418 research outputs found

    Pseudoscalar Meson Decay Constants and Couplings, the Witten-Veneziano Formula beyond large N_c, and the Topological Susceptibility

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    The QCD formulae for the radiative decays \eta,\eta'\to\c\c, and the corresponding Dashen--Gell-Mann--Oakes--Renner relations, differ from conventional PCAC results due to the gluonic U(1)AU(1)_A axial anomaly. This introduces a critical dependence on the gluon topological susceptibility. In this paper, we revisit our earlier theoretical analysis of radiative pseudoscalar decays and the DGMOR relations and extract explicit experimental values for the decay constants. This is our main result. The flavour singlet DGMOR relation is the generalisation of the Witten-Veneziano formula beyond large NcN_c, so we are able to give a quantitative assessment of the realisation of the 1/Nc1/N_c expansion in the U(1)AU(1)_A sector of QCD. Applications to other aspects of η′\eta' physics, including the relation with the first moment sum rule for the polarised photon structure function g_1^\c, are highlighted. The U(1)AU(1)_A Goldberger-Treiman relation is extended to accommodate SU(3) flavour breaking and the implications of a more precise measurement of the η\eta and η′\eta'-nucleon couplings are discussed. A comparison with the existing literature on pseudoscalar meson decay constants using large-NcN_c chiral Lagrangians is also made.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figure

    Constraining the expansion history of the universe from the red shift evolution of cosmic shear

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    We present a quantitative analysis of the constraints on the total equation of state parameter that can be obtained from measuring the red shift evolution of the cosmic shear. We compare the constraints that can be obtained from measurements of the spin two angular multipole moments of the cosmic shear to those resulting from the two dimensional and three dimensional power spectra of the cosmic shear. We find that if the multipole moments of the cosmic shear are measured accurately enough for a few red shifts the constraints on the dark energy equation of state parameter improve significantly compared to those that can be obtained from other measurements.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Distribution function approach to redshift space distortions

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    We develop a phase space distribution function approach to redshift space distortions (RSD), in which the redshift space density can be written as a sum over velocity moments of the distribution function. These moments are density weighted and their lowest orders are density, momentum density, and stress energy density. The series expansion is convergent on large scales. We perform an expansion of these velocity moments into helicity modes, which are eigenmodes under rotation around the axis of Fourier mode direction, generalizing the scalar, vector, tensor decomposition of perturbations to an arbitrary order. We show that only equal helicity moments correlate and derive the angular dependence of the individual contributions to the redshift space power spectrum in terms of angle mu between wave vector and line of sight. We show that the dominant term of mu^2 dependence on large scales is the cross-correlation between the density and scalar part of momentum density, which can be related to the time derivative of the matter power spectrum. Additional terms contributing and dominating on small scales are the vector part of momentum density-momentum density correlations, the energy density-density correlations, and the scalar part of anisotropic stress density-density correlations. Similarly, we identify 7 terms contributing to mu^4 dependence. Some of the advantages of the distribution function approach are that the series expansion converges on large scales and remains valid in multi-stream situations. We finish with a brief discussion of implications for RSD in galaxies relative to dark matter, highlighting the issue of scale dependent bias of velocity moments correlators.Comment: 12 page

    Ground-state coherence versus orientation : competing mechanisms for light-induced magnetic self-organization in cold atoms

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    We investigate the interplay between two mechanisms for magnetic self-organization in a cloud of cold rubidium atoms subjected to a retroreflected laser beam. The transition between two different phases, one linked to a spontaneous spatial modulation of the Δm=2 ground-state coherence and the other to that of the magnetic orientation (spin), can be induced by tuning either a weak transverse magnetic field or the laser intensity. We observe both first- and second-order transitions depending on the presence of the magnetic field. The experimental observations are successfully compared to extended numerical simulations based on a spin-1 model

    Distribution function approach to redshift space distortions. Part IV: perturbation theory applied to dark matter

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    We develop a perturbative approach to redshift space distortions (RSD) using the phase space distribution function approach and apply it to the dark matter redshift space power spectrum and its moments. RSD can be written as a sum over density weighted velocity moments correlators, with the lowest order being density, momentum density and stress energy density. We use standard and extended perturbation theory (PT) to determine their auto and cross correlators, comparing them to N-body simulations. We show which of the terms can be modeled well with the standard PT and which need additional terms that include higher order corrections which cannot be modeled in PT. Most of these additional terms are related to the small scale velocity dispersion effects, the so called finger of god (FoG) effects, which affect some, but not all, of the terms in this expansion, and which can be approximately modeled using a simple physically motivated ansatz such as the halo model. We point out that there are several velocity dispersions that enter into the detailed RSD analysis with very different amplitudes, which can be approximately predicted by the halo model. In contrast to previous models our approach systematically includes all of the terms at a given order in PT and provides a physical interpretation for the small scale dispersion values. We investigate RSD power spectrum as a function of \mu, the cosine of the angle between the Fourier mode and line of sight, focusing on the lowest order powers of \mu and multipole moments which dominate the observable RSD power spectrum. Overall we find considerable success in modeling many, but not all, of the terms in this expansion.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figures, published in JCA

