681 research outputs found

    Foci of segmentally contracted sarcomeres in trapezius muscle biopsy specimens in myalgic and nonmyalgic human subjects : preliminary results

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    Objective The myofascial trigger point hypothesis postulates that there are small foci of contracted sarcomeres in resting skeletal muscle. Only one example, in canine muscle, has been published previously. This study evaluated human muscle biopsies for foci of contracted sarcomeres. Setting The Departments of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy at Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. Subjects Biopsies from 28 women with or without trapezius myalgia were evaluated, 14 in each group. Methods Muscle biopsies were obtained from regions of taut bands in the trapezius muscle and processed for light and electron microscopy and for histochemical analysis. Examination of the biopsies was blinded as to group. Results A small number of foci of segmentally contracted sarcomeres were identified. One fusiform segmental locus involved the entire muscle fiber in tissue from a myalgic subject. Several transition zones from normal to contracted sarcomeres were found in both myalgic and nonmyalgic subjects. The distance between Z-lines in contracted sarcomeres was about 25–45% of the same distance in normal sarcomeres. Z-lines were disrupted and smeared in the contracted sarcomeres. Conclusions A small number of foci of segmentally contracted sarcomeres were found in relaxed trapezius muscle in human subjects, a confirmation of the only other example of spontaneous segmental contraction of sarcomeres (in a canine muscle specimen), consistent with the hypothesis of trigger point formation and with the presence of trigger point end plate noise

    Strategic and Organizational Implications of Computerized Manufacturing Technology

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    The new competitive conditions of the 1980's have thrown American and European manufacturing into a turmoil. Computerized process technology can help ease the problems through increasing productivity, quality. and flexibility. However, its benefits will not be realized unless manufacturing managers attend to the technology's strategic and organizational implications. Issues in specifying the connections between computerized processes and strategic objectives are discussed. A conceptual framework is proposed which identifies some of these connections. Determining the appropriate work organization and compatible systems and procedures are also discussed. Recommendations are made for dealing with these issues

    Nonuniform high-gamma (60-500 Hz) power changes dissociate cognitive task and anatomy in human cortex

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    High-gamma-band (\u3e60 Hz) power changes in cortical electrophysiology are a reliable indicator of focal, event-related cortical activity. Despite discoveries of oscillatory subthreshold and synchronous suprathreshold activity at the cellular level, there is an increasingly popular view that high-gamma-band amplitude changes recorded from cellular ensembles are the result of asynchronous firing activity that yields wideband and uniform power increases. Others have demonstrated independence of power changes in the low- and high-gamma bands, but to date, no studies have shown evidence of any such independence above 60 Hz. Based on nonuniformities in time-frequency analyses of electrocorticographic (ECoG) signals, we hypothesized that induced high-gamma-band (60-500 Hz) power changes are more heterogeneous than currently understood. Using single-word repetition tasks in six human subjects, we showed that functional responsiveness of different ECoG high-gamma sub-bands can discriminate cognitive task (e.g., hearing, reading, speaking) and cortical locations. Power changes in these sub-bands of the high-gamma range are consistently present within single trials and have statistically different time courses within the trial structure. Moreover, when consolidated across all subjects within three task-relevant anatomic regions (sensorimotor, Broca\u27s area, and superior temporal gyrus), these behavior- and location-dependent power changes evidenced nonuniform trends across the population. Together, the independence and nonuniformity of power changes across a broad range of frequencies suggest that a new approach to evaluating high-gamma-band cortical activity is necessary. These findings show that in addition to time and location, frequency is another fundamental dimension of high-gamma dynamics

