1,465 research outputs found

    Parenthood and psychological distress among English Millennials during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from the Next Steps cohort study

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    Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic led to disproportionate mental health responses in younger adults and parents. The aim of the study was to investigate how Millennial parents’ experiences were associated with psychological distress over the first year of the pandemic. Methods: We examined data in September 2020 (n men = 994; n women = 1824) and February 2021 (n men = 1054; n women = 1845) from the Next Steps cohort study (started ages 13–14 in 2003–04). In each wave, we examined differences in GHQ-12 scores between parent groups defined by the age and number of children, adjusting for background characteristics at ages 13–14, psychological distress at ages 25–26, and other circumstances during the pandemic. We also examined if differences varied by work status, financial situation before the outbreak and relationship status. Results: Whereas mothers with one or two children and children aged 0–2 reported less distress than non-mothers in September 2020, there were no such differences in February 2021. Fathers with three or more children reported more distress in February 2021. Compared with non-fathers who worked, fathers were also disproportionally distressed if they were working with one child or with children aged 2 or less in September 2020. Conclusion: The distribution of psychological distress among Millennial parents and non-parents has varied by age, sex, parenting stage, work status and the timing of the pandemic. Generous family policies are needed, with special attention dedicated to parents combining work and family responsibilities

    Caractérisation d'aquifÚres régionaux en socle rocheux à partir de mines souterraines

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    Ce projet vise Ă  dĂ©velopper une mĂ©thodologie pour caractĂ©riser les aquifĂšres rĂ©gionaux en socle rocheux fracturĂ© et faillĂ© Ă  partir de mines souterraines, en considĂ©rant l’accĂšs privilĂ©giĂ© qu’offrent les mines et malgrĂ© les perturbations qu’elles engendrent. Les mines Beaufor, CANMET et Lac Herbin ont servi Ă  tester les mĂ©thodes ; elles sont toutes situĂ©es dans le pluton de Bourlamaque, prĂšs de la ville de Val-d’Or, en Abitibi, au QuĂ©bec, Canada. Les aspects suivants sont considĂ©rĂ©s : les systĂšmes de fractures, les propriĂ©tĂ©s hydrauliques, l’hydrogĂ©ochimie et les contraintes gĂ©omĂ©caniques. Les industries miniĂšres possĂšdent plusieurs donnĂ©es existantes aidant Ă  caractĂ©riser les aquifĂšres rocheux. Des levĂ©s structuraux, des mesures de pression d’eau et l’échantillonnage de l’eau pour les analyses chimiques Ă  partir des excavations miniĂšres complĂštent les donnĂ©es contribuant Ă  Ă©tablir un portrait de ces aquifĂšres. Les levĂ©s de fractures montrent que mĂȘme si les trois mines sont dans un contexte gĂ©ologique similaire, elles sont diffĂ©rentes du point de vue structural. Plusieurs modĂšles analytiques de l’écoulement des eaux souterraines peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s Ă  partir de donnĂ©es collectĂ©es dans les excavations souterraines pour estimer les propriĂ©tĂ©s hydrauliques d’un aquifĂšre rĂ©gional dans le roc fracturĂ©. Ces modĂšles ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s soit pour des mines, pour des tunnels ou pour des puits Ă  drains rayonnants. Les valeurs de conductivitĂ© hydraulique obtenues Ă  l’aide de ces modĂšles pour les trois sites miniers sont prĂ©sentĂ©es par des intervalles de valeurs possibles associĂ©s Ă  chaque mĂ©thode ; les valeurs les plus probables sont situĂ©es entre 1,6 x 10-9 m/s et 4,6 x 10-9 m/s, les valeurs extrĂȘmes sont de 2,0 x 10-10 m/s et 4,4 x 10-8 m/s. Les analyses chimiques de l’eau souterraine montrent deux types d’eau principaux : des eaux bicarbonatĂ©es calciques Ă©chantillonnĂ©es Ă  des profondeurs allant de 0 Ă  195 m, et des eaux chlorurĂ©es sodiques potassiques Ă  une profondeur supĂ©rieure Ă  300 m. La chimie de l’eau varie aussi d’un secteur Ă  l’autre dans une mĂȘme mine. La concentration en tritium diminue Ă©galement avec la profondeur, ce qui tend Ă  indiquer que les eaux profondes sont les plus vieilles. Les carbonates passent de sous-saturĂ©s prĂšs de la surface Ă  saturĂ©s en profondeur puisque le pH augmente avec la profondeur, alors que pour les minĂ©raux argileux c’est l’inverse. En conclusion, malgrĂ© les perturbations occasionnĂ©es par les mines, ces excavations reprĂ©sentent des endroits propices et comportant plusieurs avantages pour conduire des Ă©tudes de caractĂ©risation d’aquifĂšres en milieu rocheux fracturĂ© et faillĂ©

