702 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of a Passively-Aerated Plastic-Wrapped Composting System Designed for Emergency Disposal of Swine Mortalities

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    Monitoring of a passively-aerated plastic-wrapped mortality composting system designed for emergency disposal of diseased swine highlighted the importance of the physical characteristics of materials used to envelop the carcasses. Inadequate moisture was a problem when using envelope materials such as ground cornstalks or straw having low density and high air-filled porosity. High O2 concentrations throughout these materials, and significantly higher moisture levels in the top layers than in the materials surrounding the carcasses, suggested significant air movement and transport of carcass moisture away from the carcasses, resulting in carcass desiccation and incomplete decay. Although internal temperatures and moisture levels in test units constructed with corn silage were much more favorable than in those constructed with cornstalks or straw, less carcass decomposition occurred. Settling and compaction, resulting in high bulk density and low air-filled porosity, caused low O2 concentrations that appeared to impair carcass decay in the silage test units

    Pathogen Inactivation Potential and Carcass Degradation in a Bio-secure Emergency Livestock Mortality Composting System

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    An emergency swine mortality composting study at Iowa State University was conducted to evaluate the performance of six on-farm carbon source or “envelope” materials (corn silage, oat straw, cornstalks, wood shavings, soybean straw, and alfalfa hay) when used in a plastic-wrapped passively-ventilated emergency composting system that was first employed for emergency disposal of poultry in British Columbia in 2004. With the exception of tub grinding to reduce the particle size of long and fibrous materials, they were used “as is,” in their normal state — as would likely be the case during an emergency — without benefit of mixing or preconditioning to optimize C:N ratios or moisture content. Moisture content fell into two distinct groups: wood, soy, and alfalfa products had initial moisture content of \u3c 20%; while the other materials ranged from 55-62%. After 8 weeks moisture ranged from 11-18% and 27-35% respectively for the two groups. Minimum O 2 concentrations occurred during the first 2 weeks of composting, and ranged from 9-16% in relatively fine-grained wood and silage materials, to 17-20% in the others. Daily temperatures in material surrounding the carcasses also were highest during the first two weeks. Mean temperature ranges during the initial 30 days of composting were 47-57 °C for the moist group, and 35-43 °C for the dry group. Total soft-tissue degradation ranged from 77-78% for silage, wood shavings, and alfalfa hay, and from 85-88% for the other three materials. The highest degradation occurred in two materials having high initial moisture, and high mean 30-day temperatures, while the lowest degradation occurred in two materials having low 30-day mean temperatures and low initial moisture. The temperature/moisture correlation was not consistent, however, as soy straw — exhibiting both low mean temperature and low initial moisture — had high carcass degradation, and silage — having high temperature and high moisture — was in the group producing lower degradation. Remains recovered from all test units after 8 weeks appeared to be desiccated, suggesting that carcass decomposition was terminated by low moisture. This is consistent with the low final moisture levels, and indicates that moisture coming from the carcasses plays a significant role in sustaining decomposition. It also suggests that airflow rates through the matrix may have been excessive and that measures need to be taken to reduce airflow and prevent excessive moisture loss. Success rates meeting USEPA Class A or B criteria for pathogen reduction were much higher for the moist materials than for dry ones, indicating that procedures for emergency composting of carcasses resulting from disease should include pre-moistening of carcass surfaces and envelope materials, and to taking measures to control excessive airflow through the composting matrix that can result in premature drying of envelope materials

    Performance of a Bio-secure Emergency Composting System for Disposal of Swine Carcasses

