390 research outputs found

    Embodied Cognition Corpo, movimento e sport per la didattica

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    Embodied Cognition (EC) is an interdisciplinary and multiperspective scientific theory whose characteristic, from a cultural and professional perspective, opens up interesting scenarios in the field of psychopedagogy. In particular, a prolific and extremely interesting area of study is now provided by the contribution of EC to the world of didactics (Caruana & Borghi, 2013).This work is part of this research horizon, investigating how the key principles of Embodied Cognition offer new opportunities to enhance differences in learning processes (Gomez Paloma & Ianes, a cura di, 2014). Starting from the analysis of the body as a scientific mediator of the learning process on a neurobiological (Rizzolatti & Sinigaglia, 2006) and neurophenomenological (Gallese, 2006) level, the study focuses on the scientific evidence (Margiotta, 2014) that EC canprovide to teachers in the field of didactics. It represents a concrete springboard for delineating and validating an “EC-Based” model (Gomez Paloma & Damiani, 2015) to enhance corporeality as a cognitive system and a learning/ contextualization setting for the building of professional skills in the fieldof education.L’Embodied Cognition (EC) è una teoria scientifica multiprospettica ed interdisciplinare la cui caratteristica, riflettendo sotto il profilo culturale e professionale, apre interessanti scenari nel campo della psicopedagogia.In particolare, un fertile ambito di studio, estremamente interessante, è dato al momento dall’apporto dell’EC al mondo della didattica (Caruana & Borghi, 2013). Il presente lavoro si inserisce in quest’orizzonte di ricerca, indagando come i principi chiave dell’Embodied Cognition offrano inedite opportunità di valorizzazione delle differenze dei processi di apprendimento (Gomez Paloma & Ianes, a cura di, 2014). Partendo dall’analisi del corpo come mediatorescientifico del processo di apprendimento a livello neurobiologico (Rizzolatti &Sinigaglia, 2006) e neurofenomenologico (Gallese, 2006), lo studio si focalizza sulle evidenze scientifiche (Margiotta, 2014) che l’EC può offrire al docente nell’ambito della didattica. Un concreto trampolino di lancio per delineare e validare un modello “EC Based” (Gomez Paloma & Damiani, 2015) per valorizzare la corporeità come dispositivo cognitivo e come ambiente di apprendimento e contestualizzazione (setting) per la costruzione di competenze professionali nell’ambito della formazione

    Dynamic stretching versus static stretching in gymnastic performance. A brief review

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    Different types of stretching techniques are commonly performed in the gymnastic training sessions. Flexibility is one of the essential aspects of this sport like so the explosive strength but actually there is a limited literature assessing the effectiveness of the specific technique to increase the range of motion and, at the same time, to improve the explosive performance. The aim of this study was to conduct a brief analysis of the literature to understand how to plan the training programs finalized to improve the gymnastic performance (Gomez Paloma F., Rio L., D'Anna C. 2014). The MEDLINE and SportDiscus databases were searched for relevant literature using textwords for English-language articles related to stretching, flexibility, explosive strength, dynamic/static stretching and gymnastic. Additional references were reviewed from the bibliographies and from citation searches on key articles. Twenty-two articles were examined, of which two reviews, one roundtable discussion of flexibility training, two specific studies on gymnastics, two on basketball, one on baseball and the remaining articles focusing on the flexibility and the jumping performance in general. In accordance to several studies analyzed, the research carries out some reflections on different stretching techniques included in the training phases of gymnastics (warming-up, cooling down) useful in planning the training sessions finalized to the best performance. These are fundamental aspects to highlight and emphasize the consequences of the use of the different techniques especially regarding the duration and the intensity of the exercises choice