    Observation of Replica Symmetry Breaking in the 1D Anderson Localization Regime in an Erbium-Doped Random Fiber Laser

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    The analogue of the paramagnetic to spin-glass phase transition in disordered magnetic systems, leading to the phenomenon of replica symmetry breaking, has been recently demonstrated in a two-dimensional random laser consisting of an organic-based amorphous solid-state thin film. We report here the first demonstration of replica symmetry breaking in a one-dimensional photonic system consisting of an erbium-doped random fiber laser operating in the continuous-wave regime based on a unique random fiber grating system, which plays the role of the random scatterers and operates in the Anderson localization regime. The clear transition from a photonic paramagnetic to a photonic spin glass phase, characterized by the probability distribution function of the Parisi overlap, was verified and characterized. In this unique system, the radiation field interacts only with the gain medium, and the fiber grating, which provides the disordered feedback mechanism, does not interfere with the pump

    Modelling semantic transparency

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    We present models of semantic transparency in which the perceived trans- parency of English noun–noun compounds, and of their constituent words, is pre- dicted on the basis of the expectedness of their semantic structure. We show that such compounds are perceived as more transparent when the first noun is more frequent, hence more expected, in the language generally; when the compound semantic rela- tion is more frequent, hence more expected, in association with the first noun; and when the second noun is more productive, hence more expected, as the second ele- ment of a noun–noun compound. Taken together, our models of compound and con- stituent transparency lead us to two conclusions. Firstly, although compound trans- parency is a function of the transparencies of the constituents, the two constituents differ in the nature of their contribution. Secondly, since all the significant predictors in our models of compound transparency are also known predictors of processing speed, perceived transparency may itself be a reflex of ease of processing

    Relative Reactivity of the Metal-Amido versus Metal-Imido Bond in Linked Cp-Amido and Half-Sandwich Complexes of Vanadium

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    Treatment of (η5-C5H4C2H4NR)V(N-t-Bu)Me (R = Me, i-Pr) and CpV(N-p-Tol)(N-i-Pr2)Me (Cp = η5-C5H5) with B(C6F5)3 or [Ph3C][B(C6F5)4] results in formation of the corresponding cations, [(η5-C5H4C2H4NR)V(N-t-Bu)]+ and [CpV(N-p-Tol)(N-i-Pr2)]+. The latter could also be generated as its N,N-dimethylaniline adduct by treatment of the methyl complex with [PhNMe2H][BAr4] (Ar = Ph, C6F5). Instead, the analogous reaction with the linked Cp-amido precursor results in protonation of the imido-nitrogen atom. Sequential cyclometalation of the amide substituents gave cationic imine complexes [(η5-C5H4C2H4NCR'2)V(NH-t-Bu)]+ (R' = H, Me) and methane. Reaction of cationic [(η5-C5H4C2H4NR)V(N-t-Bu)]+ with olefins affords the corresponding olefin adducts, whereas treatment with 1 or 2 equiv of 2-butyne results in insertion of the alkyne into the vanadium-nitrogen single bond, affording the mono- and bis-insertion products [(η5-C5H4C2H4N(i-Pr)C2Me2)V(N-t-Bu)]+ and [(η5-C5H4C2H4N(i-Pr)C4Me4)V(N-t-Bu)]+. The same reaction with the half-sandwich compound [CpV(N-p-Tol)(N-i-Pr2)]+ results in a paramagnetic compound that, upon alcoholysis, affords sec-butylidene-p-tolylamine, suggesting an initial [2+2] cycloaddition reaction. The difference in reactivity between the V-N bond versus the V=N bond was further studied using computational methods. Results were compared to the isoelectronic titanium system CpTi(NH)(NH2). These studies indicate that the kinetic product in each system is derived from a [2+2] cycloaddition reaction. For titanium, this was found as the thermodynamic product as well, whereas the insertion reaction was found to be thermodynamically more favorable in the case of vanadium.

