3,248 research outputs found

    Magnetic-field-induced charge redistribution in disordered graphene double quantum dots

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    We have studied the transport properties of a large graphene double quantum dot under the influence of a background disorder potential and a magnetic field. At low temperatures, the evolution of the charge-stability diagram as a function of the B field is investigated up to 10 T. Our results indicate that the charging energy of the quantum dot is reduced, and hence the effective size of the dot increases at a high magnetic field. We provide an explanation of our results using a tight-binding model, which describes the charge redistribution in a disordered graphene quantum dot via the formation of Landau levels and edge states. Our model suggests that the tunnel barriers separating different electron/hole puddles in a dot become transparent at high B fields, resulting in the charge delocalization and reduced charging energy observed experimentally.This work was financially supported by the European GRAND project (ICT/FET, Contract No. 215752) and EPSRC

    Characterisation of spin-incoherent transport in one dimension

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    Spin-incoherent transport in quantum wires, whereby exchange coupling between neighbouring electrons is overcome by thermal energy, leading to the suppression of spin modes of transport expected in a Luttinger liquid, has been observed in the form of a conductance plateau at e(2)/h in the absence of a magnetic field. We present here further characterisation of this spin-incoherent plateau in a source-drain bias, which causes it to evolves to 0.85 x 2e(2)/h. Laterally shifting the channel and illuminating the sample allows us to verify its origin

    InGaAs spin light emitting diodes measured in the Faraday and oblique Hanle geometries

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    InGaAs quantum well light emitting diodes (LED) with spin-injecting, epitaxial Fe contacts were fabricated using an in situ wafer transfer process where the semiconductor wafer was transferred under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions to a metals growth chamber to achieve a high quality interface between the two materials. The spin LED devices were measured optically with applied magnetic fields in either the Faraday or the oblique Hanle geometries in two experimental set-ups. Optical polarizations efficiencies of 4.5% in the Faraday geometry and 1.5% in the Hanle geometry are shown to be equivalent. The polarization efficiency of the electroluminescence is seen to decay as the temperature increases although the spin lifetime remains constant due to the influence of the D'yakonov–Perel' spin scattering mechanism in the quantum well.RM would like to acknowledge support from the EPSRC.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Institute of Physics via https://doi.org/10.1088/0022-3727/49/16/16510

    Nonlinear spectra of spinons and holons in short GaAs quantum wires.

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    One-dimensional electronic fluids are peculiar conducting systems, where the fundamental role of interactions leads to exotic, emergent phenomena, such as spin-charge (spinon-holon) separation. The distinct low-energy properties of these 1D metals are successfully described within the theory of linear Luttinger liquids, but the challenging task of describing their high-energy nonlinear properties has long remained elusive. Recently, novel theoretical approaches accounting for nonlinearity have been developed, yet the rich phenomenology that they predict remains barely explored experimentally. Here, we probe the nonlinear spectral characteristics of short GaAs quantum wires by tunnelling spectroscopy, using an advanced device consisting of 6000 wires. We find evidence for the existence of an inverted (spinon) shadow band in the main region of the particle sector, one of the central predictions of the new nonlinear theories. A (holon) band with reduced effective mass is clearly visible in the particle sector at high energies.This work was supported by the UK EPSRC [Grant Nos. EP/J01690X/1 and EP/J016888/1].This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/NCOMMS12784

    Energy-dependent tunneling from few-electron dynamic quantum dots

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    We measure the electron escape rate from surface-acoustic-wave dynamic quantum dots (QDs) through a tunnel barrier. Rate equations are used to extract the tunneling rates, which change by an order of magnitude with tunnel-barrier-gate voltage. We find that the tunneling rates depend on the number of electrons in each dynamic QD because of Coulomb energy. By comparing this dependence to a saddle-point-potential model, the addition energies of the second and third electron in each dynamic QD are estimated. The scale (similar to a few meV) is comparable to those in static QDs as expected

