333 research outputs found

    Urinary incontinence and physical activity practice

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    The urinary incontinence is defined as every involuntary loss of urinary. It happens with women more frequently, and is mainly caused by childbirths and gestations that can injure the muscles responsible for the women continence. Indeed, it is very common women who practice physical activities and sports to present incontinence. Many of these women abandon their activities to prevent discharging urine during these practices which causes shame, embarrassment besides interference with the performance during the exercise. There is no research that argues this subject in the area of the physical education. The objective of this study consisted in a bibliographical revision about urinary incontinence, analyzing its relation with physical activities and sports for women, the impact caused by the incontinence in these practices, and in what form the physical education professional can facilitate a more comfortable and safe practices to these women. The literature data on this subject is very recent, but they are enough to evidence that the physical and sport practices of exercises demanding a lot of efforts and high impact can lead to the urinary incontinence. The women who do not abandon their activities because of this incontinence use some strategies to prevent the discharge of urine, as the use of absorbents and water restriction. The physical education professional has a basic role in the adequate orientation of exercises transforming this practice into a urinary incontinence preventive intervention among physically active women.A incontinência urinária é definida como toda perda involuntária de urina. Ela atinge com maior freqüência mulheres e é causada principalmente por partos e gestações que podem lesar os músculos responsáveis pela continência na mulher. É muito comum mulheres que praticam atividades físicas e esportes apresentarem incontinência. Muitas dessas mulheres abandonam suas atividades para evitar perder urina durante essa prática, pois essa perda causa vergonha, constrangimento, além de interferir no desempenho durante o exercício. Inexistem pesquisas na área da educação física que discutam esse tema. O objetivo deste estudo consistiu de uma revisão bibliográfica acerca da incontinência urinária, analisando sua relação com atividades físicas e esportivas por mulheres, o impacto causado pela incontinência nessa prática, e de que forma o profissional de educação física pode contribuir com essas mulheres para uma prática mais segura e confortável. Os dados da literatura a respeito desse tema são muito recentes, mas suficientes para evidenciar que a prática de atividades físicas e esportivas constituídas de exercícios que exijam muito esforço e alto impacto pode levar ao desenvolvimento da incontinência urinária. As mulheres que não abandonam suas atividades por causa da incontinência utilizam algumas estratégias para prevenir a perda de urina, como o uso de absorventes e restrição hídrica. O profissional de educação física tem um papel fundamental na orientação adequada de exercícios, transformando essa prática numa intervenção preventiva da incontinência urinária entre mulheres fisicamente ativas.270274Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Incontinência urinária entre estudantes de educação física

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    Urinary incontinence (UI) is seen as a problem that affects older multiparous women. Little attention has been given to identifying UI in groups of younger or nulliparous women. This study verified the prevalence of UI and the characteristics of urinary loss among young nulliparous female physical education students. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire. Of all 95 students, 61.1% answered the questionnaire. The average age was 21.4 years and 20.7% stated having presented involuntary urine loss. In 75% of cases, urinary loss occurred during sports activities. The students who had experienced urinary loss rated the problem with a 2.3 average score (ranging form 0 to 6), with 0 being no problem and 10 being a serious problem. It is concluded that uinary loss during exercise, though relatively frequent, is not considered a relevant issue for the physical education students.A incontinência urinária (IU) é vista como um problema que afeta mulheres mais velhas e multíparas. Pouca atenção tem sido dada para identificá-la em grupos mais jovens ou nulíparas. Este estudo verificou a prevalência da IU e as características da perda urinária entre mulheres jovens e nulíparas, estudantes de Educação Física. Os dados foram coletados através de um questionário. Dentre 95 estudantes, 61,1% responderam ao questionário. A idade média foi 21,4 anos e 20,7% afirmaram já ter apresentado perda involuntária de urina. Em 75% dos casos a perda de urina ocorreu durante as atividades esportivas. As estudantes que tiveram perda urinária quantificaram, em média, o problema com a nota 2,3 (variando de 0 a 6), sendo 0 nenhum problema e 10, problema grave. Conclui-se que a perda urinária durante o exercício, embora seja relativamente freqüente, não é considerada um problema relevante para as estudantes de Educação Física.La incontinencia urinaria (IU) es vista como un problema que afecta mujeres con edad avanzada y multíparas y se ha dado poca atención para identificarla en grupos más jóvenes o en nulíparas. Este estudio verificó la prevalencia de la IU y las características de la pérdida urinaria entre mujeres jóvenes y nulíparas, estudiantes de Educación Física. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de un cuestionario. Entre 95 estudiantes, 61,1% respondieron el cuestionario. La edad promedio fue 21,4 años y 20,7% afirmaron haber presentado pérdida involuntaria de orina. En 75% de los casos la pérdida de orina ocurrió durante las actividades deportivas. Las estudiantes que tuvieron pérdida urinaria cuantificaron, en promedio, el problema con la nota 2,3 (variando de 0 a 6), siendo 0 ningún problema y 10, problema grave. Se concluye que la pérdida urinaria durante el ejercicio, a pesar de ser relativamente frecuente, no es considerado un problema relevante para las estudiantes de Educación Física