    The Impact of Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus on Sexual Dysfunction

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    Background: Lichen sclerosus (LS) is a chronic inflammatory condition that is known to arise on the vulva. Many women with LS report vulvar pain, often affecting a patient's quality of life. In this study, the sexual function of LS patients, with and without pain, was compared to control populations. Materials and Methods: A case-control study to examine the relationship between LS and sexual dysfunction was conducted. A total of 335 women presenting to the gynecology clinic were included in the study: 197 women with biopsy confirmed LS were compared to two control groups (95 asymptomatic women were ?healthy? controls and 43 women had vulvovaginal candidiasis) on self-reported current health complaints, medical and surgical history and current symptoms such as pain and itching, type and frequency of sexual activity, and satisfaction with sexual activity. Results: Women with LS reported less frequent sexual activity than healthy controls (p=0.007) and Candida controls (p=0.04). Currently sexually active women with LS were significantly less likely to report vaginal intercourse (71.6%) than healthy controls (89.0%, p=0.003) or Candida controls (100%, p=0.0003), even though similar proportions of all three groups reported that vaginal intercourse was important. Satisfaction towards the quality of current sexual activity was significantly lower among women with LS compared with both the healthy and Candida control groups. 23.7% of women with LS reported that sexual activity was rarely or never satisfactory as compared with 0% of healthy controls (p<0.0001) and 6.5% of Candida controls (p=0.03). Conclusion: Women with LS have less frequent sexual activity and less satisfying sexual activity when compared with controls.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140128/1/jwh.2014.4805.pd

    Long-term monitoring of theta1 OriC: the spectroscopic orbit and an improved rotational period

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    The young O-type star theta1 OriC, the brightest star of the Trapezium cluster in Orion, is one of only two known magnetic rotators among the O stars. However, not all spectroscopic variations of this star can be explained by the magnetic rotator model. We present results from a long-term monitoring to study these unexplained variations and to improve the stellar rotational period. We want to study long-term trends of the radial velocity of theta1 OriC, to search for unusual changes, to improve the established rotational period and to check for possible period changes. We combine a large set of published spectroscopic data with new observations and analyze the spectra in a homogeneous way. We study the radial velocity from selected photo-spheric lines and determine the equivalent width of the Halpha and HeII4686 lines. We find evidence for a secular change of the radial velocity of theta1 OriC that is consistent with the published interferometric orbit. We refine the rotational period of theta1 OriC and discuss the possibility of detecting period changes in the near future.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Simultaneous X-ray, radio, near-infrared, and optical monitoring of Young Stellar Objects in the Coronet cluster

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    Multi-wavelength (X-ray to radio) monitoring of Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) can provide important information about physical processes at the stellar surface, in the stellar corona, and/or in the inner circumstellar disk regions. While coronal processes should mainly cause variations in the X-ray and radio bands, accretion processes may be traced by time-correlated variability in the X-ray and optical/infrared bands. Several multi-wavelength studies have been successfully performed for field stars and approx. 1-10 Myr old T Tauri stars, but so far no such study succeeded in detecting simultaneous X-ray to radio variability in extremely young objects like class I and class 0 protostars. Here we present the first simultaneous X-ray, radio, near-infrared, and optical monitoring of YSOs, targeting the Coronet cluster in the Corona Australis star-forming region, which harbors at least one class 0 protostar, several class I objects, numerous T Tauri stars, and a few Herbig AeBe stars. [...] Seven objects are detected simultaneously in the X-ray, radio, and optical/infrared bands; they constitute our core sample. While most of these sources exhibit clear variability in the X-ray regime and several also display optical/infrared variability, none of them shows significant radio variability on the timescales probed. We also do not find any case of clearly time-correlated optical/infrared and X-ray variability. [...] The absence of time-correlated multi-wavelength variability suggests that there is no direct link between the X-ray and optical/infrared emission and supports the notion that accretion is not an important source for the X-ray emission of these YSOs. No significant radio variability was found on timescales of days.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&A (06 Dec 2006