    Böden marginaler Standorte - Eigenschaften, Limitierungen und Potentiale

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    Eine zunehmende Knappheit ackerbaulicher Standorte und der zugleich steigende Bedarf an nachwachsenden Rohstoffen für die energetische und stoffliche Nutzung lösen verstärkt Konflikte zwischen der Nahrungsmittelproduktion und der Biomasseproduktion aus. Marginale Standorte kommen entsprechend immer stärker in den Blickpunkt als mögliche Erweiterungsflächen für die Biomasseproduktion. In der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung fehlt allerdings eine eindeutige Definition für derartige marginale Standorte. Gerade im Hinblick auf eine mögliche Reduzierung von Nutzungskonflikten ist die Abgrenzung zu stillgelegten, aber agrarisch nutzbaren Standorten oder zu natürlichen Badlands, mit naturschutzfachlichen Potentialen oftmals schwierig. Das EU H2020-Projekt SEEMLA untersucht Potentiale und Verfügbarkeit von marginalen Standorten europaweit. In Deutschland, Griechenland und der Ukraine wurden Pilotstandorte eingerichtet, auf denen der Anbau von Bioenergiepflanzen exemplarisch durchgeführt wird. Für eine erste Bewertung der Standortspotentiale und auch der Ursachen der Marginalität der Standorte wurden Bodenuntersuchungen an allen Pilotstandorten nach den Vorgaben des Muencheberger Soil Quality Rating-Verfahrens (SQR) (1) durchgeführt und die Standorte klassifiziert. Das SQR-Verfahren bewertet ausgewählte Boden- und Standortseigenschaften und bezieht zusätzlich mögliche limitierende Faktoren (Hazard Indicators) wie Versauerung, Versalzung, Vernässung etc. mit ein, um eine Gesamtbewertungszahl zur Bodenfruchtbarkeit zu ermitteln. Dieser Beitrag stellt anhand der SEEMLA-Standorte exemplarisch Böden marginaler Standorte vor. Mit Hilfe der SQR Hazard Indicators werden charakteristische limitierende Faktoren vorgestellt. Es wird zudem versucht, die untersuchten Standorte in eine mögliche Klassifikation marginaler Standorte einzupassen und ihre Eignung für die Biomasseproduktion einzuschätzen

    Myofascial Pain Syndrome:A Nociceptive Condition Comorbid with Neuropathic or Nociplastic Pain

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    Myofascial pain syndrome is featured by the presence of myofascial trigger points (TrPs). Whether TrPs are primary or secondary phenomena or if they relate to central or peripheral nervous system disorders is controversial. Referred pain, a cardinal sign of TrPs, is a central phenomenon driven by peripheral input. In 2021, the InternationalAssociation for the Study of Pain (IASP) proposed a clinical criteria and grading system for classifying patients with pain on nociceptive, neuropathic, or nociplastic phenotypes. Myofascial TrP pain has been traditionally categorized as a nociceptive phenotype; however, increasing evidence supports that this condition could be present in patients with predominantly nociplastic pain, particularly when it is associated with an underlying medical condition. The clinical response of some therapeutic approaches for managing TrPs remains unclear. Accordingly, the ability to classify myofascial TrP pain into one of these phenotypes would likely be critical for producing more successful clinical treatment outcomes by a precision medicine approach. This consensus paper presents evidence supporting the possibility of subgrouping individuals with myofascial TrP pain into nociceptive, nociplastic, or mixed-type phenotype. It is concluded that myofascial pain caused by TrPs is primarily a nociceptive pain condition, is unlikely to be classified as neuropathic or nociplastic, but can be present in patients with predominantly neuropathic or nociplastic pain. In the latter cases, management of the predominant central pain problem should be a major treatment goal, but the peripheral drive from TrPs should not be ignored, since TrP treatment has been shown to reduce sensitization-associated symptomatology in nociplastic pain conditions, e.g., fibromyalgia

    Considerations of Efficiency and Distributive Justice in Multidimensional Poverty Measurement

