ability to produce flagella generally also lack Cdc14. An ancestral role of Cdc14 in the flagellar stage of eukaryotes is thereby proposed