1,790 research outputs found

    ‘Gaps, mishaps and overlaps’: nursing documentation: how does it affect care?

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    Introduction: Complete, accurate and relevant nursing documentation is essential for the multidisciplinary comprehensive geriatric assessment process which can improve older patient’s outcomes following a hospital admission. Aims: to understand older person nurses experiences of and attitudes to documentation. Methodology: Semi-structured, in depth interviews of eight qualified nurses at an acute hospital trust. Interviews were analysed using the framework approach to identify key themes. Results: three overarching themes were identified: gaps, mishaps and overlaps. Gaps refer to information which was missing, inaccurate or inconsistent; mishaps refer to the consequences of these inaccuracies and inconsistencies and overlaps refer to the problem of duplications in recording of information. Discussion: Older person nurses report many inconsistencies, omissions and duplications in their documentation. This has implications for how nursing contributes to the comprehensive geriatric assessment and the quality of care of older patients. Recommendations for practice: New ways must be found to minimise and streamline existing documentation to ensure that records are complete, timely and person-centred. Nurses should be mindful that emerging digital technology systems do not create further problems. Ward nurses need to take greater control of development of documentation

    Language Conflict in Algeria: From Colonialism to Post-Independence

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    Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is a zoonotic mosquito-borne virus that was first discovered in Kenya in 1930 and has since spread to become endemic in much of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Rift Valley fever (RVF) causes recurrent outbreaks of febrile illness associated with high levels of mortality and poor outcomes during pregnancy—including foetal malformations, spontaneous abortion and stillbirths—in livestock, and associated with miscarriage in humans. No vaccines are available for human use and those licensed for veterinary use have potential drawbacks, including residual virulence that may contraindicate their use in pregnancy. To address this gap, we previously developed a simian adenovirus vectored vaccine, ChAdOx1 RVF, that encodes RVFV envelope glycoproteins. ChAdOx1 RVF is fully protective against RVF in non-pregnant livestock and is also under development for human use. Here, we now demonstrate that when administered to pregnant sheep and goats, ChAdOx1 RVF is safe, elicits high titre RVFV neutralizing antibody, and provides protection against viraemia and foetal loss, although this protection is not as robust for the goats. In addition, we provide a description of RVFV challenge in pregnant goats and contrast this to the pathology observed in pregnant sheep. Together, our data further support the ongoing development of ChAdOx1 RVF vaccine for use in livestock and humans.</p

    Detection of Lyman-alpha Emitting Galaxies at Redshift z=4.55

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    Studies of the formation and early history of galaxies have been hampered by the difficulties inherent in detecting faint galaxy populations at high redshift. As a consequence, observations at the highest redshifts (3.5 < z < 5) have been restricted to objects that are intrinsically bright. These include quasars, radio galaxies, and some Ly alpha-emitting objects that are very close to (within ~10 kpc) -- and appear to be physically associated with -- quasars. But the extremely energetic processes which make these objects easy to detect also make them unrepresentative of normal (field) galaxies. Here we report the discovery using Keck spectroscopic observations of two Ly alpha-emitting galaxies at redshift z = 4.55, which are sufficiently far from the nearest quasar (~700 kpc) that radiation from the quasar is unlikely to provide the excitation source of the Ly alpha emission. Instead, these galaxies appear to be undergoing their first burst of star formation, at a time when the Universe was less than one billion years old.Comment: 8 pages, 1 landscape table, and 3 PostScript figures. Uses aaspp4.sty, flushrt.sty, aj_pt4.sty, overcite.sty (style macros available from xxx.lanl.gov) Figure 1 is bitmapped to 100 dpi. The original PostScript version of Fig. 1 is available via anonymous ftp to ftp://hubble.ifa.hawaii.edu/pub/preprints To appear in Natur

    Iron oxidation at low temperature (260–500 C) in air and the effect of water vapor

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    The oxidation of iron has been studied at low temperatures (between 260 and 500 C) in dry air or air with 2 vol% H2O, in the framework of research on dry corrosion of nuclear waste containers during long-term interim storage. Pure iron is regarded as a model material for low-alloyed steel. Oxidation tests were performed in a thermobalance (up to 250 h) or in a laboratory furnace (up to 1000 h). The oxide scales formed were characterized using SEM-EDX, TEM, XRD, SIMS and EBSD techniques. The parabolic rate constants deduced from microbalance experiments were found to be in good agreement with the few existing values of the literature. The presence of water vapor in air was found to strongly influence the transitory stages of the kinetics. The entire structure of the oxide scale was composed of an internal duplex magnetite scale made of columnar grains and an external hematite scale made of equiaxed grains. 18O tracer experiments performed at 400 C allowed to propose a growth mechanism of the scale

    Δ-6 desaturase substrate competition : dietary linoleic acid (18∶2n-6) has only trivial effects on α-linolenic acid (18∶3n-3) bioconversion in the teleost rainbow trout

