12 research outputs found

    An Early Ordovician (Floian) Conodont Fauna from the Eastern Cordillera of Peru (Central Andean Basin)

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    Late Floian conodonts are recorded from a thin limestone lens intercalated in the lower part of the San José Formation at the Carcel Puncco section (Inambari River), Eastern Cordillera of Peru. The conodont association includes Gothodus costulatus LINDSTRÖM, Protopanderodus rectus (LINDSTRÖM), Drepanoistodus basiovalis (SERGEEVA), Drepanoistodus forceps (LINDSTRÖM), Drepanodus arcuatus PANDER, Trapezognathus diprion (LINDSTRÖM), Erraticodon patu COOPER, and Ansella cf. jemtlandica (LÖFGREN). This species association can be assigned to the upper part of the well-documented Oepikodus evae Zone. It is the northernmost conodont record of late Floian age in South America. This study updates the preliminary data presented in 2001 from this fossil locality, and it has important consequences for the paleogeographic reconstruction of the Peruvian part of the Central Andean Basin. In accordance with trilobites and brachiopods documented for the same strata, the conodont association represents a relatively cold-shallow-water platform environment. The record of late Floian conodonts towards the middle part of the San José Formation shows that the base of this unit in the studied section is considerably older than other sections of the distribution area, where its lowermost part is dated as early Darriwilian by the record of graptolites from the Undulograptus austrodentatus graptolite Zone. The diachronous initiation of the marine sedimentation makes the lower part of the Carcel Puncco shales penecontemporaneous with the volcanigenic rocks related with the Arequipa Massif, which transitionally underlie the San José Formation in other places of the Altiplano and the Eastern Cordillera of Peru


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    En la Formación El Hígado aforante en la vertiente oriental de la Serranía de Las Minas, a 9.5 km al NW del municipio de Tarqui (Departamento del Huila), se encontró en su miembro inferior, en niveles de caliza bioclástica formados por acumulaciones lumaquélicas de braquiópodos rinconeliformes, una asociación de conodontos del Ordovícico Medio, junto con microelementos reelaborados del Ordovícico Inferior y Medio basal. El conjunto involucra una mezcla tafonómica de dos o más horizontes ordovícicos. Las formas más antiguas son de edad Tremadociano (biozonas de Paltodus deltifer a Paroistodus proteus). El rango de la asociación más moderna abarca las biozonas de Lenodus variabilis a Eoplacognathus suecicus y es de edad Darriwiliano. Otras formas retrabajadas parecen sugerir asociaciones adicionales de edades Floiano, Piso Tercero y Darriwiliano basal. El descubrimiento de estos conodontos implica que el Tremadociano llegó a depositarse en esta zona y fue erosionado prácticamente in situ en tiempos arenigianos, por lo que el Terreno Chibcha ya quedaría adyacente por aquél entonces a la cuenca pericratónica del este de Colombia. El índice de alteración del color de los co-nodontos (CAI), con valores 2 a 4, descarta el metamorfsmo regional de la Formación El Hígado, afectada localmente por hidrotermalismo (CAI 6).   Palabras clave: Conodontos, Ordovícico, Cordillera Central de Colombia, Metamorfsmo, Paleogeografía      Conodonts are rare fossils in northern South America, and this work reports their frst occurrence in the Ordovician of Colombia. The studied sample come from a thin brachiopod coquina interstratifed in storm-generated sandstone deposits, 20 m above the base of the El Hígado Formation (Darriwilian) in its type section in the Central Cordillera. The conodont assemblage contains fairly well preserved elements with different states of mechanical fragmentation, corrosion and even bacterial alteration. CAI values are between 2 and 6, in absence of regional metamorphism and with evidence of local hydrothermalism. The sample involved a taphonomic mixture of two or more Ordovician horizons. The older conodont assemblage is of Tremadocian age and range from the Paltodus deltifer to the Paroistodus proteus conodont biozones. The youngest assemblage range through the Lenodus variabilis and Eoplacognathus suecicus conodont biozones and is of Darriwilian age. A number of reworked conodont taxa seem to suggest additional assemblages of Floian, Third Stage and lowest Darriwilian intermediate ages. The studied conodonts indicate the existence of older and previously unknown Ordovician sedimentation in Central Colombia, where reworked specimens were probably winnowed from condensed successions ranging from the lower Tremadocian to the lower Darriwilian, and are indicative of a pre-Ordovician accretion fro the Chibcha terrane.   Key words: Conodonts, Ordovician, Central Cordillera of Colombia, Metamorphism, Palaeogeography.   &nbsp

    Las sucesiones estratigráficas del Paleozoico Inferior y Medio

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    p. 31-43Ya se ha visto que la formación del Macizo Ibérico, donde aflora el basamento de la Península Ibérica, está íntimamente ligada al desarrollo de la orogenia Varisca del Paleozoico Superior. La consecuencia fue el acortamiento y deformación intensa de los sedimentos marinos depositados previamente a lo largo de los extensos márgenes continentales de Gondwana durante el Paleozoico Inferior y Medio. El Macizo Ibérico contiene los afloramientos más extensos y fosilíferos de cuantos componen la Cadena Varisca europea. Sus distintas zonas estructurales y paleogeográficas albergan importantes sucesiones estratigráficas de los períodos Cámbrico a Devónico (García-Cortés et al., 2000, 2001; Gutiérrez-Marco, 2006), que configuran uno de los contextos geológicos clave para conocer la evolución fini-precámbrica y paleozoica de la Península Ibérica y de Europa Occidental, y en donde se registran numerosos eventos geológicos y biológicos de alcance global

    Gravitational Lensing by Black Holes

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    We review the theoretical aspects of gravitational lensing by black holes, and discuss the perspectives for realistic observations. We will first treat lensing by spherically symmetric black holes, in which the formation of infinite sequences of higher order images emerges in the clearest way. We will then consider the effects of the spin of the black hole, with the formation of giant higher order caustics and multiple images. Finally, we will consider the perspectives for observations of black hole lensing, from the detection of secondary images of stellar sources and spots on the accretion disk to the interpretation of iron K-lines and direct imaging of the shadow of the black hole.Comment: Invited article for the GRG special issue on lensing (P. Jetzer, Y. Mellier and V. Perlick Eds.). 31 pages, 12 figure

    Effects of Various Antihypertensive Drugs on the Function of Osteoblast.

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