14 research outputs found

    Towards An Image Understanding Architecture For A Situated Artificial Communicator

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    In this paper we propose an architecture of an image understanding system for a situated artificial communicator realizing human-machine interaction. Starting with sensor input the processing is initially carried out in separate pathways using different schemes of image segmentation. Subsequently, a hybrid technique for 2D-object recognition is employed. The final model based 3D-reconstruction yields a 3D-scene representation. Intermediate results are linked over time in memory moduls to enhance efficiency of processing on image sequences. Results of the individual moduls will be presented and discussed

    Suscetibilidade do ambiente a ocorrĂȘncias de queimadas sob condiçÔes climĂĄticas atuais e de futuro aquecimento global Environmental susceptibility for the occurance of vegetacion burning under present day and future clobal warming conditions

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    As queimadas, a nĂ­vel global, sĂŁo a segunda maior fonte de emissĂ”es de gases de efeito estufa. Um passo importante para a redução dos impactos das queimadas Ă© por meio de investigação da suscetibilidade, que um determinado ambiente possui para a queima ou mesmo para o alastramento do fogo (risco de fogo). Diante da necessidade de se conhecer possĂ­veis implicaçÔes das mudanças na circulação atmosfĂ©rica em um futuro prĂłximo, pretende-se neste trabalho investigar a suscetibilidade do ambiente Ă  ocorrĂȘncia de queimadas, baseado no Ă­ndice de risco de queimadas, a saber: o Índice de Haines (IH). Para tanto, dados de modelagem numĂ©rica do modelo ECHAM5/MPI-OM, e dados das reanĂĄlises do NCEP sĂŁo empregados para os cĂĄlculos do IH em dois perĂ­odos: atual (1980-2000) e projeçÔes climĂĄticas para o final do sĂ©culo (2080-2100). Com base nos resultados, concluiu-se que o modelo de risco de fogo reproduz bem as ĂĄreas com maior incidĂȘncia de queimadas sob condiçÔes atuais, e que sob condiçÔes de aquecimento global detectou-se um aumento na ĂĄrea de risco em especial para a regiĂŁo AmazĂŽnica.<br>Vegetation burning is the second source of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. An important step to reduce the climate impact of these emissions is to investigate the atmospheric susceptibility of a region for fire development (fire risk). This study aims to investigate the environmental susceptibility to fire development, based on the burning risk index: the Haines Index (HI). The study is carried out with data from the ECHAM5/MPI-OM climate model and the NCEP reanalysis data, to calculate the HI during two periods: present day (1980-2000) and climate projections for the end of the 21st century (2080-2100). Based upon the results, we concluded that the Haines index could reproduce properly the areas with the highest fire incidence under present conditions. Moreover, it has been found an enlargement in the fire risk area under global warming conditions, in particular for the Amazon region

    Isomeric States in the Light Tc Isotopes

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    Preliminary results from the first experiment of the Stopped Beam RISING campaign are presented. The relativistic projectile fragmentation of a 750 MeV/u beam of 107Ag populated isomeric states in very neutron deficient nuclei at the proton dripline around mass 80–90. Nuclei were unambiguously identified using the FRagment Separator (FRS) and its ancillary detectors located at GSI. The ions produced were slowed down from relativistic energies by means of an Al degrader and implanted in the centre of the high-efficiency Stopped RISING array. This allowed the identification of new excited states in the N = Z = 43 nucleus, 86^{86}Tc, populated following the de-excitation of a microsecond isomer. Preliminary results of this analysis, as well as previously unobserved isomeric states in87,88^{ 87,88}Tc, are reported

    Isomeric Ratio for the I\pi =8+ Yrast State in 96Pd Produced in the Relativistic Fragmentation of 107Ag

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    We report on the preliminary results from a study of the decay of the I-pi = 8(+) T-1/2 = 2 mu s isomer in Pd-96 performed as part of the Stopped-Beam RISING campaign within the Rare Isotope Investigation at GSI (RISING). The Pd-96 ions were produced following the projectile fragmentation of a 750 MeV per nucleon Ag-107 primary beam. The reaction products were separated and identified by the in-flight method using the GSI Fragment Separator. The residues of interest were stopped in a perspex stopper surrounded by an array of 15, seven-element germanium Cluster detectors. One of the goals of the current work is to investigate the population of high-spin states produced projectile fragmentation reactions using isomeric ratio measurements to infer information on the angular momentum population distribution. In this short contribution the method and results of determining the isomeric ratio for the I-pi = 8(+) microsecond isomer in Pd-96 nucleus are presented

    Identification of Excited States in the N = Z Nucleus Nb-82

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    Information on the first excited states in the N = Z = 41 nucleus 82NbshedslightonthecompetitionofisospinT=0andT=1statesintheAsimilarto80region.ThemeasurementwasperformedattheGSIlaboratoryusingfragmentationofa107Agprimarybeamat750MeV/uona4g/cm2^{82}Nb sheds light on the competition of isospin T = 0 and T = 1 states in the A similar to 80 region. The measurement was performed at the GSI laboratory using fragmentation of a 107Ag primary beam at 750 MeV/u on a 4 g/cm2 ^{9}Be target. The fragments were separated and identified unambiguously in the FRagment Separator. Three excited states were observed and the half-life estimate for the isomeric state was extracted. A tentative spin assignment based on the isobaric analogue states systematics in the Tz = 1 nucleus 82^{82}Zr, and transition probabilities indicate T = 1 character of the first two excited states, and T = 0 for the isomeric state

    Identification of Excited States in the N = Z Nucleus Nb-82

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    Information on the first excited states in the N = Z = 41 nucleus 82NbshedslightonthecompetitionofisospinT=0andT=1statesintheAsimilarto80region.ThemeasurementwasperformedattheGSIlaboratoryusingfragmentationofa107Agprimarybeamat750MeV/uona4g/cm2^{82}Nb sheds light on the competition of isospin T = 0 and T = 1 states in the A similar to 80 region. The measurement was performed at the GSI laboratory using fragmentation of a 107Ag primary beam at 750 MeV/u on a 4 g/cm2 ^{9}Be target. The fragments were separated and identified unambiguously in the FRagment Separator. Three excited states were observed and the half-life estimate for the isomeric state was extracted. A tentative spin assignment based on the isobaric analogue states systematics in the Tz = 1 nucleus 82^{82}Zr, and transition probabilities indicate T = 1 character of the first two excited states, and T = 0 for the isomeric state

    Neutron–proton pairing competition in N = Z nuclei: Metastable state decays in the proton dripline nuclei NB-82(41) and Tc-86(43)

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    The low-lying structures of the self-conjugate (N = Z) nuclei Nb-82(41)41 andTc-86(43)43 have been investigated using isomeric-decay spectroscopy following the projectile fragmentation of a Ag-107 beam. These represent the heaviest odd–odd N = Z nuclei in which internal decays have been identified to date. The resulting level schemes shed light on the shape evolution along the N = Z line between the doubly-magic systems Ni-56(28) and Sn-100(50) and support a preference for T = 1 states in Tz = 0 odd–odd nuclei at low excitation energies associated with a T = 1 neutron–proton pairing gap. Comparison with Projected Shell Model calculations suggests that the decay in Nb-82 may be interpreted as an isospin-changing K isomer