833 research outputs found

    Synchronized oscillations and acoustic fluidization in confined granular materials

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    According to the acoustic fluidization hypothesis, elastic waves at a characteristic frequency form inside seismic faults even in the absence of an external perturbation. These waves are able to generate a normal stress which contrasts the confining pressure and promotes failure. Here, we study the mechanisms responsible for this wave activation via numerical simulations of a granular fault model. We observe the particles belonging to the percolating backbone, which sustains the stress, to perform synchronized oscillations over ellipticlike trajectories in the fault plane. These oscillations occur at the characteristic frequency of acoustic fluidization. As the applied shear stress increases, these oscillations become perpendicular to the fault plane just before the system fails, opposing the confining pressure, consistently with the acoustic fluidization scenario. The same change of orientation can be induced by external perturbations at the acoustic fluidization frequency

    Social contacts and loneliness in people with psychotic and mood disorders

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    Background Social relations can be measured through: a) objective indicators, i.e. the number of social contacts in a given time interval or b) subjective indicators, i.e. feelings of loneliness. Comparing subjective and objective indicators in patients with psychotic and mood disorders may help to understand whether diagnosis-specific interventions should be designed for increasing their social relations. In this study we assessed social contacts outside home, work environments and mental health services, which may be increased by these interventions. We also explored feelings of loneliness which could influence readiness of patients to participate in interventions. Methods 100 patients in outpatient mental health care were asked to: a) list their social contacts; b) report their feelings of loneliness on a validated five point Likert scale. Multiple logistic regression models were used to test associations of diagnostic categories with: a) having more than one social contact in the previous week; b) reporting at least moderate feelings of loneliness. Results Patients had on average 1.7 (SD = 1.7) social contacts in the previous week (median = 1.0); 77 patients reported at least moderate feelings of loneliness. Patients with psychotic disorders (n = 30) showed a statistical trend towards having just one or no contacts in the week before the assessment (Odds ratio, OR = 2.246, p =.087). Patients with mood disorders were more likely to report at least moderate feelings of loneliness (OR = 2.798; p <.05). Conclusions Patients with psychotic disorders, compared to those with mood disorders, may be less likely to report feeling lonely although they tend to have less social contacts. Strategies to enhance social relations of people with psychotic disorders may include approaches to increase patients' drive to establish new social contacts and to emotionally support them in this process

    Alterations in proton leak, oxidative status and uncoupling protein 3 content in skeletal muscle subsarcolemmal and intermyofibrillar mitochondria in old rats.

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    BACKGROUND: We considered of interest to evaluate how aging affects mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle. METHODS: We measured mitochondrial oxidative capacity and proton leak, together with lipid oxidative damage, superoxide dismutase specific activity and uncoupling protein 3 content, in subsarcolemmal and intermyofibrillar mitochondria from adult (six months) and old (two years) rats. Body composition, resting metabolic rate and plasma non esterified fatty acid levels were also assessed. RESULTS: Old rats displayed significantly higher body energy and lipids, while body proteins were significantly lower, compared to adult rats. In addition, plasma non esterified fatty acid levels were significantly higher, while resting metabolic rates were found to be significantly lower, in old rats compared to adult ones. Significantly lower oxidative capacities in whole tissue homogenates and in intermyofibrillar and subsarcolemmal mitochondria were found in old rats compared to adult ones. Subsarcolemmal and intermyofibrillar mitochondria from old rats exhibited a significantly lower proton leak rate, while oxidative damage was found to be significantly higher only in subsarcolemmal mitochondria. Mitochondrial superoxide dismutase specific activity was not significantly affected in old rats, while significantly higher content of uncoupling protein 3 was found in both mitochondrial populations from old rats compared to adult ones, although the magnitude of the increase was lower in subsarcolemmal than in intermyofibrillar mitochondria. CONCLUSIONS: The decrease in oxidative capacity and proton leak in intermyofibrillar and subsarcolemmal mitochondria could induce a decline in energy expenditure and thus contribute to the reduced resting metabolic rate found in old rats, while oxidative damage is present only in subsarcolemmal mitochondria

    Storage capacity of phase-coded patterns in sparse neural networks

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    We study the storage of multiple phase-coded patterns as stable dynamical attractors in recurrent neural networks with sparse connectivity. To determine the synaptic strength of existent connections and store the phase-coded patterns, we introduce a learning rule inspired to the spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP). We find that, after learning, the spontaneous dynamics of the network replay one of the stored dynamical patterns, depending on the network initialization. We study the network capacity as a function of topology, and find that a small- world-like topology may be optimal, as a compromise between the high wiring cost of long range connections and the capacity increase.Comment: Accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Solvent-Free Synthetic Route for Cerium(IV) Metal–Organic Frameworks with UiO-66 Architecture and Their Photocatalytic Applications

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    A near solvent-free synthetic route for Ce-UiO-66 metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) is presented. The MOFs are obtained by energetically grinding the reagents, cerium ammonium nitrate (CAN) and the carboxylic linkers, in a mortar for a few minutes with the addition of a small amount of acetic acid (AcOH) as a modulator (8.75 equiv, 0.5 mL). The slurry is then transferred into a 2 mL vial and heated at 120 °C for 1 day. The MOFs have been characterized for their composition, crystallinity, and porosity and employed as heterogeneous catalysts for the photo-oxidation reaction of substituted benzylic alcohols to benzaldaldehydes under near-ultraviolet light irradiation. The catalytic performances, such as selectivity, conversion, and kinetics, exceed those of similar systems studied by chemical oxidation using similar Ce-MOFs as a catalyst. Moreover, the MOFs were found to be reusable up to three cycles without loss of activity. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were used to fully describe the electronic structure of the best performing MOFs and to provide useful information on the catalytic activity experimentally observed

