573 research outputs found

    Nonlinear dynamics of soft fermion excitations in hot QCD plasma III: Soft-quark bremsstrahlung and energy losses

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    In general line with our early works [Yu.A. Markov, M.A. Markova, Nucl. Phys. A770 (2006) 162; 784 (2007) 443] within the framework of a semiclassical approximation the general theory of calculation of effective currents and sources generating bremsstrahlung of an arbitrary number of soft quarks and soft gluons at collision of a high-energy color-charged particle with thermal partons in a hot quark-gluon plasma, is developed. For the case of one- and two-scattering thermal partons with radiation of one or two soft excitations, the effective currents and sources are calculated in an explicit form. In the model case of `frozen' medium, approximate expressions for energy losses induced by the most simple processes of bremsstrahlung of soft quark and soft gluon, are derived. On the basis of a conception of the mutual cancellation of singularities in the sum of so-called `diagonal' and `off-diagonal' contributions to the energy losses, an effective method of determining color factors in scattering probabilities, containing the initial values of Grassmann color charges, is suggested. The dynamical equations for Grassmann color charges of hard particle used by us early are proved to be insufficient for investigation of the higher radiative processes. It is shown that for correct description of these processes the given equations should be supplemented successively with the higher-order terms in powers of the soft fermionic field.Comment: 93 pages, 20 figure

    Sing to me, baby: Infants show neural tracking and rhythmic movements to live and dynamic maternal singing

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    Infant-directed singing has unique acoustic characteristics that may allow even very young infants to respond to the rhythms carried through the caregiver’s voice. The goal of this study was to examine neural and movement responses to live and dynamic maternal singing in 7-month-old infants and their relation to linguistic development. In total, 60 mother-infant dyads were observed during two singing conditions (playsong and lullaby). In Study 1 (n = 30), we measured infant EEG and used an encoding approach utilizing ridge regressions to measure neural tracking. In Study 2 (n =40), we coded infant rhythmic movements. In both studies, we assessed children’s vocabulary when they were 20 months old. In Study 1, we found above-threshold neural tracking of maternal singing, with superior tracking of lullabies than playsongs. We also found that the acoustic features of infant-directed singing modulated tracking. In Study 2, infants showed more rhythmic movement to playsongs than lullabies. Importantly, neural coordination (Study 1) and rhythmic movement (Study 2) to playsongs were positively related to infants’ expressive vocabulary at 20 months. These results highlight the importance of infants’ brain and movement coordination to their caregiver’s musical presentations, potentially as a function of musical variability

    Hardiness of adolescents with special educational needs: Research results

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    The relevance of the problem under study is due to the fact that the current worldwide trend shows high dynamics of the increase in the number of children with SEN, which requires that society in general and the education system, in particular, should develop approaches to the socialization and adaptation of people with SEN through strengthening their personal resources. The purpose of the article is to explore the peculiarities of the phenomenology and structure of hardiness of adolescents with SEN in comparison with the conventionally healthy peers. The main method applied in the research of this problem is a comparative study based on the cross-sectional method, which makes it possible to identify the specificity of hardiness of adolescents with SEN. The results of the research: the research revealed the peculiarities of expression and relationship of the components of hardiness of adolescents with SEN in comparison with the conventionally healthy peers. The materials of the article may be useful for educational and social psychologists in devising programs for psychological support and comprehensive psycho-social assistance to families with children with SEN, which will contribute to the successful integration of adolescents with SEN in society. © 2016 Shchipanova et al

    Ambiente educacional como recurso de desenvolvimento para o processo de aprendizagem

