4,172 research outputs found
Simulating microbial degradation of organic matter in a simple porous system using the 3-D diffusion-based model MOSAIC
This paper deals with the simulation of microbial degradation of organic matter in soil within the pore space at a microscopic scale. Pore space was analysed with micro-computed tomography and described using a sphere network coming from a geometrical modelling algorithm. The biological model was improved regarding previous work in order to include the transformation of dissolved organic compounds and diffusion processes. We tested our model using experimental results of a simple substrate decomposition experiment (fructose) within a simple medium (sand) in the presence of different bacterial strains. Separate incubations were carried out in microcosms using five different bacterial communities at two different water potentials of â10 and â100 cm of water. We calibrated the biological parameters by means of experimental data obtained at high water content, and we tested the model without changing any parameters at low water content. Same as for the experimental data, our simulation results showed that the decrease in water content caused a decrease of mineralization rate. The model was able to simulate the decrease of connectivity between substrate and microorganism due the decrease of water content
Robust seismic velocity change estimation using ambient noise recordings
We consider the problem of seismic velocity change estimation using ambient
noise recordings. Motivated by [23] we study how the velocity change estimation
is affected by seasonal fluctuations in the noise sources. More precisely, we
consider a numerical model and introduce spatio-temporal seasonal fluctuations
in the noise sources. We show that indeed, as pointed out in [23], the
stretching method is affected by these fluctuations and produces misleading
apparent velocity variations which reduce dramatically the signal to noise
ratio of the method. We also show that these apparent velocity variations can
be eliminated by an adequate normalization of the cross-correlation functions.
Theoretically we expect our approach to work as long as the seasonal
fluctuations in the noise sources are uniform, an assumption which holds for
closely located seismic stations. We illustrate with numerical simulations and
real measurements that the proposed normalization significantly improves the
accuracy of the velocity change estimation
Intertidal finger bars at El Puntal, Bay of Santander, Spain: observation and forcing analysis
A system of 15 small-scale finger bars has been observed, by using video
imagery, between 23 June 2008 and 2 June 2010. The bar system is located in
the intertidal zone of the swell-protected beaches of El Puntal Spit, in the
Bay of Santander (northern coast of Spain). The bars appear on a planar beach
(slope = 0.015) with fine, uniform sand (<i>D</i><sub>50</sub> = 0.27 mm) and
extend 600 m alongshore. The cross-shore span of the bars is
determined by the tidal horizontal excursion (between 70 and 130 m).
They have an oblique orientation with respect to the low-tide shoreline;
specifically, they are down-current-oriented with respect to the dominant
sand transport computed (mean angle of 26° from the shore normal).
Their mean wavelength is 26 m and their amplitude varies between 10
and 20 cm. The full system slowly migrates to the east (sand
transport direction) with a mean speed of 0.06 m day<sup>-1</sup>, a maximum
speed in winter (up to 0.15 m day<sup>-1</sup>) and a minimum speed in
summer. An episode of merging has been identified as bars with larger
wavelength seem to migrate more slowly than shorter bars. The wind blows
predominantly from the west, generating waves that transport sediment across
the bars during high-tide periods. This is the main candidate to explain the
eastward migration of the system. In particular, the wind can generate waves
of up to 20 cm (root-mean-squared wave height) over a fetch that can
reach 4.5 km at high tide. The astronomical tide seems to be
important in the bar dynamics, as the tidal level changes the fetch and also
determines the time of exposure of the bars to the surf-zone waves and
currents. Furthermore, the river discharge could act as input of suspended
sediment in the bar system and play a role in the bar dynamics
Work fluctuation theorems for harmonic oscillators
The work fluctuations of an oscillator in contact with a thermostat and
driven out of equilibrium by an external force are studied experimentally and
theoretically within the context of Fluctuation Theorems (FTs). The oscillator
dynamics is modeled by a second order Langevin equation. Both the transient and
stationary state fluctuation theorems hold and the finite time corrections are
very different from those of a first order Langevin equation. The periodic
forcing of the oscillator is also studied; it presents new and unexpected short
time convergences. Analytical expressions are given in all cases
On the physics behind coastal morphodynamic patterns
Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Modeling the effect of soil meso- and macropores topology on the biodegradation of a soluble carbon substrate