    Parity Violation in Proton-Proton Scattering

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    Measurements of parity-violating longitudinal analyzing powers (normalized asymmetries) in polarized proton-proton scattering provide a unique window on the interplay between the weak and strong interactions between and within hadrons. Several new proton-proton parity violation experiments are presently either being performed or are being prepared for execution in the near future: at TRIUMF at 221 MeV and 450 MeV and at COSY (Kernforschungsanlage Juelich) at 230 MeV and near 1.3 GeV. These experiments are intended to provide stringent constraints on the set of six effective weak meson-nucleon coupling constants, which characterize the weak interaction between hadrons in the energy domain where meson exchange models provide an appropriate description. The 221 MeV is unique in that it selects a single transition amplitude (3P2-1D2) and consequently constrains the weak meson-nucleon coupling constant h_rho{pp}. The TRIUMF 221 MeV proton-proton parity violation experiment is described in some detail. A preliminary result for the longitudinal analyzing power is Az = (1.1 +/-0.4 +/-0.4) x 10^-7. Further proton-proton parity violation experiments are commented on. The anomaly at 6 GeV/c requires that a new multi-GeV proton-proton parity violation experiment be performed.Comment: 13 Pages LaTeX, 5 PostScript figures, uses espcrc1.sty. Invited talk at QULEN97, International Conference on Quark Lepton Nuclear Physics -- Nonperturbative QCD Hadron Physics & Electroweak Nuclear Processes --, Osaka, Japan May 20--23, 199

    A step towards testing general relativity using weak gravitational lensing and redshift surveys

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    Using the linear theory of perturbations in General Relativity, we express a set of consistency relations that can be observationally tested with current and future large scale structure surveys. We then outline a stringent model-independent program to test gravity on cosmological scales. We illustrate the feasibility of such a program by jointly using several observables like peculiar velocities, galaxy clustering and weak gravitational lensing. After addressing possible observational or astrophysical caveats like galaxy bias and redshift uncertainties, we forecast in particular how well one can predict the lensing signal from a cosmic shear survey using an over-lapping galaxy survey. We finally discuss the specific physics probed this way and illustrate how f(R)f(R) gravity models would fail such a test.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Persistent global power fluctuations near a dynamic transition in electroconvection

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    This is a study of the global fluctuations in power dissipation and light transmission through a liquid crystal just above the onset of electroconvection. The source of the fluctuations is found to be the creation and annihilation of defects. They are spatially uncorrelated and yet temporally correlated. The temporal correlation is seen to persist for extremely long times. There seems to be an especially close relation between defect creation/annihilat ion in electroconvection and thermal plumes in Rayleigh-B\'enard convection

    Physics, Topology, Logic and Computation: A Rosetta Stone

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    In physics, Feynman diagrams are used to reason about quantum processes. In the 1980s, it became clear that underlying these diagrams is a powerful analogy between quantum physics and topology: namely, a linear operator behaves very much like a "cobordism". Similar diagrams can be used to reason about logic, where they represent proofs, and computation, where they represent programs. With the rise of interest in quantum cryptography and quantum computation, it became clear that there is extensive network of analogies between physics, topology, logic and computation. In this expository paper, we make some of these analogies precise using the concept of "closed symmetric monoidal category". We assume no prior knowledge of category theory, proof theory or computer science.Comment: 73 pages, 8 encapsulated postscript figure

    The HERMES Dual-Radiator Ring Imaging Cerenkov Detector

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    The construction and use of a dual radiator Ring Imaging Cerenkov(RICH) detector is described. This instrument was developed for the HERMES experiment at DESY which emphasizes measurements of semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering. It provides particle identification for pions, kaons, and protons in the momentum range from 2 to 15 GeV, which is essential to these studies. The instrument uses two radiators, C4F10, a heavy fluorocarbon gas, and a wall of silica aerogel tiles. The use of aerogel in a RICH detector has only recently become possible with the development of clear, large homogeneous and hydrophobic aerogel. A lightweight mirror was constructed using a newly perfected technique to make resin-coated carbon-fiber surfaces of optical quality. The photon detector consists of 1934 photomultiplier tubes for each detector half, held in a soft steel matrix to provide shielding against the residual field of the main spectrometer magnet.Comment: 25 pages, 23 figure
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