22 research outputs found

    Ochrona roszczeń pracowniczych w razie faktycznej niewypłacalności pracodawcy

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    W artykule analizie poddano regulację dotyczącą ochrony roszczeń pracowników w razie faktycznej niewypłacalności pracodawcy. Przedstawiono definicje pracodawcy, pracownika oraz niewypłacalności, przyczyny wprowadzenia powyższej regulacji oraz zasady, zakres i tryb ochrony roszczeń pracowniczych. Opisana została także problematyka ustalenia czasu wystąpienia niewypłacalności i związane z nią kwestie dowodowe

    Ustanie stosunku pracy jako konsekwencja zastosowania kary dyscyplinarnej

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    W artykule opisano dwa sposoby ustania stosunku pracy, pierwszym nich jest zastosowanie kary dyscyplinarnej, drugim rozwiązanie umowy o pracę bez wypowiedzenia z winy pracownika w przypadku, gdy uprawomocnienie się kary dyscyplinarnej nie powoduje ex lege ustania stosunku pracy. Zagadnienie przedstawione zostanie na przykładzie odpowiedzialności dyscyplinarnej pracowników urzędów państwowych, członków korpusu służby cywilnej, nauczycieli akademickich oraz pracowników Państwowej Inspekcji Pracy. Analizie poddane zostaną wybrane kary dyscyplinarne, przesłanki oraz konsekwencje ich zastosowania

    Zakaz dyskryminacji w zatrudnieniu ze względu na niepełnosprawność

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    Artykuł jest próbą ukazania węzłowych zagadnień z zakresu problematyki dyskryminowania w zatrudnieniu ze względu na niepełnosprawność. W artykule zarysowano definicję pojęcia „dyskryminacja” oraz „niepełnosprawność”. Przedstawiono zakaz dyskryminacji w prawie międzynarodowym, wspólnotowym i krajowym. Ukazane zostało funkcjonowanie zakazu w procesie rekrutacji, w czasie zatrudnienia oraz przy rozwiązaniu umowy o pracę. Na koniec przedstawiono roszczenia przysługujące osobie dyskryminowanej

    Effect of Growing Period and Cultivar on the Yield and Biological Value of Brassica rapa var. narinosa

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the usefulness of Brassica rapa var. narinosa for field production in Central European climatic zone in order to introduction of this species to large-scale farming. Chinese flat cabbage cultivars, ‘Tatsoi’ and ‘Misome’, were the object of the 2-year-long field experiment in south Poland, conducted in 2 terms: plantings in the middle and at the end of August, harvests in the middle of September and on the beginning of October (1st and 2nd growing period, respectively). Plants were evaluated for morphological and chemical variability at the transplant stage. The yield and bioactive compounds content in the leaf petioles of mature plants were also studied. Analyses of juvenile plants, conducted before transplanting, showed that ‘Misome’ transplants were greater, but they had less leaves then ‘Tatsoi’. Transplants of both cultivars from the 2nd growing period had greater fresh weight, but the content of dry matter, soluble sugars and carotenoids was lower. Total and marketable yield, rosette mass, L-ascorbic acid and crude fibre content were greater for both cultivars planted in the middle of August and harvested in the middle of September. Leaf petioles of Chinese flat cabbage from the 2nd growing period were significantly richer in dry matter and soluble sugars. Only the level of carotenoids and chlorophylls was not influenced by the growing period. ‘Misome’ gave the greater marketable yield of better structure, and had a higher content of biologically active compounds than ‘Tatsoi’, with the exception of crude fibre. In Central Europe conditions, this cultivar should be recommended for plantings in the middle of August to achieve the best yields of high nutrient content

    Application of modern agronomic and biotechnological strategies to valorise worldwide globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L.) potential - an analytical overview

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    The globe artichoke [Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus (L.) Fiori], an ancient vegetable originated in the Mediterranean Basin, is currently cultivated in many regions of the world under a perennial cycle or as an annual crop, with the first method being more widespread globally. The growing importance of globe artichoke as modern functional food as well as a source of pharmaceuticals has raised new issues that all producers have to face; hence the necessity of contemporaneous development of new centres of production and new technologies application in traditional regions of growing which can complement the global market. This review is focused on development of globe artichoke technology of production in recent several years which meet the diversified requirements of global and local markets. We considered the recent literature to highlight specific applications of modern farming practices and plant breeding along with genetic variation to globe artichoke production system as well as to postharvest management in order to enhance the value added of this commodity. The latter targets are mainly addressed to particular regions of the world and they are based on farmers knowledge, equipment, scale and methods of production, processing, final market. Our reports are focused on sustainable and environmentally friendly methods which can improve the profitability of production as well as product's quality and quantity traits. We discussed the balanced mineral application which can precisely affect the yield chemical composition, attractiveness and shelf life of globe artichoke heads as well as create the opportunities to attain standardised by-products, valuable on the market of health and convenient food. Further topics were developed, such as introduction of seed propagation, intercropping, grafting, flowering induction, postharvest treatments as linked to different regions and conditions of production. Precise selection of modern management practices was recognised as a main goal to fulfil the requirements of local and global market for fresh, processed and new potential globe artichoke products

