492 research outputs found

    Dynamic Response of Wind Turbines to Theoretical 3D Seismic Motions Taking into Account the Rotational Component

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    We study the dynamic response of a wind turbine structure subjected to theoretical seismic motions, taking into account the rotational component of ground shaking. Models are generated for a shallow moderate crustal earthquake in the Madrid Region (Spain). Synthetic translational and rotational time histories are computed using the Discrete Wavenumber Method, assuming a point source and a horizontal layered earth structure. These are used to analyze the dynamic response of a wind turbine, represented by a simple finite element model. Von Mises stress values at different heights of the tower are used to study the dynamical structural response to a set of synthetic ground motion time historie

    Simulated Optimisation of Disordered Structures with negative Poisson’s ratios

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    Copyright © 2009 Elsevier. NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Mechanics of Materials. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 41 Issue 8 (2009). DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmat.2009.04.008Two-dimensional regular theoretical units that give a negative Poisson’s ratio (NPR) are well documented and well understood. Predicted mechanical properties resulting from these models are reasonably accurate in two dimensions but fall down when used for heterogeneous real-world materials. Manufacturing processes are seldom perfect and some measure of heterogeneity is therefore required to account for the deviations from the regular unit cells in this real-life situation. Analysis of heterogeneous materials in three dimensions is a formidable problem; we must first understand heterogeneity in two dimensions. This paper approaches the problem of finding a link between heterogeneous networks and its material properties from a new angle. Existing optimisation tools are used to create random two-dimensional topologies that display NPR, and the disorder in the structure and its relationship with NPR is investigated

    Usage Pattern Recognition in Student Activities

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    Proceedings of: 6th European Conference of Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2011, Palermo, Italy, September 20-23, 2011.This paper presents an approach of collecting contextualized attention metadata combined from inside as well as outside a LMS and analyzing them to create feedback about the student activities for the teaching staff. Two types of analyses were run on the collected data: first, key actions were extracted to identify usage patterns and tendencies throughout the whole course and then usage statistics and patterns were identified for some key actions in more detail. Results of both analyses were visualized and presented to the teaching staff for evaluation.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007- 2013) under grant agreement no 231396 (ROLE project). Work was also partially funded by the Learn3 project (TIN2008-05163/TSI), the eMadrid project (S2009/TIC-1650), and the Acción Integrada DE2009-0051

    The UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey

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    'The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com .' Copyright Blackwell Publishing DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2008.13924.xThe UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey (GPS) is one of the five near-infrared Public Legacy Surveys that are being undertaken by the UKIDSS consortium, using the Wide Field Camera on the United Kingdom Infrared TelescopePeer reviewe

    Caracterização e Análise dos Processos Produtivos em Empresas Agro-Alimentares

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    Através de um diagnóstico inicial baseado na análise do conhecimento, informação existente, recolha de informação e medição de parâmetros num conjunto de empresas (60) dos subsetores dos produtos cárneos, hortofrutícolas, lácteos e panificação apresenta-se através do presente relatório a caracterização dos processos e atividades produtivas em empresas do setor agroalimentar. Executando uma análise técnica ao estado da arte, através do estudo da organização das atividades produtivas, nível tecnológico e tendências no desenvolvimento de produtos, permite-se de acordo com a informação disponível realizar uma comparação das empresas em análise com a performance da indústria, globalmente, por região ou setor de atividade. Verifica-se através da análise ao presente relatório, quais os fatores que permitem a criação de valor no setor agroindustrial de uma forma contínua para a cadeia de valor organizacional. Por outro lado, entre os diversos pontos a melhorar, considerando as organizações em análise, destaca-se a cultura de inovação e a digitalização dos processos de produção (Indústria 4.0). Pretende-se, com a aplicação prática do conhecimento gerado pelo presente relatório, a criação de ferramentas que constituam soluções para a melhoria da gestão da produção que promovam a introdução de métodos de inovação na cultura e performance organizacional de forma a tornar as organizações do setor competitivas e com impacto nos mercados internacionais

    Caracterização e Análise Energética de Empresas Agro-Alimentares

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    Através de um diagnóstico inicial baseado na análise do conhecimento, informação existente, recolha de informação e medição de parâmetros num conjunto de 60 empresas dos subsetores dos produtos cárneos, hortofrutícolas, lácteos e panificação, o presente relatório apresenta os resultados da caracterização energética em empresas do setor agroalimentar. Executando uma análise técnica ao estado da arte, através do estudo da organização, de acordo com a informação disponível, é realizada uma comparação das empresas em análise com a performance da indústria, globalmente, por região ou setor de atividade. Verifica-se, através da análise ao presente relatório, quais os fatores que permitem a criação de valor no setor agroindustrial de uma forma contínua para a cadeia de valor organizacional. Por outro lado, entre os diversos pontos a melhorar, considerando as organizações em análise, destaca-se a cultura de inovação e a digitalização dos processos de produção (Indústria 4.0). Pretende-se, com a aplicação prática do conhecimento gerado pelo presente relatório, a criação de ferramentas que constituam soluções para a melhoria da gestão da produção que promovam a introdução de métodos de inovação na cultura e performance organizacional de forma a tornar as organizações do setor competitivas e com impacto nos mercados internacionais

