152 research outputs found

    Efficacy of ultra-micronized palmitoylethanolamide (um-PEA) in geriatric patients with chronic pain : study protocol for a series of N-of-1 randomized trials

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    Background: Chronic pain in older people is highly prevalent, often underestimated, and associated with adverse outcomes. Most available analgesic drugs are often either ineffective or not tolerated, with many side effects. Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) is an endogenous widely distributed N-acylethanolamina involved in neuroinflammation and pain-generating processes. Formulations containing ultra-micronized palmitoylethanolamide (um-PEA) are available but their effectiveness on chronic pain in highly heterogeneous geriatric patients is not clear and probably not generalizable. We planned to adopt the N-of-1 trial approach to test the effectiveness of um-PEA objectively at the individual level in our older outpatients. Methods/Design: Persons 65 years or older referring to the Geriatric Unit of the Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico of Milan complaining of noncancer chronic pain of any origin will be eligible. Each trial will be a placebo-controlled randomized crossover trial including two um-PEA (600 mg twice a day) and placebo treatment pairs. The um-PEA or placebo 3-week periods will be separated by 2-week washout intervals to overcome possible carryover effects. Pain intensity, need of on-demand analgesic medications, and impact on daily activities will be evaluated. Cognitively impaired patients will be eligible as long as an expression of pain can be recognized and its frequency assessed by a caregiver. Trial results will be discussed with the patient or caregiver and the treating physician to decide whether to continue the treatment. The impact of the N-of-1 approach on the physician's management plan and confidence will be assessed. We will secondarily meta-analyze the performed N-of-1 trials to obtain an estimate of the average effect of um-PEA compared with placebo using a frequentist and Bayesian approach. Discussion: While pursuing an ultimate clinical objective, i.e. to empirically and objectively decide the best treatment choice for an individual older patient with chronic pain, these series of geriatric N-of-1 trials on PEA will bring the principles of evidence-based medicine into the care of patients not usually represented in conventional randomized controlled trials, and realize a patient-centered outcome approach necessary to improve appropriate prescribing in elderly patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02699281. Registered on 3 March 2016

    N-of-1 Randomized Trials of Ultra-Micronized Palmitoylethanolamide in Older Patients with Chronic Pain

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    Background: Ultra-micronized palmitoylethanolamide (um-PEA) represents an attractive option for chronic pain control in complex older patients at higher risk of adverse effects with traditional analgesics. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of um-PEA versus placebo on chronic pain intensity and function in individual geriatric patients. Design: We performed randomized, blinded N-of-1 trials with two 3-week um-PEA versus placebo comparisons, separated by 2-week washout periods. Participants: The study included outpatients aged\ua0 65\ua065\ua0years with chronic, non-cancer, non-ischemic pain in the back, joints, or limbs. Intervention: Patients were randomized to Um-PEA 600\ua0mg or placebo twice daily. Measurements: Pain intensity was measured using an 11-point visual numeric scale. Functional impairment was measured using a Back Pain Functional Scale. Impact of each N-of-1 trial was measured on the clinician\u2019s intention to treat and confidence. Results: Ten of 11 eligible patients consented over 7\ua0months [all female, mean age 83.2\ua0years (SD 4.6)]. Three patients interrupted the trial: one had diarrhea (under placebo), one for low adherence, and one for intercurrent pneumonia. A small statistically significant effect in favor of um-PEA was seen at the mixed method analyses in two patients (effect size equal to 8% of the baseline pain). A statistically significant impact on function was found in one patient. After the trial, um-PEA was prescribed to four patients; in two patients the clinician changed their pre-trial intention to treat; the clinician confidence in the treatment plan either increased (5) or remained the same (2). Conclusions: Our experience confirmed that N-of-1 trials may help make personalized evidence-based decisions in complex older patients, with special feasibility considerations. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02699281

    Introducing the Library of Guidance for Health Scientists (LIGHTS): a living database for methods guidance

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    IMPORTANCE: Improving methodological quality is a priority in the health research community. Finding appropriate methods guidance can be challenging due to heterogeneous terminology, poor indexing in medical databases, and variation in formats. The Library of Guidance for Health Scientists (LIGHTS) is a new searchable database for methods guidance articles. OBSERVATIONS: Journal articles that aim to provide guidance for performing (including planning, design, conduct, analysis, and interpretation), reporting, and assessing the quality of health-related research involving humans or human populations (ie, excluding basic and animal research) are eligible for LIGHTS. A team of health researchers, information specialists, and methodologists continuously identifies and manually indexes eligible guidance documents. The search strategy includes focused searches of specific journals, specialized databases, and suggestions from researchers. A current limitation is that a keyword-based search of MEDLINE (and other general databases) and manual screening of records were not feasible because of the large number of hits (n = 915 523). As of September 20, 2022, LIGHTS included 1246 articles (336 reporting guidelines, 80 quality assessment tools, and 830 other methods guidance articles). The LIGHTS website provides a user-oriented search interface including filters for study type, specific methodological topic, research context, guidance type, and development process of the guidance. Automated matching of alternative methodological expressions (eg, enter loss to follow-up and find articles indexed with missing data) enhances search queries. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: LIGHTS is a peer-supported initiative that is intended to increase access to and use of methods guidance relevant to health researchers, statisticians, methods consultants, methods developers, ethics boards, peer reviewers, journal editors, and funding bodies

    Safety of iron hydroxide adipate tartrate as a novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 and as a source of iron in the context of Directive 2002/46/EC