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    Ab den 1980er Jahren entwickelte Amartya Sen eine neue Wohlfahrtstheorie: den Capability Approach (Sen, 1979; 1985; 1992; 1999; 2009). Dabei ersetzen Capabilities und Functionings, d.h. das, was Personen tatsächlich in der Lage sind zu tun und zu sein, den traditionellen Einkommensansatz. Armut ist im Capability Approach das Unvermögen, ein bestimmtes Minimum an zentralen Capabilities zu erreichen, die benötigt werden, um das Leben nach den eigenen Vorstellungen zu gestalten. Der Capability Approach hat so viele interessante Eigenschaften, besonders in Bezug auf die Armutsmessung, dass er zunehmend Einfluss in der Wohlfahrtsökonomie gewinnt. Diese Entwicklung wird durch empirische Untersuchungen gefördert, die zeigen, dass dieser multidimensionale Ansatz zur Armutsmessung deutlich andere Ergebnisse generiert als der traditionelle Einkommensansatz (vgl. Klasen, 2000, Alkire und Santos, 2010, Figari, 2012). Der derzeitige multidimensionale Ansatz hat jedoch eine methodische Schwäche: Ungleichheit zwischen Armutsdimensionen wird entweder als Korrelationssensitivität definiert – womit Effizienz aber nicht Verteilungsgerechtigkeit berücksichtigt wird – oder als die Verteilung multipler Mangelerscheinungen in einer Gesellschaft – womit Verteilungsgerechtigkeit aber nicht Effizienz berücksichtigt wird. Die ersten beiden Kapitel dieser Dissertation widmen sich der Behebung dieser methodischen Schwäche. Dazu wird Ungleichheit zwischen Dimensionen zunächst als „korrelationssensitive Verteilung multipler Mangelerscheinungen in einer Gesellschaft“ definiert. Die ersten beiden Kapitel operationalisieren diese erweiterte Definition für den Fall ordinaler und kardinaler Armutsindices. Im Einzelnen wird ein neues Axiom für den ordinalen sowie den kardinalen Fall eingeführt, das das Ausmaß, mit dem ein Ungleichheitsfördernder Tausch Armut sinken (oder steigen) lässt, von der Beziehung zwischen den Armutsdimensionen abhängig macht. Diese Neuerung wird benutzt um eine neue Klasse ordinaler bzw. kardinaler Armutsindices herzuleiten. Diese zwei Klassen sind die ersten additiven Armutsindices die in der Lage sind, sowohl Ungleichheit als auch Korrelationssensitivität zu erfassen. Das dritte Kapitel nutzt das deutsche sozio-ökonomische Panel um zwei ordinale Armutsindices für Deutschland vorzuschlagen, die auf der zuvor entwickelten Methode basieren: den „Deutschen Korrelationssensitiven Armutsindex“ und den „Subjektiven Korrelationssensitiven Armutsindex“. Die beiden Indices werden mit dem offiziellen deutschen Armutsmaß, der Armutsgefährdungsquote, über Dimensionen, Regionen und über die Zeit hinweg verglichen. Die Resultate zeigen vor allem eines: die signifikanten Unterschiede in der Beurteilung von Armut und Armutstrends die durch die verschiedenen Indices versursacht werden und den hohen Mehrwert den die Operationalisierung des Capability Approachs darstellt

    Harding University Course Catalog 1988-1989

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    Catalog of Harding University 1988-1989https://scholarworks.harding.edu/catalogs/1050/thumbnail.jp

    Comparability of antibody response to a booster dose of 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in infants primed with either 2 or 3 doses

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    In this cohort study we compared IgG antibody levels between infants immunized with 7-valent CRM197-conjugated pneumococcal vaccine (PCV-7) at 2,4 and 11 months and at 2, 3, 4 and 11 months of age,as measured by double adsorption ELISA. Pre- and post-booster levels following the 2 + 1 - and 3 + 1-dose schedule were comparable for 5 out of 7 serotypes except for serotypes 6B and 19F. The proportion of children reaching post-booster antibody thresholds were comparable except for 6B (>= 1.0 mu g/ml and >= 5.0 mu g/ml) and 19F (>= 5.0 mu g/ml). Surveillance studies are warranted for vaccine impact on 6B and 19F disease cases after reduced-dose PCV-7 schedules. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Assessment and quantification of marginal lands for biomass production in Europe using soil-quality indicators

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    The cultivation of bioenergy plants in fertile, arable lands increasingly results in new land use conflicts with food production and cannot be considered as sustainable. Marginal lands have been frequently considered as potential alternatives for producing bioenergy from biomass. However, clear definitions and assessment methods for selecting marginal lands and for calculating potentials are still widely missing. The project “SEEMLA” aims at triggering the exploitation of currently underused marginal lands for biomass production for energy purposes. Study sites have been selected in different European countries: Germany, Greece, and Ukraine. The selected sites represent a wide variety of different types of marginal lands. Based on a soil assessment set given by the Muencheberg Soil Quality Rating (SQR) system potentially “marginal” sites have been investigated. The SQR system allows for clearly distinguishing between soils of higher and lower quality. Soils with SQR scores below 40 are regarded as “marginal”. They can be classified into different groups with regard to the importance of soil hazard indicators as evaluated by the SQR approach. The calculated SQR scores correlate significantly with biomass yields of bioenergy plants. Further, the SQR method was adapted for use in a GIS study on marginal-land potentials in Europe. Thus, 46&thinsp;% of the investigated European area could be classified as “marginal” with SQR scores below 40. From that area 22.6&thinsp;% can be considered as potentially suitable for producing renewable resources after eliminating protected sites or other places not suitable for any kind of land use. Taking the ecological demands of selected bioenergy plants into account it is possible to give first preliminary recommendations for regional crop cultivation. It can be concluded that Europe offers a large potential for renewable resources from marginal sites. However, the implementation into practice is often impeded by missing or varying policies and regulations. A proper implementation needs clear regulations and also incentives for farmers at the European level.</p
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