    Preliminary screening of biostimulative effects of Göemar BM-86 on eggplant cultivars grown under field conditions in Poland

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    Seaweed extracts are widely used in agriculture as ecological focus substances applied to improve crop growth and quality. One of the primary benefits they bring is increased effectiveness of fruit setting as well as improved stress tolerance, essential for warm-climate crops cultivated in the nonoptimal environmental conditions of Northern and Central Europe. The aim of this study was a preliminary investigation of any genotype-dependent reaction of eggplant cultivars (Solanum melongena) to application of a standardized extract of the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum (Göemar BM-86) under field conditions in Poland. The only statistically relevant result of this biostimulant was shown for cultivar ‘Flavine’ F1, where it positively affected the early crop yield and the number of fruits per plant. Fruit quality attributes, including antioxidant activity, as well as selected mineral contents, increased as an effect of biostimulant spraying. This reaction was specific for the cultivars investigated, and it was confirmed by significant differences in the main effects between biostimulant and control treatments for almost all the properties measured. The use of this A. nodosum extract suggested that there could be an improvement in fruit yield and quality in selected eggplant cultivars under field conditions in the temperate climatic zone

    Application of modern agronomic and biotechnological strategies to valorise worldwide globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L.) potential - an analytical overview

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    The globe artichoke [Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus (L.) Fiori], an ancient vegetable originated in the Mediterranean Basin, is currently cultivated in many regions of the world under a perennial cycle or as an annual crop, with the first method being more widespread globally. The growing importance of globe artichoke as modern functional food as well as a source of pharmaceuticals has raised new issues that all producers have to face; hence the necessity of contemporaneous development of new centres of production and new technologies application in traditional regions of growing which can complement the global market. This review is focused on development of globe artichoke technology of production in recent several years which meet the diversified requirements of global and local markets. We considered the recent literature to highlight specific applications of modern farming practices and plant breeding along with genetic variation to globe artichoke production system as well as to postharvest management in order to enhance the value added of this commodity. The latter targets are mainly addressed to particular regions of the world and they are based on farmers knowledge, equipment, scale and methods of production, processing, final market. Our reports are focused on sustainable and environmentally friendly methods which can improve the profitability of production as well as product’s quality and quantity traits. We discussed the balanced mineral application which can precisely affect the yield chemical composition, attractiveness and shelf life of globe artichoke heads as well as create the opportunities to attain standardised by-products, valuable on the market of health and convenient food. Further topics were developed, such as introduction of seed propagation, intercropping, grafting, flowering induction, postharvest treatments as linked to different regions and conditions of production. Precise selection of modern management practices was recognised as a main goal to fulfil the requirements of local and global market for fresh, processed and new potential globe artichoke products

    Wpływ zmiany wytycznych ASCO-CAP na ocenę statusu genu HER2 metodą FISH w kwalifikacji do terapii anty-HER2 w raku piersi