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    Following overseas examples, educational institutions in Russia are trying to interact with other organizations implementing practical competence approach. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that modern educational environment is constantly changing both due to the dynamics of everyday and professional conditions. Due to competence approach constant monitoring and new resources are required for the development of each subject in this educational environment. The goal of the work is to create means for open social and educational environment realization which allows achieving positive results for all participants in the project. In this article, the authors raise the issue of modern educational environment creation as a resource for each subject of the educational process development.The article attempts to improve students’, teachers’ and others participants’ interested in educational environment development interaction. We try to achieve a qualitatively new level of participants’ skills and competencies development in this process. For this, analysis of the essence and structure of educational process in a higher educational institution was carried out. After that, the authors propose, within the framework of a project implemented by Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University on the organization and development of the social and educational environment, to conduct special computer literacy courses for the elderly. The courses offered combine the activities of a large number of people who, working for a common result, achieve the development of individual qualities. The results obtained are the basis for further improvement of educational environment.Siguiendo ejemplos en el extranjero, las instituciones educativas en Rusia están tratando de interactuar con otras organizaciones implementando un enfoque de competencia práctica. La relevancia del tema radica en el hecho de que el entorno educativo moderno está cambiando constantemente debido a la dinámica de las condiciones cotidianas y profesionales. Debido al enfoque de competencia, el monitoreo constante y nuevos recursos son necesarios para el desarrollo de cada asignatura en este entorno educativo. El objetivo del trabajo es crear medios para la realización de un entorno social y educativo abierto que permita lograr resultados positivos para todos los participantes en el proyecto. En este artículo, los autores plantean el tema de la creación de un entorno educativo moderno como un recurso para cada tema del desarrollo del proceso educativo.El artículo intenta mejorar la interacción entre los estudiantes, los maestros y otros participantes interesados en el desarrollo del entorno educativo. Intentamos alcanzar un nivel cualitativamente nuevo de desarrollo de habilidades y competencias de los participantes en este proceso. Para ello, se realizó un análisis de la esencia y estructura del proceso educativo en una institución de educación superior. Posteriormente, los autores proponen, en el marco de un proyecto implementado por la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal Nizhny Novgorod sobre la organización y el desarrollo del entorno social y educativo, realizar cursos especiales de alfabetización informática para personas mayores. Los cursos ofrecidos combinan las actividades de un gran número de personas que, trabajando por un resultado común, logran el desarrollo de cualidades individuales.Na sequência de exemplos no exterior, instituições educacionais na Rússia estão tentando interagir com outras organizações implementando uma abordagem de competência prática. A relevância do tema reside no fato de que o ambiente educacional moderno está em constante mudança, tanto devido à dinâmica das condições cotidianas e profissionais. Devido à abordagem de competência, monitoramento constante e novos recursos são necessários para o desenvolvimento de cada disciplina nesse ambiente educacional. O objetivo do trabalho é criar meios para a realização de um ambiente social e educacional aberto que permita alcançar resultados positivos para todos os participantes do projeto. Neste artigo, os autores levantam a questão da criação de ambientes educacionais modernos como recurso para cada sujeito do processo de desenvolvimento educacional.O artigo tenta melhorar a interação dos alunos, professores e outros participantes interessados na interação do desenvolvimento do ambiente educacional. Tentamos alcançar um nível qualitativamente novo de desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências dos participantes neste processo. Para isso, foi realizada a análise da essência e estrutura do processo educacional em uma instituição de ensino superior. Em seguida, os autores propõem, no âmbito de um projeto implementado pela Universidade Pedagógica Estadual Nizhny Novgorod, a organização e desenvolvimento do ambiente socioeducacional, para a realização de cursos especiais de alfabetização em informática para idosos. Os cursos oferecidos combinam as atividades de um grande número de pessoas que, trabalhando por um resultado comum, alcançam o desenvolvimento de qualidades individuai

    Therapeutic eyelids hygiene in the algorithms of prevention and treatment of ocular surface diseases