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver an opinion on iron hydroxide adipate tartrate as a novel food (NF) pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 and as a source of iron in the context of Directive 2002/46/EC. The NF is intended to be used in food supplements up to a maximum dose of 100 mg per day, corresponding to a maximum daily intake of iron of 36 mg. The target population proposed by the applicant is the general population above 3 years of age. The NF which is the subject of the application is an engineered nanomaterial having primary particles, of almost spherical morphology, with a diameter typically smaller than 5 nm. The studies provided for absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) and bioavailability indicate that iron, once taken up into the epithelial cells of the gut, is subject to the same mechanisms of regulation and absorption as that of other forms of iron. Further studies provided in the context of the toxicological assessment indicate that the NF does not lead to iron bioaccumulation in tissues and organs at the doses tested. The Panel notes that the NF contains nickel at concentrations that may increase the risk of flare-up reactions in nickel-sensitised young individuals up to 10 years of age. In the 90-day toxicity study, findings related to haematology, clinical biochemistry and organ weights were observed and the Panel defined a no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) of 231 mg/kg body weight (bw) per day, that is, the mid-dose used in the study. The Panel considers that the NF is a source from which iron is bioavailable and it is safe under the proposed conditions of use

    Scientific opinion on the safety of selenite triglycerides as a source of selenium added for nutritional purposes to food supplements

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver an opinion on selenite triglycerides as a novel food (NF) pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283, their safety when added for nutritional purposes to food supplements as a source of selenium and the bioavailability of selenium from this source, in the context of Directive 2002/46/EC. The proposed NF is the first lipophilic organic form of selenium so far described in the literature. It is composed by a mixture of individual Se-containing lipids which do not occur in nature. The Panel considers that the information provided on the composition of the NF does not allow a complete characterisation of the product. From the data provided to characterise the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of the NF, it cannot be established in which chemical form Se is systemically available and if it can enter the functional Se body pool to fulfil Se physiological functions. The Panel considers that, since it is not demonstrated that the NF is converted to a known form of Se following ingestion and absorption, the NF is to be treated as a xenobiotic with unknown properties in the body. From a subchronic toxicity study in rats, the Panel derives a lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) for general toxicity of 2 mg Se/kg body weight (bw) per day based on findings indicating liver as a target organ, as it has been shown for other studies on dietary Se. The Panel concludes that the NF is absorbed and provides Se, but in an unknown form of which the bioavailability has not been determined. The Panel also concludes that the safety of the NF under the intended conditions of use cannot be established

    Safety of nicotinamide riboside chloride as a novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 and bioavailability of nicotinamide from this source, in the context of Directive 2002/46/EC

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver an opinion on nicotinamide riboside chloride as a novel food (NF) pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283, including an evaluation of the safety of its use in food supplements as a source of niacin, and the bioavailability of nicotinamide from this source, in the context of Directive 2002/46/EC. The NF, a synthetic form of nicotinamide riboside, is proposed to be used in food supplements for the healthy adult population at levels up to 300 mg/day. The production process, composition, specifications, batch-to-batch variability and stability of the NF do not raise safety concerns. Animal and human data indicate that the NF contributes to the nicotinamide body pool. There are no concerns regarding genotoxicity. Human studies do not raise safety concerns. The proposed maximum use level corresponds to an amount of nicotinamide, which is sixfold lower than the tolerable upper intake level (UL) set for adults, excluding pregnant and lactating women. The margin of exposure (MoE) of 70 derived from repeated dose toxicity studies with rats and dogs is considered sufficient for the adult population, excluding pregnant and lactating women. Regarding these two population groups, the MoE of 76 derived from a developmental toxicity study in rats is considered insufficient in the absence of data which could justify accepting a MoE lower than 100. The Panel concludes that the NF is safe under the proposed conditions of use for the healthy adult population, excluding pregnant and lactating women, and that an intake of the NF up to 230 mg/day is safe for pregnant and lactating women. The Panel also concludes that the NF is a source from which nicotinamide, a form of niacin, is bioavailable

    Statement on safety of cannabidiol as a novel food: data gaps and uncertainties

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    The European Commission has determined that cannabidiol (CBD) can be considered as a novel food (NF), and currently, 19 applications are under assessment at EFSA. While assessing these, it has become clear that there are knowledge gaps that need to be addressed before a conclusion on the safety of CBD can be reached. Consequently, EFSA has issued this statement, summarising the state of knowledge on the safety of CBD consumption and highlighting areas where more data are needed. Literature searches for both animal and human studies have been conducted to identify safety concerns. Many human studies have been carried out with Epidyolex®, a CBD drug authorised to treat refractory epilepsies. In the context of medical conditions, adverse effects are tolerated if the benefit outweighs the adverse effect. This is, however, not acceptable when considering CBD as a NF. Furthermore, most of the human data referred to in the CBD applications investigated the efficacy of Epidyolex (or CBD) at therapeutic doses. No NOAEL could be identified from these studies. Given the complexity and importance of CBD receptors and pathways, interactions need to be taken into account when considering CBD as a NF. The effects on drug metabolism need to be clarified. Toxicokinetics in different matrices, the half-life and accumulation need to be examined. The effect of CBD on liver, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, nervous system and on psychological function needs to be clarified. Studies in animals show significant reproductive toxicity, and the extent to which this occurs in humans generally and in women of child-bearing age specifically needs to be assessed. Considering the significant uncertainties and data gaps, the Panel concludes that the safety of CBD as a NF cannot currently be established
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