151 research outputs found

    A Plethora of Virulence Strategies Hidden Behind Nuclear Targeting of Microbial Effectors

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    Plant immune responses depend on the ability to couple rapid recognition of the invading microbe to an efficient response. During evolution, plant pathogens have acquired the ability to deliver effector molecules inside host cells in order to manipulate cellular and molecular processes and establish pathogenicity. Following translocation into plant cells, microbial effectors may be addressed to different subcellular compartments. Intriguingly, a significant number of effector proteins from different pathogenic microorganisms, including viruses, oomycetes, fungi, nematodes, and bacteria, is targeted to the nucleus of host cells. In agreement with this observation, increasing evidence highlights the crucial role played by nuclear dynamics, and nucleocytoplasmic protein trafficking during a great variety of analyzed plant–pathogen interactions. Once in the nucleus, effector proteins are able to manipulate host transcription or directly subvert essential host components to promote virulence. Along these lines, it has been suggested that some effectors may affect histone packing and, thereby, chromatin configuration. In addition, microbial effectors may either directly activate transcription or target host transcription factors to alter their regular molecular functions. Alternatively, nuclear translocation of effectors may affect subcellular localization of their cognate resistance proteins in a process that is essential for resistance protein-mediated plant immunity. Here, we review recent progress in our field on the identification of microbial effectors that are targeted to the nucleus of host plant cells. In addition, we discuss different virulence strategies deployed by microbes, which have been uncovered through examination of the mechanisms that guide nuclear localization of effector proteins

    Integrated Regulation of the Type III Secretion System and Other Virulence Determinants in Ralstonia solanacearum

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    In many plant and animal bacterial pathogens, the Type III secretion system (TTSS) that directly translocates effector proteins into the eukaryotic host cells is essential for the development of disease. In all species studied, the transcription of the TTSS and most of its effector substrates is tightly regulated by a succession of consecutively activated regulators. However, the whole genetic programme driven by these regulatory cascades is still unknown, especially in bacterial plant pathogens. Here, we have characterised the programme triggered by HrpG, a host-responsive regulator of the TTSS activation cascade in the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. We show through genome-wide expression analysis that, in addition to the TTSS, HrpG controls the expression of a previously undescribed TTSS-independent pathway that includes a number of other virulence determinants and genes likely involved in adaptation to life in the host. Functional studies revealed that this second pathway co-ordinates the bacterial production of plant cell wall-degrading enzymes, exopolysaccharide, and the phytohormones ethylene and auxin. We provide experimental evidence that these activities contribute to pathogenicity. We also show that the ethylene produced by R. solanacearum is able to modulate the expression of host genes and can therefore interfere with the signalling of plant defence responses. These results provide a new, integrated view of plant bacterial pathogenicity, where a common regulator activates synchronously upon infection the TTSS, other virulence determinants and a number of adaptive functions, which act co-operatively to cause disease

    Exploitation of Eukaryotic Ubiquitin Signaling Pathways by Effectors Translocated by Bacterial Type III and Type IV Secretion Systems

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    The specific and covalent addition of ubiquitin to proteins, known as ubiquitination, is a eukaryotic-specific modification central to many cellular processes, such as cell cycle progression, transcriptional regulation, and hormone signaling. Polyubiquitination is a signal for the 26S proteasome to destroy earmarked proteins, but depending on the polyubiquitin chain topology, it can also result in new protein properties. Both ubiquitin-orchestrated protein degradation and modification have also been shown to be essential for the host's immune response to pathogens. Many animal and plant pathogenic bacteria utilize type III and/or type IV secretion systems to inject effector proteins into host cells, where they subvert host signaling cascades as part of their infection strategy. Recent progress in the determination of effector function has taught us that playing with the host's ubiquitination system seems a general tactic among bacteria. Here, we discuss how bacteria exploit this system to control the timing of their effectors' action by programming them for degradation, to block specific intermediates in mammalian or plant innate immunity, or to target host proteins for degradation by mimicking specific ubiquitin/proteasome system components. In addition to analyzing the effectors that have been described in the literature, we screened publicly available bacterial genomes for mimicry of ubiquitin proteasome system subunits and detected several new putative effectors. Our understanding of the intimate interplay between pathogens and their host's ubiquitin proteasome system is just beginning. This exciting research field will aid in better understanding this interplay, and may also provide new insights into eukaryotic ubiquitination processes

    Functional diversification of the GALA type III effector family contributes to Ralstonia solanacearum adaptation on different plant hosts

