253 research outputs found

    Highly Scalable Multiplication for Distributed Sparse Multivariate Polynomials on Many-core Systems

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    We present a highly scalable algorithm for multiplying sparse multivariate polynomials represented in a distributed format. This algo- rithm targets not only the shared memory multicore computers, but also computers clusters or specialized hardware attached to a host computer, such as graphics processing units or many-core coprocessors. The scal- ability on the large number of cores is ensured by the lacks of synchro- nizations, locks and false-sharing during the main parallel step.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    INPOP08, a 4-D planetary ephemeris: From asteroid and time-scale computations to ESA Mars Express and Venus Express contributions

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    The latest version of the planetary ephemerides developed at the Paris Observatory and at the Besancon Observatory is presented here. INPOP08 is a 4-dimension ephemeris since it provides to users positions and velocities of planets and the relation between TT and TDB. Investigations leading to improve the modeling of asteroids are described as well as the new sets of observations used for the fit of INPOP08. New observations provided by the European Space Agency (ESA) deduced from the tracking of the Mars Express (MEX) and Venus Express (VEX) missions are presented as well as the normal point deduced from the Cassini mission. We show the huge impact brought by these observations in the fit of INPOP08, especially in terms of Venus, Saturn and Earth-Moon barycenter orbits.Comment: 14 pages. submitted to A&A. accepted in A&

    Thermodynamics of the 3-flavor NJL model : chiral symmetry breaking and color superconductivity

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    Employing an extended three flavor version of the NJL model we discuss in detail the phase diagram of quark matter. The presence of quark as well as of diquark condensates gives raise to a rich structure of the phase diagram. We study in detail the chiral phase transition and the color superconductivity as well as color flavor locking as a function of the temperature and chemical potentials of the system.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    Lateral variations in the signature of earthquake‐generated deposits in Lake Iznik, NW Turkey

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    Using lake-sediment cores to document past seismicity requires a comprehen- sive understanding of possible lateral variations in depositional processes. This study aims to reveal the lateral variations in earthquake-induced event deposits throughout Lake Iznik, a large lake located on the middle strand of the North Anatolian Fault. Based on stratigraphic, sedimentological and geochemical anal- yses of 14 sediment cores from two subbasins across the lake, five different types of event deposits (T1–T5) were identified and characterised. One event deposit type (T5) is restricted to a delta mouth, characterised by the occurrence of au- thigenic Fe-Mn carbonates and interpreted to result from flood events. The four other types of event deposits are characterised by their synchronicity between cores and their age consistency with historical earthquakes and are interpreted to be likely generated by earthquakes. The locally prominent 1065 CE historical earthquake that ruptured the sub-lacustrine Iznik Fault produced at least three different types of event deposits. One deposit type (T2) is only observed for this very local earthquake, implying that the type of event deposit might also depend on ground-motion parameters. At the lake scale, the occurrence of various event deposits depends on the flow distance from the source of sediment destabilisa- tions to the coring site

    Massive quark propagator and competition between chiral and diquark condensate

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    The Green-function approach has been extended to the moderate baryon density region in the framework of an extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model, and the thermodynamic potential with both chiral and diquark condensates has been evaluated by using the massive quark propagator. The phase structure along the chemical potential direction has been investigated and the strong competition between the chiral and diquark condensate has been analyzed by investigating the influence of the diquark condensate on the sharp Fermi surface. The influence of the diquark condensate on the quark properties has been investigated, even though the quarks in the color breaking phase are very different from that in the chiral breaking phase, the difference between quarks in different colors is very small.Comment: Revtex, 34 pages, 7 figures, section V revised, accepted by PR

    Strange quark production in a statistical effective model

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    An effective model with constituent quarks as fundamental degrees of freedom is used to predict the relative strangeness production pattern in both high energy elementary and heavy ion collisions. The basic picture is that of the statistical hadronization model, with hadronizing color-singlet clusters assumed to be at full chemical equilibrium at constituent quark level. Thus, by assuming that at least the ratio between strange and non-strange constituent quarks survives in the final hadrons, the apparent undersaturation of strange particle phase space observed in the data can be accounted for. In this framework, the enhancement of relative strangeness production in heavy ion collisions in comparison with elementary collisions is mainly owing to the excess of initial non-strange matter over antimatter and the so-called canonical suppression, namely the constraint of exact color and flavor conservation over small volumes.Comment: 22 pages, 9 postscript figures, slightly shortened version published in Phys. Rev.

    Seismic stratigraphy and sediment cores reveal lake-level fluctuations in Lake Iznik (NW Turkey) over the past ∼70 ka

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    Our study aims to understand the palaeohydrological history of Lake Iznik and unravel the complex interplay between climatic, tectonic, and environmental factors that have shaped this Turkish basin. Through the analysis of seismic stratigraphy and sediment cores, we reveal a significant lowstand, indicating a lake level 60 m lower than today at ∼70 ka BP. Subsequently, a major phase of stepwise transgression is evidenced by 13 buried palaeoshorelines between ∼70 and 45 ka BP. From 45 to ∼10 ka cal BP, strong currents controlled the sedimentation in the lake, as evidenced by the occurrence of contourite drifts. Between ∼14 and 10 ka cal. BP, a major lowstand indicating a drier climate interrupted the current-controlled sedimentation regime. From ∼10 ka cal. BP, the subsequent increase in lake level occurred at the same time as the reconnection between the Mediterranean and Black seas. Archaeological evidence, including submerged structures of a basilica, establishes a link between lake-level changes and human settlement during the last millennium. The level of Lake Iznik has since continued to fluctuate due to climate change, tectonic events, and human activity

    Chiral symmetry breaking, color superconductivity and color neutral quark matter: a variational approach

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    We investigate the vacuum realignment for chiral symmetry breaking and color superconductivity at finite density in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model in a variational method. The treatment allows us to investigate simultaneous formation of condensates in quark antiquark as well as in diquark channels. The methodology involves an explicit construction of a variational ground state and minimisation of the thermodynamic potential. Color and electric charge neutrality conditions are imposed through introduction of appropriate chemical potentials. Color and flavor dependent condensate functions are determined through minimisation of the thermodynamic potential. The equation of state is calculated. Simultaneous existence of a mass gap and superconducting gap is seen in a small window of quark chemical potential within the model when charge neutrality conditions are not imposed. Enforcing color and electric charge neutrality conditions gives rise to existence of gapless superconducting modes depending upon the magnitude of the gap and the difference of the chemical potentials of the condensing quarks.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures,to appear in Phys. Rev.