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    When acute inflammation in anterior eye segment of a forward piece of an eye was stopped, ophthalmologists face a problem of absence of acute inflammation signs and at the same time complaints to the remain discomfort feelings. It causes dissatisfaction from the treatment. The complaints are typically caused by disturbance of tears productions. No accidental that the new group of diseases was allocated — the diseases of the ocular surface. Ocular surface is a difficult biologic system, including epithelium of the conjunctiva, cornea and limb, as well as the area costal margin eyelid and meibomian gland ducts. Pathological processes in conjunctiva, cornea and eyelids are linked with tears production. Ophthalmologists prescribes tears substitutions, providing short-term relief to patients. However, in respect that the lipid component of the tear film plays the key role in the preservation of its stability, eyelids hygiene is the basis for the treatment of dry eye associated with ocular surface diseases. Eyelids hygiene provides normal functioning of glands, restores the metabolic processes in skin and ensures the formation of a complete tear film. Protection of eyelids, especially the marginal edge from aggressive environmental agents, infections and parasites and is the basis for the prevention and treatment of blepharitis and dry eye syndrome. The most common clinical situations and algorithms of their treatment and prevention of dysfunction of the meibomian glands; demodectic blepharitis; seborrheic blepharitis; staphylococcal blepharitis; allergic blepharitis; barley and chalazion are discussed in the article. The prevention keratoconjunctival xerosis (before and postoperative period, caused by contact lenses, computer vision syndrome, remission after acute conjunctiva and cornea inflammation) is also presented. The first part of the article presents the treatment and prevention algorithms for dysfunction of the meibomian glands, as well as demodectic blepharitis

    Effect of surfactants on refractory material properties

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    Results are provided for a study of the effect of Termoplast series plastifiers on structure formation for specimens based on chamotte and fired bauxite under laboratory and industrial conditions. A favorable effect is demonstrated for test additions both on compaction during pressing, and also on object strength properties after firing.With introduction of Termoplast T3 into commercial mixes in an amount of 0.5% total object porosity is reduced from 256-30 to 10-15%, and ultimate strength in compression increases from 30-35 to 40-50 MPa. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Innovative organic binders for metallurgy and the refractories industry

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    Questions related to the use of binders for briquetting in industry are considered. Results of pilot-plant and industrial tests of domestically produced innovative binders are presented. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York


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    Purpose: to determine diagnostic criteria and develop an algorithm for analyzing the psychological status of the family with the cancer patient in relation to the course and treatment of the disease and its impact on family functioning. Materials and methods. The study conducted in the M. Pyrohov Medical-Psychological Center and Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Oncology Clinic during 2015–2019 years with ethical and deontological standards. Based on study modern professional literature about psychological status families with cancer patients, evaluated criteria and developed algorithm of analysis psychological status of such families. On informed consent in research for building algorithm participated 288 families with cancer patient on different stages of treatment. Results. Based on the definition main criteria that describing the psychological status of the family with the cancer patient, which included: psychological problems and needs, peculiarities of the emotional state, family behavior model, type of interaction during treatment, a step-by-step algorithm for assessing the psychological status of the family with cancer patients developed, which allowed differentiated medical-psychological help. Conclusions. The basic directions of psychological help for a family with cancer patients are stabilization of psycho-emotional state of family members, transformation irrational ideas about the disease to more realistic, working with existential experiences, strengthening the support component in relationships, teaching effective communication about illness, promotion adaptive strategy for overcoming the disease.Мета: визначити критерії оцінки та розробити алгоритм аналізу психологічного статусу сім’ї з онкологічним пацієнтом у взаємозв’язку з перебігом та лікуванням захворювання і його впливом на сімейне функціонування. Матеріали і методи. Дослідження проводили на базі Медико-психологічного центру Вінницького національного медичного університету імені М. І. Пирогова та Вінницького обласного клінічного онкологічного диспансеру про­тягом 2015–2019 рр. з дотриманням етичних та деонтологічних стандартів. На основі інформаційного пошуку сучасної фахової літератури з питань психологічного стану членів сім᾽ї онкологічних пацієнтів визначено критерії оцінки та алгоритм аналізу психологічного статусу родин за участю 288 сімей з онкологічним пацієнтом, жінками та чоловіками, які дали згоду на участь у дослідженні. Результати. На основі визначення основних критеріїв, що описують психологічний статус сімʼї з онкологічним пацієнтом, до яких віднесено психологічні проблеми та потреби, особливості психоемоційного стану, моделі поведінки родини, тип взаємодії у лікувальному процесі, розроблено поетапний алгоритм оцінки психологічного статусу родини з онкохворим, який дозволив диференційовано застосовувати медико-психологічні заходи. Висновки. Базовими напрямками психологічної допомоги для родини з онкохворим є стабілізація психоемоційного стану членів сімʼї, наближення ірраціональних уявлень щодо захворювання до більш реалістичних, робота з екзистенційними переживаннями, посилення підтримувального компонента у відносинах, навчання комунікації на тему хвороби, приведення до балансу підтримки пацієнта та збереження його автономії, вираження своїх переживань та сприяння формуванню адаптивної стратегії подолання хвороби

