57 research outputs found

    An introduction to the early Holocene eolian deposits of Grotta Romanelli, Apulia, Southern Italy

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    Due to its geographic position and geomorphological configuration, Grotta Romanelli acted as a sediment trap since at least MIS 5. The so-called 'terre brune' sequence is a deposit mainly of eolian origin bearing upper Palaeolithic artefacts and fossil re-mains of vertebrate fauna; it was deposited during the Glacial-Interglacial transition and the Holocene. Sedimentology and mineralogy of this deposit are investigated. The stratigraphic sequence provides a promising archive within which both human and climatic impacts can be studied

    An introduction to the early Holocene eolian deposits of Grotta Romanelli, Apulia, Southern Italy

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    Due to its geographic position and geomorphological configuration, Grotta Romanelli acted as a sediment trap since at least MIS 5. The so-called ‘terre brune’ sequence is a deposit mainly of eolian origin bearing upper Palaeolithic artefacts and fossil remains of vertebrate fauna; it was deposited during the Glacial-Interglacial transition and the Holocene. Sedimentology and mineralogy of this deposit are investigated. The stratigraphic sequence provides a promising archive within which both human and climatic impacts can be studied

    Grotta Romanelli (Southern Italy, Apulia): legacies and issues in excavating a key site for the Pleistocene of the Mediterranean

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    Grotta Romanelli, located on the adriatic coast of southern apulia (Italy), is considered a key site for the Mediterranean Pleistocene for its archaeological and palaeontological contents. The research team had to deal with the consequences of more than 40 years of inactivity in the eld and the combined effect of erosion and legal, as well as illegal, excavations. In this paper, we provide a database of all the information published during the rst 70 years of excavations and highlight the outstanding problems and contradictions between the chronological and geomorphological evidence, the features of the faunal assemblages and the limestone artefacts

    Thymol-functionalized hyaluronic acid as promising preservative biomaterial for the Inhibition of Candida albicans biofilm formation

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    Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring biopolymer that has been employed for a plethora of medicinal applications. Nevertheless, as HA is a natural polysaccharide, it can be a substrate able to promote microbial growth and proliferation. Biopolymer–drug conjugates have gained attention over the years to overcome drawbacks of each single component. Within this context, thymol (Thy), a phenolic compound occurring in essential oils (EOs) extracted from Thymus and Origanum, has been largely studied for its antimycotic applications. However, it is characterized by a low water solubility and moderate cytotoxicity. Herein, we report an innovative HA–thymol conjugate (HA-Thy) biomaterial to circumvent the drawbacks of free thymol use by providing the polymer conjugate with the beneficial properties of both components. Preliminary biological tests evidenced the decrease of thymol cytotoxicity for the HA-Thy conjugate, paired with a promising antibiofilm formation activity against Candida albicans, similar to pure thymol, highlighting its potential application as a preservative biomaterial in formulations


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    The karst fissures known as “ventarole”, located in the Salentine Peninsula (southernmost part of Apulia, Italy), were first studied by Mirigliano in 1941. These fissures are generally filled with reddish sediments or “terre rosse” in the lower part, and with brownish sediments or “terre brune” in the upper one. Both deposits are particularly rich in vertebrate remains. The mammal assemblages collected within the “terre rosse” from Melpignano and San Sidero are chronologically referred to the early Late Pleistocene (MIS 5), whereas those from the “terre brune” are referred to the Late Pleistocene – Early Holocene (MIS 2/1) transition. These ages were estimated from correlation with the similarly reddish and brownish sediments cropping out in Grotta Romanelli and with other Apulian local faunal assemblages. However, no detailed textural or mineralogical characterization has been carried out on the “ventarole” deposits. Moreover, the presence of several species led to a hypothes of persistence of Middle Pleistocene taxa during the Late Pleistocene in Apulia. In addition, the fauna of Melpignano was proposed as a Faunal Unit of the late Aurelian Land Mammal Age. In the last two decades, a team from the Department of Earth Sciences of Sapienza University of Rome have carried out fieldwork in this fossiliferous area. The rich fossil sample recovered is here presented, coupled with a reassessment of the remains collected since the 1900s. The updated faunal lists of Melpignano and San Sidero include several new species here identified for the first time, in particular Dama clactoniana, Equus mosbachensis and Lynx pardinus. New biochronological and paleoenvironmental data for southern Italy are presented, deriving from the analyses of the mammal remains from Melpignano and San Sidero and their comparison with those from other Middle-Late Pleistocene Apulian sites. Finally, textural and mineralogical analyses performed on several “ventarole” samples allow for a better description of the characteristics of the “terre rosse” and “terre brune”

    Relationships between geogenic radon potential and gamma ray maps with indoor radon levels at Caprarola municipality (central Italy)

