25 research outputs found

    Analisis Nilai Tambah dan Strategi Pemasaran USAha Industri Tahu di Kota Medan

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    The research is aimed to determine how the processing system to produce the industry of tofu, the added value, and marketing strategies out of existing industrial businesses in the study area. The samples used were 21 units with a small industrial scale. The method of data analysis using methods of measuring value added Hayami and SWOT analysis method. The results obtained by the production process the industry of tofu in the study area goes well with raw materials imported soybeans and auxiliary materials are always available in the study area. The added value generated out industrial enterprises in the study area is positive, good to China's tofu, sumedang raw tofu, and sumedang fried tofu. The marketing strategy that do business industry in the area of industrial research is an aggressive strategy to focus more on strategy SO (Strength-Opportunities), using force to take advantage of existing opportunities. Strategies SO (Strength-Opportunities)

    A 4 Years Old Boy with Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Grade III

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a frequently encountered case in the practice of general practitioners and emergency department. Dengue is a disease caused by the dengue virus. This infection has several manifestations of asymptomatic to severe cases such as shock. Indonesia is one of the endemic countries with the highest number of reported cases compared to other countries in Southeast Asia. A 4 years old boy with complaints of cold hands and feet since 5 hours before enter to the hospital. Patients had fever 3 days ago. Complaints of fever accompanied by intermittent headache, oftalmic pain, nausea without vomiting, heartburn and decreased appetite. The patient also complained of black feces with soft consistency three times since yesterday, , have not urinating since the morning, and appeared petechiae on the skin. Physical examination found moderate sick in general condition, delirium, blood pressure 90/70 mmHg, heart rate 120 time/min, regular, weak strain and volume, breathing 28 times/min, temperature 36, 3°C. Generalize status obtained pale skin, dry lips and cyanosis, thoracic within normal limits, epigastric pain, liver ¼ - ½, chewy consistency, flat surface, obtuse, cold extremities and positive rumpleed test. Laboratory examination found 35% increasing hematocrit, platelet count of 59,000/ml, positive Dengue Fever Ig M and Ig G. Patients diagnosed with DHF Grade III. Patient receive Intravenous fluid drip (IVFD) Wida Hes 30 drops/min followed by RL 15 drops/min, antacids 3 x ½ teaspoons, paracetamol 3 x ½ tab in emergency department

    Analisis Yuridis Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 77/puu-ix/2011 terhadap Pengaturan Piutang Badan USAha Milik Negara dalam Hal Permohonan Restrukturisasi Utang oleh Debitur

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    Dalam penulisan Skripsi ini penulis membahas mengenai analisis yuridis putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi nomor 77/PUU-IX/2011 terkait Pengaturan Piutang Badan Usaha Milik negara dalam hal permohonan Restrukturisasi utang oleh debitur. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi karena pengaturan terkait piutang BUMN dirasa sangat tidak adil bagi debitur bank BUMN dalam hal pemberian restrukturisasi utang karena masih berlakunya Undang-undang nomor 49 tahun 1960. Beberapa pasal tersebut juga bertentangan dengan Undang-undang BUMN juncto Undang-undang Perseroan Terbatas serta Undang-undang Perbendaharan Negara yang mengatur bahwa Piutang negara hanya sebagai piutang yang hanya ditujukan untuk instansi pemerintah pusat, dan bukan untuk Perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara

    Pengaruh Orientasi Pasar dan Orientasi Kewirausahaan terhadap Kinerja Pemasaran melalui Inovasi sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi pada UMKM Batik di Jawa Tengah)

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    This research was motivated by the increasing of SMEs omzet cause Batik development. Batik SMEs of Pati Regency and Semarang District are potential to thrieve but the sales is fluctuate and not achieving the sales target has been set. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation toward marketing performance through innovation in Batik SMEs of Central Java. Type of research is explanatory with data collection through questionnaires and interviews. Population is Batik SMEs of Pati Regency and Semarang District. Samples are 76 owners Batik SMEs of Pati District and Semarang Regency. Technique of sampling using saturated sampling or census This study uses quantitative analysis techniques using validity, reliability test, the correlation coefficient, simple and multiple regression analysis, the determination coefficient, significance test (t test) in one direction, regression 2 stages, and Sobel test using A.F. Hayes program. The results of the study are positive effect of market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation partially on innovation, and innovation positive effect to performance marketing. Regression analysis is known that the two stages of market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation influence on innovation with a coefficient of 0.166 and 0.739. Innovation on the performance of marketing at 0.464. Further Innovation acts as a partial mediating variable

    The Effectiveness of Ttw (Think-talk-write) Strategy in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text

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    This research entitled “The Effectiveness of TTW (Think-Talk-Write) Strategy in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text. TTW (Think-Talk-Write) strategy is one of strategy in teaching learning process, TTW (Think-Talk-Write) strategy one of cooperative learning. Think-Talk-Write (TTW) Strategy is starting from involvement of students in thinking or dialogue with it self after reading process. Then talk and share ideas (sharing) with friend before writing. One group consist of 4-6 students, in this group of students requested making notes, explaining, listening and sharing ideas with friends and express them through writing. The problem of the research is “To find out the effectiveness TTW (Think-Talk-Write) strategy in teaching writing descriptive text?” The population in the research is the second grade students of UNSWAGATI CIREBON. The writer takes two classes of the second grade students as the sample from this research which were divided into two groups; experimental group (7AB) and control group (7CD). The instruments of collecting data are tests; pre-test and post-test. To analyze of data, the writer used a quasi-experimental design. The writer gave writing test to gather the data. There were pre-test and post-test. The formula that was used analyze the data was t-test. It was used to determine whether there was significance difference between students\u27 score in experimental group and control group

    Non Profit PR: how to do?

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    Buku ini membagi pokok bahasan ke dalam tiga (3) sub bab penting, yaitu kehumasan pada institusi pemerintahan, kehumasan pada institusi perguruan tinggi dan kehumasan pada lembaga non pemerintah. Dengan klasifi kasi tersebut, pembaca dapat memperoleh perspektif yang berbeda mengenai praktik kehumasan pada masingmasing institusi yang notabene memiliki karakteristik dan keunikan tersendiri. Dengan demikian, pengayaan atas kasus-kasus kehumasan pada institusi non profit, menjadi lebih bervariasi dan dapat memberikan kontribusi positif bagi para pembaca

    Searching for ß-delayed protons from 11 Be

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    ISOLDE Workshop and Usersmeeting. Wednesday 05 December - Friday 07 December 2018 .CERN ( ISOLDE User Support. PH Departmen - CERN/CH-1211 Geneve 23). --.https://indico.cern.ch/event/736872/contributions

    Analisis Kesalahan Siswa Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Sistem Persamaan Linear Tiga Variabel

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis tingkat kesalahan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal cerita dengan materi sistem persamaan linear tiga variabel. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek pada penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan sampel terbatas pada siswa kelas X dilingkungan pada salah satu daerah pada Kabupaten Tangerang. Teknik pengumpulan data dari penelitian ini adalah berupa jawaban dari soal uraian berjumlah lima soal dan lembar wawancara . Hasil dari penelitian ini terlihat ada bermacam-macam kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh para siswa dalam menjawab soal cerita sistem persamaan linear tiga variabel . Dengan rata-rata tingkat kesalahan siswa dalam menjawab soal cerita sistem persamaan linear tiga variabel sebanyak 24% dan sisanya 76% siswa dapat menjawab soal soal cerita sistem persamaan linear tiga variabel dengan baik dan benar. Kata