170 research outputs found

    Characterization of brain blood flow and the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in major depressive disorder: A multimodal meta-analysis.

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    Background In healthy subjects, there is an association between amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations (ALFF) and regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). To date, no published meta-analysis has investigated changes in the regional ALFF in medication-free depressed patients. Methods In this study, we aimed to explore whether resting-state rCBF and ALFF changes co-occur in the depressed brain without the potential confound of medication. Using signed differential mapping (SDM), we conducted two meta-analyses, one of rCBF studies and one of ALFF studies, involving medication-free patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). In addition, we conducted a multimodal meta-analysis to identify brain regions that showed abnormalities in both rCBF and ALFF. Results A total of 16 studies were included in this series. We identified abnormalities in resting-state rCBF and ALFF in the left insula in medication-free MDD patients compared with healthy controls (HC). In addition, we observed altered resting-state rCBF in the limbic-subcortical-cortical circuit and altered ALFF in the default mode network (DMN) and some motor-related brain regions. Limitations The analysis techniques, patient characteristics and clinical variables of the included studies were heterogeneous. Conclusions The conjoint alterations in ALFF and rCBF in the left insula may represent core neuropathological changes in medication-free patients with MDD and merit further studying

    Solution structure of a repeated unit of the ABA-1 nematode polyprotein allergen of ascaris reveals a novel fold and two discrete lipid-binding sites

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    Parasitic nematode worms cause serious health problems in humans and other animals. They can induce allergic-type immune responses, which can be harmful but may at the same time protect against the infections. Allergens are proteins that trigger allergic reactions and these parasites produce a type that is confined to nematodes, the nematode polyprotein allergens (NPAs). These are synthesized as large precursor proteins comprising repeating units of similar amino acid sequence that are subsequently cleaved into multiple copies of the allergen protein. NPAs bind small lipids such as fatty acids and retinol (Vitamin A) and probably transport these sensitive and insoluble compounds between the tissues of the worms. Nematodes cannot synthesize these lipids, so NPAs may also be crucial for extracting nutrients from their hosts. They may also be involved in altering immune responses by controlling the lipids by which the immune and inflammatory cells communicate. We describe the molecular structure of one unit of an NPA, the well-known ABA-1 allergen of Ascaris and find its structure to be of a type not previously found for lipid-binding proteins, and we describe the unusual sites where lipids bind within this structur

    Organization and molecular evolution of a disease-resistance gene cluster in coffee trees

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most disease-resistance (R) genes in plants encode NBS-LRR proteins and belong to one of the largest and most variable gene families among plant genomes. However, the specific evolutionary routes of NBS-LRR encoding genes remain elusive. Recently in coffee tree (<it>Coffea arabica</it>), a region spanning the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3 </it>locus that confers resistance to coffee leaf rust, one of the most serious coffee diseases, was identified and characterized. Using comparative sequence analysis, the purpose of the present study was to gain insight into the genomic organization and evolution of the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3 </it>locus.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sequence analysis of the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3 </it>region in three coffee genomes, E<sup>a </sup>and C<sup>a </sup>subgenomes from the allotetraploid <it>C. arabica </it>and C<sup>c </sup>genome from the diploid <it>C. canephora</it>, revealed the presence of 5, 3 and 4 R genes in E<sup>a</sup>, C<sup>a</sup>, and C<sup>c </sup>genomes, respectively. All these R-gene sequences appeared to be members of a CC-NBS-LRR (CNL) gene family that was only found at the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3 </it>locus in <it>C. arabica</it>. Furthermore, while homologs were found in several dicot species, comparative genomic analysis failed to find any CNL R-gene in the orthologous regions of other eudicot species. The orthology relationship among the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3</it>-CNL copies in the three analyzed genomes was determined and the duplication/deletion events that shaped the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3 </it>locus were traced back. Gene conversion events were detected between paralogs in all three genomes and also between the two sub-genomes of <it>C. arabica</it>. Significant positive selection was detected in the solvent-exposed residues of the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3</it>-CNL copies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The ancestral <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3</it>-CNL copy was inserted in the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3 </it>locus after the divergence between Solanales and Rubiales lineages. Moreover, the origin of most of the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3</it>-CNL copies predates the divergence between <it>Coffea </it>species. The <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3</it>-CNL family appeared to evolve following the birth-and-death model, since duplications and deletions were inferred in the evolution of the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3 </it>locus. Gene conversion between paralog members, inter-subgenome sequence exchanges and positive selection appear to be the major forces acting on the evolution of <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3</it>-CNL in coffee trees.</p

    Diseased muscles that lack dystrophin or laminin-α2 have altered compositions and proliferation of mononuclear cell populations

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    BACKGROUND: Multiple types of mononucleate cells reside among the multinucleate myofibers in skeletal muscles and these mononucleate cells function in muscle maintenance and repair. How neuromuscular disease might affect different types of muscle mononucleate cells had not been determined. In this study, therefore, we examined how two neuromuscular diseases, dystrophin-deficiency and laminin-α2-deficiency, altered the proliferation and composition of different subsets of muscle-derived mononucleate cells. METHODS: We used fluorescence-activated cell sorting combined with bromodeoxyuridine labeling to examine proliferation rates and compositions of mononuclear cells in diseased and healthy mouse skeletal muscle. We prepared mononucleate cells from muscles of mdx (dystrophin-deficient) or Lama2(-/- )(laminin-α2-deficient) mice and compared them to cells from healthy control muscles. We enumerated subsets of resident muscle cells based on Sca-1 and CD45 expression patterns and determined the proliferation of each cell subset in vivo by BrdU incorporation. RESULTS: We found that the proliferation and composition of the mononucleate cells in dystrophin-deficient and laminin-α2-deficient diseased muscles are different than in healthy muscle. The mdx and Lama2(-/- )muscles showed similar significant increases in CD45(+ )cells compared to healthy muscle. Changes in proliferation, however, differed between the two diseases with proliferation increased in mdx and decreased in Lama2(-/- )muscles compared to healthy muscles. In particular, the most abundant Sca-1(-)/CD45(- )subset, which contains muscle precursor cells, had increased proliferation in mdx muscle but decreased proliferation in Lama2(-/- )muscles. CONCLUSION: The similar increases in CD45(+ )cells, but opposite changes in proliferation of muscle precursor cells, may underlie aspects of the distinct pathologies in the two diseases