    Measurement and control of electron wave packets from a single-electron source

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    We report an experimental technique to measure and manipulate the arrival-time and energy distributions of electrons emitted from a semiconductor electron pump, operated as both a singleelectron source and a two-electron source. Using an energy-selective detector whose transmission we control on picosecond time scales, we can measure directly the electron arrival-time distribution and we determine the upper bound to the distribution width to be 30 ps. We study the effects of modifying the shape of the voltage waveform that drives the electron pump, and show that our results can be explained by a tunneling model of the emission mechanism. This information was in turn used to control the emission-time difference and energy gap between a pair of electrons.This research was supported by the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, the National Physical Laboratory’s Strategic Research Programme and the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. V.K. has been supported by the Latvian Council of Science within research project no. 146/2012.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from APS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.92.12530

    Single-electron population and depopulation of an isolated quantum dot using a surface-acoustic-wave pulse

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    We use a pulse of surface acoustic waves (SAWs) to control the electron population and depopulation of a quantum dot. The barriers between the dot and reservoirs are set high to isolate the dot. Within a time scale of similar to 100 s the dot can be set to a nonequilibrium charge state, where an empty (occupied) level stays below (above) the Fermi energy. A pulse containing a fixed number of SAW periods is sent through the dot, controllably changing the potential, and hence the tunneling probability, to add (remove) an electron to (from) the dot

    Time-of-Flight Measurements of Single-Electron Wave Packets in Quantum Hall Edge States.

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    We report time-of-flight measurements on electrons traveling in quantum Hall edge states. Hot-electron wave packets are emitted one per cycle into edge states formed along a depleted sample boundary. The electron arrival time is detected by driving a detector barrier with a square wave that acts as a shutter. By adding an extra path using a deflection barrier, we measure a delay in the arrival time, from which the edge-state velocity v is deduced. We find that v follows 1/B dependence, in good agreement with the E[over →]×B[over →] drift. The edge potential is estimated from the energy dependence of v using a harmonic approximation.UK Department for Business, Innovation and SkillsThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the American Physical Society via http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.12680

    Assisted extraction of the energy level spacings and lever arms in direct current bias measurements of one-dimensional quantum wires, using an image recognition routine

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    A multiplexer technique is used to individually measure an array of 256 split gates on a single GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. This results in the generation of large volumes of data, which requires the development of automated data analysis routines. An algorithm is developed to find the spacing between discrete energy levels, which form due to transverse confinement from the split gate. The lever arm, which relates split gate voltage to energy, is also found from the measured data. This reduces the time spent on the analysis. Comparison with estimates obtained visually show that the algorithm returns reliable results for subband spacing of split gates measured at 1:4 K. The routine is also used to assess DC bias spectroscopy measurements at lower temperatures (50 mK). This technique is versatile and can be extended to other types of measurements. For example, it is used to extract the magnetic field at which Zeeman-split 1D subbands cross one another.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grant No. EP/IO14268/1.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from AIP at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/117/1/10.1063/1.4905484

    Variation in resistance to multiple pathogen species:anther-smuts of Silene uniflora

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    The occurrence of multiple pathogen species on a shared host species is unexpected when they exploit the same micro-niche within the host individual. One explanation for such observations is the presence of pathogen-specific resistances segregating within the host population into sites that are differentially occupied by the competing pathogens. This study used experimental inoculations to test whether specific resistances may contribute to the maintenance of two species of anther-smut fungi, Microbotryum silenes-inflatae and Microbotryum lagerheimii, in natural populations of Silene uniflora in England and Wales. Overall, resistance to the two pathogens was strongly positively correlated among host populations and to a lesser degree among host families within populations. A few instances of specific resistance were also observed and confirmed by replicated inoculations. The results suggest that selection for resistance to one pathogen may protect the host from the emergence via host shifts of related pathogen species, and conversely that co-occurrence of two species of pathogens may be dependent on the presence of host genotypes susceptible to both