44 research outputs found


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    Entre 1945 e 1947 o cantautor argentino Atahualpa Yupanqui, gravou 20 canções pelo selo Odeon. Em 1945, filiou-se ao Partido Comunista Argentino e, em 1947, teve sua música proibida de ser veiculada pelos meios de comunicação ou em apresentações ao vivo. Examinando o repertório referente a esses dois anos, objetiva-se investigar as relações deste com a ideologia do Partido e com a tradicional música folclórica argentina, apropriada pelo governo peronista, dentre as representações do popular, como forma de “integrar o povo à nação”

    In pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis IL-10 deficiency leads to increased immunity and regressive infection without enhancing tissue pathology

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    BACKGROUND: \ud Cellular immunity is the main defense mechanism in paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), the most important systemic mycosis in Latin America. Th1 immunity and IFN-γ activated macrophages are fundamental to immunoprotection that is antagonized by IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine. Both in human and experimental PCM, several evidences indicate that the suppressive effect of IL-10 causes detrimental effects to infected hosts. Because direct studies have not been performed, this study was aimed to characterize the function of IL-10 in pulmonary PCM.\ud METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: \ud Wild type (WT) and IL-10(-/-) C57BL/6 mice were used to characterize the role of IL-10 in the innate and adaptive immunity against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb) infection. We verified that Pb-infected peritoneal macrophages from IL-10(-/-) mice presented higher phagocytic and fungicidal activities than WT macrophages, and these activities were associated with elevated production of IFN-γ, TNF-α, nitric oxide (NO) and MCP-1. For in vivo studies, IL-10(-/-) and WT mice were i.t. infected with 1×10(6) Pb yeasts and studied at several post-infection periods. Compared to WT mice, IL-10(-/-) mice showed increased resistance to P. brasiliensis infection as determined by the progressive control of pulmonary fungal loads and total clearance of fungal cells from dissemination organs. This behavior was accompanied by enhanced delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions, precocious humoral immunity and controlled tissue pathology resulting in increased survival times. In addition, IL-10(-/-) mice developed precocious T cell immunity mediated by increased numbers of lung infiltrating effector/memory CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. The inflammatory reactions and the production of Th1/Th2/Th17 cytokines were reduced at late phases of infection, paralleling the regressive infection of IL-10(-/-) mice.\ud CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: \ud Our work demonstrates for the first time that IL-10 plays a detrimental effect to pulmonary PCM due to its suppressive effect on the innate and adaptive immunity resulting in progressive infection and precocious mortality of infected hosts.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, 04/14518-2)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, 2011/51258-2)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, 2010/52275-5)CAPE

    Paracoccidoides brasiliensis 30 kDa adhesin: identification as a 14-3-3 protein, cloning and subcellular localization in infection models

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    Paracoccidoides brasiliensis adhesion to lung epithelial cells is considered an essential event for the establishment of infection and different proteins participate in this process. One of these proteins is a 30 kDa adhesin, pI 4.9 that was described as a laminin ligand in previous studies, and it was more highly expressed in more virulent P. brasiliensis isolates. This protein may contribute to the virulence of this important fungal pathogen. Using Edman degradation and mass spectrometry analysis, this 30 kDa adhesin was identified as a 14-3-3 protein. These proteins are a conserved group of small acidic proteins involved in a variety of processes in eukaryotic organisms. However, the exact function of these proteins in some processes remains unknown. Thus, the goal of the present study was to characterize the role of this protein during the interaction between the fungus and its host. To achieve this goal, we cloned, expressed the 14-3-3 protein in a heterologous system and determined its subcellular localization in in vitro and in vivo infection models. Immunocytochemical analysis revealed the ubiquitous distribution of this protein in the yeast form of P. brasiliensis, with some concentration in the cytoplasm. Additionally, this 14-3-3 protein was also present in P. brasiliensis cells at the sites of infection in C57BL/6 mice intratracheally infected with P. brasiliensis yeast cells for 72 h (acute infections) and 30 days (chronic infection). An apparent increase in the levels of the 14-3-3 protein in the cell wall of the fungus was also noted during the interaction between P. brasiliensis and A549 cells, suggesting that this protein may be involved in host-parasite interactions, since inhibition assays with the protein and this antibody decreased P. brasiliensis adhesion to A549 epithelial cells. Our data may lead to a better understanding of P. brasiliensis interactions with host tissues and paracoccidioidomycosis pathogenesis.FAPESP, 2011/18038-9National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, 473119/2010-2Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Educação escolar e formação de professores nos quilombos do munícipio de Abaetetuba (Brasil/Pará) / School education and teacher training in quilombos in the municipality of Abaetetuba (Brazil/Pará)

