534 research outputs found
(Anti-)self-dual homogeneous vacuum gluon field as an origin of confinement and symmetry breaking in QCD
It is shown that an (anti-)self-dual homogeneous vacuum gluon field appears
in a natural way within the problem of calculation of the QCD partition
function in the form of Euclidean functional integral with periodic boundary
conditions. There is no violation of cluster property within this formulation,
nor are parity, color and rotational symmetries broken explicitly. The massless
limit of the product of the quark masses and condensates, , is calculated to all loop orders. This quantity
does not vanish and is proportional to the gluon condensate appearing due to
the nonzero strength of the vacuum gluon field. We conclude that the gluon
condensate can be considered as an order parameter both for confinement and
chiral symmetry breaking.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe
Ultraviolet Complete Quantum Gravity
An ultraviolet complete quantum gravity theory is formulated in which vertex
functions in Feynman graphs are entire functions and the propagating graviton
is described by a local, causal propagator. The cosmological constant problem
is investigated in the context of the ultraviolet complete quantum gravity.Comment: 11 pages, no figures. Changes to text. Results remain the same.
References added. To be published in European Physics Journal Plu
Monte-Carlo generator for e+e- annihilation into lepton and hadron pairs with precise radiative corrections
Recently, various cross sections of e+e- annihilation into hadrons were
accurately measured in the energy range from 0.37 to 1.39 GeV with the CMD-2
detector at the VEPP-2M collider. In the pi+pi- channel a systematic
uncertainty of 0.6% has been achieved. A Monte-Carlo Generator Photon Jets
(MCGPJ) was developed to simulate events of the Bhabha scattering as well as
production of two charged pions, kaons and muons. Based on the formalism of
Structure Functions, the leading logarithmic contributions related to the
emission of photon jets in the collinear region are incorporated into the MC
generator. Radiative corrections (RC) in the first order of alpha are accounted
for exactly. The theoretical precision of the cross sections with RC is
estimated to be better than 0.2%. Numerous tests of the program as well as
comparison with other MC generators and CMD-2 experimental data are presented.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages with 18 figure
Laboratory simulation of cometary x rays using a high-resolution microcalorimeter
X-ray emission following charge exchange has been studied on the University
of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory electron beam ion traps
EBIT-I and EBIT-II using a high-resolution microcalorimeter. The measured
spectra include the K-shell emission from hydrogenlike and heliumlike C, N, O,
and Ne needed for simulations of cometary x-ray emission. A comparison of the
spectra produced in the interaction of O8+ with N2 and CH4 is presented that
illustrates the dependence of the observed spectrum on the interaction gas.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure
Spin-gravity coupling and gravity-induced quantum phases
External gravitational fields induce phase factors in the wave functions of
particles. The phases are exact to first order in the background gravitational
field, are manifestly covariant and gauge invariant and provide a useful tool
for the study of spin-gravity coupling and of the optics of particles in
gravitational or inertial fields. We discuss the role that spin-gravity
coupling plays in particular problems.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur
Moisture susceptibility of high and low compaction dry process crumb rubber modified asphalt mixtures
The field performance of dry process crumb rubber-modified (CRM) asphalt mixtures has been reported to be inconsistent with stripping and premature cracking on the surfacing. One of the concerns is that, because achieving field compaction of CRM material is difficult due to the inherent resilient nature of the rubber particle, nonuniform field compaction may lead to a deficient bond between rubber and bitumen. To assess the influence of compaction, a series of CRM and control mixtures was produced and compacted at two levels: 4% (low, optimum laboratory compaction) and 8% (high, field experience) air void content. The long-term durability, in regard to moisture susceptibility of the mixtures, was assessed by conducting repeated moisture conditioning cycles. Mechanical properties (stiffness, fatigue, and resistance to permanent deformation) were determined in the Nottingham Asphalt Tester. Results indicated that compared with conventional mixtures, the CRM mixtures, regardless of compaction effort, are more susceptible to moisture with the degree of susceptibility primarily depending on the amount of rubber in the mixture, rather than the difference in compaction. This behavior is different from that of conventional mixtures in which, as expected, poorly compacted mixtures were found to be more susceptible to moisture than were well-compacted mixtures
Hydrogen-Helium Mixtures at High Pressure
The properties of hydrogen-helium mixtures at high pressure are crucial to
address important questions about the interior of Giant planets e.g. whether
Jupiter has a rocky core and did it emerge via core accretion? Using path
integral Monte Carlo simulations, we study the properties of these mixtures as
a function of temperature, density and composition. The equation of state is
calculated and compared to chemical models. We probe the accuracy of the ideal
mixing approximation commonly used in such models. Finally, we discuss the
structure of the liquid in terms of pair correlation functions.Comment: Proceedings article of the 5th Conference on Cryocrystals and Quantum
Crystals in Wroclaw, Poland, submitted to J. Low. Temp. Phys. (2004
News from the Muon (g-2) Experiment at BNL
The magnetic moment anomaly a_mu = (g_mu - 2) / 2 of the positive muon has
been measured at the Brookhaven Alternating Gradient Synchrotron with an
uncertainty of 0.7 ppm. The new result, based on data taken in 2000, agrees
well with previous measurements. Standard Model evaluations currently differ
from the experimental result by 1.6 to 3.0 standard deviations.Comment: Talk presented at RADCOR - Loops and Legs 2002, Kloster Banz,
Germany, September 8-13 2002, to be published in Nuclear Physics B (Proc.
Suppl.); 5 pages, 3 figure
Study of KS KL Coupled Decays and KL -Be Interactions with the CMD-2 Detector at VEPP-2M Collider
The integrated luminosity about 4000 inverse nanobarn of around phi meson
mass ( 5 millions of phi mesons) has been collected with the CMD-2 detector at
the VEPP-2M collider. A latest analysis of the KS KL coupled decays based on 30
% of available data is presented in this paper.
The KS KL pairs from phi meson decays were reconstructed in the drift chamber
when both kaons decayed into two charged particles. From a sample of 1423
coupled decays a selection of candidates to the CP violating KL into pi+ pi-
decay was performed. CP violating decays were not identified because of the
domination of events with a KL regenerating at the Be beam pipe into KS and a
background from KL semileptonic decays.
The regeneration cross section of 110 MeV/c KL mesons was found to be 53 +-
17 mb in agreement with theoretical expectations. The angular distribution of
KS mesons after regeneration and the total cross section of KL for Be have been
measured.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure
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