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    A plastic-wrapped passively-ventilated composting system used by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for bio-secure emergency disposal of poultry mortalities during an avian influenza outbreak in 2004, was adapted and field tested to determine its feasibility for emergency disposal of infectious swine carcasses. System performance was evaluated during triple-replicated 8-week long trials, and 10-day long lab-scale studies were carried out to supplement the field results. Treatment variables included season (warm or cool), type of envelope material (cornstalks, oat straw, corn silage, wood shavings, alfalfa hay, and soybean straw), and initial moisture content of the envelope materials (low\u3c 20% w.b; moderate 40-65%). Performance variables included: final moisture content and leachate production; ability to sustain desirable internal O2 concentrations; % carcass (soft tissue) decomposition; and ability to attain and sustain pathogen-killing temperatures. Despite release of significant amounts of water from carcasses, and being wrapped in plastic sheeting, little leachate accumulation was observed and the moisture content of envelope materials was generally lower at the end of the trail than at the beginning. All materials, except corn silage, were able to maintain internal O2 concentrations of 10% or higher when air was supplied through flexible 10 cm diameter ducts spaced at 2m intervals. O2 concentrations in corn silage often dropped below 10% even though aeration ducts were spaced at 0.5m intervals. Corn silage demonstrated superior pathogen killing potential. Average daily temperatures in the carcass layer of silage test units during the first 30 days of composting (T30) exceeded 50 oC, and USEPA Class B criteria for pathogen reduction were achieved at 90% of monitored locations. T30 values for cornstalks, soybean straw, and alfalfa hay are about 40 oC, and Class B criteria were achieved in only 45-57% of monitored locations in the carcass layer. Wood shavings and oat straw had the worst temperature performance with T30 values of only about 30 oC, and a Class B success rate of about 35%. Mean soft tissue decomposition in the field was lowest in corn silage (72%), and highest in cornstalks and soybean straw (87% and 85% respectively)

    Combined use of empirical data and mathematical modelling to better estimate the microbial turnover of isotopically labelled carbon substrates in soil

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    The flow of carbon (C) through soil is inherently complex due to the many thousands of different chemical transformations occurring simultaneously within the soil microbial community. The accurate modelling of this C flow therefore represents a major challenge. In response to this, isotopic tracers (e.g. 13C, 14C) are commonly used to experimentally parameterise models describing the fate and residence time of individual C compounds within soil. In this study, we critically evaluated the combined use of experimental 14C labelling and mathematical modelling to estimate C turnover times in soil. We applied 14C-labelled alanine and glucose to an agricultural soil and simultaneously measured their loss from soil solution alongside the rate of microbial C immobilization and mineralization. Our results revealed that chloroform fumigation-extraction (CFE) cannot be used to reliably quantify the amount of isotopically labelled 13C/14C immobilised by the microbial biomass. This is due to uncertainty in the extraction efficiency values (kec) within the CFE methodology which are both substrate and incubation time dependent. Further, the traditional mineralization approach (i.e. measuring 14/13CO2 evolution) provided a poor estimate of substrate loss from soil solution and mainly reflected rates of internal microbial C metabolism after substrate uptake from the soil. Therefore, while isotope addition provides a simple mechanism for labelling the microbial biomass it provides limited information on the behaviour of the substrate itself. We used our experimental data to construct a new empirical model to describe the simultaneous flow of substrate-C between key C pools in soil. This model provided a superior estimate of microbial substrate use and microbial respiration flux in comparison to traditional first order kinetic modelling approaches. We also identify a range of fundamental problems associated with the modelling of isotopic-C in soil, including issues with variation in C partitioning within the community, model pool connectivity and variation in isotopic pool dilution, which make interpretation of any C isotopic flux data difficult. We conclude that while convenient, the use of isotopic data (13C, 14C, 15N) has many potential pitfalls necessitating a critical evaluation of both past and future studies

    A genetic programming hyper-heuristic for the multidimensional knapsack problem

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    Purpose: Hyper-heuristics are a class of high-level search techniques which operate on a search space of heuristics rather than directly on a search space of solutions. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the suitability of using genetic programming as a hyper-heuristic methodology to generate constructive heuristics to solve the multidimensional 0-1 knapsack problem. Design/methodology/approach: Early hyper-heuristics focused on selecting and applying a low-level heuristic at each stage of a search. Recent trends in hyper-heuristic research have led to a number of approaches being developed to automatically generate new heuristics from a set of heuristic components. A population of heuristics to rank knapsack items are trained on a subset of test problems and then applied to unseen instances. Findings: The results over a set of standard benchmarks show that genetic programming can be used to generate constructive heuristics which yield human-competitive results. Originality/value: In this work the authors show that genetic programming is suitable as a method to generate reusable constructive heuristics for the multidimensional 0-1 knapsack problem. This is classified as a hyper-heuristic approach as it operates on a search space of heuristics rather than a search space of solutions. To our knowledge, this is the first time in the literature a GP hyper-heuristic has been used to solve the multidimensional 0-1 knapsack problem. The results suggest that using GP to evolve ranking mechanisms merits further future research effort. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited

    Systematic Review of the Effect of Perch Height on Keel Bone Fractures, Deformation and Injuries, Bone Strength, Foot Lesions and Perching Behavior

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    This report provides a summary of four systematic reviews on the impact of perch height on laying hen keel bone fractures, deformation and injuries, bone strength, foot lesions and perching behavior. After conducting a scoping review and identifying outcomes of interest, the review protocols were developed. An extensive literature search was conducted in information sources such as CABI, PUBMED and relevant conference proceedings. 1518 abstracts were assessed for relevance and 9 studies reported perch use and 1 reported keel injuries. No studies reported summary effect sizes; therefore it was not possible to conduct a meta-analysis. In lieu of a formal meta-analysis, a descriptive analysis was conducted, which plotted reported perch height against metrics of perch use. This descriptive analysis was not able to account for lack of independence, differences in sample size and other importance sources of heterogeneity such as cage height. The descriptive analysis suggested a positive association with metrics that measured perch use and height, i.e., increased usage was associated with increased height

    Economic evidence for the prevention and treatment of atopic eczema: a protocol for a systematic review

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    Background: Eczema, synonymous with atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin disease that has a similar impact on health-related quality of life as other chronic diseases. The proposed research aims to provide a comprehensive systematic assessment of the economic evidence base available to inform economic modelling and decision making on interventions to prevent and treat eczema at any stage of the life course. Whilst the Global Resource of Eczema Trials (GREAT) database collects together the effectiveness evidence for eczema there is currently no such systematic resource on the economics of eczema. It is important to gain an overview of the current state of the art of economic methods in the field of eczema in order to strengthen the economic evidence base further. Methods/design: The proposed study is a systematic review of the economic evidence surrounding interventions for the prevention and treatment of eczema. Relevant search terms will be used to search MEDLINE, EMBASE, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, NHS Economic Evaluation Database, Health Technology Assessment, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Econ Lit, Scopus, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Registry and Web of Science in order to identify relevant evidence. To be eligible for inclusion studies will be primary empirical studies evaluating the cost, utility or full economic evaluation of interventions for preventing or treating eczema. Two reviewers will independently assess studies for eligibility and perform data abstraction. Evidence tables will be produced presenting details of study characteristics, costing methods, outcome methods and quality assessment. The methodological quality of studies will be assessed using accepted checklists. Discussion: The systematic review is being undertaken to identify the type of economic evidence available, summarise the results of the available economic evidence and critically appraise the quality of economic evidence currently available to inform future economic modelling and resource allocation decisions about interventions to prevent or treat eczema. We aim to use the review to offer guidance about how to gather economic evidence in studies of eczema and/or what further research is necessary in order to inform this

    The costs of functional gastrointestinal disorders and related signs and symptoms in infants: a systematic literature review and cost calculation for England

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    OBJECTIVES: To estimate the cost of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) and related signs and symptoms in infants to the third party payer and to parents. STUDY DESIGN: To estimate the cost of illness (COI) of infant FGIDs, a two-stage process was applied: a systematic literature review and a COI calculation. As no pertinent papers were found in the systematic literature review, a 'de novo' analysis was performed. For the latter, the potential costs for the third party payer (the National Health Service (NHS) in England) and for parents/carers for the treatment of FGIDs in infants were calculated, by using publicly available data. In constructing the calculation, estimates and assumptions (where necessary) were chosen to provide a lower bound (minimum) of the potential overall cost. In doing so, the interpretation of the calculation is that the true COI can be no lower than that estimated. RESULTS: Our calculation estimated that the total costs of treating FGIDs in infants in England were at least £72.3 million per year in 2014/2015 of which £49.1 million was NHS expenditure on prescriptions, community care and hospital treatment. Parents incurred £23.2 million in costs through purchase of over the counter remedies. CONCLUSIONS: The total cost presented here is likely to be a significant underestimate as only lower bound estimates were used where applicable, and for example, costs of alternative therapies, inpatient treatments or diagnostic tests, and time off work by parents could not be adequately estimated and were omitted from the calculation. The number and kind of prescribed products and products sold over the counter to treat FGIDs suggest that there are gaps between treatment guidelines, which emphasise parental reassurance and nutritional advice, and their implementation