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    Type III effectors from phytopathogenic bacteria exhibit a high degree of functional redundancy, hampering the evaluation of their precise contribution to pathogenicity. This is illustrated by the GALA type III effectors from Ralstonia solanacearum, which have been shown to be collectively, but not individually, required for disease on Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato. We investigated evolution, redundancy and diversification of this family in order to understand the individual contribution of the GALA effectors to pathogenicity.From sequences available, we reconstructed GALA phylogeny and performed selection studies. We then focused on the GALAs from the reference strain GMI1000 to examine their ability to suppress plant defense responses and contribution to pathogenicity on three different host plants: A. thaliana, tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) and eggplant (Solanum melongena).The GALA family is well conserved within R. solanacearum species. Patterns of selection detected on some GALA family members, together with experimental results, show that GALAs underwent functional diversification.We conclude that functional divergence of the GALA family likely accounts for its remarkable conservation during R. solanacearum evolution and could contribute to R. solanacearum’s adaptation on several host plants

    Développement d'anticorps monoclonaux humains de type IgA dirigés contre la partie C-terminale de la protéine d'enveloppe gp41 du VIH-1

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    La transmission du Virus de l Immunodéficience Humaine (VIH) par voie sexuelle représente le mode majoritaire de contamination (80%) (UNAIDS). Ce mode de contamination implique le passage du virus à travers les muqueuses et une interaction avec les cellules épithéliales et les cellules immunitaires présentes au sein de ces muqueuses (cellules dendritiques, macrophages ou lymphocytes). Les muqueuses représentent le principal site d'exposition de l organisme aux antigènes de l environnement. Les SIgA (IgA sécrétoires) présentes dans la lumière de ces muqueuses représentent la première ligne de défense immunitaire contre l infection et la colonisation des muqueuses. Les IgA sont capables d interagir avec les glycoprotéines (gp) exprimées à la surface du VIH et de bloquer l infection et/ou la transcytose à travers l épithélium muqueux. Nous avons pu étudier la prévalence des SIgA anti-gp41 et plus précisément anti-MPER présentes dans la salive parotidienne de personnes Exposées au VIH Séronégatives (ESN) et leur rôle dans l inhibition de l infection par le virus in vitro. Nous avons pu démontrer que ces sujets présentaient un taux plus important de SIgA anti-MPER neutralisantes. Ce premier travail nous a permis de valider la gp41 comme immunogène d intérêt pour la génération de SIgA neutralisantes. Nous avons pu générer des IgA1 dans un modèle murin a1Kl chimérique capable de produire des anticorps IgA1 humanisés. L immunisation de ces souris a permis la production de 6 anticorps monoclonaux spécifiques de la région MPER capables de reconnaître des épitopes conformationnels élargis, correspondant aux épitopes reconnus par le 2F5 et le 4E10. Les IgA1 présentaient de fortes capacités neutralisantes pour différentes souches de laboratoire et de souches primaires du VIH. Les études de caractérisation des fonctions antivirales de ces anticorps permettront de mieux définir le mode d action de ces anticorps. A notre connaissance, ces IgA1 neutralisantes anti-MPER sont les premières décrites à ce jour dans la littérature. De par leur faible immunogénicité et leur faible autoréactivité, ces anticorps peuvent facilement être intégrés dans des approches thérapeutiques locales ou par sérothérapie passive pour la protection après administration de SHIV dans des modèles animaux comme le macaque. L ensemble de mes travaux de thèse ont confirmé l intérêt thérapeutique potentiel des SIgA dans la lutte contre le VIH et notamment celles dirigées contre la partie gp41 de l enveloppeSexual transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus is the major mode of contamination (80%) for this pathogen (UNAIDS). This mode of transmission involves a passage of the virus though the mucosa and an interaction with epithelial cells and immune cells present in the mucosa (dendritic cells, macrophages and lymphocytes). Mucosa represents the major site of exposure for the organism to environmental antigens. The IgA expressed in the lumen of mucosa are the first line of immune defence against infection and colonization of mucosa. IgA are able to interact with glycoproteins (gp) expressed on the surface of HIV and prevent infection and/or block epithelial transcytosis. In this study we have investigated the prevalence of SIgA anti-MPER present in the parotid saliva of Exposed to HIV but Seronegative individuals (ESN). This study has allowed us to validate gp41 as an immunogen of interest for the generation of neutralizing IgA. IgA1 were generated in a chimeric mice model a1Kl that produced humanized IgA1 type antibodies. Immunizations of these mice has led to the elicitation of six monoclonal antibodies specific to the MPER region able to recognize extended conformational neutralizing epitopes of 2F5 and 4E10, two broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies specific to MPER. Elicited IgA1 have potent neutralizing properties for both laboratory and primary HIV strains. Characterization studies of the antiviral functions of these antibodies will further define the mode of action of these antibodies. To our knowledge, these anti-MPER humanized monoclonal neutralizing IgA1 antibodies are the first of this type described to date in the literature. By their low immunogenicity and autoreactivity, these antibodies can be easily integrated into local therapeutic approaches or passive serotherapy for protection in animal models such as the macaque challenged with SHIV. All the results of my PhD work confirm the great interest of gp41-specific SIgA as therapeutic agents against HIVST ETIENNE-Bib. électronique (422189901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A Ralstonia solanacearum type III effector directs the production of the plant signal metabolite trehalose-6-phosphate

