50 research outputs found

    Impasses Ă©ticos de las polĂ­ticas sociales de activaciĂłn

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    Desde hace más de veinte años, importantes transformaciones han sido efectuadas en el seno de las políticas sociales implementadas en América del Norte, Oceanía y Europa del Este. Este viraje político puede ser comprendido como un remplazo de las formas que adquiría el Estado-providencia por el modelo del Estado social activo. En un primer momento, este artículo se consagrará a la descripción de las principales características de las políticas sociales de activación. Más adelante, se analizarán los impases éticos que estas políticas presentan a partir de investigaciones sobre profesionales de la intervención social que trabajan en el marco de estas políticas y sobre la experiencia de sus destinatarios

    Territoires et IHM Distribuées : Raffinement de Règles et d'une Méthode de Conception de Jeux Multi-Dispositifs

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    National audienceThe multitude of different interaction devices and the importance of their spread alongside various people allow to propose distributed interfaces (interactions). Territoriality rules have to be applied in order to ensure the adequation of information position and their access constraints (personal information, privacy, etc.). The navigability between different interfaces has to be assured. Illustrated by four designs of distributed application, this article proposes a feedback which allow to refine a design methodology.La multitude des supports d'interaction et l'ampleur de leur propagation auprès d'un public varié permet de proposer des interfaces (ou interactions) distribuées. Les règles de territorialité doivent s'appliquer afin de garantir une adéquation de la position de l'information à son but et à ses contraintes d'accès (informations personnelles, informations privées, etc.). Il faut s'assurer également de la navigabilité entre les différentes interfaces. Cet article propose un retour d'expérience permettant de raffiner une méthode de conception, sur la base d'illustration de quatre conceptions d'application distribuées

    Expérience de transfert de savoirs et de technologies issus de la recherche et de l'industrie aux étudiants d'une formation en IHM

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    International audienceThis paper reports an experience feedback about a Master-2 and Engineering-School level training in HCI based on the transfer of knowledge and technology from research and industry. We emphasize the importance of training students to promising research areas such as user interface plasticity and to recent technologies for developing mobile media and MS surface table applications. The whole training enhances user-centered methodsto encourage students to focus on the use of applications.Cet article présente un retour d'expérience sur une formation en IHM de niveau Master 2 et École d'ingénieurs reposant sur le transfert de savoirs et de technologies issus de la recherche et de l'industrie. Nous mettons l'accent sur l'importance de former les étudiants à des domaines de recherche prometteurs tels que la plasticité des IHM et à des technologies récentes permettant le développement d'applications sur supports mobiles et table MS Surface. L'ensemble de la formation valorise les méthodes centrées utilisateurs afin d'inciter les étudiants à privilégier l'usage des applications. ABSTRACT This paper reports an experience feedback about a Master-2 and Engineering-School level training in HCI based on the transfer of knowledge and technology from research and industry. We emphasize the importance of training students to promising research areas such as user interface plasticity and to recent technologies for developing mobile media and MS surface table applications. The whole training enhances user-centered methods to encourage students to focus on the use of applications

    Relationships Linking Amplification Level to Gene Over-Expression in Gliomas

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    Background: Gene amplification is thought to promote over-expression of genes favouring tumour development. Because amplified regions are usually megabase-long, amplification often concerns numerous syntenic or non-syntenic genes, among which only a subset is over-expressed. The rationale for these differences remains poorly understood. Methodology/Principal Finding: To address this question, we used quantitative RT-PCR to determine the expression level of a series of co-amplified genes in five xenografted and one fresh human gliomas. These gliomas were chosen because we have previously characterised in detail the genetic content of their amplicons. In all the cases, the amplified sequences lie on extra-chromosomal DNA molecules, as commonly observed in gliomas. We show here that genes transcribed in nonamplified gliomas are over-expressed when amplified, roughly in proportion to their copy number, while non-expressed genes remain inactive. When specific antibodies were available, we also compared protein expression in amplified and nonamplified tumours. We found that protein accumulation barely correlates with the level of mRNA expression in some of these tumours. Conclusions/Significance: Here we show that the tissue-specific pattern of gene expression is maintained upon amplification in gliomas. Our study relies on a single type of tumour and a limited number of cases. However, it strongly suggests that, even when amplified, genes that are normally silent in a given cell type play no role in tumour progression

    Influence of temperature on the molecular composition of ions and charged clusters during pure biogenic nucleation

