167 research outputs found

    A solution of the Gaussian optimizer conjecture

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    The long-standing conjectures of the optimality of Gaussian inputs for Gaussian channel and Gaussian additivity are solved for a broad class of covariant or contravariant Bosonic Gaussian channels (which includes in particular thermal, additive classical noise, and amplifier channels) restricting to the class of states with finite second moments. We show that the vacuum is the input state which minimizes the entropy at the output of such channels. This allows us to show also that the classical capacity of these channels (under the input energy constraint) is additive and is achieved by Gaussian encodings.Comment: 24 pages, no figures (minor typos corrected

    A quantum-inspired algorithm for estimating the permanent of positive semidefinite matrices

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    We construct a quantum-inspired classical algorithm for computing the permanent of Hermitian positive semidefinite matrices, by exploiting a connection between these mathematical structures and the boson sampling model. Specifically, the permanent of a Hermitian positive semidefinite matrix can be expressed in terms of the expected value of a random variable, which stands for a specific photon-counting probability when measuring a linear-optically evolved random multimode coherent state. Our algorithm then approximates the matrix permanent from the corresponding sample mean and is shown to run in polynomial time for various sets of Hermitian positive semidefinite matrices, achieving a precision that improves over known techniques. This work illustrates how quantum optics may benefit algorithms development.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Updated version for publicatio

    Proposal for a loophole-free Bell test using homodyne detection

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    We propose a feasible optical setup allowing for a loophole-free Bell test with efficient homodyne detection. A non-gaussian entangled state is generated from a two-mode squeezed vacuum by subtracting a single photon from each mode, using beamsplitters and standard low-efficiency single-photon detectors. A Bell violation exceeding 1% is achievable with 6-dB squeezed light and an homodyne efficiency around 95%. A detailed feasibility analysis, based upon the recent generation of single-mode non-gaussian states, confirms that this method opens a promising avenue towards a complete experimental Bell test.Comment: 4 pages RevTex, 2 figure

    Quantum mechanics of time travel through post-selected teleportation

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    This paper discusses the quantum mechanics of closed-timelike curves (CTCs) and of other potential methods for time travel. We analyze a specific proposal for such quantum time travel, the quantum description of CTCs based on post-selected teleportation (P-CTCs). We compare the theory of P-CTCs to previously proposed quantum theories of time travel: the theory is inequivalent to Deutsch's theory of CTCs, but it is consistent with path-integral approaches (which are the best suited for analyzing quantum-field theory in curved space-time). We derive the dynamical equations that a chronology-respecting system interacting with a CTC will experience. We discuss the possibility of time travel in the absence of general-relativistic closed-timelike curves, and investigate the implications of P-CTCs for enhancing the power of computation.This paper discusses the quantum mechanics of closed-timelike curves (CTCs) and of other potential methods for time travel. We analyze a specific proposal for such quantum time travel, the quantum description of CTCs based on post-selected teleportation (P-CTCs). We compare the theory of P-CTCs to previously proposed quantum theories of time travel: the theory is inequivalent to Deutsch's theory of CTCs, but it is consistent with path-integral approaches (which are the best suited for analyzing quantum-field theory in curved space-time). We derive the dynamical equations that a chronology-respecting system interacting with a CTC will experience. We discuss the possibility of time travel in the absence of general-relativistic closed-timelike curves, and investigate the implications of P-CTCs for enhancing the power of computation

    Electromagnetic channel capacity for practical purposes

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    We give analytic upper bounds to the channel capacity C for transmission of classical information in electromagnetic channels (bosonic channels with thermal noise). In the practically relevant regimes of high noise and low transmissivity, by comparison with know lower bounds on C, our inequalities determine the value of the capacity up to corrections which are irrelevant for all practical purposes. Examples of such channels are radio communication, infrared or visible-wavelength free space channels. We also provide bounds to active channels that include amplification.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. NB: the capacity bounds are constructed by generalizing to the multi-mode case the minimum-output entropy bounds of arXiv:quant-ph/0404005 [Phys. Rev. A 70, 032315 (2004)

    General immunity and superadditivity of two-way Gaussian quantum cryptography

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    We consider two-way continuous-variable quantum key distribution, studying its security against general eavesdropping strategies. Assuming the asymptotic limit of many signals exchanged, we prove that two-way Gaussian protocols are immune to coherent attacks. More precisely we show the general superadditivity of the two-way security thresholds, which are proven to be higher than the corresponding one-way counterparts in all cases. We perform the security analysis first reducing the general eavesdropping to a two-mode coherent Gaussian attack, and then showing that the superadditivity is achieved by exploiting the random on/off switching of the two-way quantum communication. This allows the parties to choose the appropriate communication instances to prepare the key, accordingly to the tomography of the quantum channel. The random opening and closing of the circuit represents, in fact, an additional degree of freedom allowing the parties to convert, a posteriori, the two-mode correlations of the eavesdropping into noise. The eavesdropper is assumed to have no access to the on/off switching and, indeed, cannot adapt her attack. We explicitly prove that this mechanism enhances the security performance, no matter if the eavesdropper performs collective or coherent attacks

    Increased mitochondrial calcium levels associated with neuronal death in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

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    Mitochondria contribute to shape intraneuronal Ca2+ signals. Excessive Ca2+ taken up by mitochondria could lead to cell death. Amyloid beta (A beta) causes cytosolic Ca2+ overload, but the effects of A beta on mitochondrial Ca2+ levels in Alzheimer's disease (AD) remain unclear. Using a ratiometric Ca2+ indicator targeted to neuronal mitochondria and intravital multiphoton microscopy, we find increased mitochondrial Ca2+ levels associated with plaque deposition and neuronal death in a transgenic mouse model of cerebral beta -amyloidosis. Naturally secreted soluble A beta applied onto the healthy brain increases Ca2+ concentration in mitochondria, which is prevented by blockage of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter. RNA-sequencing from post-mortem AD human brains shows downregulation in the expression of mitochondrial influx Ca2+ transporter genes, but upregulation in the genes related to mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux pathways, suggesting a counteracting effect to avoid Ca2+ overload. We propose lowering neuronal mitochondrial Ca2+ by inhibiting the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter as a novel potential therapeutic target against AD. Calvo-Rodriguez et al. show elevated calcium levels in neuronal mitochondria in a mouse model of cerebral beta -amyloidosis after plaque deposition, which precede rare neuron death events in this model. The mechanism involves toxic extracellular A beta oligomers and the mitochondrial calcium uniporter


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    Operons (clusters of co-regulated genes with related functions) are common features of bacterial genomes. More recently, functional gene clustering has been reported in eukaryotes, from yeasts to filamentous fungi, plants, and animals. Gene clusters can consist of paralogous genes that have most likely arisen by gene duplication. However, there are now many examples of eukaryotic gene clusters that contain functionally related but non-homologous genes and that represent functional gene organizations with operon-like features (physical clustering and co-regulation). These include gene clusters for use of different carbon and nitrogen sources in yeasts, for production of antibiotics, toxins, and virulence determinants in filamentous fungi, for production of defense compounds in plants, and for innate and adaptive immunity in animals (the major histocompatibility locus). The aim of this article is to review features of functional gene clusters in prokaryotes and eukaryotes and the significance of clustering for effective function