33 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Brand Trust dan Brand Equity terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen pada Produk Kosmetik Wardah (Survey Konsumen pada PT. Paragon Technology And Innovation Cabang Pekanbaru)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of brand trust ( X1 ) and brand equity ( X2 ) customer loyalty ( Y ) in cosmetic products Wardah ( consumer survey on PT . Paragon technology and innovation branches pekanbaru ) . The method in this research is quantitatively using SPSS 21 program , where samples were used that consumers using cosmetic products Wardah by respondents as many as 100 people sampling technique is accidental sampling using the formula slovin . The results showed that the test results simultaneously obtained from the F count was 34.888 while the value of F table 3.090 . This means that F count> F table and significant value 0,000 < alpha of 0.05 . This means that brand trust and brand equity simultaneously significant effect on consumer loyalty to cosmetic products Wardah

    State of the Climate in 2016

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    Driver mutations of cancer epigenomes

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    Biochemical markers in vascular cognitive impairment associated with subcortical small vessel disease - A consensus report.

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    BACKGROUND: Vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) is a heterogeneous entity with multiple aetiologies, all linked to underlying vascular disease. Among these, VCI related to subcortical small vessel disease (SSVD) is emerging as a major homogeneous subtype. Its progressive course raises the need for biomarker identification and/or development for adequate therapeutic interventions to be tested. In order to shed light in the current status on biochemical markers for VCI-SSVD, experts in field reviewed the recent evidence and literature data. METHOD: The group conducted a comprehensive search on Medline, PubMed and Embase databases for studies published until 15.01.2017. The proposal on current status of biochemical markers in VCI-SSVD was reviewed by all co-authors and the draft was repeatedly circulated and discussed before it was finalized. RESULTS: This review identifies a large number of biochemical markers derived from CSF and blood. There is a considerable overlap of VCI-SSVD clinical symptoms with those of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Although most of the published studies are small and their findings remain to be replicated in larger cohorts, several biomarkers have shown promise in separating VCI-SSVD from AD. These promising biomarkers are closely linked to underlying SSVD pathophysiology, namely disruption of blood-CSF and blood-brain barriers (BCB-BBB) and breakdown of white matter myelinated fibres and extracellular matrix, as well as blood and brain inflammation. The leading biomarker candidates are: elevated CSF/blood albumin ratio, which reflects BCB/BBB disruption; altered CSF matrix metalloproteinases, reflecting extracellular matrix breakdown; CSF neurofilment as a marker of axonal damage, and possibly blood inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules. The suggested SSVD biomarker deviations contrasts the characteristic CSF profile in AD, i.e. depletion of amyloid beta peptide and increased phosphorylated and total tau. CONCLUSIONS: Combining SSVD and AD biomarkers may provide a powerful tool to identify with greater precision appropriate patients for clinical trials of more homogeneous dementia populations. Thereby, biomarkers might promote therapeutic progress not only in VCI-SSVD, but also in AD