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    Exposures to relatively high indoor radon (222Rn) levels represents a serious public health risk because Rn is associated with lung cancer (Darby et al., 2001; WHO, 2009; Oh et al., 2016; Sheen et al., 2016). The risk is high because radon, and its short-lived decay products in the atmosphere, contributes for about 60% of the total annual effective dose (UNSCEAR, 2000; WHO, 2009). Cancer risk is increased by smoking being almost 9 times higher than the risk to non-smokers exposed to similar levels (EPA, 2009). Due to these reasons, it is very important to assess the indoor exposure of public to radon and their daughters. Rn is a natural ubiquitous gas and its abundance is mainly controlled by the geology, and in particular by the soil and rock content of its parent nuclide (238U). Furthermore, bedrock characteristics (i.e. permeability and porosity) and also fault activity can affect the amount of Rn released in the ground (Ciotoli et al., 2007; Barnet et al., 2018). As such, in conditions of permeable and/or fractured bedrock and high uranium content, high indoor radon concentrations are expected (Bossew and Lettner, 2007; Gruber et al., 2013; Cinelli et al., 2015; Ielsch et al., 2017; Ciotoli et al., 2017). A non-natural contribution that controls the indoor Rn levels is home construction type and building materials (Vauptic et al., 2002; Appleton, 2007). Additionally, meteorological factors, such as wind, temperature and humidity, can affect the rate of Rn entry into the buildings (PorstendĂśrfer et al., 1994; Miles et al., 2005; Schubert et al., 2018). In this work, we propose a new geospatial technique to construct the geogenic radon potential (GRP) map of the Caprarola municipality (northern Lazio, central Italy) characterized by recent (about 100 Kyr) volcanic deposits with high content in radon parent nuclides (Ciotoli et al., 2017). GRP map has been obtained by using Empirical Bayesian Kriging Regression (EBKR) technique with soil gas radon, as the response variable, and a number of proxy variables (i.e. content of the radiogenic parent nuclides, the emanation coefficient of the outcropping rocks, the diffusive 222Rn flux from the soil, the soil-gas CO2 concentration, the Digital Terrain Model (DTM), the permeability of the outcropping rocks and the gamma dose radiation of the shallow lithology. Furthermore, possible relationships between predicted soil radon values (i.e. GRP) and gamma radiation distribution with the indoor concentrations measured in private and public buildings has been investigated, respectively. The obtained results confirm that GRP maps provide the local administration of a useful tool for land use planning and that, the mapping of gamma emission, allows to a fast and effective evaluation of indoor radon hazard because it is mainly influenced by the building materials rather than other anthropic controls

    Exploring mobility in Italian Neolithic and Copper Age communities

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    As a means for investigating human mobility during late the Neolithic to the Copper Age in central and southern Italy, this study presents a novel dataset of enamel oxygen and carbon isotope values (δ18Oca and δ13Cca) from the carbonate fraction of biogenic apatite for one hundred and twenty-six individual teeth coming from two Neolithic and eight Copper Age communities. The measured δ18Oca values suggest a significant role of local sources in the water inputs to the body water, whereas δ13Cca values indicate food resources, principally based on C3 plants. Both δ13Cca and δ18Oca ranges vary substantially when samples are broken down into local populations. Statistically defined thresholds, accounting for intra-site variability, allow the identification of only a few outliers in the eight Copper Age communities, suggesting that sedentary lifestyle rather than extensive mobility characterized the investigated populations. This seems to be also typical of the two studied Neolithic communities. Overall, this research shows that the investigated periods in peninsular Italy differed in mobility pattern from the following Bronze Age communities from more northern areas

    Mapping oxygen stable isotopes of precipitation in Italy

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    Study region: Italy. Study focus: The oxygen isotope composition from 266 pluviometers was used to study the spatial variability of δ18O and its relationship with Italian orography. The local meteoric water lines (LMWLs) of northern, southern and central Italy and Sicily are reformulated and a new definition of isotopic variations with elevation is provided. New hydrological insights for the region: Altitude and, to a lesser extent, latitude are the main geographical factors affecting the isotopic signature of precipitation in Italy. A high-resolution map of the spatial distribution of 18O content in precipitation was created using the identified relationship between δ18O/Latitude-Altitude and the spatial distribution of the residuals. The general features of the δ18O distribution map may be summarised as follows: δ18O distribution over the Alps clearly depends on latitude and altitude, whereas over the Apennines, which run down the whole peninsula from north-west to south-east, it is more affected by altitude, the contour lines roughly following the axis of the chain. The isotope compositions on the western side of the peninsula are generally higher than those of the east at the same elevation and latitude; they are more or less uniform in the northern plain of Italy

    Characterisation of White Marble Objects from the Temple of Apollo and the House of Augustus (Palatine Hill, Rome)

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    The provenance of the marbles of eleven artefacts collected in the temple of Apollo and the house of Augustus at the Palatine Hill archaeological excavations in Rome has been determined using a multi-method approach that includes petrography and isotopes of carbon and oxygen. Two samples are from fragments of statues, one of which is likely the Apollo statuary representation; the other samples are from architectural elements (columns, capitals, plates and cornices). The marbles of the Augustan complex represent the first example of a change in the taste for building materials of monumental architecture at the Palatine Hill in the Augustan age; their introduction started the “marmorisation” process in the area. In this transition, it is especially important to determine if the marble artefacts that were subjects of a religious cult were originals from Greece or copies that were carved during the building of the Augustan complex. In order to discriminate between these two possibilities, it is necessary to identify the geographic location at which the marbles considered were quarried. In our selection of samples, isotopic and petrographic results indicate that most of the architectural elements are quite unambiguously made of marble of Italic provenance (i.e. Carrara marble), while the fragments of statues, which have a relation to a religious cult, seem to have Greek origin

    Neurofibromatosis type 1: plastic surgical management

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