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir sobre a educação escolar quilombola e a formação docente, apontando questões diretamente relacionada na legislação educacional em vigor e reflexões sobre a formação de professores no Brasil com base em autores como Pimenta (1997), Freire (1996),  Tardif (2002), entre outros, e também documentos legais sobre a política de formação e sobre as populações quilombolas no Brasil. Optamos pela tipo de pesquisa teórica orientada no sentido de reconstruir teorias e retomar reflexões sobre quadros de referência na área do nosso estudo. Todo o esforço empreendido nesse estudo articula-se com a preocupação com a prática docente nas escolas quilombolas, busca-se assim além da reflexão teórica apontar, nesse estudo, a importância da formação inicial e continuada de professores, com investimentos na carreira e na formação desses profissionais para que formem uma geração numa perspectiva emancipadora e que esses alunos possam ser protagonistas das luta em defesa da educação do povo quilombola em Abaetetuba (Pará).

    Psychological Distress in Men during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil: The Role of the Sociodemographic Variables, Uncertainty, and Social Support

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    Objective: To analyze the relationships between sociodemographic variables, intolerance to uncertainty (INT), social support, and psychological distress (i.e., indicators of Common Mental Disorders (CMDs) and perceived stress (PS)) in Brazilian men during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study with national coverage, of the web survey type, and conducted with 1006 Brazilian men during the period of social circulation restriction imposed by the health authorities in Brazil for suppression of the coronavirus and control of the pandemic. Structural equation modeling analysis was performed. Results: Statistically significant direct effects of race/skin color ( = 0.268; p-value < 0.001), socioeconomic status (SES) ( = 0.306; p-value < 0.001), household composition( = 0.281; p-value < 0.001), PS ( = 0.513; p-value < 0.001), and INT ( = 0.421; p-value < 0.001) were evidenced in the occurrence of CMDs. Black-skinned men with higher SES, living alone, and with higher PS and INT levels presented higher prevalence values of CMDs. Conclusions: High levels of PS and INT were the factors that presented the strongest associations with the occurrence of CMDs among the men. It is necessary to implement actions to reduce the stress-generating sources as well as to promote an increase in resilience and the development of intrinsic reinforcements to deal with uncertain threats.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Investigação etiológica da deficiência auditiva em neonatos identificados em um programa de triagem auditiva neonatal universal

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    Objetivo descrever os resultados da investigação etiológica da deficiência auditiva realizada em neonatos rastreados em um programa de triagem auditiva neonatal universal. Métodos estudo descritivo, transversal e prospectivo. Foram incluídos no estudo todos os neonatos diagnosticados com deficiência auditiva identificados em um programa de triagem auditiva neonatal universal no período de agosto de 2003 a dezembro de 2006. A provável etiologia da deficiência auditiva foi determinada após anamnese detalhada realizada pelo médico otorrinolaringologista; pesquisa das sorologias para toxoplasmose, rubéola, citomegalovírus, herpes, sífilis e HIV; tomografia dos ossos temporais e exames genéticos. Resultados foram diagnosticados 17 sujeitos com deficiência auditiva no período estudado. 64.7% dos casos estudados apresentaram como provável etiologia causas pré-natais, 29.4% causas peri-natais e um sujeito (5,9%) apresentou etiologia desconhecida. Das causas pré-natais, 36.4% tiveram origem genética confirmada e 36.4% etiologia presumida de hereditariedade. Foi confirmada a presença de infecções congênitas em 18.2% dos casos e um sujeito (9%) apresentou anomalia craniofacial como provável etiologia. O grau de perda auditiva mais frequente observado nos sujeitos estudados foi o profundo (47,1%). Conclusão a maior ocorrência de etiologias observada neste estudo foram as de origem pré-natal, seguida das de origem peri-natal

