4,101 research outputs found

    Selected Factors Associated with Age-specific Net Migration for South Dakota, 1970-1980

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    A study of South Dakota net migration was conducted to (1) determine the extent of age-specific migration from 1970-80; (2) compare current age-specific migration patterns with the previous decade; and (3) determine selected socio-demographic factors associated with the 1970-80 migration for the 20-29 age group. The unit of analysis was county. Multiple regression was used, and Lee’s model provided the theoretical framework. Analysis of Objective One revealed that: from 1970 to 1980, (1) South Dakota experienced total ne out-migration of 26,384 persons; (2) twelve five-year age categories experienced net out-migration; (3) the 20-29 age group accounted for 73 percent of the total net out-migrants; and (4) women out-migrated in larger numbers and at slightly later ages than men. Analysis of objective Two showed that: (1) South Dakota experienced net out-migration for both 1960s and 1970s; (2) net out-migration during the 1970s was less than the 1960s; (3) more age categories experienced net out-migration in the 1960s than in the 1970s; and (4) the 20-29 age group accounted for 40 percent of the total net out-migration in the 1960s, but for 73 percent of the total in the 1970s. Analysis of Objective Three revealed five socio-demographic factors accounted for 79 percent of the observed variation in the age 20-29 net migration in the state, including the rate of migration for the 20-29 age group in the 1960s, three employment characteristics, and median income level. For counties experiencing net in-migration for the 20-29 age group during the 1970s, median education levels accounted for 70 percent of the variation in the age 20-29 migration. Counties experiencing net out-migration for the 20-29 age group during the 1970s, median education levels accounted for 70 percent of the observed variation in the age 20-29 migration. Counties experiencing net out-migration for the 20-29 age group show that 78 percent of the observed variation in migration for that age group was accounted for by the age 20-29 migration rate in the 1960s, family status scores, median income levels, manufacturing employment rates, health status scores and housing availability

    Application of Reliability and System Safety Analytical Techniques to a Civic Need

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    Many billions of tax payer dollars have been spent on aerospace programs. In order to continue further expenditures for the exploration of space, the American people demand a payoff which is beneficial to the average citizen. This paper will outline one such spin-off ; VIZ, the application of reliability and system safety analytical techniques to a civic need

    Factors Associated with Population Changes in Rural South Dakota Communities

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    Students of demography have long been aware that populations change over time: they are dynamic. The determination and explanation of population change forms the central focus of population analysis, and the question arises as to what factors best explain observed variations in population changes occurring in South Dakota rural towns. Consequently, this study investigates the following problem. What is the association between selected demographic, geographic, economic, and social factors and the population changes that transpired from 1960 to 1970 in South Dakota incorporated places classified as rural in both 1960 and 1970? Specifically, the study attempts to determine: 1. What changes in population occurred from 1960 to 1970 in South Dakota small towns. 2. How these population changes varied by small town when controlled for selected variables. 3. What factors help explain the observed variations in population change reported for the towns under study. The possibility of a declining population concerns numerous groups. Local businessmen fear the loss of potential consumers, farmers fear the loss of marketing and trading facilities, and community leaders fear waning support or loyalty. Conventional agencies are faced with a declining tax base and continued expenditures for schools, roads, and other services: and the entire population of the community is threatened with the loss not only of individuals but also of facilities such as hospitals, churches, and schools

    WSRT and VLA Observations of the 6 cm and 2 cm lines of H2CO in the direction of W 58 C1(ON3) and W 58 C2

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    Absorption in the J{K-K+} = 2{11}-2{12} transition of formaldehyde at 2 cm towards the ultracompact HII regions C1 and C2 of W 58 has been observed with the VLA with an angular resolution of ~0.2'' and a velocity resolution of ~1 km/s. The high resolution continuum image of C1 (ON 3) shows a partial shell which opens to the NE. Strong H2CO absorption is observed against W 58 C1. The highest optical depth (tau > 2) occurs in the SW portion of C1 near the edge of the shell, close to the continuum peak. The absorption is weaker towards the nearby, more diffuse compact HII region C2, tau<~0.3. The H2CO velocity (-21.2 km/s) towards C1 is constant and agrees with the velocity of CO emission, mainline OH masers, and the H76 alpha recombination line, but differs from the velocity of the 1720 MHz OH maser emission (~-13 km/s). Observations of the absorption in the J{K-K+} = 1{10}-1{11} transition of formaldehyde at 6 cm towards W 58 C1 and C2 carried out earlier with the WSRT at lower resolution (~4''x7'') show comparable optical depths and velocities to those observed at 2 cm. Based on the mean optical depth profiles at 6 cm and 2 cm, the volume density of molecular hydrogen n(H2) and the formaldehyde column density N(H2CO) were determined. The n(H2) is ~6E4 /cm**3 towards C1. N(H2CO) for C1 is ~8E14 /cm**2 while that towards C2 is ~8E13 /cm**2.Comment: AJ in press Jan 2001, 14 pages plus 6 figures (but Fig. 1 has 4 separate parts, a through d). Data are available at http://adil.ncsa.uiuc.edu/document/00.HD.0