Soil structure and interactions between biotic and abiotic processes are increasingly recognized as important for explaining the large uncertainties in the outputs of macroscopic SOM decomposition models. We present a numerical analysis to assess the role of meso- and macropore topology on the biodegradation of a soluble carbon substrate in variably water saturated and pure diffusion conditions . Our analysis was built as a complete factorial design and used a new 3D pore-scale model, LBioS, that couples a diffusion Lattice-Boltzmann model and a compartmental biodegradation model. The scenarios combined contrasted modalities of four factors: meso- and macropore space geometry, water saturation, bacterial distribution and physiology. A global sensitivity analysis of these factors highlighted the role of physical factors in the biodegradation kinetics of our scenarios. Bacteria location explained 28% of the total variance in substrate concentration in all scenarios, while the interactions among location, saturation and geometry explained up to 51% of it
Integrating Species Traits into Species Pools
Despite decades of research on the speciesâpool concept and the recent explosion of interest in traitâbased frameworks in ecology and biogeography, surprisingly little is known about how spatial and temporal changes in speciesâpool functional diversity (SPFD) influence biodiversity and the processes underlying community assembly. Current traitâbased frameworks focus primarily on community assembly from a static regional species pool, without considering how spatial or temporal variation in SPFD alters the relative importance of deterministic and stochastic assembly processes. Likewise, speciesâpool concepts primarily focus on how the number of species in the species pool influences local biodiversity. However, species pools with similar richness can vary substantially in functionalâtrait diversity, which can strongly influence community assembly and biodiversity responses to environmental change. Here, we integrate recent advances in community ecology, traitâbased ecology, and biogeography to provide a more comprehensive framework that explicitly considers how variation in SPFD, among regions and within regions through time, influences the relative importance of community assembly processes and patterns of biodiversity. First, we provide a brief overview of the primary ecological and evolutionary processes that create differences in SPFD among regions and within regions through time. We then illustrate how SPFD may influence fundamental processes of local community assembly (dispersal, ecological drift, niche selection). Higher SPFD may increase the relative importance of deterministic community assembly when greater functional diversity in the species pool increases niche selection across environmental gradients. In contrast, lower SPFD may increase the relative importance of stochastic community assembly when high functional redundancy in the species pool increases the influence of dispersal history or ecological drift. Next, we outline experimental and observational approaches for testing the influence of SPFD on assembly processes and biodiversity. Finally, we highlight applications of this framework for restoration and conservation. This speciesâpool functional diversity framework has the potential to advance our understanding of how localâ and regionalâscale processes jointly influence patterns of biodiversity across biogeographic regions, changes in biodiversity within regions over time, and restoration outcomes and conservation efforts in ecosystems altered by environmental change
Western Mediterranean precipitation over the last 300 years from instrumental observations
The paper reports the results of the analysis of the 14 longest precipitation
instrumental series, covering the last 300 years, that have been recovered in six subareas
of the Western Mediterranean basin, i.e., Portugal, Northern and Southern Spain, Southern
France, Northern and Southern Italy. This study extends back by one century our knowledge
about the instrumental precipitation over theWestern Mediterranean, and by two centuries in
some specific subareas. All the time series show repeated swings. No specific trends have been found over the whole period, except in a few cases, but with modest time changes and
sometimes having opposite tendency. The same can be said for the most recent decades
although with some more marked departures from the average. The correlation between the
various Mediterranean subareas is generally not significant, or almost uncorrelated. The
Wavelet Spectral Analysis applied to the precipitation identifies only a minor 56-year cycle
in autumn, i.e., the same return period that has been found in literature for the Sea Surface
Temperature over North Atlantic. A comparison with a gridded dataset reconstruction based on
mixed multiproxy and instrumental observations, shows that the grid reconstruction is in good
agreement with the observed data for the period after 1900, less for the previous period
Elementary structural building blocks encountered in silicon surface reconstructions
Driven by the reduction of dangling bonds and the minimization of surface
stress, reconstruction of silicon surfaces leads to a striking diversity of
outcomes. Despite this variety even very elaborate structures are generally
comprised of a small number of structural building blocks. We here identify
important elementary building blocks and discuss their integration into the
structural models as well as their impact on the electronic structure of the
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