41 research outputs found

    Defining the essence of innovation how important terms in promoting of transformation processes in Ukraine

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    Feature hierarchies are essential to many visual object recognition systems and are well motivated by observations in biological systems. The present paper proposes an algorithm to incrementally compute feature hierarchies. The features are represented as estimated densities, using a variant of local soft histograms. The kernel functions used for this estimation in conjunction with their unitary extension establish a tight frame and results from framelet theory apply. Traversing the feature hierarchy requires resampling of the spatial and the feature bins. For the resampling, we derive a multi-resolution scheme for quadratic spline kernels and we derive an optimization algorithm for the upsampling. We complement the theoretic results by some illustrative experiments, consideration of convergence rate and computational efficiency.DIPLECSGARNICSELLII

    Nonlinear Diffusion on the 2D Euclidean Motion Group

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    Linear and nonlinear diffusion equations are usually considered on an image, which is in fact a function on the translation group. In this paper we study diffusion on orientation scores, i.e. on functions on the Euclidean motion group SE(2). An orientation score is obtained from an image by a linear invertible transformation. The goal is to enhance elongated structures by applying nonlinear left-invariant diffusion on the orientation score of the image. For this purpose we describe how we can use Gaussian derivatives to obtain regularized left-invariant derivatives that obey the non-commutative structure of the Lie algebra of SE(2). The Hessian constructed with these derivatives is used to estimate local curvature and orientation strength and the diffusion is made nonlinearly dependent on these measures. We propose an explicit finite difference scheme to apply the nonlinear diffusion on orientation scores. The experiments show that preservation of crossing structures is the main advantage compared to approaches such as coherence enhancing diffusion

    Opportunities for family and preschool collaboration in promoting social adaptation of 2 - 3 year old children in preschool

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    Bērns 2-3 gadu vecumā ir ļoti atkarīgs no vecākiem, nepieciešams atbalsts, dalība. Pedagogam bērnudārzā ir nozīmīga loma bērnu adaptācijas veicināšanā. Teorijā tiek skatīti tādi jautājumi, kā bērna vecumposma, attīstības raksturlielumu saistība ar adaptācijas ilgumu. Kvalifikācijas darba mērķis: empīriski izpētīt ģimenes un pirmsskolas sadarbības iespējas 2-3 gadus vecu bērnu sociālās adaptēšanās sekmēšanā pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē. Iegūtie rezultāti liecina, ka lielākās problēmas sadarbībā starp skolotājiem un vecākiem bērnu adaptācijas bērnudārzā sekmēšanā – nepietiekamās zināšanas, informācija netiek saņemta savlaicīgi, paļaušanās uz intuīciju, radu ieteikumiem. Pedagogs ir virzītājs un ierosinātājs sadarbībai ar vecākiem. Būtiskākie aspekti – komunikācijas kanāli, informācijas savlaicīgums, diskusijas, pārrunas, ieteicama ir arī vecāku aptauja.The child at the age of 2-3 is very dependent on the parents, needs support, participation. The teacher in kindergarten plays an important role in promoting children's adaptation. In theory, issues such as the age of a child, the relationship between developmental characteristics and the duration of adaptation are considered. The aim of the qualification work: to empirically study the possibilities of family and pre-school cooperation in promoting the social adaptation of 2-3 year old children in a pre-school educational institution. The obtained results show that the biggest problems in cooperation between teachers and parents in promoting children's adaptation in kindergarten - insufficient knowledge, information is not received in time, reliance on intuition, relatives' recommendations. The teacher is the facilitator and initiator of cooperation with parents. The most important aspects – communication channels, timeliness of information, discussions, negotiations, a survey of parents is also recommended

    An Invariant and Compact Representation for Unrestricted Pose Estimation

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    Representing Orientation in N-Dimensional Spaces

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    In this paper we present new insights in methods to solve the orientation representation problem in arbitrary dimensions. The gradient structure tensor is one of the most used descriptors of local structure in multi-dimensional images. We will relate its properties to the double angle method in 2D and the Knutsson mapping in three or higher dimensions. We present a general scheme to reduce the dimensionality of the mappings needed to solve the orientation representation problem and derive some properties of these reduced mappings

    Local Single-Patch Features for Pose Estimation Using the Log-Polar Transform

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    Energy Tensors : Quadratic, Phase Invariant Image Operators

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    In this paper we briefly review a not so well known quadratic, phase invariant image processing operator, the energy operator, and describe its tensor-valued generalization, the energy tensor. We present relations to the real-valued and the complex valued energy operators and discuss properties of the three operators. We then focus on the discrete implementation for estimating the tensor based on Teager’s algorithm and frame theory. The kernels of the real-valued and the tensor-valued operators are formally derived. In a simple experiment we compare the energy tensor to other operators for orientation estimation. The paper is concluded with a short outlook to future work