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    Introduction. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Polish women. Overexpression of the HER2 protein or HER2 gene amplification is associated with a poor prognosis, simultaneously being an indication for the HER2-targeted therapy. In equivocal cases, the FISH assay is used for the final identification of the HER2 gene status. This evaluation should be performed according to the ASCO-CAP guidelines which have been changed in 2013. The aim of this study was to assess whether and how the changes of recommendations affected the distribution of the FISH results. Materials and methods. The results of routine diagnostic FISH analyses were compared for two independent groups of patients assessed with different evaluation criteria (ASCO-CAP 2007 for n = 680 and ASCO-CAP 2013 n = 851), and also in a group of 763 patients, where both criteria were used simultaneously. Results. A comparison of the results obtained in two independent groups showed that the change of evaluation criteria did not alter the percentage of HER2-positive tests (with HER2 amplification). However, the frequency of HER2-negative analyses (without HER2 amplification) diminished significantly from 76.2% to 61.8%, whereas the equivocal group (with an indefinite status of HER2 amplification) increased from 0.4% to 13.6%. In the group where both criteria from 2007 and 2013 were used, we also discovered statistically significant differences. The frequency of HER2-positive results were elevated from 10.6% to 16.8%. The equivocal results were also found more often, rising from 4.2% to 15.6%, while the number of negative results lowered from 85.2% to 67.6%. Conclusions. The use of ASCO/CAP recommendations for the assessment of the HER2 gene status reduces the group of negative results, and concurrently enlarges the number of positive and equivocal ones. This indicates that the new criteria extends the access to HER2-targeted therapy. Nevertheless, they also raise the frequency of analyses with an indefinite status of the HER2 gene. Our outcome suggests that there is a need for an enhanced FISH-based evaluation of this gene in the last group of patients in order to provide them with an unambiguous stratification to risk groups.  Wstęp. Rak piersi jest najczęstszym nowotworem u kobiet w Polsce. Nadmierna ekspresja białka HER2 lub amplifikacja genu HER2 jest związana ze złym rokowaniem i stanowi wskazanie do zastosowania terapii anty-HER2. W przypadkach wątpliwych rozstrzygającym badaniem jest ocena FISH, wskazująca status amplifikacji genu HER2 według obowiązujących wytycznych ASCO-CAP, które w roku 2013 uległy zmianom. Celem pracy było sprawdzenie, czy i w jaki sposób zmiana zaleceń wpłynęła na rozkład wyników badań FISH w tej grupie pacjentów. Materiały i metody. Analizie porównawczej poddano wyniki rutynowej diagnostyki metodą FISH w dwóch niezależnych grupach pacjentów z zastosowaniem dwóch różnych kryteriów oceny (ASCO-CAP 2007 dla n = 680 i ASCO-CAP 2013 dla n = 851) oraz w grupie 763 pacjentów, gdzie zastosowano równolegle obydwa kryteria oceny. Wyniki. Porównanie wyników uzyskanych w dwóch niezależnych grupach wykazało brak istotnej zmiany odsetka wyników HER2-dodatnich (z amplifikacją) po zmianie kryteriów oceny. Istotne statystycznie okazało się zmniejszenie grupy wyników HER2-negatywnych (bez amplifikacji) z 76,2% na 61,8% przy rozszerzeniu grupy niejednoznacznej (o nieokreślonym statusie amplifikacji) z 0,4% do 13,6%. Grupa badana równolegle wg kryteriów 2007 i 2013 wykazała różnice istotne statystycznie. Zanotowano wzrost przypadków HER2-pozytywnych z 10,6% do 16,8%, znaczny wzrost wyników niejednoznacznych, z 4,2% na 15,6%, przy równoczesnym spadku wyników negatywnych z 85,2% na 67,6%. Wnioski. Zastosowanie nowych wytycznych ASCO-CAP 2013 w ocenie statusu genu HER2 wpływa na zawężenie grupy wyników negatywnych, natomiast rozszerza grupę wyników pozytywnych i niejednoznacznych. Wynik taki wskazuje na rozszerzenie dostępu do kwalifikacji w kierunku terapii anty-HER2. Natomiast istotny wzrost odsetka pacjentów z wynikiem o nieokreślonym statusie amplifikacji genu HER2 wskazuje na konieczność pogłębionej w tej grupie oceny FISH w celu uzyskania możliwości jednoznacznej stratyfikacji do grup ryzyka.

    The sexuality and disability of males with multiple sclerosis in Poland

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    Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common diseases of the central nervous system. In the world 2.1 mil­lion people suffer from MS. Usually MS is diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50 years old and may be the cause of disability. Sexual problems are very common in male patients with MS although they are less frequent than they used to be. Aim of the research study: To describe the level of disability and sexual life in males with MS. Material and methods: The study was carried out on a total of 72 MS patients. MS subtypes included 30.55% (n = 22) secondary progressive; 27.77% (n = 20) relapsing-remitting; 22.22% (n = 16) primary progressive; and 16.66% (n = 12) progressive relapsing. The research tools consisted of our own questionnaires. Neurological disability was assessed by the Regional Committee for Adjudication of Disability and by the Expanded Disability Status Scale. Results: 8.33% (n = 6) of patients reported sexual activity every day, most reported either several times a week 25% (n = 18), several times a month 33.33% (n = 24), once a month 16.66% (n = 12), a few times a year 5.55% (n = 4) or once a year 11.11% (n = 8). Our findings conclude that neurological disability, low sexual activity and frequent use of sildenafil citrate or similar were common in the patients tested. Conclusions: These problems are permanently overlooked by medical professionals. In this aspect, cooperation between neurologists and sexologists could be important. Further research is needed for better understanding of the sexuality of this particular population