163 research outputs found

    High resolution mapping and seismic imaging in seismogenic zones : Application in SW Iberia and Almeria margin

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    Gauge transformations for higher-order lagrangians

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    Noether's symmetry transformations for higher-order lagrangians are studied. A characterization of these transformations is presented, which is useful to find gauge transformations for higher-order singular lagrangians. The case of second-order lagrangians is studied in detail. Some examples that illustrate our results are given; in particular, for the lagrangian of a relativistic particle with curvature, lagrangian gauge transformations are obtained, though there are no hamiltonian gauge generators for them.Comment: 22 pages, LaTe

    Vocabulario English-Spanish/ Español-Inglés

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    Noether's theorem and gauge transformations. Application to the bosonic string and CP(2,n-1) model

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    New results on the theory of constrained systems are applied to characterize the generators of Noethers symmetry transformations. As a byproduct, an algorithm to construct gauge transformations in Hamiltonian formalism is derived. This is illustrated with two relevant examples

    Morfoestructura y evolución del ramal N160 de la dorsal de la Cuenca Nor-Fidjiana (Pacífico sudoeste)

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    The North Fiji Basin is a complex marginal basin formed 10 Ma ago. It is located in the south-west Pacific, on the border of the Pacific and Indo-Australian crustal plates, between two subduction zones of opposed polarity: the New Hebndes trench, to the west, and the Tonga- Kennadec trench, to the east. The North Fiji Basin contains, on a small scale, many of the essential components of global plate tectonics: fracture zones, active spreading ridges, and triple junctions. In the center of the North Fiji Basin, there is a spreading axis constituted of three separate branches which can be individualized in accordance to their dominant directions. One of them, the N160 segment, is discussed in detail in this article, mainly based on recent data sets obtained during the Yokosuka 90 cruise (STARMER project, managed by the IFREMER, France, and the Science and Technology Agency, Japan). The aim of this cruise, carried out between 10th January and 6th February 1991, was the geological and geophysical study of the N160 section of the North Fiji Basin Ridge. Specific features of the N160 segment are pointed out which make it especially interesting with regard to the general knowledge and hypotheses about oceanic spreading ridges. As an example, the N160 segment shows an intermediate spreading rate of 5 cm/a and, at the same time, has a morphology which should be considered as being typical of slow-spreading centers. A succession of en échelon alternating rises and grabens exists between the two triple junctions limiting the segment, the northern one belonging to the Ridge-Ridge-Ridge (RRR) type, and the southern one to the Ridge-Ridge-Fracture Zone (RRF) type. The entire N160 segment is an extremely young morphostructural feature which, according to recorded magnetic stripes, began to be active less than one million years ago as a result of a rapid volcano-tectonic event

    Caracterización geológica de la región de enlace entre la Cuenca de Bransfield y la Dorsal Sur de Scotia (Antártida)

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    In February 1992, a geological and geophysical survey was carried out in the NW Antarctic Peninsula region, between South Shetland, Elephant and Orkney Islands (Antarctica), during the "Scotia 92" cruise aboard BIO Hespérides. The multi-channel seismics, magnetics and gravity data show the different sedimentary characteristics between Scotia and Powell Basins. At the western end of the South Scotia Ridge (SSR), an area (50 x 100 km) covered by multibearn bathymetry reveals a maximum depth of more than 5,300 m corresponding to what we refer to as the Hespérides Deep. The SSR is a sinistral transform plate boundary between the Scotia and Antarctic plates (on the north and south respectively). The morphology of the SSR is constituted by two ridges separated by a deep and narrow valiey (10 to 30 km wide). Two main families of faults can be distinguished, one trending E-W and parallel to the plate boundary, and another one trending NW-SE. We iriterpret that the former accommodates the regional strike-slip motion, whereas the later has an extensional component which may be related to the main trend of Bransfield Basin. The rhomboid-shape of the Deep is the result of the interplay between both sets of faults. Assuming that the transform boundary runs between the two ridges we consider that the Hesperides Deep is a smaU puli-apart basin developed by the sinistral strike-slip motion along the SSR

    An application of non-destructive measurements in marine geology: turbidite paleoseismology

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