    Social isolation in mental health: a conceptual and methodological review

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    PURPOSE: Social isolation and related concepts have been discussed increasingly in the field of mental health. Despite this, there is a lack of conceptual clarity and consistency in the definition and operationalisation of these terms. This review aimed to provide a clear framework for social isolation and related concepts, and to identify well-established measures in the field of mental health for each conceptual domain discussed. METHODS: We used an iterative strategy of expert consultation and literature searching. A multi-disciplinary group of senior academics was consulted both before and after the literature searching to identify relevant terms, conceptual papers, or recommended measures. Our conceptual framework was also validated through expert consultation. We searched the Web of Science database using terms suggested by experts and subsequently identified further relevant studies through review articles and by reading full texts and reference lists of included studies. A narrative synthesis was conducted. RESULTS: We developed a model with five domains incorporating all the concepts relevant to social isolation in regular use in the mental health research literature. These five domains are: social network—quantity; social network—structure; social network—quality; appraisal of relationships—emotional; and appraisal of relationships—resources. We also identified well-developed measures suitable for assessing each of the five conceptual domains or covering multi-domains. CONCLUSIONS: Our review proposes a conceptual model to encompass and differentiate all terms relating to social isolation. Potential uses are in allowing researchers and intervention developers to identify precisely the intended outcomes of interventions, and to choose the most appropriate measures to use in mental health setting

    Identification and spatial distribution of the mRNA encoding an egg envelope component of the Cyprinid zebrafish, Danio rerio, homologous to the mammalian ZP3(ZPC)

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    Using degenerate reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) techniques we have isolated a cDNA encoding a putative component of the zebrafish Danio rerio egg chorion, homologous to the mammalian ZP3 (ZPC). The predicted protein (zfZPC) has a calculated molecular mass of 58.4 kDa and contains a signal peptide (located in the N-terminal region) composed of 11 hydrophobic amino acid residues followed by a signal peptide cleavage site. The zfZPC contains the ZP domain, a characteristic amino acid sequence shared by all ZP proteins of the mammalian zona pellucida and of both amphibian and bird egg envelope components. The zfZPC also exhibits certain unique features including five N-terminal Q-rich tandem repeats presumably involved in the hardening of the chorion after the fertilization of the egg and a long C-terminal tail containing two potential sites of N-linked type glycosylation. RT-PCR and in situ hybridization revealed a restricted pattern of tissue distribution: the gene encoding zfZPC is transcribed only in the growing oocyte of sexually mature female fish

    Chronic spontaneous urticaria: a low-grade disseminated intravascular coagulation only partially reversed by Omalizumab

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    Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is a disorder characterized by wheals and/or angioedema. The coagulation cascade and inflammation pathways are closely linked together. The aim of our study was first to investigate the dynamics of clot formation in plasma (Clot Waveform Analysis, CWA) in a group of 47 patients with CSU along with other coagulative parameters dedicated to the study of hypercoagulability, such as D-Dimer, F 1 + 2 peptide, Fibrinogen, Platelet count and Mean Platelet Volume (MPV). Secondly, 23 out of 47 patients were treated with Omalizumab at four administration intervals from T0 to T4. A statistically significant increase in Activated Partial Thromboplastin (aPTT) ratio, D-Dimer, F1 + 2, Platelet count and MPV was found when compared with 53 healthy controls (HC). In contrast, the 2nd Derivative of aPTT showed lower values than those of the HC. No differences were found between 1st derivative of aPTT and Fibrinogen. D-Dimer only showed a significant difference between T0 and T3. An activation of both coagulation and fibrinolysis along with a weaker clot acceleration may be in agreement with a low-grade DIC. The accelerated turnover of platelets expressed by both an increase in platelet count and MPV further supports this pathway in CSU. Omalizumab does not affect the relationship between the immune and the hemostatic systems

    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.

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    During translation, usually only one in approximately 400 misincorporations affects the function of a nascent protein, because only chemically similar near-cognate amino acids are misincorporated in place of the cognate one. The deleterious misincorporation of a chemically dissimilar noncognate amino acid during the selection process is precluded by the presence of a tRNA at the ribosomal E-site. However, the selection of first aminoacyl-tRNA, directly after initiation, occurs without an occupied E-site, i.e., when only the P-site is filled with the initiator tRNA and thus should be highly error-prone. Here, we show how bacterial ribosomes have solved this accuracy problem: In the absence of a Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence, the first decoding step at the A-site after initiation is extremely error-prone, even resulting in the significant incorporation of noncognate amino acids. In contrast, when a SD sequence is present, the incorporation of noncognate amino acids is not observed. This is precisely the effect that the presence of a cognate tRNA at the E-site has during the elongation phase. These findings suggest that during the initiation phase, the SD interaction functionally compensates for the lack of codon-anticodon interaction at the E-site by reducing the misincorporation of near-cognate amino acids and prevents noncognate misincorporation
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