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    The plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum possesses two genes encoding a trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS), an enzyme of the trehalose biosynthetic pathway. One of these genes, named ripTPS, was found to encode a protein with an additional N-terminal domain which directs its translocation into host plant cells through the type 3 secretion system. RipTPS is a conserved effector in the R. solanacearum species complex, and homologues were also detected in other bacterial plant pathogens. Functional analysis of RipTPS demonstrated that this type 3 effector synthesizes trehalose-6-phosphate and identified residues essential for this enzymatic activity. Although trehalose-6-phosphate is a key signal molecule in plants that regulates sugar status and carbon assimilation, the disruption of ripTPS did not alter the virulence of R. solanacearum on plants. However, heterologous expression assays showed that this effector specifically elicits a hypersensitive-like response on tobacco that is independent of its enzymatic activity and is triggered by the C-terminal half of the protein. Recognition of this effector by the plant immune system is suggestive of a role during the infectious process.Ralstonia solanacearum, the causal agent of bacterial wilt disease, infects more than two hundred plant species, including economically important crops. The type III secretion system plays a major role in the pathogenicity of this bacterium, and approximately 70 effector proteins have been shown to be translocated into host plant cells. This study provides the first description of a type III effector endowed with a trehalose-6-phosphate synthase enzymatic activity and illustrates a new mechanism by which the bacteria may manipulate the plant metabolism upon infection. In recent years, trehalose-6-phosphate has emerged as an essential signal molecule in plants, connecting plant metabolism and development. The finding that a bacterial pathogen could induce the production of trehalose-6-phosphate in plant cells further highlights the importance of this metabolite in multiple aspects of the molecular physiology of plants

    Metabolic Adaptation of Ralstonia solanacearum during Plant Infection: A Methionine Biosynthesis Case Study

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    MetE and MetH are two distinct enzymes that catalyze a similar biochemical reaction during the last step of methionine biosynthesis, MetH being a cobalamin-dependent enzyme whereas MetE activity is cobalamin-independent. In this work, we show that the last step of methionine synthesis in the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum is under the transcriptional control of the master pathogenicity regulator HrpG. This control is exerted essentially on metE expression through the intermediate regulator MetR. Expression of metE is strongly and specifically induced in the presence of plant cells in a hrpG- and metR-dependent manner. metE and metR mutants are not auxotrophic for methionine and not affected for growth inside the plant but produce significantly reduced disease symptoms on tomato whereas disruption of metH has no impact on pathogenicity. The finding that the pathogen preferentially induces metE expression rather than metH in the presence of plant cells is indicative of a probable metabolic adaptation to physiological host conditions since this induction of metE occurs in an environment in which cobalamin, the required co-factor for MetH, is absent. It also shows that MetE and MetH are not functionally redundant and are deployed during specific stages of the bacteria lifecycle, the expression of metE and metH being controlled by multiple and distinct signals

    HTLV-1 Evades Type I Interferon Antiviral Signaling by Inducing the Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling 1 (SOCS1)

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    Human T cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is the etiologic agent of Adult T cell Leukemia (ATL) and the neurological disorder HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). Although the majority of HTLV-1–infected individuals remain asymptomatic carriers (AC) during their lifetime, 2–5% will develop either ATL or HAM/TSP, but never both. To better understand the gene expression changes in HTLV-1-associated diseases, we examined the mRNA profiles of CD4+ T cells isolated from 7 ATL, 12 HAM/TSP, 11 AC and 8 non-infected controls. Using genomic approaches followed by bioinformatic analysis, we identified gene expression pattern characteristic of HTLV-1 infected individuals and particular disease states. Of particular interest, the suppressor of cytokine signaling 1—SOCS1—was upregulated in HAM/TSP and AC patients but not in ATL. Moreover, SOCS1 was positively correlated with the expression of HTLV-1 mRNA in HAM/TSP patient samples. In primary PBMCs transfected with a HTLV-1 proviral clone and in HTLV-1-transformed MT-2 cells, HTLV-1 replication correlated with induction of SOCS1 and inhibition of IFN-α/β and IFN-stimulated gene expression. Targeting SOCS1 with siRNA restored type I IFN production and reduced HTLV-1 replication in MT-2 cells. Conversely, exogenous expression of SOCS1 resulted in enhanced HTLV-1 mRNA synthesis. In addition to inhibiting signaling downstream of the IFN receptor, SOCS1 inhibited IFN-β production by targeting IRF3 for ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. These observations identify a novel SOCS1 driven mechanism of evasion of the type I IFN antiviral response against HTLV-1