    Safety and Health at Work - Assessment tool: Dairy Products

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    This manual aims to assist the Work Health and Safety Assessment Tool – Dairy Products user, in carrying out a simplified and easy-to-use occupational risk assessment with a view to adopting risk control solutions at workplaces. The design of this tool trie to provide an instrument capable of being used without internet access or specific software installation. In addition to its main purpose, this tool can also be used for workers consultation or training actions, provided as a complement of the other instruments developed within the scope of this project. The tool is organized in three distinct parts (see Figure 1): the first, where a checklist is filled out, from which a graphical overview is obtained, which will give the overview of the level of risk control (second part). This synthesis of results allows the user to immediately visualize the level of control of the main risks and in which will have to make major interventions. Finally, the third part appears, where a report is generated with solutions, particularized for each one of the risks in which the adoption of measures proves necessary.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sweets and Jams

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    This manual aims to assist the Work Health and Safety Assessment Tool – Horticultural Products – Sweets and Jams user, in carrying out a simplified and easy-to-use occupational risk assessment with a view to adopting risk control solutions at workplaces. The design of this tool trie to provide an instrument capable of being used without internet access or specific software installation. In addition to its main purpose, this tool can also be used for workers consultation or training actions, provided as a complement of the other instruments developed within the scope of this project. The tool is organized in three distinct parts (see Figure 1): the first, where a checklist is filled out, from which a graphical overview is obtained, which will give the overview of the level of risk control (second part). This synthesis of results allows the user to immediately visualize the level of control of the main risks and in which will have to make major interventions. Finally, the third part appears, where a report is generated with solutions, particularized for each one of the risks in which the adoption of measures proves necessary.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Safety and Health at Work - Assessment tool: Meat Products

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    This manual aims to assist the Work Health and Safety Assessment Tool – Meat Products user, in carrying out a simplified and easy-to-use occupational risk assessment with a view to adopting risk control solutions at workplaces. The design of this tool trie to provide an instrument capable of being used without internet access or specific software installation. In addition to its main purpose, this tool can also be used for workers consultation or training actions, provided as a complement of the other instruments developed within the scope of this project. The tool is organized in three distinct parts: the first, where a checklist is filled out, from which a graphical overview is obtained, which will give the overview of the level of risk control (second part). This synthesis of results allows the user to immediately visualize the level of control of the main risks and in which will have to make major interventions. Finally, the third part appears, where a report is generated with solutions, particularized for each one of the risks in which the adoption of measures proves necessary.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O poder da nanofabricação: substratos de alta performance para células solares ultrafinas de CIGS

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    CIES2020 - XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia SolarRESUMO: O grupo de Nanofabrication for Optoelectronic Applications -NOA- inserido no International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) tem focado grande parte da sua investigação e operações no desenvolvimento de substratos de alta performance, baseados em diferentes esquemas de manipulação da luz para aplicação em células solares de Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS). Estes substratos baseiam-se na inserção de uma camada dielétrica de passivação entre o contacto posterior (Mo) e a camada de CIGS. Esta abordagem permite mitigar defeitos ativos na interface posterior, bem como a absorção ótica parasítica no Mo. Neste manuscrito compara-se o desempenho de duas células solares de CIGS ultrafino: uma célula solar com arquitetura convencional e uma segunda célula solar com um substrato contendo uma camada passivadora de 18 nm de SiOx, com um esquema de contactos por nano-pontos. Todos os valores das figuras de mérito da célula solar são melhorados quando é adicionado o substrato de alta performance à arquitetura da célula solar de CIGS ultrafino.ABSTRACT: The Nanofabrication for Optoelectronic Applications -NOA- group belongs to the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), and has been focusing its investigation efforts on the development of high-performance substrates for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cells. Through the incorporation of a dielectric passivation layer between the rear contact (Mo) and the CIGS layer, we are able to mitigate active recombination centers at the rear interface and the Mo parasitic optical absorption. In this manuscript the performance of two ultrathin CIGS solar cells are evaluated: one solar cell with a conventional architecture and a second solar cell with a substrate based on 18 nm SiOX point contact scheme. All figures of merit values are improved when the high-performance substrate is added to the solar cell architecture in comparison with the conventional ultrathin CIGS solar cell.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio