29 research outputs found

    Multi-scale Web Mapping for Geoheritage Visualisation and Promotion

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    Due to the renewed interest for sites of geological interest, both in nature conservation and tourist sectors, numerous regional and national geosite inventories have been carried out in several countries during the last two decades. For this purpose, various assessment methods have been developed and published. The issue of the representation of the results of inventories—in particular, the mapping system, the question of updating data—remains open. Moreover, if in the field of nature conservation, practitioners are used to working with GIS, it is not the case in the tourist sector where data must be delivered to the users in open-access and easy-to-use formats. This paper discusses what opportunities of web mapping methods and techniques there are in the domain of geoheritage assessment and promotion. A web mapping application in Google Maps application programming interface (API) framework is proposed to disseminate the results of geosite inventories carried out in Switzerland both at national and regional scales. The interest of the proposed application is discussed according to three main criteria: mapping interests and limitations, management purposes and interpretive issues

    GeoGuides, Urban Geotourism Offer Powered by Mobile Application Technology

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    Scientific research about geological and geomorphological heritage recently proved to be the base of new opportunities for tourism. The peculiar case of urban landscape analysis offers new frontiers to the traditional urban cultural tourism. The tourism offer based on natural aspects of urban areas is described in this paper thanks to three examples of urban geotourism tools: GeoGuide Lausanne, TOURinSTONES and GeoGuide Rome mobile applications. Each case focuses on the transfer of geoscientific knowledge from scientific research to the “tourist” content, with the innovative support of the mobile application technology. The apps contribute to the promotion of the links between cultural and geological heritages, which is the goal of urban geotourism: to convey the message that substrate profoundly influences the culture that is established on it. The mobile application technology has many strengths for interpretation, e.g. by overlaying images or adding sounds and videos, which allow the visitors to discover landforms now covered by buildings and infrastructures; it has also technical strengths, such as looking for additional information and organizing the city visit at home or to reexperience it after the trip. The apps do not have any impact on the field; they are concise, easy to read, interactive and funny. The public understanding of science is very important; it helps enhancing the role of the researchers and the impact of their work on the society and the daily lives of citizens. In this context, GeoGuide apps are useful to transfer knowledge and make it usable to people

    Mandibular ecomorphology in the genus ursus (Ursidae, Carnivora): relevance for the palaeoecological adaptations of cave bears (U. spelaeus) from Scladina cave

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    Considerable morphological and ecological diversity has been found in extinct and extant members of the bear genus, Ursus, and appears to be key in explaining how they have thrived across vast ecological gradients. One example is the cave bear Ursus spelaeus. We applied 2D geometric morphometric techniques to describe morphological changes in the mandibles of extant Ursus species to further interpret the palaeoecology of U. spelaeus. Ursus species were discriminated using their mandibular morphology, which showed intra and interspecific shape variation that was indirectly linked to climatic adaptations through dietary variation. Mandibles of bears that inhabit colder, drier and more seasonal environments were generally slender with large diastema and a dorsoventrally smaller ramus. In contrast, species from warmer environments with higher levels of precipitation were found to have a dorsoventrally taller ramus (relative to the corpus). Discriminant function analyses of the morphology of U. spelaeus suggested adaptations to a series of fluctuating environments through time, helping to assess previously proposed Marine Isotope Stages for sedimentary deposits in Scladina Cave. Our geometric morphometrics analyses of bear mandibular ecomorphology demonstrates how geometric morphometrics provides a valuable tool to enhance paleoenvironmental reconstructions within deposits of the same fossil site

    Strategies for preventing group B streptococcal infections in newborns: A nation-wide survey of Italian policies

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    Le collezioni museali naturalistiche come fondamentale risorsa nella ricerca scientifica: distribuzione spazio-temporale dei reperti di grandi vertebrati marini nei musei italiani

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    Il patrimonio culturale marino italiano ha per tradizione e storia un’imponente ricchezza di collezioni museali naturalistiche, con migliaia di reperti ossei e tassidermizzati di vertebrati marini, costruite in oltre due secoli di attività. I reperti museali rappresentano la conoscenza primaria ed unica della biodiversità organismica ed ecosistemica storica del Mediterraneo e costituiscono un ampio archivio di tessuti e dati scientifici potenzialmente sfruttabile grazie alle nuove tecnologie biomolecolari per comprendere pattern, processi e possibili cause della perdita di biodiversità, degrado degli ecosistemi e declino delle popolazioni. Con l’obiettivo di ricostruire le traiettorie evolutive ed ecologiche di specie e popolazioni di grandi predatori marini del Mediterraneo (cetacei ed elasmobranchi) abbiamo costituito un network di 25 collezioni osteologiche museali (universitarie e civiche) e private italiane, da cui abbiamo ottenuto oltre 500 campioni (fotografie geometriche e tessuti biologici di crani, rostri, mascelle, vertebre e denti) di individui storici di Delphinus delphis, Stenella coeruleoalba, Tursiops truncatus, Carcharodon carcharias, quattro specie di pesce sega dei generi Pristis e Anoxypristis, otto specie di cetacei mediterranei e la foca monaca (Monachus monachus). Il presente lavoro descrive i risultati, in termini di numero e di distribuzione, dei reperti di alcune specie di grandi predatori marini e mette in evidenza il valore storico, culturale e scientifico delle collezioni museali, in particolar modo per gruppi di organismi di particolare interesse conservazionistico

    Internet au service du patrimoine. Cartographie dynamique de l'inventaire des géotopes d'importance nationale

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    L'inventaire des géotopes d'importance nationale, aujourd'hui proche de son état final, est le fruit d'un long travail de sélection, de documentation ainsi que de définition et de numérisation des périmètres des sites initié dans les années 1990 par le groupe de travail pour la protection des géotopes en Suisse (Strasser et al. 1995, Berger et al. 2008). Il représente un outil au service de la diffusion et à la promotion du géopatrimoine suisse, auprès de la population en général et des professionnels des géosciences en particulier, dans un but de valorisation patrimoniale et de protection et par une sensibilisation à la valeur particulière et à la vulnérabilité des géotopes.¦C'est dans cet objectif qu'a été développée une interface cartographique rendant accessible sur Internet le contenu de cet inventaire. L'outil de web mapping utilisé - GoogleMaps API - permet en effet d'enrichir une interface de navigation intuitive de diverses fonctions additionnelles offertes par la cartographie sur internet (Kraak 2004, Plewe 2007). La carte n'est donc pas seulement une représentation de la réalité permettant la localisation de différents objets, mais également un outil de recherche thématique et spatiale ainsi qu'un index reliant chaque objet cartographié à diverses informations.¦Porte d'accès aux données des site à une échelle individuelle ou globale, mais aussi outil d'exploration, cette interface propose plusieurs niveaux d'utilisation, correspondant aux diverses interactions possibles avec ces données : naviguer et découvrir les sites, réaliser des sélections multiples, comparer les géotopes à d'autres données, comme l'inventaire fédéral des paysages. L'utilisateur peut ainsi produire à chaque fois la carte qui répond à ses besoins et à ses questions. En donnant à tous accès au contexte et aux particularités de chaque site par delà la globalité abstraite de l'inventaire, cette application se veut avant tout un outil au service de la médiation du géopatrimoine