1,821 research outputs found

    Instalacion de un sistema de bitacoras para la pesca atunera de superficie en Venezuela y analisis de los primeros resultados

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    Dans le cadre des recommandations faites par le SCRS de la C.I.C.T.A. un nouveau système de livres de bord a été mis en place au Vénézuela en avril 1986. L'analyse des premiers résultats montre que les déclarations faites par les canneurs et les senneurs divergent pour les espèces de thon peu abondantes dans les eaux vénézueliennes comme le patudo (#Thunnus obesus) ou le thon noir (#Thunnus atlanticus). La comparaison des déclarations réalisées par un senneur et un canneur sur un même banc confirme l'existence de biais qui affecte également les deux principales espèces qui sont l'albacore (#Thunnus albacares) et le listao (#Katsuwonus pelamis) et en particulier les estimations du poids moyen des individus de ces deux espèces ... L'observation d'oiseaux, accompagnée (95,5 % des cas), ou non (50 %), par d'autres indices est la principale source de détection des bancs de thon

    lnstructions to the Weak and the Strong According to Romans 14

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    Eternal vigilance is the price of Christian liberty which was restored to Christendom through the Lutheran Reformation. Legalism and license always have been and still are the implacable foes of Christian liberty and ultimately of the Gospel itself. Since the Apostolic days church history is replete with instances where entire church bodies fell victim to one or the other. And the pity is that only too frequently matters of indifference, so-called adiaphora, served as the starting point from which either legalism or license sabotaged the priceless boon of Christian liberty. The Lutheran Church must therefore guard with especial care its great heritage of the proper distinction between Law and Gospel if it would retain its liberty

    Common Ingroup Identity Model

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    This entry introduces the Common Ingroup Identity Model. In intergroup interactions, it is possible for ingroup members to make biased judgments toward both ingroup and outgroup members. People tend to evaluate ingroup members positively and outgroup members negatively. The Common Ingroup Identity Model proposes that intergroup bias can be reduced by transforming the group boundaries from “us” versus “them” into a more general “we” that include all the original in- and outgroup members

    Resultados preliminares sobre el crecimiento de Thunnus albacares en el mar Caribe

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    Ce travail présente les premiers résultats d'une étude réalisée, entre septembre 1987 et août 1988, sur la croissance de l'albacore (#Thunnus albacares$) dans le sud de la mer des Caraïbes. Les mesures, réalisées en longueurs prédorsales (LD1), ont été transformées en longueur à la fourche (LF) après établissement de la relation : log10 LF = 0,2948 + 1,1649 (log10 LD1). L'étude de la croissance, faite au moyen de la méthode des progressions modales, démontre, comme dans l'Atlantique Est, une croissance lente entre 50 et 60 cm (environ 1,04 cm/mois), suivie d'une croissance plus rapide (entre 60 et 120 cm) décrite à l'aide de l'équation de Von Bertalanffy : Lt = 177,6611 (1 - exp (- 0,6598 (t - to)). Un échantillonnage plus intensif sur les grands individus est, toutefois, nécessaire pour afiner ces résultats. (Résumé d'auteur

    Neurospora crassa qa-2 gene fragment.

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    Neurospora crassa qa-2 gene fragment

    Experimental demonstration of four-party quantum secret sharing

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    Secret sharing is a multiparty cryptographic task in which some secret information is splitted into several pieces which are distributed among the participants such that only an authorized set of participants can reconstruct the original secret. Similar to quantum key distribution, in quantum secret sharing, the secrecy of the shared information relies not on computational assumptions, but on laws of quantum physics. Here, we present an experimental demonstration of four-party quantum secret sharing via the resource of four-photon entanglement

    Impact of climate change on solar irradiation and variability over the Iberian Peninsula using regional climate models

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    As solar energy will be an increasingly important renewable energy source in the future years, the study of how climate change affects both temporal and spatial variability is very important. In this paper, we study future changes of the solar radiation resource in the Iberian Peninsula (IP) through a set of simulations from ESCENA project until mid-century. The evaluation of the simulations against observations indicates contrasting biases for the different regional climate models (RCMs) in terms of solar irradiation amount and its interannual variability. We propose a diagnostic for the quality of solar energy resource, in which the gridpoints are classified in four categories depending on the combination of solar irradiation amount and variability. The observed large percentage of points in the optimal category (high irradiation/low variability) in the IP is captured by the RCMs in general terms. The analysis of scenarios indicates a future increase in solar irradiation, although not all scenarios agree in the geographical distribution of this increase. In most projections, a shift is projected from the category with optimal resource quality towards the category with high irradiation/high variability, pointing to a certain quality loss in the solar resource. This result is not general, as a few scenarios show an opposite result. The exceptions are not linked to a particular GCM or emissions scenario. Finally, results from a first approximation to the issue of the ability of solar energy to cover power demand peaks in summer show important differences between regions of the IP. The spatially-averaged correlation of solar irradiation and summer surface temperatures for the whole IP is rather high, which is a positive result as the strong interconnections of the power grid within the IP could allow a distribution of solar power surpluses in certain regions for such high-temperature episodes

    Byzantine Failures and Security: Arbitrary is not (always) Random

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    The Byzantine failure model allows arbitrary behavior of a certain fraction of network nodes in a distributed system. It was introduced to model and analyse the effects of very severe hardware faults in aircraft control systems. Lately, the Byzantine failure model has been used in the area of network security where Byzantine-tolerance is equated with resilience against malicious attackers. We discuss two reasons why one should be careful in doing so. Firstly, Byzantine-tolerance is not concerned with secrecy and so special means have to be employed if secrecy is a desired system property. Secondly, in contrast to the domain of hardware faults, in a security setting it is difficult to compute the assumption coverage of the Byzantine failure model, i.e., the probability that the failure assumption holds in practice. For this latter point we develop a methodology which allows to estimate the reliability of a Byzantine-tolerant solution exposed to attackers of different strengths

    A Survey of Self-Stabilizing Spanning-Tree Construction Algorithms

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    Self-stabilizing systems can automatically recover from arbitrary state perturbations in finite time. They are therefore well-suited for dynamic, failure prone environments. Spanning-tree construction in distributed systems is a fundamental task which forms the basis for many other network algorithms (like token circulation or routing).This paper surveys self-stabilizing algorithms that construct a spanning tree within a network of processing entities. Lower bounds and related work are also discussed