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    It was recently shown by the CERN CLOUD experiment that biogenic highly oxygenated molecules (HOMs) form particles under atmospheric conditions in the absence of sulfuric acid, where ions enhance the nucleation rate by 1-2 orders of magnitude. The biogenic HOMs were produced from ozonolysis of alpha-pinene at 5 degrees C. Here we extend this study to compare the molecular composition of positive and negative HOM clusters measured with atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight mass spectrometers (APi-TOFs), at three different temperatures (25, 5 and -25 degrees C). Most negative HOM clusters include a nitrate (NO3-) ion, and the spectra are similar to those seen in the nighttime boreal forest. On the other hand, most positive HOM clusters include an ammonium (NH4+) 4) ion, and the spectra are characterized by mass bands that differ in their molecular weight by similar to 20 C atoms, corresponding to HOM dimers. At lower temperatures the average oxygen to carbon (O : C) ratio of the HOM clusters decreases for both polarities, reflecting an overall reduction of HOM formation with decreasing temperature. This indicates a decrease in the rate of autoxidation with temperature due to a rather high activation energy as has previously been determined by quantum chemical calculations. Furthermore, at the lowest temperature (-25 degrees C), the presence of C-30 clusters shows that HOM monomers start to contribute to the nucleation of positive clusters. These experimental findings are supported by quantum chemical calculations of the binding energies of representative neutral and charged clusters.Peer reviewe

    Impasses éthiques des politiques sociales d’activation

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    Depuis plus de vingt ans, d’importantes transformations se sont opérées au sein des politiques sociales menées en Amérique du Nord, en Océanie et en Europe de l’Ouest, ce virage politique pouvant être compris comme un remplacement des formes d'État-providence par le modèle de l'État social actif. Le premier temps de cet article sera consacré à la description des grandes caractéristiques des politiques sociales d'activation, pour analyser dans un second temps les impasses éthiques qu'elles présentent, sur la base de recherches menées auprès d'intervenants.es sociaux et de personnes visées par ces politiques.Since more than 20 years, major changes occurred in the social policies of North America, Oceania and Western Europe. This political turn can be seen as a replacement of previous forms of Welfare State by the model of the Active Social State. This paper will first describe the main features of activation social policies, and then analyze the ethical deadlocks they present, on the basis of empirical studies involving workers of the social field and people targeted by these policies

    La souffrance éthique au travail : L’éthique du care comme cadre d’analyse critique et comme prospective dans le champ de la santé et des services sociaux

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    Dans le champ de la santé et des services sociaux, la souffrance éthique au travail de bon nombre d’intervenantes ou d’intervenants est un phénomène à présent bien documenté en Amérique du Nord et en Europe. En croisant discussion théorique et analyse de données empiriques, cet article se propose d’une part de montrer en quoi la perspective de l’éthique du care peut être pertinente pour analyser certaines des sources de la souffrance éthique dans le champ de l’intervention sociale et, d’autre part, de montrer comment cette perspective éthique et théorique ouvre des avenues pour repenser et réorganiser les pratiques dans le champ de la santé et des services sociaux.In the field of health and social services, ethical suffering at work involving social worker is a phenomenon now well documented in North America and Europe. By comparing theoretical discussion and analysis of empirical data, this article proposes, on one hand, to show how the prospect of ethics of care can be relevant to analyze some of the sources of ethical suffering in the field of social intervention. On the other hand, the article presents how this ethical and theoretical perspective opens avenues to rethink and reorganize practices in the field of health and social services

    Vers une sucrerie zéro effluent, le cas de la raffinerie de sucre

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    International audienceWherever in the world, limitation of the environmental impact is a constant orientation of the sugar industry. Membrane technologies have already demonstrated their efficiency in separating organic and mineral components from effluent streams in order to recover and eventually recycle them. Based on combination of nanofiltration and electrodialysis, Eurodia has developed a process to treat the decolorization eluates in sugar industry.La réduction des effluents est une évolution générale et constante dans les industries sucrières. Dans cette démarche vers le zéro rejet, les technologies membranaires ont d'ores et déjà fait la preuve de leur efficacité. Parmi celles-ci, la nanofiltration et l'électrodialyse sont particulièrement adaptées à la séparation des matières organiques et minérales en vue de leur élimination ou de leur recyclage. Pour les raffineries de sucre, Eurodia a mis au point un procédé de traitement des éluâts de décoloration de sucres basé sur la combinaison de ces deux technologies. Abstract Wherever in the world, limitation of the environmental impact is a constant orientation of the sugar industry. Membrane technologies have already demonstrated their efficiency in separating organic and mineral components from effluent streams in order to recover and eventually recycle them. Based on combination of nanofiltration and electrodialysis, Eurodia has developed a process to treat the decolorization eluates in sugar industry