    Radio Variability of Sagittarius A* - A 106 Day Cycle

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    We report the presence of a 106-day cycle in the radio variability of Sgr A* based on an analysis of data observed with the Very Large Array (VLA) over the past 20 years. The pulsed signal is most clearly seen at 1.3 cm with a ratio of cycle frequency to frequency width f/Delta_f= 2.2+/-0.3. The periodic signal is also clearly observed at 2 cm. At 3.6 cm the detection of a periodic signal is marginal. No significant periodicity is detected at both 6 and 20 cm. Since the sampling function is irregular we performed a number of tests to insure that the observed periodicity is not the result of noise. Similar results were found for a maximum entropy method and periodogram with CLEAN method. The probability of false detection for several different noise distributions is less than 5% based on Monte Carlo tests. The radio properties of the pulsed component at 1.3 cm are spectral index alpha ~ 1.0+/- 0.1 (for S nu^alpha), amplitude Delta S=0.42 +/- 0.04 Jy and characteristic time scale Delta t_FWHM ~ 25 +/- 5 days. The lack of VLBI detection of a secondary component suggests that the variability occurs within Sgr A* on a scale of ~5 AU, suggesting an instability of the accretion disk.Comment: 14 Pages, 3 figures. ApJ Lett 2000 accepte

    The neutral gas in the environs of the Geminga gamma-ray pulsar

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    We present a high-resolution (24 arcsec) study of the HI interstellar gas distribution around the radio-quiet neutron star Geminga. Based on Very Large Array (VLA) and MPIfR Effelsberg telescope data, we analyzed a 40' x 40' field around Geminga. These observations have revealed the presence of a neutral gas shell, 0.4 pc in radius, with an associated HI mass of 0.8 Msun, which surrounds Geminga at a radial velocity compatible with the kinematical distance of the neutron star. In addition, morphological agreement is observed between the internal face of the HI shell and the brightest structure of Geminga's tail observed in X-rays.We explore the possibility that this morphological agreement is the result of a physical association.Comment: One tarfile including a Latex file (7 pages) and two figures. Paper accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research; typos corrected; changes in section Results and Discussion after referee's suggestions. S. Johnston's affilation correcte

    Whisker Sensing by Force and Moment Measurements at the Whisker Base

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    We address the theoretical question which forces and moments measured at the base of a whisker (tactile sensor) allow for the prediction of the location in space of the point at which a whisker makes contact with an object. We deal with the general case of three-dimensional deformations as well as with the special case of planar configurations. All deformations are treated as quasi-static, and contact is assumed to be frictionless. We show that the minimum number of independent forces or moments required is three but that conserved quantities of the governing elastic equilibrium equations prevent certain triples from giving a unique solution in the case of contact at any point along the whisker except the tip. The existence of these conserved quantities depends on the material and geometrical properties of the whisker. For whiskers that are tapered and intrinsically curved, there is no obstruction to the prediction of the contact point. We show that the choice of coordinate system (Cartesian or cylindrical) affects the number of suitable triples. Tip and multiple point contact are also briefly discussed. Our results explain recent numerical observations in the literature and offer guidance for the design of robotic tactile sensory devices

    Localization and characterization of phenamil-sensitive Na\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e influx in isolated rainbow trout gill epithelial cells

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    Percoll density-gradient separation, combined with peanut lectin agglutinin (PNA) binding and magnetic bead separation, was used to separate dispersed fish gill cells into sub-populations. Functional characterization of each of the sub-populations was performed to determine which displayed acid-activated phenamil- and bafilomycin-sensitive Na+ uptake. Analysis of the mechanism(s) of 22Na+ influx was performed in control and acid-activated (addition of 10 mmoll-1 proprionic acid) cells using a variety of Na+ transport inhibitors (ouabain, phenamil, HOE-694 and bumetanide) and a V-type ATPase inhibitor (bafilomycin). We found that cells migrating to a 1.03-1.05 g ml-1 Percoll interface [pavement cells (PVCs)] possessed the lowest rates of Na+ uptake and that influx was unchanged during either bafilomycin (10 nmoll-1) treatment or internal acidification with addition of proprionic acid (10 mmoll-1). Mitochondria-rich (MR) cells that migrated to the 1.05-1.09 g ml-1 interface of the Percoll gradient demonstrated acidification-activated bafilomycin and phenamil-sensitive Na+ influx. Further separation of the MR fraction into PNA+ and PNA- fractions using magnetic separation demonstrated that only the PNA- cells (α-MR cells) demonstrated phenamiland bafilomycin-sensitive acid-activated 22Na+ uptake. We confirm the coupling of a V-type H+-ATPase with phenamil-sensitive Na+ uptake activity and conclude that high-density α-MR cells function in branchial Na+ uptake in freshwater fish
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