    Automated functional classification of experimental and predicted protein structures

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    BACKGROUND: Proteins that are similar in sequence or structure may perform different functions in nature. In such cases, function cannot be inferred from sequence or structural similarity. RESULTS: We analyzed experimental structures belonging to the Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) database and showed that about half of them belong to multi-functional fold families for which protein similarity alone is not adequate to assign function. We also analyzed predicted structures from the LiveBench and the PDB-CAFASP experiments and showed that accurate homology-based functional assignments cannot be achieved approximately one third of the time, when the protein is a member of a multi-functional fold family. We then conducted extended performance evaluation and comparisons on both experimental and predicted structures using our Functional Signatures from Structural Alignments (FSSA) algorithm that we previously developed to handle the problem of classifying proteins belonging to multi-functional fold families. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that the FSSA algorithm has better accuracy when compared to homology-based approaches for functional classification of both experimental and predicted protein structures, in part due to its use of local, as opposed to global, information for classifying function. The FSSA algorithm has also been implemented as a webserver and is available at

    Y-Chromosome Evidence for Common Ancestry of Three Chinese Populations with a High Risk of Esophageal Cancer

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    High rates of esophageal cancer (EC) are found in people of the Henan Taihang Mountain, Fujian Minnan, and Chaoshan regions of China. Historical records describe great waves of populations migrating from north-central China (the Henan and Shanxi Hans) through coastal Fujian Province to the Chaoshan plain. Although these regions are geographically distant, we hypothesized that EC high-risk populations in these three areas could share a common ancestry. Accordingly, we used 16 East Asian-specific Y-chromosome biallelic markers (single nucleotide polymorphisms; Y-SNPs) and six Y-chromosome short tandem repeat (Y-STR) loci to infer the origin of the EC high-risk Chaoshan population (CSP) and the genetic relationship between the CSP and the EC high-risk Henan Taihang Mountain population (HTMP) and Fujian population (FJP). The predominant haplogroups in these three populations are O3*, O3e*, and O3e1, with no significant difference between the populations in the frequency of these genotypes. Frequency distribution and principal component analysis revealed that the CSP is closely related to the HTMP and FJP, even though the former is geographically nearer to other populations (Guangfu and Hakka clans). The FJP is between the CSP and HTMP in the principal component plot. The CSP, FJP and HTMP are more closely related to Chinese Hans than to minorities, except Manchu Chinese, and are descendants of Sino-Tibetans, not Baiyues. Correlation analysis, hierarchical clustering analysis, and phylogenetic analysis (neighbor-joining tree) all support close genetic relatedness among the CSP, FJP and HTMP. The network for haplogroup O3 (including O3*, O3e* and O3e1) showed that the HTMP have highest STR haplotype diversity, suggesting that the HTMP may be a progenitor population for the CSP and FJP. These findings support the potentially important role of shared ancestry in understanding more about the genetic susceptibility in EC etiology in high-risk populations and have implications for determining the molecular basis of this disease

    Gamma estimator of Jarzynski equality for recovering binding energies from noisy dynamic data sets

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    A fundamental problem in thermodynamics is the recovery of macroscopic equilibrated interaction energies from experimentally measured single-molecular interactions. The Jarzynski equality forms a theoretical basis in recovering the free energy difference between two states from exponentially averaged work performed to switch the states. In practice, the exponentially averaged work value is estimated as the mean of finite samples. Numerical simulations have shown that samples having thousands of measurements are not large enough for the mean to converge when the fluctuation of external work is above 4 kBT, which is easily observable in biomolecular interactions. We report the first example of a statistical gamma work distribution applied to single molecule pulling experiments. The Gibbs free energy of surface adsorption can be accurately evaluated even for a small sample size. The values obtained are comparable to those derived from multi-parametric surface plasmon resonance measurements and molecular dynamics simulations

    A high-resolution map of the Grp1 locus on chromosome V of potato harbouring broad-spectrum resistance to the cyst nematode species Globodera pallida and Globodera rostochiensis

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    The Grp1 locus confers broad-spectrum resistance to the potato cyst nematode species Globodera pallida and Globodera rostochiensis and is located in the GP21-GP179 interval on the short arm of chromosome V of potato. A high-resolution map has been developed using the diploid mapping population RHAM026, comprising 1,536 genotypes. The flanking markers GP21 and GP179 have been used to screen the 1,536 genotypes for recombination events. Interval mapping of the resistances to G. pallida Pa2 and G. rostochiensis Ro5 resulted in two nearly identical LOD graphs with the highest LOD score just north of marker TG432. Detailed analysis of the 44 recombinant genotypes showed that G. pallida and G. rostochiensis resistance could not be separated and map to the same location between marker SPUD838 and TG432. It is suggested that the quantitative resistance to both nematode species at the Grp1 locus is mediated by one or more tightly linked R genes that might belong to the NBS-LRR class