560 research outputs found

    Nuove applicazioni per le unitĂ  abitative in emergenza: tecnologie e tecniche della tradizione costruttiva andina amazonica

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    This work reports the result of a research activity conducted in Bolivia in the year 2020, in synergy between Bolivian Polytechnic University School "JosÚ Maria Nunez del Prado", University of Naples Federico II and Pegaso Telematic University. In particular, the research had as its object the study of a housing unit suitable for coping with the floods that frequently afflict some Bolivian peasant populations. During the research, much attention was initially paid to the historical, political, socio-economic aspects and to the cultural and traditional characteristics of the ethnic groups that make up the population of Bolivia; subsequently, the morphology and hydrography of the Bolivian territory were examined, as well as the climate, the trend of rainfall and the El Niño and La Niña phenomena that often cause floods with serious risks for the populations, especially rural ones. Having completed these first two phases of the research, the authors moved on to the study of the traditional construction characteristics of rural architecture, paying particular attention to the basic construction materials used in the peasant areas of Bolivia, in particular to raw earth and bamboo, as well as the principles and rules that regulate the construction of rural housing in Bolivia. For rural architecture, the traditional Pawichi house and the traditional dwellings of the indigenous Chiquitana population were examined in detail. Only after having acquired all these important aspects, the research became interested in the design of a new rural house which, respecting Bolivian cultural traditions, would be able to cope with floods and reduce the risks associated with them. In the design of this new emergency housing unit, the authors focused their attention not only on the compositional and functional aspects of the housing unit, but also on the constructive aspects by designing new structural elements such as the pillars made with five bamboo canes suitably linked together. with knots of the Andean construction tradition. The composition of the housing unit proposed by the authors is governed by a basic 4x4 module that can be full, or delimited by infill and window frames, or empty, or without surrounding infill elements to allow the creation of the traditional place for socialization, the Punilla. Never as in this case have, I been particularly happy with the invitation formulated by the authors, and in particular by the young researchers, Francesca Volpe and Emanuele La Mantia, to present their work. In fact, I was able to see the procedural quality of the research and the intelligent design procedure that led to the definition of a housing prototype of great interest for the Andean populations

    Beef cattle production in established integrated systems.

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    The aim of the current study is to assess three integrated systems presenting different eucalyptus tree densities due to animal and forage production. The following integrated systems were assessed: croplivestock- forest with 357 eucalyptus trees ha-1 (ICLF1); crop-livestock-forest with 227 eucalyptus trees ha-1 (ICLF2); and crop-livestock with 5 remnant native trees ha-1 (ICL). The randomized block experimental design was applied in a split-plot scheme with four replicates. The Average Daily Gain (ADG, g animal-1day-1) and the live-weight gain per area (LWG, kg ha-1) were applied to analyze animal performance, which was set by weighing the animals every 28 days (the animals previously fasted for 16h). Forage yield was higher in ICL during fall and winter; in summer, it did not differ from ICLF2. There was no forage yield difference between the ICL and ICLF2 systems in any of the assessed seasons; summer was more productive in ILPF1 than other seasons. The highest leaf crude protein contents (CP) in summer was recorded in systems ICLF1 and ICLF2, and the highest value recorded in fall was found in ILPF1; the lowest was found in ILP. On the other hand, the highest leaf NDF contents in summer were found in ILP. The highest ADG were found in summer. The highest LWG values recorded for the ICL and ICLF2 systems were collected in summer and fall; there was no difference in any of the three systems in winter. The LWG was higher in all system in summer. The ICLF2 emerged as the system (with trees) most appropriate for beef cattle production. Despite the shading interference on forage production, such condition is compensated by the best nutritional contents such as CP. The ICLF2 system allowing an annual LWG of 83% in relation to the ICL system during the fifth year of establishment of the systems.TĂ­tulo em portuguĂȘs: Produção de bovinos de corte em sistemas de integração estabelecidos

    Estilos de vida saludable y calidad de vida en estudiantes de BiologĂ­a durante la Pandemia-Covid-19-2021

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    Quality of life is a criterion that incorporates a diversity of dimensions related to physical strength, psychological aspect, level of autonomy, social relations and religious beliefs. There is evidence of a gap in relation to styles and quality of life, in university education, considering remote educational activities due to the COVID 19 pandemic; The correlation between healthy lifestyles and quality of life in biology students of the pre-professional practice of the Biology-Natural Sciences Career of the Enrique Guzmån y Valle National University was studied. The research followed the descriptive quantitative method. An intentional census sampling was carried out. Between healthy lifestyles and quality of life in students there is a perfect and positive linear correlation; likewise, there is a direct correlation between the sports activities dimension and quality of life, where 83.3% state that they carry out sports activities more than three times a week. In addition, the relationship between sleep, rest and quality of life. It presents a direct and positive correlation, all the students affirm to carry out relaxation activities.Calidad de vida, es un criterio que incorpora una diversidad de dimensiones relacionadas con la fortaleza física, aspecto psicológico, nivel de autonomía, relaciones sociales y las creencias religiosas. Se evidencia la existencia de un vacío en relación a los estilos y calidad de vida, en la educación universitaria, considerando las actividades educativas remotas a causa de la pandemia COVID 19; se estudió la correlación entre los estilos de vida saludable y la calidad de vida en estudiantes de biología de la pråctica preprofesional de la Carrera de Biología -Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Nacional Enrique Guzmån y Valle. La investigación siguió el método cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo. Se realizó un muestreo censal, de tipo intencional. Entre los estilos de vida saludable y la calidad de vida en los estudiantes existe una correlación lineal perfecta y positiva; así mismo, entre la dimensión actividades deportivas y la calidad de vida hay una correlación directa, en donde el 83.3% afirma realizar actividades deportivas mås de tres veces a la semana. Ademås, la relación que existe entre el sueño, reposo y la calidad de vida. Presenta una correlación directa y positiva, la totalidad de estudiantes afirma realizar actividades de relajación

    The Pierre Auger Observatory III: Other Astrophysical Observations

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    Astrophysical observations of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays with the Pierre Auger ObservatoryComment: Contributions to the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Beijing, China, August 201

    Highlights from the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory is the world's largest cosmic ray observatory. Our current exposure reaches nearly 40,000 km2^2 str and provides us with an unprecedented quality data set. The performance and stability of the detectors and their enhancements are described. Data analyses have led to a number of major breakthroughs. Among these we discuss the energy spectrum and the searches for large-scale anisotropies. We present analyses of our Xmax_{max} data and show how it can be interpreted in terms of mass composition. We also describe some new analyses that extract mass sensitive parameters from the 100% duty cycle SD data. A coherent interpretation of all these recent results opens new directions. The consequences regarding the cosmic ray composition and the properties of UHECR sources are briefly discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, talk given at the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rio de Janeiro 201
