13 research outputs found

    A Negative Result on Inductive Inference of Extended Pattern Languages

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    A negative result on inductive inference of extended pattern language

    The Synthesis of Language Learners

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    Information and Computation152116-43INFC

    Learning Recursive Concepts with Anomalies

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    This paper provides a systematic study of inductive inference of indexable concept classes in learning scenarios in which the learner is successful if its final hypothesis describes a finite variant of the target concept – henceforth called learning with anomalies. As usual, we distinguish between learning from only positive data and learning from positive and negative data. We investigate the following learning models: finite identification, conservative inference, set-driven learning, and behaviorally correct learning. In general, we focus our attention on the case that the number of allowed anomalies is finite but not a priori bounded. However, we also present a few sample results that affect the special case of learning with an a priori bounded number of anomalies. We provide characterizations of the corresponding models of learning with anomalies in terms of finite tell-tale sets. The varieties in the degree of recursiveness of the relevant tell-tale sets observed are already sufficient to quantify the differences in the corresponding models of learning with anomalies. In addition, we study variants of incremental learning and derive a complete picture concerning the relation of all models of learning with and without anomalies mentioned above

    Processamento do presunto "cook-in" de cordeiros Processing of cook-in ham of lambs

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver tecnologia para produto curado (presunto "cook-in"), com pernis de cordeiros cruza Texel x Corriedale em associação com tratamentos tecnológicos (massagem em "tumbler" e processo "cook-in"). O estudo foi desenvolvido pela EMBRAPA/CPPSUL e Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Após as análises da composição química, a carne foi injetada manualmente com 20 % de salmoura composta por água + gelo 79%, cloreto de sódio 7,52%, condimento para presunto 4,70%, fosfatos 1,97%, sais de cura 1,88%, sacarose 3,38% e glutamato monossódico 0,19 %. Os presuntos foram avaliados quanto à composição química (umidade, proteína, gordura, cinzas, pigmentos totais e pH), parâmetros sensoriais (cor, aroma, sabor, textura e aceitabilidade) e rendimento. Uma das principais características dos presuntos obtidos com pernil de cordeiros cruza Texel x Corriedale foi o baixo conteúdo de gordura associado ao bom rendimento e à excelente aceitabilidade.<br>The aim of this study was to develop technology for the curing lambs (cook-in hams) which were manufactured from the legs of crossbred Texel x Corriedale lambs in association with technologic treatment (massaging in tumbler and cook-in process). The experiment was conducted at the EMBRAPA-CPPSUL/ UFSM, RS, Brazil. After the evaluation of the chemical composition, the meat was injected with it manually - 20 % of brine containing water 79%, salt 7.52%, curing salts 1.88%, sucrose 3.38%, ham condiments 4.70%, phosphate 1.97% and sodium glutamate 0.19%. The ham quality was evaluated by analysis of its chemical composition (moisture, protein, ash, fat, pH), sensory properties (color, aroma, texture, acceptability) and yield. The main characteristics of lamb hams were low fat contents associated with excellent acceptability and good yield