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    It is generally accepted that, in vertebrates, omega-3 (n-3) and omega-6 (n-6) poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) compete for ?-6 desaturase enzyme in order to be bioconverted into long-chain PUFA (LC-PUFA). However, recent studies into teleost fatty acid metabolism suggest that these metabolic processes may not conform entirely to what has been previously observed in mammals and other animal models. Recent work on rainbow trout has led us to question specifically if linoleic acid (LA, 18:2n-6) and ?-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n-3) (?-6 desaturase substrates) are in direct competition for access to ?-6 desaturase. Two experimental diets were formulated with fixed levels of ALA, while LA levels were varied (high and low) to examine if increased availability of LA would result in decreased bioconversion of ALA to its LC-PUFA products through substrate competition. No significant difference in ALA metabolism towards n-3 LC-PUFA was exhibited between diets while significant differences were observed in LA metabolism towards n-6 LC-PUFA. These results are evidence for minor if any competition between substrates for ?-6 desaturase, suggesting that, paradoxically, the activity of ?-6 desaturase on n-3 and n-6 substrates is independent. These results call for a paradigm shift in the way we approach teleost fatty acid metabolism. The findings are also important with regard to diet formulation in the aquaculture industry as they indicate that there should be no concern for possible substrate competition between 18:3n-3 and 18:2n-6, when aiming at increased n-3 LC-PUFA bioconversion in vivo

    IMPLEmenting a clinical practice guideline for acute low back pain evidence-based manageMENT in general practice (IMPLEMENT) : cluster randomised controlled trial study protocol

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    Background: Evidence generated from reliable research is not frequently implemented into clinical practice. Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines are a potential vehicle to achieve this. A recent systematic review of implementation strategies of guideline dissemination concluded that there was a lack of evidence regarding effective strategies to promote the uptake of guidelines. Recommendations from this review, and other studies, have suggested the use of interventions that are theoretically based because these may be more effective than those that are not. An evidencebased clinical practice guideline for the management of acute low back pain was recently developed in Australia. This provides an opportunity to develop and test a theory-based implementation intervention for a condition which is common, has a high burden, and for which there is an evidence-practice gap in the primary care setting. Aim: This study aims to test the effectiveness of a theory-based intervention for implementing a clinical practice guideline for acute low back pain in general practice in Victoria, Australia. Specifically, our primary objectives are to establish if the intervention is effective in reducing the percentage of patients who are referred for a plain x-ray, and improving mean level of disability for patients three months post-consultation. Methods/Design: This study protocol describes the details of a cluster randomised controlled trial. Ninety-two general practices (clusters), which include at least one consenting general practitioner, will be randomised to an intervention or control arm using restricted randomisation. Patients aged 18 years or older who visit a participating practitioner for acute non-specific low back pain of less than three months duration will be eligible for inclusion. An average of twenty-five patients per general practice will be recruited, providing a total of 2,300 patient participants. General practitioners in the control arm will receive access to the guideline using the existing dissemination strategy. Practitioners in the intervention arm will be invited to participate in facilitated face-to-face workshops that have been underpinned by behavioural theory. Investigators (not involved in the delivery of the intervention), patients, outcome assessors and the study statistician will be blinded to group allocation. Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN012606000098538 (date registered 14/03/2006).The trial is funded by the NHMRC by way of a Primary Health Care Project Grant (334060). JF has 50% of her time funded by the Chief Scientist Office3/2006). of the Scottish Government Health Directorate and 50% by the University of Aberdeen. PK is supported by a NHMRC Health Professional Fellowship (384366) and RB by a NHMRC Practitioner Fellowship (334010). JG holds a Canada Research Chair in Health Knowledge Transfer and Uptake. All other authors are funded by their own institutions

    Fish oil replacement in current aquaculture feed : is cholesterol a hidden treasure for fish nutrition?

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    Teleost fish, as with all vertebrates, are capable of synthesizing cholesterol and as such have no dietary requirement for it. Thus, limited research has addressed the potential effects of dietary cholesterol in fish, even if fish meal and fish oil are increasingly replaced by vegetable alternatives in modern aquafeeds, resulting in progressively reduced dietary cholesterol content. The objective of this study was to determine if dietary cholesterol fortification in a vegetable oil-based diet can manifest any effects on growth and feed utilization performance in the salmonid fish, the rainbow trout. In addition, given a series of studies in mammals have shown that dietary cholesterol can directly affect the fatty acid metabolism, the apparent in vivo fatty acid metabolism of fish fed the experimental diets was assessed. Triplicate groups of juvenile fish were fed one of two identical vegetable oil-based diets, with additional cholesterol fortification (high cholesterol, H-Chol) or without (low cholesterol, L-Chol), for 12 weeks. No effects were observed on growth and feed efficiency, however, in fish fed H-Col no biosynthesis of cholesterol, and a remarkably decreased apparent in vivo fatty acid b-oxidation were recorded, whilst in LChol fed fish, cholesterol was abundantly biosynthesised and an increased apparent in vivo fatty acid b-oxidation was observed. Only minor effects were observed on the activity of stearyl-CoA desaturase, but a significant increase was observed for both the transcription rate in liver and the apparent in vivo activity of the fatty acid D-6 desaturase and elongase, with increasing dietary cholesterol. This study showed that the possible effects of reduced dietary cholesterol in current aquafeeds can be significant and warrant future investigations