205 research outputs found

    Formal Framework for Property-driven Obfuscations

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    We study the existence and the characterization of function transformers that minimally or maximally modify a function in order to reveal or conceal a certain property. Based on this general formal framework we develop a strategy for the design of the maximal obfuscating transformation that conceals a given property while revealing the desired observational behaviou

    The PER model of abstract non-interference

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    Abstract. In this paper, we study the relationship between two models of secure information flow: the PER model (which uses equivalence relations) and the abstract non-interference model (which uses upper closure operators). We embed the lattice of equivalence relations into the lattice of closures, re-interpreting abstract non-interference over the lattice of equivalence relations. For narrow abstract non-interference, we show non-interference it is strictly less general. The relational presentation of abstract non-interference leads to a simplified construction of the most concrete harmless attacker. Moreover, the PER model of abstract noninterference allows us to derive unconstrained attacker models, which do not necessarily either observe all public information or ignore all private information. Finally, we show how abstract domain completeness can be used for enforcing the PER model of abstract non-interference

    Data augmentation and transfer learning to classify malware images in a deep learning context

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    In the past few years, malware classification techniques have shifted from shallow traditional machine learning models to deeper neural network architectures. The main benefit of some of these is the ability to work with raw data, guaranteed by their automatic feature extraction capabilities. This results in less technical expertise needed while building the models, thus less initial pre-processing resources. Nevertheless, such advantage comes with its drawbacks, since deep learning models require huge quantities of data in order to generate a model that generalizes well. The amount of data required to train a deep network without overfitting is often unobtainable for malware analysts. We take inspiration from image-based data augmentation techniques and apply a sequence of semantics-preserving syntactic code transformations (obfuscations) to a small dataset of programs to generate a larger dataset. We then design two learning models, a convolutional neural network and a bi-directional long short-term memory, and we train them on images extracted from compiled binaries of the newly generated dataset. Through transfer learning we then take the features learned from the obfuscated binaries and train the models against two state of the art malware datasets, each containing around 10 000 samples. Our models easily achieve up to 98.5% accuracy on the test set, which is on par or better than the present state of the art approaches, thus validating the approach

    An Abstract Interpretation-based Model for Safety Semantics

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    Formal framework for reasoning about the precision of dynamic analysis

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    Dynamic program analysis is extremely successful both in code debugging and in malicious code attacks. Fuzzing, concolic, and monkey testing are instances of the more general problem of analysing programs by dynamically executing their code with selected inputs. While static program analysis has a beautiful and well established theoretical foundation in abstract interpretation, dynamic analysis still lacks such a foundation. In this paper, we introduce a formal model for understanding the notion of precision in dynamic program analysis. It is known that in sound-by-construction static program analysis the precision amounts to completeness. In dynamic analysis, which is inherently unsound, precision boils down to a notion of coverage of execution traces with respect to what the observer (attacker or debugger) can effectively observe about the computation. We introduce a topological characterisation of the notion of coverage relatively to a given (fixed) observation for dynamic program analysis and we show how this coverage can be changed by semantic preserving code transformations. Once again, as well as in the case of static program analysis and abstract interpretation, also for dynamic analysis we can morph the precision of the analysis by transforming the code. In this context, we validate our model on well established code obfuscation and watermarking techniques. We confirm the efficiency of existing methods for preventing control-flow-graph extraction and data exploit by dynamic analysis, including a validation of the potency of fully homomorphic data encodings in code obfuscation

    Hyperhierarchy of Semantics - A Formal Framework for Hyperproperties Verification

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    Hyperproperties are becoming the, de facto, standard for reasoning about systems executions. They differ from classical trace properties since they are represented by sets of sets of executions instead of sets of executions. In this paper, we extend and lift the hierarchy of semantics developed in 2002 by P. Cousot in order to cope with verifica- tion of hyperproperties. In the standard hierarchy, semantics at different levels of abstraction are related with each other by abstract interpre- tation. In the same spirit, we propose an hyperhierarchy of semantics adding a new, more concrete, hyper level. The semantics defined at this hyper level are suitable for hyperproperties verification. Furthermore, all the semantics in the hyperhierarchy (the standard and the hyper ones) are still related by abstract interpretation

    Verifying Bounded Subset-Closed Hyperproperties

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    Hyperproperties are quickly becoming very popular in the context of systems security, due to their expressive power. They differ from classic trace properties since they are represented by sets of sets of executions instead of sets of executions. This allows us, for instance, to capture information flow security specifications, which cannot be expressed as trace properties, namely as predicates over single executions. In this work, we reason about how it is possible to move standard abstract interpretation-based static analysis methods, designed for trace properties, towards the verification of hyperproperties. In particular, we focus on the verification of bounded subset-closed hyperproperties which are easier to verify than generic hyperproperties. It turns out that a lot of interesting specifications (e.g., Non-Interference) lie in this category
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