    Brazilian Consensus on Photoprotection

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    Brazil is a country of continental dimensions with a large heterogeneity of climates and massive mixing of the population. Almost the entire national territory is located between the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn, and the Earth axial tilt to the south certainly makes Brazil one of the countries of the world with greater extent of land in proximity to the sun. The Brazilian coastline, where most of its population lives, is more than 8,500 km long. Due to geographic characteristics and cultural trends, Brazilians are among the peoples with the highest annual exposure to the sun. Epidemiological data show a continuing increase in the incidence of nonmelanoma and melanoma skin cancers. Photoprotection can be understood as a set of measures aimed at reducing sun exposure and at preventing the development of acute and chronic actinic damage. Due to the peculiarities of Brazilian territory and culture, it would not be advisable to replicate the concepts of photoprotection from other developed countries, places with completely different climates and populations. Thus the Brazilian Society of Dermatology has developed the Brazilian Consensus on Photoprotection, the first official document on photoprotection developed in Brazil for Brazilians, with recommendations on matters involving photoprotection


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    A mediados del siglo XX, entre los años cuarenta y cincuenta, sobre todo después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el interminable debate acerca de la identidad nacional se retoma en América Latina con nuevas bases. La cultura de masas, especialmente la música popular ligada al mercado, se configura por su amplia capacidad de difusión -revelada en sus variadas formas de producción, circulación y consumo- como uno de los principales campos de disputa en torno de lo nacional. En ese período, en Brasil y en Chile son importantes las discusiones acerca de la selección, preservación y perpetuación de un determinado repertorio de la música popular urbana como representante de la música folclórica nacional. Estas discusiones, analizadas a partir de las representaciones discursivas vehiculadas por la prensa escrita especializada, tanto académica como de gran circulación, constituyen la problemática central de este artículo.At the middle of the twentieth century, between the forties and the fifties, especially after the Second World War, the endless debate concerning national identity was taken up again in Latin America with a new focus. Mass culture, especially popular music with ties to the music industry, was shaped by its great capacity to spread-shown through its assorted forms of production, circulation and consumption- as one of the main areas of dispute related to the question of what is considered to be national. During that period there were important debates in Brazil and Chile about the selection, preservation and perpetuation of a certain repertoire of popular urban music as being representative of national folk music. These debates, which are analyzed starting from discursive representations driven by the written press, in both the specialized academic and the large-circulation press, constitute the central focus of this article

    Mundo Radial e o cancioneiro folclórico nos tempos de Perón

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    The institutionalization of folk repertoire as the most genuine expression of popular Argentine song has resulted from articulation and negotiation between, basically, three sectors of that society, or, the government, the folklorist movement and artists connected to folklore - including, in the latter case, the interference of the market. These groups from their social place will negotiate the production, circulation and consumption of this repertoire in order to gain a wide and diverse audience. In this article, our intention is to map and analyze, electing as its object and main source, Mundo Radial magazine, how these three segments will operate together on traditionalization of the folk repertoire or, in other words, his acclaim as one of the representations of the Argentine national identity. The place occupied by the means of mass communication not only in Peronist politics, but also in formatting and in the spread of repertoire receives special attention in this article