    Прогнозирование эффективности терапии тофацитинибом по экспрессии генов провоспалительных цитокинов и протеаз в культивированных клетках крови больных ревматоидным артритом

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    The effectiveness of personalized therapy for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with the correct choice of the drug and the ability to predict its effect before starting the treatment.Objective: to study in patients with RA the relationship between results of therapy and initial expression of genes responsible for bone and articular cartilage resorption (matrix metalloproteinase 9 – MMP9, – cathepsin K) and inflammation (tumor necrosis factor α – TNFα – and interleukin 1β – IL1β) in mononuclear cells of peripheral blood (PBMC), cultured with tofacitinib (TOFA).Patients and methods. We examined 12 patients with RA who had not previously received TOFA. The average age of the patients was 51 years, the average duration of the disease was 37.6 months. After 3 months of TOFA therapy, 6 patients achieved remission, while the rest had high and moderate disease activity. PBMC were isolated before therapy using a Ficoll density gradient and cultured in the presence of 100 nM TOFA for 48 h. Total RNA obtained from these cells was used to analyze the expression of MMP9, cathepsin K, IL1β, and TNFα genes using a real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.Results and discussion. TOFA is able to modify gene expression in cultured PBMC from RA patients compared to control cells. The initial expression of all the studied genes was significantly increased in cultured with TOFA cells of patients with persistent high and moderate disease activity during therapy, while TNFα gene expression was significantly reduced in patients who achieved remission.Conclusion. In patients with RA who have not previously received TOFA, a decrease in TNFα gene expression in blood cells cultured with this drug before the start of therapy may be a prognostic biomarker for achieving remission during TOFA therapy. Эффективность персонализированной терапии ревматоидного артрита (РА) связана с правильным выбором лекарственного препарата и возможностью прогнозирования его эффекта до начала лечения.Цель исследования – изучение у пациентов с РА связи исходной экспрессии генов, ответственных за резорбцию кости и суставного хряща (матриксная металлопротеиназа 9 – ММП9, – катепсин К) и воспаление (фактор некроза опухоли α – ФНОα – и интерлейкин 1β – ИЛ1β), в мононуклеарных клетках периферической крови (МКПК), культивированных с тофацитинибом (TОФА), с результатами терапии.Пациенты и методы. Обследовано 12 пациентов с РА, ранее не получавших TОФА. Средний возраст больных составил 51 год, средняя продолжительность заболевания – 37,6 мес. У 6 пациентов после 3 мес терапии ТОФА наступила ремиссия, у остальных сохранялась высокая и умеренная активность заболевания. МКПК выделяли перед терапией с использованием градиента плотности фиколла и культивировали в присутствии 100 нМ TОФА в течение 48 ч. Общую РНК, полученную из этих клеток, использовали для анализа экспрессии генов MMП9, катепсина К, ИЛ1β и ФНОα с помощью количественной полимеразной цепной реакции обратной транскрипции в реальном времени.Результаты и обсуждение. TОФА способен модифицировать экспрессию генов в культивированных МКПК больных РА по сравнению с контрольными клетками. Исходная экспрессия всех исследованных генов была значительно повышена в культивированных с TОФА клетках у пациентов с сохранявшейся высокой и умеренной активностью заболевания на фоне терапии, в то время как экспрессия гена ФНОα была значительно снижена у больных, достигших ремиссии.Заключение. У пациентов с РА, ранее не получавших TОФА, снижение экспрессии гена ФНОα в клетках крови, культивированных с данным препаратом до начала терапии, может являться прогностическим биомаркером достижения ремиссии на фоне терапии ТОФА.

    Прогнозирование эффективности терапии метотрексатом по базальной экспрессии гена АМР-активируемой протеинкиназы в крови больных ревматоидным артритом

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    Objective: to search for an association between basal expression of the AMP-activated protein kinase (adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase, AMPK) gene in the blood of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and disease activity, as well as joint destruction before and after 24 months of methotrexate (MT) therapy.Patients and methods. The study included 40 patients with RA who met the 1987 ACR classification criteria, with a disease duration of not more than 2 years, with a mean age of 47.5±15.5 years. All patients received 15 mg/week of MT. The number of swollen joints (SJC) out of 44, the number of tender joints (TSC) out of 53, the duration of morning stiffness (in minutes) and RA activity were assessed using the DAS28 index. The concentration of CRP and IgM rheumatoid factor (RF), antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide (ACCP) were assessed. To evaluate the radiological progression of RA, the Sharp method modified by van der Heijde was used. Gene expression in peripheral blood cells was determined by reverse transcriptase reaction and real-time polymerase chain reaction.Results and discussion. During MT therapy, there was a decrease in disease activity by DAS28 index, CRP level, duration of morning stiffness, SJC and TJC. After 2 years, there were no statistically significant changes in the number of erosions, while the number of joints with narrowing of the joint space increased by the end of the study (p=0.004). Treatment with MT resulted in a decrease in AMPK expression. At the same time, patients who achieved remission had the highest level of AMPK before therapy, as did seronegative patients compared to seropositive ones. Based on the ROC analysis, the threshold value of AMPK gene expression was determined, which makes it possible to predict a high probability of a positive effect of MT therapy.Conclusion. AMPK gene expression is associated with disease activity. Its high initial blood level in RA patients is associated with greater efficiency of MT and, possibly, plays a protective role. With an AMPK gene expression index greater than 3.83, the probability of a positive response to MT is high.Цель исследования – поиск ассоциации между базальной экспрессией гена АМР-активируемой протеинкиназы (adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase, АМРК) в крови больных ревматоидным артритом (РА) и активностью заболевания, а также деструкцией суставов до и после 24 мес терапии метотрексатом (МТ).Пациенты и методы. В исследование включено 40 пациентов с РА, удовлетворявших классификационным критериям АCR 1987 г., с длительностью заболевания не более 2 лет, средний возраст которых составил 47,5±15,5 года. Все пациенты получали МТ в дозе 15 мг/нед. Оценивали число припухших суставов (ЧПС) из 44, число болезненных суставов (ЧБС) из 53, продолжительность утренней скованности (в минутах) и активность РА с помощью индекса DAS28. Исследовали концентрацию СРБ и IgM ревматоидного фактора (РФ), антител к циклическому цитруллинированному пептиду (АЦЦП). Для оценки рентгенологического прогрессирования РА использовали метод Sharp в модификации van der Heijde. Экспрессию генов в клетках периферической крови определяли посредством обратно-транскриптазной реакции и полимеразной цепной реакции в режиме реального времени.Результаты и обсуждение. На фоне терапии МТ отмечено снижение активности заболевания по индексу DAS28, уровня СРБ, длительности утренней скованности, ЧБС и ЧПС. Через 2 года статистически значимых изменений числа эрозий не выявлено, тогда как число суставов с сужением суставной щели к концу исследования увеличилось (р=0,004). Лечение МТ приводило к уменьшению экспрессии АМРК. При этом больные, достигшие ремиссии, имели наибольший уровень АМРК до терапии, как и серонегативные пациенты, по сравнению с серопозитивными. На основании ROC-анализа определено пороговое значение экспрессии гена АМРК, позволяющее прогнозировать высокую вероятность положительного эффекта терапии МТ.Заключение. Экспрессия гена АМРК связана с активностью заболевания. Его высокий начальный уровень в крови больных РА ассоциируется с большей эффективностью МТ и, возможно, играет протективную роль. При показателе экспрессии гена АМРК, превышающем 3,83, высока вероятность положительного ответа на МТ