36 research outputs found

    Cohort Profile: Post-Hospitalisation COVID-19 (PHOSP-COVID) study

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    Changes to the Fossil Record of Insects through Fifteen Years of Discovery

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    The first and last occurrences of hexapod families in the fossil record are compiled from publications up to end-2009. The major features of these data are compared with those of previous datasets (1993 and 1994). About a third of families (>400) are new to the fossil record since 1994, over half of the earlier, existing families have experienced changes in their known stratigraphic range and only about ten percent have unchanged ranges. Despite these significant additions to knowledge, the broad pattern of described richness through time remains similar, with described richness increasing steadily through geological history and a shift in dominant taxa, from Palaeoptera and Polyneoptera to Paraneoptera and Holometabola, after the Palaeozoic. However, after detrending, described richness is not well correlated with the earlier datasets, indicating significant changes in shorter-term patterns. There is reduced Palaeozoic richness, peaking at a different time, and a less pronounced Permian decline. A pronounced Triassic peak and decline is shown, and the plateau from the mid Early Cretaceous to the end of the period remains, albeit at substantially higher richness compared to earlier datasets. Origination and extinction rates are broadly similar to before, with a broad decline in both through time but episodic peaks, including end-Permian turnover. Origination more consistently exceeds extinction compared to previous datasets and exceptions are mainly in the Palaeozoic. These changes suggest that some inferences about causal mechanisms in insect macroevolution are likely to differ as well

    Invasive fish species in the largest lakes of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England: the collective U.K. experience

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    An invasive species is defined as an alien (or introduced or non-native) species whose establishment and spread threaten ecosystems, habitats or species with harm. Such threats to UK lake fish communities have long been appreciated and this review assembles case histories, including new data, from the largest lakes of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England to examine the hypothesis that at least some of these introductions have become invasive. Loch Lomond in Scotland has experienced six introductions [chub (Leuciscus cephalus), common bream (Abramis brama), crucian carp (Carassius carassius), dace (Leuciscus leuciscus), gudgeon (Gobio gobio) and ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus)], of which the most significant has been that of the percid ruffe, which has been implicated in a recent decline of the native coregonid whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). In Northern Ireland, the introduction of the cyprinid roach (Rutilus rutilus) to Lough Neagh has apparently had a negative impact on some overwintering waterfowl, although the native coregonid pollan (Coregonus autumnalis) remains abundant. Llyn Tegid in Wales has received three introductions [rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus), ruffe and silver bream (Blicca bjoerkna)], although no impacts on the native whitefish or other fish populations have been observed. In England, individuals of at least 12 native and non-native fish species have been brought to Windermere for the purpose of live-baiting, although only those of the cyprinids roach and common bream have established abundant populations. At the same time, the native salmonid Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) has declined markedly while the native esocid pike (Esox lucius) has shown changes in abundance, distribution and individual condition, although these developments have not been shown to be causally linked. None of these introductions were sanctioned by appropriate fisheries or other regulatory bodies and almost all of them probably arose from the release or escape of live-bait used by pike anglers. Of the 10 species introductions documented here, four (common bream, gudgeon, roach and ruffe) have established abundant populations and two of these (roach and ruffe) have apparently caused or currently threaten harm, supporting the hypothesis that at least some of these introductions have become invasive

    A low temperature limit for life on Earth

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    There is no generally accepted value for the lower temperature limit for life on Earth. We present empirical evidence that free-living microbial cells cooling in the presence of external ice will undergo freeze-induced desiccation and a glass transition (vitrification) at a temperature between −10°C and −26°C. In contrast to intracellular freezing, vitrification does not result in death and cells may survive very low temperatures once vitrified. The high internal viscosity following vitrification means that diffusion of oxygen and metabolites is slowed to such an extent that cellular metabolism ceases. The temperature range for intracellular vitrification makes this a process of fundamental ecological significance for free-living microbes. It is only where extracellular ice is not present that cells can continue to metabolise below these temperatures, and water droplets in clouds provide an important example of such a habitat. In multicellular organisms the cells are isolated from ice in the environment, and the major factor dictating how they respond to low temperature is the physical state of the extracellular fluid. Where this fluid freezes, then the cells will dehydrate and vitrify in a manner analogous to free-living microbes. Where the extracellular fluid undercools then cells can continue to metabolise, albeit slowly, to temperatures below the vitrification temperature of free-living microbes. Evidence suggests that these cells do also eventually vitrify, but at lower temperatures that may be below −50°C. Since cells must return to a fluid state to resume metabolism and complete their life cycle, and ice is almost universally present in environments at sub-zero temperatures, we propose that the vitrification temperature represents a general lower thermal limit to life on Earth, though its precise value differs between unicellular (typically above −20°C) and multicellular organisms (typically below −20°C). Few multicellular organisms can, however, complete their life cycle at temperatures below ~−2°C

    Two DNA nanomachines map pH changes along intersecting endocytic pathways inside the same cell.

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    International audienceDNA is a versatile scaffold for molecular sensing in living cells, and various cellular applications of DNA nanodevices have been demonstrated. However, the simultaneous use of different DNA nanodevices within the same living cell remains a challenge. Here, we show that two distinct DNA nanomachines can be used simultaneously to map pH gradients along two different but intersecting cellular entry pathways. The two nanomachines, which are molecularly programmed to enter cells via different pathways, can map pH changes within well-defined subcellular environments along both pathways inside the same cell. We applied these nanomachines to probe the pH of early endosomes and the trans-Golgi network, in real time. When delivered either sequentially or simultaneously, both nanomachines localized into and independently captured the pH of the organelles for which they were designed. The successful functioning of DNA nanodevices within living systems has important implications for sensing and therapies in a diverse range of contexts

    Incidence and treatment of tracheal cancer: a nationwide study in the Netherlands.

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    Contains fulltext : 53071.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to assess the incidence, characteristics, treatment, and survival of patients with tracheal malignancies in the Netherlands. METHODS: All cases of tracheal cancer entered into the database of the Netherlands Cancer Registry in the period 1989-2002 were selected. Data on histological type, age at time of diagnosis, treatment, and survival were analyzed retrospectively. RESULTS: The annual incidence was 0.142 per 100,000 inhabitants (308 cases, of which 15 were found incidentally at autopsy). Of these, 72% were men. In 52.9%, the histological type was squamous cell carcinoma and in only 7.1% adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC). Mean age at time of diagnosis was 64.3 years. Of the 293 patients diagnosed while alive, 34 patients underwent surgical resection (11.6%), 156 patients received radiotherapy (53.2%), and 103 patients neither (35.4%). Median survival of all 293 patients was 10 months (mean 28 months) with 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year survival rates of 43%, 15%, and 6%, respectively. The prognosis of patients with ACC was significantly better. The 5-year survival rate in patients who underwent surgical resection was 51%, and the 10-year survival rate in these patients was 33%. CONCLUSION: The prognosis of patients with a tracheal malignancy is usually poor. Surgical treatment, however, can lead to good survival rates; still, this is currently only used in selected patients, even though it would seem to be possible in more cases in view of the technical advances in the field of tracheal surgery. Centralizing the care and treatment of tracheal cancers and implementing a more assertive attitude towards this disease could make surgery accessible to a larger number of patients. Data from the literature show that this would lead to better survival in patients with a tracheal malignancy