    Differences skills praxic in developmental age

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    Intelligence could be understood as a system of active operations, which involves a functional continuity between the higher forms of thought and cognitive-motor adaptation to social and physical environment surrounding the subject. (Piaget, 1998) Gardner says that his multiple intelligences, especially that bodily-kinesthetic, develop when the subject is in contact with the outside world, lived experiences and assimilates information. (Gardner, 1988) With this study we would like to underline as it does the development of skills praxic and its evolution over the age of development. 77 students participated in the research, from I to V elementary, to which was administered, individually, a battery of tests. The tests were acquired by the Special Organization of Florence and treated by Rossana De Beni, Gruppo MT, "Q1 elementary": tests for the compilation of initial profile of the new evaluation document. Initial results may prove as there could be a correlation between the age child's cognitive and its ability to perform movements conscious and coordinated; capacity which, according to the data, you can reach to the last years of primary school. The correct motor development, the acquisition of skills praxic and the awareness of their motor pattern, allow the passage from the body as a tool, the own body, through an increasingly refined control of his movements. The praxis, therefore, are acquired through experience and a learning process that allows to establish an intentional relationship between motor, intellectual and emotional phenomena (Le Boulch, 2006)

    The adapted physical activity as a valuable tool to overcome social prejudice to the disabled persons

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    The Adapted Physical Activity, in modern times, is defined as the program with an educative target so it promotes the autonomous recovery of the person through direct experience of physicality (Cottini, 2008). The ICF (WHO, 2001) is a guide achieving this objective because it defines disability as the product of the relationship between the health of the person and the context in which he lives. The context creates disability because it doesn’t have the appropriate tools to allow the free expression of the person for the different life contexts (Cottini, 2008). Finally the “conquest” consists in the implementation of Adapted Physical Activity. This activity is expressed in the manipulation of the physical context according to the various needs of the person to improve all their dimensions. The TMA test is the methodology used to evaluate the functionality of Adapted Physical Activity to empower the global person’s self-esteem. This instrument has favored a primary monitoring to understand the initial condition of the four disabled, involved in the research work, and the whole class group. The results obtained in this first phase were classified as negative according to the American standardized sample. The test had determined how the global self-esteem of the disabled person was influenced by his conditions of marginalization determined by the prejudice that limited action. The A.P.A., during the hours of physical education, has facilitated the achievement of positive results compared to those of departure. These results represent a practical demonstration of how prejudice is an abstract entity resulting from the lack of people knowledge. In any case the activity has placed all subjects on the same plane to achieve a performance, a common target. The person’s improvement is the starting point in the understanding of this work

    Physical self-efficacy in women’s artistic gymnastic between recreational and competitive level

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    In Bandura’s theory (1997, 2001), self-efficacy is the cognitive mechanism that mediates information on personal capacities to successfully execute necessary courses of action in a specific domain. It is theorized that self-efficacy belief influences motivation, affect and behaviour. Self-efficacy regarding motor activities has been widely investigated (Feltz, 1992) and represents a frame of reference to explain links between cognitive processes and physical performance (Colella & Morano, 2008). The purpose of the study was to verify the difference in physical self-efficacy (perceived) between gymnasts practicing sports at recreational level and gymnasts, however, which train at a competitive level. The Perceived Physical Ability Scale for Children by Colella (2008) was presented to a sample of 58 gymnasts, 29 practicing sports at recreational level and 29 practicing sports at competitive level in random selection, ranging in age from 8 to 10 years old. The items of the PPASC are: speed, ability, strength, rapidity, self-confidence and tiredness. They are structured in response scales having a 1- to 4-point format. Observing the results of the descriptive statistics in the whole sample it is obvious how the perceived physical abilities are very high in all items. The artistic gymnastic is a sport in which these aspects of physical abilities are trained specifically. The children say that they run fast (77 %), they are able to do difficult exercises (77%), their muscles are strong (68%) and move rapidly (71%). Slightly lower values are those related to self-confidence, the 48% say that they feel sure when they move but the 32% say that they feel somewhat insure when they move, and the value of energy, 50% say I don’t feel tired when I move, but the 25% say that they feel tired. The difference between the values of the two levels of gymnastic report in the competitive groups is higher in physical self-efficacy in all items than in the recreational group. These data could suggest that the quantity of the trainings and, at the same time, the improvement of the quality of the performance increases the Perceived Physical Ability. The results of the test is particularly high and considering it globally, confirms that, in any case, the physical activities, even if only practiced as recreational activity, produces positive effects on the Perceived Physical Ability
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