    Morphological and stomatal characterization of Heliconia chartacea Var. sexy pink induced polyploidy

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    The growth of the tropical flower market has demanded a consistent search for new varieties, primarily those endowed with an exotic profile, but that are also beautiful and durable. The genus Heliconia, naturally found in the Amazon region, is among the most prominent of tropical flowers. Looking to augment the genetic variability available in Heliconia chartacea var. Sexy Pink, biotechnological research was conducted with the application of colchicine to induce polyploidy in plants from this species. With that in mind, this paper sought to evaluate the established plants in the field drawn from in vitro polyploidy induction assay to determine the morphological and physiological characteristics of 38 H. chartacea var. Sexy Pink clones. The characterization analyzes were performed through 49 morphological descriptors and a stomatal density evaluation using microscopy. The genotype 35 exhibited the greatest morphological variations, with alterations in the position and coloring of the inflorescence, in addition to having the edges of the entire limbus. Genotype 18 featured the lowest amounts for plant height and inflorescence size, showing promise for research geared towards use in reduced environments. Some genotypes did not have any flowering and are recommended exclusively for landscape composition such as foliage, since their exotic characteristics allow for this. The genotypes that were evaluated displayed stomata with tetracytic morphology and guard cells that had no significant changes. However, genotypes with greater equatorial diameter and stomatal density were obtained in relation to the mother-plant. Overall, the induction of polyploidy allowed for clones to be obtained with a high variability for the characteristics of the leaf, pseudostem and inflorescence, with various attributes that confer a more efficient post-harvest management to some genotypes, in addition to favorable aspects for commercialized purposes as a cut flower

    Influence of physical activity in the quality of life and self image of incontinent women

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    Our aim was to verify the influence of a physical activities proposal in the quality of life and self image of incontinent women. This study was comparative and exploratory and was developed in 16 weeks. Thirty-seven women with and without urinary incontinence (IU) participated in the study. After the study, significant improvement in general health perception (p < 0.001), UI impact (p = 0.035), physical limitations (p = 0.015), personal relations, (p = 0.048), sleep and disposition (p = 0.012) and concerned with the gravity measurements (p = 0.011) was observed. Concerning self image, alterations in appearance were not observed; however, concerning body satisfaction, the women felt less satisfied with their bodies (p = 0.007). There was a reduction in the number of regions where they felt pain (p = 0.0003) and that they did not like (p = 0.0017). In conclusion, the Physical Education professionals using a systematized and integrated physical activities program can lead the women with IU to significant improvement in the perception of their quality of life and health concerning their self image with improvement of the IU symptoms and reduction of frequency and amount of urinary loss.Nosso objetivo foi verificar a influência de uma proposta de atividades físicas na qualidade de vida e na auto-imagem de mulheres incontinentes. Constituiu-se de um estudo comparativo e exploratório realizado durante 16 semanas. Participaram 37 mulheres com e sem incontinência urinária (IU). Após o estudo observamos melhora significativa nos domínios relacionados com a percepção geral de saúde (p < 0,001), impacto da IU (p = 0,035), limitações físicas (p = 0,015), relações pessoais (p = 0,048), sono e disposição (p = 0,012) e em relação às medidas de gravidade (p = 0,011). Na auto-imagem não foram verificadas alterações quanto à aparência; todavia, quanto à satisfação corporal, observamos que as mulheres passaram a sentir-se menos satisfeitas com seu corpo (p = 0,007). Foi relatada diminuição no número de regiões onde sentiam dores (p = 0,0003) e de que não gostavam (p = 0,0017). Conclui-se que os profissionais de Educação Física, por meio de uma proposta de atividades físicas sistematizada e integrada, podem levar mulheres com IU a melhora significativa na percepção de sua qualidade de vida e de sua saúde, em aspectos relacionados à sua auto-imagem e à melhora nos sintomas de IU, com a diminuição da frequência e quantidade da perda urinária.9397Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Spectrum of molecular alterations detected in the CYP21A2 gene associated with 21-hydroxylase deficiency

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    A maioria dos doentes com hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita (HSC) apresenta alterações moleculares no gene CYP21A2, o qual codifica a enzima 21-hidroxilase (21-OH). Os doentes com a forma clássica de deficiência em 21-OH (21-OHD) apresentam a síntese de cortisol diminuída no córtex adrenal e, os casos mais graves, também apresentam deficiência de aldosterona. As mulheres com 21-OHD grave apresentam excesso de andrógenos desde a sua vida fetal conduzindo à virilização dos órgãos genitais externos. Tanto homens como mulheres com 21-OHD completa não sintetizam a aldosterona e, consequentemente, logo após o nascimento, podem desenvolver crises de perda de sal se não forem corretamente diagnosticados e tratados. A 21- OHD não clássica é devida à deficiência parcial em 21-OH, os fenótipos clínicos são menos graves, as mulheres não apresentam virilização dos genitais externos ao nascimento, e geralmente os sinais relativos a excesso de androgénios podem surgir durante a infância ou até mais tarde (durante ou após a puberdade). Neste trabalho descrevem-se as alterações e os genótipos mais frequentes encontrados em doentes portugueses não adultos com 21-OHD. As alterações mais frequentes encontradas na forma clássica da HSC são c.293-13C> G, diferentes deleções/quimeras/conversões génicas do gene CYP21A2 e c.518T> A, enquanto na 21-OHD não-clássica a variante c.844G> T é a mais frequente. Estes resultados contribuem para um diagnóstico correto e uma melhor gestão clínica dos doentes, para o seu aconselhamento genético e para oferecer o diagnóstico pré-natal a casais com risco de ter filhos afetados com a forma clássica de 21-OHD.Most of the patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) have molecular alterations in the CYP21A2 gene, which encodes the enzyme 21-hydroxylase (21-OH). Patients with the classic form of 21-OH deficiency (21-OHD) have the synthesis of cor tisol impaired in the adrenal cor tex and, the most severe cases also have aldosterone deficiency. Females with severe 21-OHD, star ting their fetal life have excess of androgens leading to external genitalia virilization at bir th. Both males and females with complete 21-OHD are not able to synthesize aldosterone, consequently soon af ter bir th may develop salt wasting crises if not correctly diagnosed and treated. Non-classic 21-OHD is due to par tial deficiency of 21-OH, the clinical phenotypes are less severe, females don’t present ambiguity of the external genitalia at bir th, usually signs of androgen excess may be present during childhood or even later in life (during or af ter puber ty). We present here the most frequent alterations and genotypes found in non adult Por tuguese patients with 21-OHD. The most frequent alterations found in the classic form of CAH are c.293-13C>G, dif ferent CYP21A2 deletions/quimeras/gene conversions and c.518T>A, while in non-classic 21-OHD the variant c.844G>T is the most frequent. These results contribute to a correct patient diagnosis, to a better clinical care, genetic counseling and to of fer pre-natal diagnosis to couples at risk of having af fected babies with the classic form of 21-OHD.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Oficinas de Parentalidade

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    Este artigo apresenta o projeto de extensão “Oficinas de Parentalidade”, desenvolvido na Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro em parceria com a 8 ª Promotoria de Justiça de Uberaba”“MG, a partir da Recomendação 050/2014 do Conselho Nacional de Justiça. O objetivo do projeto é atender famílias em processo de divórcio e/ou dissolução da união estável, com um viés pedagógico e não terapêutico. Transmitindo técnicas apropriadas de comunicação na família, ensinamentos a respeito das consequências que os conflitos proporcionam aos filhos e informações legais sobre alienação parental, guarda, visitas e alimentos, busca-se auxiliar os pais e os filhos (adolescentes e crianças) no enfrentamento desses processos e suas consequências. São realizadas quatro oficinas mensais para filhos e pais, separadamente, em um único encontro de 4 horas de duração: uma para crianças de 6 a 11 anos, outra para adolescentes de 12 a 17 anos e duas para os pais, sendo que o ex-casal é alocado em salas diferentes, porém mistas. Cada oficina é coordenada por dois instrutores previamente capacitados e o material utilizado é cedido pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ). Espera-se que tais intervenções possam reduzir e/ou minimizar os traumas decorrentes das mudanças das relações familiares e comunicações conflituosas

    PCM-Impregnated Textile-Reinforced Cementitious Composite for Thermal Energy Storage

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    The growing global energy demand requires solutions that improve energy efficiency in all sectors. The civil construction sector is responsible for a large part of global energy consumption. In this context, phase change materials (PCMs) can be incorporated into construction materials to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. The purpose of this study was to incorporate a PCM to jute fabric, applying it in civil construction as a reinforcement for cement matrices. In order to do that, a method of immersing jute fabric in liquid phase change material, and then coating it with a polymer, was proposed. Treated jute fabric was then used to produce a laminated composite with a cementitious matrix. Morphological, mechanical and chemical characterization of jute textiles was performed, as well as an analysis of the composites’ mechanical and thermal behavior. The results verified that jute textiles absorbed 102% PCM in weight, which was successfully contained in the capillary porosity of jute. The PCM was able to delay the composite’s temperature increase by up to 24 °C. It was concluded that this method can be used to incorporate PCM to natural textiles, producing composites with thermal energy storage properties

    Nursing Care For Women In Situation Of Unsafe Abortion

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    Objective: To identify relevant evidence to the peculiarities of nursing care to women in situation of unsafe abortion. Method: This is a survey of integrative review of literature, where the databases used were LILACS, BDENF, MEDLINE and SCOPUS. The data collection occurred during the months of September and October 2016, articles were in Portuguese, English and Spanish, from 2006 to 2016. The sample was composed of 14 studies. Results: Studies have shown that nursing care is carried out in a technicist and without quality service; contrary to the norms of the Code of Ethics for nurses. There were willing two thematic categories: reasons that led the women to practice unsafe abortion and the nursing care provided to women in a situation of abortion. Conclusion: Trials, prejudice, religiosity and moral values of nurses, contribute to the precariousness of quality assistance to these women. &nbsp; Descriptors: abortion; induced abortion; caused abortion; nursing; nursing care

    Risk Factors and Characterization of Plasmodium Vivax-Associated Admissions to Pediatric Intensive Care Units in the Brazilian Amazon

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    BACKGROUND: Plasmodium vivax is responsible for a significant proportion of malaria cases worldwide and is increasingly reported as a cause of severe disease. The objective of this study was to characterize severe vivax disease among children hospitalized in intensive care units (ICUs) in the Western Brazilian Amazon, and to identify risk factors associated with disease severity. METHODS AND FINDINGS: In this retrospective study, clinical records of 34 children, 0-14 years of age hospitalized in the 11 public pediatric and neonatal ICUs of the Manaus area, were reviewed. P. falciparum monoinfection or P. falciparum/P. vivax mixed infection was diagnosed by microscopy in 10 cases, while P. vivax monoinfection was confirmed in the remaining 24 cases. Two of the 24 patients with P. vivax monoinfection died. Respiratory distress, shock and severe anemia were the most frequent complications associated with P. vivax infection. Ninety-one children hospitalized with P. vivax monoinfections but not requiring ICU were consecutively recruited in a tertiary care hospital for infectious diseases to serve as a reference population (comparators). Male sex (p = 0.039), age less than five years (p = 0.028), parasitemia greater than 500/mm(3) (p = 0.018), and the presence of any acute (p = 0.023) or chronic (p = 0.017) co-morbidity were independently associated with ICU admission. At least one of the WHO severity criteria for malaria (formerly validated for P. falciparum) was present in 23/24 (95.8%) of the patients admitted to the ICU and in 17/91 (18.7%) of controls, making these criteria a good predictor of ICU admission (p = 0.001). The only investigated criterion not associated with ICU admission was hyperbilirubinemia (p = 0.513)]. CONCLUSIONS: Our study points to the importance of P. vivax-associated severe disease in children, causing 72.5% of the malaria admissions to pediatric ICUs. WHO severity criteria demonstrated good sensitivity in predicting severe P. vivax infection in this small case series